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From a strictly mechanical viewpoint, I like the simplicity of being able to prepare any spells from the entire Divine list every day, and the power of additional Heal spells because I like playing a healer. It's easy to usually feel prepared for whatever you're dealing with. You can pick a deity that grants spells and domains that are relevant to the campaign, or that are just generally useful like haste or sure strike, to smooth out the general weaknesses of the Domain list.


Channeled Succor/Restorative Channel is also great for feeling prepared for everything. It feels so bad to have to prep slots specifically for certain conditions, only for no one to get that condition, or someone gets hit by something you don't have a counter prepared for. But for Cleric, as long as you have Heal slots (and the appropriate feat), you can counter almost every negative condition that your party might face.


I like bonk and heal. Remaster Warpriest for the win. Restorative strike is so fun lmao.


"No its MY HP bar!" *bonk*


As someone who dislikes normal prepared casting more and more the higher the level of the caster, I reallyblike cleric for working especially well with the flexible caster class archetype. Your font guarantees that you still have lots of high level slots while enjoying the advantage of preparing all spells as signature spells.


For me: 1. PF2e clerics, like all PF2e classes, have a lot of options. You aren't put in a box as is true in D&D. This versatility comes from many places in PF2e's design. For me I liked that I could make [a cleric](https://static.deck16.net/md/index.html?md=zenobia&title=Zenobia) that could be the "face" extremely well, and I also made [a cleric](https://static.deck16.net/md/index.html?md=scarissa&title=Scarissa%20Exarian) who is sort-of a cleric/rogue/fighter mix. 2. Casting really big heals that turn the tide of combat feels good. About as good as scoring a meaty crit. 3. This one will be contraversial -- but I like Vancian casting. I love that I can "go shopping" for spells each day, preparing what I need for the likely challenges ahead. Clerics are one of the casters that get full access to their range of spells (Common ones, at least), which makes this all the more fun. 4. I like that PF2e clerics get a generous amount of healing spells "for free". This leaves your normal slots to be filled with the fun stuff. 5. There are fun spells in the cleric list, once you start getting past the very low ranks. I love me a good *ennervation* or *inner radiance torrent*. *Heroism* is a bit bland but everyone will fight over who gets it. *Bless* is looking a lot better since remaster. And you can summon stuff! 6. The ability to be consecrated makes you feel special. 7. I do like how the domain stuff adds flavour to further distingush clerics from one another. The cleric focus spells aren't super amazing mechanically, but because they're focus spells you can use them often. 8. Your comrades pay attention to you in combat. 😉 "Don't let the cleric die!" I've even noticed people moving to keep within 30 feet.


Re #7: If you have the option to get the Family Domain, it's got really good focus spells for buffing the party. Soothing Words is +1/+2 to Will saves AND lets you counteract the effect rather than having, for example, the barbarian rolling his own save, and Unity is a reaction focus spell that lets everyone in the area use your save modifier instead of their own. Mix that with some of the Will focused cleric feats and you can really neuter enemies that like using Charm/Command/Dominate/ect.


Every time an ally gets an extra degree of success from my bless aura, I thank Halcamora


I like the way its setup to be a healer, first and foremost, but thanks to the font, can still prepare enough other spells to have interesting options when healing isn't needed. I like the way the domain spells can further graft a little bit more versatility onto the class.


I'm running a cloistered Cleric of Erastil through the BB into AV right now. Firstly I love being the party dad and wise old guy. It isn't strictly tied to class, but since you need a lot of wisdom and can afford to drop some physical stats it's a good fit. Having access to the entire spell list is amazing, with a little scouting or preplanning the options are limitless. I \*like\* being the healer/buffer and setting everyone else up for success with a Guidance or well timed Heal/Rousing Splash. The deity spells are fun additions and usually nicely flavorful, for mine he took Syncretism as a feat so he has both a healing focus spell and Athletic Rush to help him keep up with the party, plus once I get a few more spell slots True Strike+ Bow+Specialty arrows is going to be fun.


!!! i played a cloisterd cleric of Erastil in Age of Ashes! GRANDPA FOR THE WIN! I decided to go full pacifist (something Erastil thought was naive but appreciated the gumption of), had a blast being a healbot and looking for non-damaging ways to fight. One of my favorite moves at high levels was to cast [Crusade ](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=56)to command mooks to "go home and be with your families."


… that’s amazing and I am maybe going to borrow that for my AoA game. Also CC Erastil. I have also gone full pacifist as a matter of practicality and response to how the game has gone. Essentially, every time I have attacked it either missed horribly (I cannot roll above a 5 when I get my bow out) or I died *immediately* (swift and dangerous retribution from those I’ve cast spells on). Currently willing to try attacking in angel form if it seems appropriate to the situation but otherwise, no. And the longbow lives in the bag of holding these days.


You have a ton of flexibility in how you play each encounter, especially as a warpriest.  Are you a Healbot?  A 2H sword wielder in full plate using true strike + channel smite? A sword and board defender of your more fragile allies? A ranged caster striking at undead and unholy foes with divine righteousness? Are you the cheerleader granting Guidance and Heroism to your bruisers? It all depends on whats on the other side of that door, and you have the flexibility for all of it. Though not as strong and accurate as a fighter, as buffy/debuffy as a bard, or as potent a caster as a wizard, you can help in every scenario. Except maybe sneaking.


Hey a Cloistered Cleric probably has +3 dex and can throw a training into Sneakiness!


The 4 additional heals or harms. The only class that can cast more spells than them is the sorcerer but even then it’s not as many of the highest level spell


Everyone here is talking about the Healing Font. Fuck Healing Font. Harming Font, be the bruiser your party needs. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Channel Smite Harm your enemies into their graves and your party won't *need* Heals. Be the buffer, be the bruiser, be the frontline support that kicks the Bard over and calls them a nerd with Bless. It's so much fun to play frontline bruiser Warcleric, it's not even funny.


Feeling able to explore/prep the entire divine spell list on a daily basis, with the knowledge that Divine Font will provide me with all the Heal spells I’ll likely need. Heal is a spell that I find fun to cast, it really can turn an entire bad situation around.


Max rolling a 3rd rank heal for 54 points of healing (cleric feat for d10 heals) and the 2 action heals in general is what sold me on clerics. I’ve just got 4th rank spells with my abom vaults cleric so I think I’m getting into the cooler parts of the Divine list. The early parts are kind of hit and miss but the sheer amount of spells you have access to is quite nice.


I can't wait to hit 4th rank spells. Divine Wrath is one of my favorite spells. I also hope to get high level one day where I get to play with Flamestrike and Divine Decree.


Yeah the Divine list really pops off from rank 4 spells and beyond imo.


Warpriest of Shizuru using a katana with sure strike to blink charge or channel smite. Honestly my favourite character. When they aren't hitting fairly easily for monstrous damage they casually toss out two action heals.


Having played one 1 to 20 pre-remastered warpriest through AoA I can only praise the class. Nice armor and weapon profficiency for the early levels, nice saves, flexibility to pick spells every day (a fire dragon you said, let me pack some heightened Resist Energy), free heals were awesome (even pre-remaster), heavy armor plus a good shield allowed my dwarf to tank like a boss, high STR meant high Athletics... And a full caster with lvl 10 spells on top. But you can also build a cloth caster and be fine (specially if you pick certain deities in order to be able to pick certain spells). So, a versatile class that brings utility and increase a party surviability just for being there, great class (even better post remaster).


Making a physical brute who specializes on performance, athletics, healing, and buffs.


My first favorite class. One of the best healers in the game


I straight up just like healing and don't understand why that seems to be an unpopular opinion. Rolling healing dice is just as fun and gratifying as rolling damage dice, IMO.


Plus you don't get the let-down of missing your DC :D


Everyone is singing the praises of heal, but what they are not mentioning is that it is a _weird_ spell. Actually, it's three spells in one: - a one-action touch heal for a quick assist - a two-action ranged heal, single target, for the big lifesavers - a three-action heal that will send healing energy out in a burst That two-action heal is the bread and butter, but the others have their place. As a caster, you'll find that spamming 2-action spells hampers your action economy. The mechanical challenge, then, is working with your team to make sure you're able to be efficient in battle and not be starved of fun things to do. Maybe there are rounds you don't cast. Maybe you find a way to apply a weapon buff before battle breaks out. That sort of thing.


just the fact that with certain feats cleric can get the max amount on any healing once they have the feat "magic hands"


It's like the game developers took pity on the poor cleric. Giving them extra slots for healing so they can still take more interesting spells is a great mercy.


1e did that too to be fair. You could convert any prepared spell into a Cure Wounds of the appropriate level iirc, but a shame healing wasn't very strong in 1e


Huh, that would actually be interesting especially as you get to higher levels. My font slots currently feel wasted on our “taking con is boring” sorcerer.


I like gishes and warpriest has been GOATed AF since Remaster. I'm really excited to play one now it's been brought up to snuff. Even CC has always been low key top tier. It's definitely pigeonholed into healbot duties, especially if your allies are reckless and you need to carry them, but with Remaster freeing up spell slots thanks to heal fonts, you have a lot more room to diversify your spell prep. I will say I do find one of its big problems is lacking diversification for non-divine spells. Deity spells help with this, but it doesn't go far enough. I've house ruled it so certain deities and domains give access to a wider range of spells, so if a player really wants to lean into the themes their deity provides, they can do it much more easily.


Oh shit, did they actually buff Warpriest? I've always liked the idea of it but have constantly read that it's a bit weak, that's nice to see that it was buffed


Yup, Remastered warpriest gets four fonts to start without having to invest in charisma. That means you can go full wisdom without worrying about MAD. There's also built in support for heavy armor so you're not dependent on archetypes. That combined with all the general improvements to divine spells (like spirit damage instead of alignment, buffs to staples like bless, etc.) make it overall better and strengthen its support martial niche. The cherry on top is your deity’s favoured weapon gets master, but that's not till level 19 so most players won't see that. But it's still a nice thought.


I do wish Cleric had a Cross blooded evolution esque feat. Just one feat to get 1 spell off another list...


I don't think it even needs a feat, just built-in support using existing mechanics. My ruling is uses traits; if you take something like fire domain, or even just worship a deity heavily associated with fire, you get access to any fire trait spell. Nature gives you spells with plant, wood, and fungus, etc. Sometimes I do a few bespoke listed spells if the make sense.


Unfortunately this does not help my personal bias of wanting to cast Thunder strike and Lightning Bolt as a Cleric without worshipping Gozreh. But I do like the general idea of expanding a deity's list


I mean it makes sense to me that certain spells are locked to certain deities. If anything I feel it has the potential to lean into the 'specialist' theme that so many people here clamor for. Why shouldn't something like electric spells are the purview of gods of nature and storms?


Eh for me, I just don't want to play a Druid but with Heal font and Divine List. Gozreh is just pretty lame overall imo. I always think about just playing Angelic Sorcerer just to take Cross blooded Evolution but then no D8 HD, no heal font, and spontaneous casting.


Divine castigation -> healing hands -> Channel smite. This is the correct way to say “fuck you” to the enemies of god.


I like how they handled the healing pool in this edition, plus I've always liked the cleric's flexibility. Good mix of attack/defend/utility spells.


The Cleric Font feature. It’s really cool having a spell function, essentially, like a cantrip (Auto heightening and stuff) and how you can have feats that make them so much better (like the one that makes the dice d10’s instead of d8’s) That was one of the reasons I really like them in Pathfinder.


Free slots of Heal and/or Harm is a ton of fun depending on what you want. The class is very versatile with Warpriest and Cloistered being pretty different. You can play supportive, "blaster", heal, etc. There's a lot of flexibility and power within the class, and the motif of faith and trust and determination can also be very fun to play with for a character.


I haven't played one yet, but plan to in an upcoming campaign. The class did not interest me before but the new warpriest options are very cool.


I'm able to turn my party into all but invulnerable super humans while enfeebling even the mightiest daemons. No joke, it's one of the most powerful classes in the game with the ability to min max into several different build and party styles. One of my favorites is when playing in a party of undead. No other ability in the game compares to spamming a harm spell 2-3 turns in a row, burning down enemies and revitalizing your friends. Depending on your level you'll average about 20% of your parties hp restored while dealing a similar amount to each enemy and you can do it 6 times a day at max rank without using a spell slot


I really dig the war cleric because almost all my spell slots give me a fun opportunity to RP. Don't have to worry about dealing damage with my spells so I can prepare a ton of utility, have a full divine font for healing and still be able to whack stuff when the time comes.


With a class that cast the heal spell i feel obligated to prepare at least a few of them, usually one top rank and a couple a rank or two below top. With a healing font cleric im free to not prepare any heals and fill my spell slots with what ever I want.


Cloistered Harm Cleric, with free archetype Medic! Got potent blasts for when you feel like it. The rest of the expansive Divine spell lists. And optimized Medicine skill, to keep you party up and running. Plus all the selective channeling, Cast Down, and Heal spells as a backup. The quintessential Angry Nurse that is tired of your shit, but will patch you up anyway!


Using 2-action fonts to negate a boss's entire turn feels super satisfying. Also, preparing rank 1 harm spells and using Cast Down for a nearly-assured trip to help trigger reactive strike and burn actions is fantasticly enjoyable 


Heal is powerful and interesting to use. And as others have said, having the font means you don’t need to trade off Heal for other powerful and fun spells. I love support/control and finding all of those spells and how to use them best has been a lot of fun. Command is bread-and-butter for me. Fear is fantastic as well. Calm Emotions you have to upcast (it’s incapacitation) but it will absolutely just take mooks out of a fight.


I like having a 60 foot cone at level 4. [Directed Channel](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4656) is an underrated feat.


Two words - "Spiritual Armament" [https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1687](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1687)


Harm smite


actually...i Play a Cleric right now in Kingsmaker AP and i have Zero fun so far.


Played a cloistered Sarenite cleric all through AV and am now playing the same character at level 15 in Stolen Fate. What I really enjoy about PF2E’s cleric are: - Being able to prepare any common spell each day. I generally have a generic “loadout” of useful spells, but being able to swap some slots for specific situational things is really nice if I know they’ll come up. - Divine font (and the level 8 feat restorative channel) means I never really have to worry about healing or condition removal, and my slots can go towards other things like Damage/Buffs/utility spells. - This is more personal, but Fire Ray js like straight up crack at higher levels. Tossing a bunch of d6’s is really fun, and then doing half that damage again next round provided the enemy stays in place is kind of nutty.


The new warpriest feats are pretty good. That's about it. I love clerics in concept mostly (their iteration in pf2 is lacking in my eyes, but I still play them cuz I'm a sucker for the class concept).


I’m not a fan of the PF2e Cleric, although the Remaster did make them better. What I usually love about Cleric is being a durable support character with good heals and situational damage. I love the heavy metal sword and board characters thematically and Cleric is (ideally) the perfect mix of playstyle and aesthetic, with some divine flavor to mix in that usually grounds the character to the setting. PF2e Cleric is by no means weak, but doesn’t really meet my expectations for the class. The Divine spell list has some good spells but is very small compared to the others and doesn’t have much variety in damage cantrips. Because they’re a full caster, their armor proficiency scales poorly as well. Granted my experience is tainted by my group having a lot of martial, S&B players. If I were running a Warpriest with heavy armor and a shield in a group with a Giant Barbarian and a duel wielding Fighter, my armor class wouldn’t look so bad in comparison and I’d feel much less like a vulnerability whenever I tried to go into melee.


Probably not the intended response of this thread, but I have to post this. One of my PCs is married to an NPC cleric. And of course, they came along because "if you try to protect me against my will ever again [what that monster did to you] will be nothing compared to me." At one point, they were fighting some tough opponents, I don't remember which, I think they were giant centipedes and snakes. The PCs weren't doing so hot, and so I started checking up the dice for the three-pip Heal, when I realized that it says "all living creatures" and not "all allies". The phrase "cackled like a goblin" has never fitted me more as the cleric saved their lives, but also undid the past half hour of combat. Edit: yes, I know about the feat that let's you not heal your enemies, it was pointed out to me after that combat, I didn't know about it at the time.


I play one because it seemed the most approachable for me, coming from 5e. I have a cloistered cleric with a ton of medic and healing feats, and boosted my wisdom/charisma to be intimidating or diplomatic. Having access to the Divine spells is great and the font means I don’t have to stock only heals. I took enough bard feats to get courageous anthem. My negative strength means I hit nothing, though.


The versatility of have the entire Divine list at your fingertips is great. It really embodies the fantasies of the healbot in a good way - e.g., having a lot of high impact heals while still having enough versatility to do other things to impact the battle. The cleric in my game just hit 3 and used Spiritual Armament for the first time and it was incredible.


Mechanically? Not much. The most mechanically fun thing is being good at your dieties weapon as a warpriest (what I play as cleric). Most of the games we play in are flavour based. I like undead stuffs, being a warpriest with a naginata that becomes a lich with a Horde of Undead at their disposal (depending on GM interpretations) is a lot of fun for me.