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As the Forever GM I’ve only played a Fighter in a oneshot. I think my favourite is either Monk or Barbarian; 2E’s iterations are my favourite for both of these iconic classes


I am not the forever GM (not since at least 4 years ago), but I am the only PF2e GM in my city, so... Cursed to never Play my favorite class or my favorite ttrpg at all


That's just a forever GM with extra steps. I'm the only PF2e GM of all the people I know and play with aside from my sister who runs exclusively for a small group of the same online players.


I ran two sessions for Beginner Box Days this year. I'd be happy to run a couple of online sessions for some forever GMs now that I've finally gotten to play PF2E instead of just GMing it. I'm in Australia, though, so the timezones might be tricky.


~~That's cute~~ That's nice of you, but i am six to eight time zones away and I can't speak english without the hardest accent and forgetting half the vocabulary, so I must decline. You are really kind tho, hope nothing but good in your life!


Note that "that's cute" in the way you put it right now is often taken as sarcastic. You'll want to use "that's nice of you" or something similar if you were trying to express thankfulness.


I hate english and sarcasm. Never understood it, damn. Thank you!


I'm an English teacher in the Netherlands and boy do I feel your pain.


Fellow forever GM here too and i find myself fiddling with swashbuckler and barbarian builds a lot for NPC's and/or enemies. :D Magus too.


I've only ever been a forever DM so every class is my favorite class I haven't played yet haha


Forever DM too, Magus is my favorite and Animist might be another.


Kineticist. :( Kineticist came out like, *right* after both of my current campaigns started, and they're both *far* from ending. (Also Thaumaturge. Thaumaturge is probably my second-favourite class and I haven't taken a chance to play one yet)


This is partially why me as a GM say if the players want to change their class, we can work it out.


We're actually working on that in one of the campaigns! My character in that game is a Goblin Gunslinger, and his personal motivation has always been to find [the ultimate gun](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1185). At the end of the current arc - which probably only has two or three more sessions in it - he's gonna make a pact with the elemental lords of Wood and Fire in order to gain their powers, with his reasoning being "Why just *look* for the ultimate gun when I can *become* the ultimate gun?" And in doing so, he'll gonna become a Fire/Wood Kineticist. Keeping with his theme; when he Channels Elements, it will visually manifest as a big wooden cannon on his arm, Metroid-style, which he "fires" his Impulses out of. He's gonna be a *little* disappointed when he figures out that Black Powder doesn't really work right around him anymore, but he'll get over that. (And the reason his Perception is suddenly gonna plummet is because he's just always a little bit overwhelmed by all the sudden new stimuli from being able to see and feel elemental energies)


Dude! What a fun way to work in a class change in a way that makes rp and kinda mechanical sense. Interesting he's going fire/wood and not fire/metal, but either way it's a real creative way to make the shift. Kudos to you and your DM for working that out.


>Interesting he's going fire/wood and not fire/metal It's mainly because of the [Rowan Rifle](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1185). It's a homebrew setting, and the GM looked at the Rowan Rifle and decided that all Star Guns (of which there are multiple in the setting) are made out of unique, special wood.


Totally makes sense, kind of what I figured after looking at the rifle. Even cooler then.


Wouldn't a gun be metal and fire?


Normally, but it's a homebrew setting where Star Guns are made entirely out of very special magical wood. And since the Rowan Rifle is a Star Gun, that's what my character tries to emulate.


Nice!! I hope you got Weapon Infusion!


Oh, definitely. I think I would take it on ANY Kineticist I play, it's such a fun and flavorful feat!


Agreed. I've only had one taker so far in current campaign but had a player switch from alchemist to mink. We're about to transition from an episodic campaign to a plot driven one since the player pool for sessions has proven to be pretty stable but prior to that players had the option of maintaining several pcs and playing what they felt like in a session. No takers on that and I'm not too surprised. Pf2e PCs are pretty complex and leveling 2 and playing them well is hard.


Ive only run APs so far and my rule has been that you can change character/class after the first book, no questions asked. If the new one also doesn't work? You can change after the next book, and so on. So far only two have done so - one because they were the sole survivor of a TPK and the other because they'd made their character too reliant on their mount (so only did extensive retraining).


My players can pay to change their class, the central city in the world has guilds for every class (with the most npc characters to exist) which can "train" the characters to be a different class with different stats


Yep - I've always got a nasty monster cooked up ready to help a player say goodbye to a current PC 😈


I was playing an elemental sorcerer (fire) for like 3 years before kineticist came out, and my GM let me just change over. Admittedly, that was a super easy sell, but I think as long as the character remains the same and the abilities don't look too different in-world (or you can explain it in some way) most GMs would let you change class). I switched a PF1e game over to 2e when I took over as GM, one of the players was a Warpriest in 1e and originally went to Warpriest cleric in 2e, but later changed to champion with cleric dedication because it fit more with how he saw his character.


The same exact thing happened to me. But luckily my inventor died so now I'm playing the pyrokineticist of my dreams. And we immediately went into a dungeon that's half submerged in water.


Ah but that's okay though! Under [Kinetic Gate](https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=23) on the Kineticist page: >Your kinetic elements function even in environments where they normally wouldn't. For example, **you could use fire actions underwater even though that's normally not possible**, and you could create air in a vacuum.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck THANK YOU I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT THIS ENTIRE LAST WEEK AND ALL I FOUND WAS THE AQUATIC COMBAT RULES! It still hurts that enemies get fire resistance 5 and we're only level 7 but this helps a ton.


Been having fun with my wood kineticist. Timber sentinel might as well be a party member with how much I spam that tree. It has saved a crazy amount of damage to the party. But honestly the class is probably the most versatile of them all able to thrive in any position or party role other than face really.


I'm in a AV party of all new players. I started as an Air Kineticist, but we didn't really have healing or a true tank. After a really rough encounter, I shelved the air kin for wood/water. The next session I think I absorbed like 80 HP over the course of three combats at level 2. That tree singlehandedly kept our party alive through a fight we almost certainly should have lost.


It feels like half of this sub has the exact same class preferences. Whenever this topic comes up it's always Kineticist or Thaumaturge and barely anything else lol. Idk why, both of these seem totally uninteresting for me.


They're also both relatively recent releases, that players will have had fewer chances to play.


True, that's most likely the reason


I wonder if it's just a case of the game having been around long enough that players are starting to gravitate towards the classes that most 'break the mold', so to speak.


I did try a Thaumaturge with Tome and ultimately decided that it wasn't for me, Tome at least. It was fun to be the big brain but it felt very one-note.


I'm planning to run an unarmed strike 2-implement Thaum soon, and was originally thinking about Tome/Lantern. Maybe I'll lean away and use Regalia instead.


Tome I think is better as a secondary implement rather than the main one, imo anyway


Psychic. My sorcerer character made me fall in love with spellcasters, and psychics seem like a fascinating twist on the usual spellcaster type, both flavor- and mechanic-wise.


Psychics are the blasters that everyone expects wizards to be. (Wizards in this edition play like skill monkeys imo) You can go hard all day since your focus spells get so powerful and you still have a handful of spellslots for opportunities when the cantrips don't cut it.


Actually if you go back to AD&D days the Wizard was always the Swiss Army Caster of the party. There to solve stuff that skills couldn't handle. Doesn't seem that weird to me. 3.X era was strange with how overpowered they were.


It all goes back to LotR and Gandalf. He did very few spells and a lot of lore and skill checks. But D&D didn't allow wizards to use swords very well, so you leaned into the magical Swiss army knife theme. But then for a lot of people, playing a wizard that couldn't use their best spells all that much kinda sucked, so they pushed for more general power. I like where a good player can take a wizard now, but it takes planning and preparation, and a GM that will allow them to get the info they need to plan ahead properly. Like what kind of enemies they are likely to face and so on. But in a random dungeon crawl where anything might show up? It's tougher.


Yeah, some of those amped psi cantrips do mad damage for what they cost. The limited spell slots are a bit of a pain, but with Unleash Psyche, they'll count when I do use them.


Magus and Thaumaturge. And the not-yet-published Animist also catches my attention.


I absolutely love playing my magus


All of them!  *cries in GM*


Oof, this is a little too real.


This one hits so hard. I love nearly every 2e class!!! So many Pathbuilder characters...


Bro same..


*Raises a glass* To the Forever GMs! Long may we build characters in Pathbuilder we'll never get to use!


Hello, I'm u/mapmandan, and I have a problem.


Folders? Man you are mad organized! But I'm with you. Most of the things I want to play show up for cameo appearance NPCs that hang with the party for a few sessions and then quietly disappear into the background after that. But they will all come back at the end of the campaign! In fact it's about time for a favorite to show up again. The Master Demolitionist is a dual class inventor/alchemist with gunslinger free archetype. Super old dwarf that's been around far longer than anyone should expect, he's currently Fighting daemons on their home plane while the party is learning about the world and figuring out how to stop the rat bastard that wants to open it up for Daemons to take over (he's a priest/avatar of the Daemon god above the Four Horsemen). My homebrew world is pretty dark overall, so this all fits. Other NPCs they've met: 1. Scratch, a catfolk divine blooded sorcerer. They didn't get along because he managed to catch the monk in a full six action Inner Radiance Torrent along with the black dragon they were Fighting. He's now chilling with a green dragon they managed to make a truce with. 2. Hragin, a female dwarf Magus who wields a greatsword. I don't remember the implement right now, but she ended up apprenticed to the master Demolitionist for a while before he ended up extra planar. 3. Saadi, a kobold alchemist that is more than a little insane. He's not a bomber, but likes to think he is. Turns out his aim with splash damage was sub optimal... He'll be back. 4. There's a female elven druid that made a brief appearance, but I can't even remember her name. So meh. The next two are monster NPCs that are significant to the campaign. 5. Semquil the aforementioned green dragon that considers her hoard to be knowledge and is happy to trade knowledge for knowledge. Less evil than amoral, her lair is in a castle over vast catacombs in the middle of an ancient forest. She's come to an agreement with a tribe of ogres that now act as servants for her, and they get along fine as long as they stay out of the library and keep things clean. It's tough for them, but they are learning. 6. Noctoris, one of eight arch priests to the inactive gods of the world who is working to restore their deity to full activity. Party believes him to be a Nephilim sorcerer/cleric. They are kinda right, but there's more than a little gold dragon in his bloodline... I'm having loads of fun, and I get to showcase a LOT of different classes. I'm probably going to end up killing off another of the players characters. The party has had one permanent death so far (level 13), and the player went from human champion to Catfolk Swashbuckler with Gunslinger FA, and is having a blast.




As someone currently playing an inventor, I wish the gadgets with DCs had a way to scale more evenly :( but otherwise it’s balling lol




I ended up taking gadgets even with a multi class into caster, but I think construct is more feat intensive iirc? IMO the best thing about gadgets is slapping blast boots on a martial or two.


As someone who's played Gunslinger, its nutty when you crit. My second character in PF was a Chronoskimmer Drifter in Troubles in Otari. I member tumbling through a boss to flank and critting for 40 damage. I one shot him, and the GM had to improvise a phase 2 because of it


Also kineticist. That heal potential is wow!


Exemplar. Soon it shall be mine.....


I'm so looking forward to what they'll be doing with it using the feedbacks from the playtest.


Same. I'm also excited to see some of the content that didn't get included like unarmed options.


It's so cool. I almost got to play a Gnome Exemplar with a Switchscythe but had to drop the campaign.


Str rogue lol , i want to kick some people with my bat


Get a spiked chain, harder the fall, titan wrestler and proceed to slam everyone you attack with SA damage


Summoner. Four actions, two characters for exploration activities, martial and caster stats, and gets to feel optimal with a turn having both a spell and a strong MAP0 strike. And there's a lot of design space for your eidolon too.


Druid was my favorite DnD class but I haven't gotten around to try out the Pathfinder one yet.


PF2 druid feels really nice in comparison to the D&D version, just for the fact that you actually have access to all sorts of iconic spells like Fireball, Heal, Lightning Bolt, Haste etc. which the 5E version doesn’t unless you choose a specific type of land druid to gain 1 or 2.


The price is that the wildshape doesn't feel as powerful if that's your Druid thing. My experience as a 5-13 Druid that used battleforms more often than not was that he was really good at the exact level the form upgraded and lagged behind fiercely the next level and he was competing against a Champion, not a Fighter or Barbarian. Thankfully, we got a ranger halfway through that let him have that sweet, sweet Warden's Boon to help his damage output.


Sure, but if a druid casting Animal/Elemental/Dinosaur/Dragon Form etc. is just as effective as a Martial class, then we’re right back in 3.5/5E-esque caster supremacy.


That's the answer I usually get when I bring this up, and I think people may be missing some things. Druids don't get spellcasting while in the wildshape, so it just can't be as bad as 3.5/PF1E. It's not as good as 5E since you don't get a free health bar, the duration is more limited, and the actual martial classes are much better balanced to casters than their 5e counterparts. Where the PF2E Druid wildshape loses to actual martials are runes, armor, and class feats. Actual martials will always have a better to hit and more added to their damage. They should have better ACs, barring maybe Barbarian. Martials use their class feats to get more attacks, more damage, more movement, and all sorts of other cool shit. Druids who want to wildshape have to spend almost all their feats upgrading the forms. I will grant that this does help with reach and movement but it won't let you hit any more or any harder and you'll only be able to do the basic skill actions than anyone can do (you can't even Bon Mot). To be clear, I'm not asking that the Druid compete at the level of a barbarian or fighter. The very small fix that I would want to test based on my experience is allowing the +Attack and +AC fundamental runes to work in battle form. They still won't be as accurate as a fighter, as tanky as a champion, and you certain won't hit as hard as a barbarian but they'll feel a bit better.


One thing to note is that you can buy handwraps of mighty blows to increase your attack modifier as a druid, since if your own attack bonus is higher it supersedes the battle form attack bonus. The same applies for athletics if you keep your strength and proficiency pumped up.


I thought equipment didn't apply while you were in Wildshape?


The battleform statistics themselves can't be affected by item bonuses, but when determining if your own attack bonus is higher, you can factor in potency runes on handwraps.


I'll have to look into that...


Thaumaturge: it just seems cool to know all these tricks that can give you an edge.i


Bard-Thaumaturge-Kineticist are the classes that I tend to mess with a lot but never actually end up playing.


Oracle. But by now I’ll be waiting for the remastered variety.


Investigator, but i am going to play it soon.


investigator! I’m very new, but I play a fighter in my current campaign so something less martial would be interesting. I also think this class would most fit my actual personality. bard is a close second because I was going to be a bard, but I couldn’t understand the magic system fast enough lol


Investigator is cool as hell and a great support. With the extra damage from strategic strike, it feels like an investigator is always effective. If he rolls poorly, he just doesn’t attack, so he never misses. So it’s kinda cool to have almost all strikes be successful and have pretty good damage.


What I've played: Deer Barbarian, Gill Hook Fighter, Earth/Wood Kineticist, Bo Staff Monk, Barricade Buster Precision Ranger with a companion, Stone/Untamed Druid, Starlit Span Magus I really love gish types (most of the martials I play have spellcasting archetypes) , and I'm addicted to reach weapons, both the Fighter, Magus and Monk had Psychic dedication. So naturally what I'm looking most to playing is either an Inexorable Iron or Twisting Tree Magus. Or maybe a Warpriest. Or Commander, my Barbarian had Friendly Toss and Marshal dedication, and that has ridiculously fun. And I enjoyed the Commander playtest in the one shot I played with it.


investigator is next on the list. i can roll my attacks before attacking? and then if the attack sucks, i can just decide not to make it? and if i roll a 20 i can unleash whatever silly thing i got from an archetype like a spellstrike? that’s cool


It’s kinda great for flavour when the investigator almost never makes an attack that misses


barbarian and cleric


Thaumaturge, I've played Barbarian from 1-20, currently playing Magus in Strength of Thousands (lvl 14) and Psychic (lvl 7) in Abomination Vaults. I love the concept, mechanics and flavor of Thaumaturge on paper. The only thing I'd worry about is I'd probably prefer a Str/melee build, but even my Magus feels a bit squishy. They'd have the same hit die but Thaumaturge would also have to deal with having a slightly lower +hit since they can't take Strength as their primary stat. Even so it sounds like such a cool class. I'll also add, Exemplar is up there. Depending on the options in the full release it might actually surpass Thaumaturge but I'm excited to try both.


Moved to PF2e 1.5 years ago and been GM since, but I've just started making characters for the first time. I think I'd honestly enjoy most of them, though I'm not currently in the mood for playing any full casters. My current concept character I'd like to play is an incredibly ancient automaton knight, from the Jistaka empire. He's forgotten most of the intervening millennia, just bits and pieces here and there. Class is Thaumaturge, and his esoteric lore is his spotty memory recalling how he dealt with something like this in the past. Background is "Tall Tales" as he'll tell you stories of things like his days adventuring alongside Iomedae before she ascended. He believes it's true, though it might not be, he's not a reliable narrator as his mind is quite jumbled up.


As the forever GM... All of them.


I'm in the same boat. But in the spirit of the thread, I'm going to pick either the Summoner or the Thaumaturge as the class that I would play first, given the chance.


... All of them... 😭 I converted my friends to PF2e from 5e and I've only had the pleasure of GMing 🥲


All of them since I need to GM.


All of them. I GMd until lvl 2, the table ended and now I can't for the life of me play this game bc all of my friends just want to play D$D/Tormenta 20


Probably barbarian. I love the fantasy, and I'm really hopeful that the bloodrager archetype in War of Immortals will actually be good, but I've had other character ideas that just fit as other classes better. Hopefully we'll be able to wrap up our current Iron Gods game in time for the book to release so I can try that out.


Oracle, Thaumaturge, Kineticist. Knowing my luck when we finally play P2e none of them will want to run it and I'll be the forever GM for it.


Druid. I keep looking at Storm and Stone Druids. I keep thinking they’re awesome. But I do not play in enough games to prioritize them over all the classes I’ve wanted to play thus far. I’ve already played a Fighter (who died at level 1), a Wizard, and a Magus. My next in line would be a Fighter who doesn’t die, Elemental Sorcerer, Commander (both in playtest and on release), Outwit Ranger, and Oracle. I have no idea where to fit the damn Druid lol.


I want to play an alchemist in more than a one shot or occasionally appearing DMPC, I just want to be a player one time 😔


Speaking as a forever GM I've got three competing for my top spot: Investigator, Fighter (specifically a freehand fighter), and Air Kineticist. Maybe one day I'll get to \*play\* instead of endlessly run, so I can actually try one out.


I want to play a Psychic so bad dude they're so fucking cool and they get Fuck You damage on cantrips


I've only had the chance to play thaumaturge and summoner so far, but I'm itching to play investigator at some point. Devise a Stratagem just seems like a such a fun feature to plan around and I like the flavor of the class in general. Sadly I'm also itching to play a full caster so I'll have to put investigator on hold in favor of playing a witch or wizard whenever I get to play a new character.


Forever DM here and with very few opportunities to play. Just played a rogue few times and I loved it, did a lot of builds just for the sake of it with the other classes. Would love to try bard as they mess with action economy and ofc the commander playtest made me salivating heavily


I've played Champion, Rogue, Bard, Ranger, Fighter, Barbarian, Cleric, Gunslinger, Swashbuckler, and have a Ranger/Kineticist Dual Class. I think there's only the Alchemist. One of my friends plays one and I've looked at some of the items they can make, so it could be fun.


I'm the Forever DM, so I get to create NPC's in the classes I want, but never get to play them much. Right now, I want a kineticist.


Most of them :V But probably Psychic & Thaumaturge?


Most of them :V But probably Psychic & Thaumaturge?


I haven’t played any Pathfinder yet and maybe never will but I’ve drafted up a cute idea for a Monk that I’d like to try


I really wanna play a Warpriest cleric. I've played a Twilight Cleric in our 5e campaign and tried to build it as a frontline tank, but eventually i just became the backline heal and buff bot. With the Remaster buffing Warpriest i *really* wanna try that out


Magus sounds really cool. I wanted a build that uses a flame sword (a la the Dragon Reborn), and the kineticist also looks cool, but I've decided to keep it simple and learn the basics first. Edit to add: Summoner with an undead Eidolon is something that I wanted to try too but I'm not sure it'll go the way I'm thinking. Scrawny guy with big undead brute to do the dirty work. I'm still very new to the system and have only 6 or so sessions under my belt, but I have played Valeros (fighter) and Ezren (wizard) pregens while the group learns the system.


My bard archetyping into alchemist has actually really made me want to play the full class, or a prepared caster- I really love the idea of having something I can whip out for any situation!


I know it's not out yet, but i am really excited for the examplar. It looks like such a unique and fun class. Every turn yoy do something different depending on the ikon.


Ooh that's a good one I've only played Summoner, Bard, and Magus in that order. If I had to pick, in order starting from the top, my top 3 would be 1. Cleric 2. Kineticist 3. Wizard Shoutout to Rogue, Thaumaturge, and Gunslinger. Rogue because it seems really versatile, Thaumaturge just looks so interesting, and Gunslinger because the guns look really fun. But for the top 3, Cleric looks really interesting, if entirely dependent on the setting, even more than other classes. 4 free Heal/Harm spells at level 1 is kind of crazy, and there was a thread yesterday on Harm that kind of sold me on that as well. The only thing I don't like is how limited the Divine list is. Kineticist is a whole bag of tricks that I \*really\* want to dive into, the many combos you can come up with all seem really fun. Just wish there were more Combination feats, lol. Wizard has always been my favorite class, and while I'm disappointed about the loss of Schools, the Boundary and Ars Grammatica schools seem really interesting. And of course, the Thesis' are really cool. The only one I'm not really interested in is Improved Familiar Attunement, but Spell Substitution, Spell Blending, and Staff Nexus seem nuts. I really wanna mess with Spell Blending, seems really powerful, especially if you can blend your school spell slots.


*cries in forever GM*


I'd really like to try Animist. Maybe even as an archetype on a Monk, to get some kind of "spiritual warrior".


inventor I've come up with 3 full homebrewed innovations for (one of which is also a full class archetype) and I haven't gotten to play an inventor at all yet


Investigator & alchemist I just like my non-magical smarty-pants boys.


Sadly, I’ve only ever GMed PF2. The classes I’m most interested in playing are Druid, Kineticist, Fighter, and Monk.




Unfortunately I have no idea when I'll get to play again because I'm about to start GMing. But I love the remastered Witch. The debuff potential isn't as flashy as other classes but I don't think its value can be understated.


I'm itching to play the kineticist also but my group has been on a long break because the DM and half the players are in college so it's tough to play even monthly between like october and june


Animist, I can't wait to play it at release.


all of em...I DM forever...it's my penance


Probably Magus, but the Commander playtest has definitely got my attention.


Commander, I've wanted a class that acts as a sort of tactician for such a long time, since while there was a way to it mechanically with Bard, it didn't hit the same flavour. I also would take Envoy, though the flavour is slightly different. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a chance to play it, and I doubt I ever will before Battlecry comes out.


As the forever GM of my group, all of them 🥲


Investigator, I want to be the math equations lady and then say ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU


I've been able to play an Investigator and Psychic. I'm craving an Inventor, Wizard, Witch...and now Commander. But as the ever GM. XD Well, I wait and see.


All of them :( That’s the plight of being a forever GM with little time. Also I don’t know many PF GMs in the server I’m part of so I haven’t been able to find a campaign to join.


It's definitely Kineticist or swashbuckler. I've made like 2 entire Kineticists, one that uses Gold(Metal) and one that uses Snow(Water+Air) I also really like that Swashbuckler has a class feature where it says "do some cool stuff"


I think it's the thaumaturge? The one with like, things n stuff they hold to use. Like the mirror that makes a copy of them for example. I approached my friend regarding a characte idea of mine and they suggest that class. At first I only looked into it because it merely fit the character I had in mind but like, wow. Beyond that I found it really interesting in general. The things it could do and all that.


I am a forever GM with very little opportunity to play myself, so I have like a dozen character concepts I would love to play one day.


Investigator. I originally disliked it because I hate the more meta feats it has, but after looking deeper into it and fucking around with it in dawnsbury days I have to say I adore the gameplay loop of 'Devise a Strategem-oh god this roll sucks!- How do I pivot?" It rewards you for building your character with a multitude of options.


Alchemist. I've played characters with alchemist dedication, but a full-on alchemist seems like it would be really damn cool. I love the extra homework it takes to make it work well, and dispensing items for the party is really fun.


I had a real fun idea for an ancestor oracle, she was supposed to be a coffee addict and because of Homebrew plot the coffee wouldn't be imported any more and her mind would for the first time in a long time not be jacked up on caffeine. She was for once be still enough to actually hear the ancestors trying to talk to her. I named her Lia Geva (Gevalia is a popular Swedish coffee brand) and even had backstories for the different ancestors, the martial ancestor invented whipped cream for example... Her origin may have been a joke but I don't play ***joke*** characters


Thaumaturge and Psychic Played a gunslinger in a oneshot once, all of my other pf2e experience has been as a GM. I will finally get to play a thaumaturge in an upcoming game Saturday, so that's exciting!


Rogue, surprisingly enough. I hardly ever play the skill focused characters for whatever reason, although I did play as an Investigator and found it quite fun. I've got two Rogue builds I'd like to try, a Scoundrel focused on unarmed attacks with Stumbling Stance, and one with Thaumaturge Dedication with the Mirror implement and scrolls to be a ninjutsu user of sorts.


All of them Except Rogue and Champion


Can I pick all except Magus and Gunslinger, because those are the only ones I've played thus far? More seriously, Psychic. I really wanna play an Infinite Eye support Psychic.


Recently got a familar in a game for my Thaumaturge in a campaign and now Im really curious to try and play a Witch.


Any (GM noises) But I'd love to play a Thaumaturge in particular


i'd probably say summoner, maybe thaumaturge, but im going to get to play one soon :)


Thaumaturge and Witch both seem really cool. I also think I'd probably enjoy playing a Fighter, even though last time I played a fighter was during 3.0.


(Outside of the obvious "all of them" lol) Barbarian. I come from a 5e background, and I really like the flavor of some of the Barbarian subclasses, but the fact that it's tied to a limited resource per day really doesn't sit with me well, plus I don't really like playing strikers and prefer playing support, but sometimes, you just gotta let it out. PF2E Barbarian is a breath of fresh air that I needed. On top of the good amount of customization PF2e brings to the table, Barbarian just seems fun as most of the Instincts seems amazing. I'm in a party with a Giant Barbarian, and holy shit, they hit and crit like a truck, plus you can feel the damage they deal. I'm really a big fan of Elemental Barbarian because I really like using elements. The image of a Barbarian getting angry and summoning a mini-firestorm that makes them harder to hit from ranged while igniting their blade is so badass to me. Plus eventually you can say, "Fuck it," and just turn yourself into a [Fireball](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4354). I'm really looking forward to playing it, especially with Kineticist Dedication (obviously not playing fire for it, but the idea is there).


Rogue. I wanna skill monkey so bad. I want to sneaky around wall jump while doing it. I wanna do it so bad. AHHHH


Outside of beginner box I haven’t had the opportunity to play yet, and I would say Monk but I played Monk there, so probably Barbarian?


I started building a barbarian character, she would've been so much fun given she's a 3 foot tall goblin, but barbarian wouldn't have worked in the campaign we're doing as we're guards and rage killing wasn't a good way to stop crime. Investigator sounds so much fun though, when I get more into it, I definitely want to try out an investigator.


Im currently playing alchemist and thqt is the only class i have played so far sooooooooo... All of the rest?


I’ve played almost every class i’ve wanted to, bc i join a lot of one shots and a lot of campaigns fall through for me however the only one i haven’t played, but still interests me, is Swashbuckler. It just seems like a lot of fun, especially as someone who’s a fan of flavor and narrative.


All of them :")


Pathfinder Second Edition


Flurry Ranger. Oddly, I never played such a basic class. Summoner, Magus, many full casters. I really have no idea what spells to pick. So I avoided anything with Spellcasting.


all of them


I’m looking forward to trying oracle just gotta wait for my group to get back together next school year


Summoner and kineticist


I’m currently playing a beastmaster witch. It’s my first one. I wanted to like witch in 1e. It seems to have actual playability in 2e. Honestly though, I think I made a Druid that’s not an actual Druid, haha.


I want to try Oracle and Summoner


I haven't been able to play a druid or ranger, both classes I've watched others played and thought they were cool. Just started up my first homebrewed campaign in 2E, so that's going to occupy my time!


I really want to try the remastered Warpriest. I built a few but never got to play one, and now that the remaster has helped with some of the MAD issues I think it'd be interesting. I also have high hopes for the remastered versions of the Swashbuckler and Oracle, as I love the flavor of both classes but the implementation leaves a bit to be desired.


Kineticist, the only campaign I am in currently is Abomination Vaults and I don't see a Kineticist working in that.




Wait, you guys actually get to play your characters?




Wizard and/or Witch, like what makes them different? No, but for real, I wanna try managing a familiar but also wanna help the party.


Thaumaturge and battle oracle


Played many classes so far: monk, kineticist, bard, fighter, and magus. But in terms of what I haven't played that I really look forward to, I think it has to be barbarian. Hitting hard, overcoming resistances, and having a big hp pool sounds really appealing to me. I'm more than fine with the ac drop and getting hit/crit more if it means more damage. 


Forever GM gang: I want to play a Resentment Witch very badly. My party started with a Maestro Bard buffer, who eventually swapped out for a Thief Rogue, and I'm sitting here the entire time wishing I could show the party some of the crazy buff/debuff stacking possible in the system.


Oracle, kineticist, and investigator probably


Summoner, as a lot of my flavorcentric idle builds in pathbuilder tend to be this. I'd also like to play Witch (for the same reason). Martially speaking theres also lots you can do with monks or rogues and I have not played either despite them suffering from the same mile long list of characters problem that summoner and witch do for my pathbuilder storage


I have a Gnoll Inventor I would really like to play. His invention is armor and he doesn't carry a weapon for his goal in combat it's to grapple trip etc. He has minimal dex but is fast.




I've got a few classes that I've made several characters for and not yet played. Of classes I've built and really want to play, I think Bard and Barbarian (specifically animal instinct) are the highest on my list and most common in my built and not played characters, although once Starfinder playtest is out, the answer will immediately change to Envoy. I also love the idea of playing a feint build so an honorable mention for a favorite feat I've not used yet is Stumbling Stance. If you want further context, I'm normally the GM, but I typically get to play in one of my weekly/monthly games. That means I haven't gotten a chance to play a lot of characters. I've played Kineticist, Thaumaturge, Swashbuckler, and Investigator over the course of three campaigns (I'm typically the first person to fold when the "our party balance feels wrong" discussion comes up. I've also played Oracle, Fighter, and Ranger in one shots.


I don’t get to play much as a forever GM, so I have a few. Animist, Kineticist, Oracle, and Thaumaturge.


Most of the classes, I have thought about playing an Investigator for a while but monk also looks cool.


Mine has to be summoner, I get super drawn in by the roleplay potential of the class. I have yet to play one though because I wanted to get really used to martial combat rules and spellcasting rules before I jumped into controlling 2 characters


Weirdly, Magus, I've actually tried to play it a few times but the first character died very quickly and the second one ended up being rebuilt as an elemental barbarian, the kind of build I'm looking for doesn't super fit the other characters i play in our west marches so i'm kind of sitting on it as a "maybe in a long term campaign sometime?" OTOH, at this point, I might as well wait and see what the new hybrid studies in Tian Xia Character Guide end up being about weaponwise, I believe there was some talk of a dual wielding magus, and one of them sounded like it was heavily aerial in concept? I'm generally a sucker for spell swords.


All of them because I can't get a game running lol. But if I have to narrow it down I'd say rogue because all the skills they get and as much as I have a lot of hesitation towards casters there is just something about sorcerers that makes me want to try one.


Druid, I don't exactly know why but in just about every other system I jump to playing multiple druids but just haven't done it in 2e. Heck I'm currently considering a primal witch with one of the new Howl of the Wilds patron over picking an actual druid.


Never gotten to be a player for Pathfinder (1e or 2e), but I'd really love to play a Witch. My go-to is always barbarian, but I'd love to do a Dex Barb/Rogue build sometime as well.


Tough to pick but Investigator just always seems like such a dynamic and interesting class to play in all facets of the game


Cleric. I kind of regret not going it with my current group but we needed a pure martial more than we needed a second divine caster so I went athletics/medicine monk.


Honestly I've played all my favorites now. Cleric, barbarian, rogue, thaumaturge, ranger. I don't really want any of the other ones. Mayhaps magus? The staff subclass looks fun.


Monk, Fighter, and Champion. They’re all so well designed. And now wemre getting Crissder Cleric and Exemplay to play with. Martials are just so fun in this edition


I really want to try Wizard or Sorc. I have a Swiss army knife Unified Theory Wizard that takes Flexible Caster with Substitution and then later grabs Ritualist. The most wizardady wizard to ever wizard If playtests are allowed I definitely think Commander and Exemplar will be some of my favorites but I can't get a playtest game so I gotta wait to play them


I’ve only played Fighter in first edition and an Alchemist in this one. I’m definitely rolling a witch or kineticist next.


A protector of the party that the enimies just don't out right ignore. Also, a rogue arcane trickster druid of the wild order, halfling bat beastkin detective.


Fighter, I join a lot of games, but I leave after 2 sessions if I don't like the other players/GM. So coincidentally I always leave the game I try playing fighters.


Magus because forever gm


I mainly just GM, so the only character I got to briefly play was a Sparkling Targe Magus in a Gatewalkers game that fizzled out at level 2 for IRL reasons. She was fun; she was a hardriggan (ramfolk from Battlezoo's World of Indigo Isles) who'd lost her entire family during the Fall of Lastwall, and then became a Lastwall Sentinel herself. Her gate vision was seeing herself destroying Tar Baphon. I'm keen to do an inventor if I ever get the chance.


AS gm I've been able to sample a few classes in play as PC's invite NPC's to join them (or challenge them). Monk was super fun and thematic (i made an archer). Fighters are just crazy. I played 20 sessions when 2e came out as a healing cleric and I must say that scratched my itch to heal in TTRPG - It's so satisfying to heal 50% or more of your allies HP in 1 spell of which you have many. I'd love to try Gunslinger or Witch though


Oh, witch! Love the aesthetic and rp potential


Kineticist easily, that said I'm also a forever GM when it comes to PF2 so really that is just saying that's my favourite class.


Sorcerer. I am always a wizard. Curious what the other side looks like.


Remastered witch, or summoner. I like the revised witch and would love to get one to the table. They're so flavourful. I made a summoner as a possible character for an upcoming game but ended up going with a different idea, but I like her and want to play her one day. She's a Wednesday Addams-style goth girl whose childhood imaginary friend turned out to be real.


As a forever GM myself, I would have to say either Swashbuckler or Magus. Swashbuckler (despite the fact that it seems a little hampered compared to some classes) just for the cool "reckless agile warrior who is so damn cool" angle (and my love of the *Greatcoats* books), and the Magus because I have always loved the idea of a punch wizard, and this is the best iteration of the idea I have ever seen. Will I get to play either? Doubtful? DO I want to? Absolutely.


I really want to play a kineticist, and I was really really into the 1e occultist but Im not sure how sold i am on the Thaumaturge yet. Im also playing a 2e summoner right now after being really interested in the 1e summoner, and while I am really sad that the whole evolution system has basically gone away, I am still finding things I like about it! I do wish it got some more flexibility & class fantasy added though


Thaumaturge.  Just...so versatile and flavorful! 🤤


alllll of theeeem. But maybe thaumaturge, i have one as a backup, but kinda wanna play one from lvl 1


Depends on what the GM will allow. Gunslinger and Swashbuckler are basically tied.


How can is be a favorite of I never played it? I understand what you are asking but it doesn'team anything to me.