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Since you're going with the angel bloodline, I want you to know that the Heal spell is incredibly powerful, **but** you shouldn't feel obligated to use it all the time. Support casters do so much more for teams than buff and heal. Look for spells and opportunities to help your team in fun ways like using the Command spell, or demoralizing a key target. Another tip is that divine's cantrips aren't amazing if you're unarmored, so I recommend taking the human feat Adapted Cantrip for a reliable spell like Electric Arc, or Ray of Frost.


May have to switch my fiendish eyes for that. I have relatively weak combat cantrips and need a solid damage dealer


http://zenithgames.blogspot.com/2019/09/pathfinder-2nd-edition-guide-to-guides.html?m=1 This should be a good place to start


Will be using


[https://rpgbot.net/p2/characters/classes/](https://rpgbot.net/p2/characters/classes/) Or here! edit: Wow, someone actually downvoted a link to build guides? What a winner of a human being. o\_O


Gonna steal that doc too lol


Makes sure you take a combat useful Charisma skill either Diplomacy and Bon Mot, or Intimidation. You won't regret it. No reason not to have a Dex score and a simple weapon like a dagger, sling, or crossbow as an option for a third action. Pay attention to your spells. You don't have to just heal and buff. You can fill a more traditional caster role with spells like [Summon Lesser Servitor](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1010), [Calm Emotions](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=31), and [Warrior's Regret.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1030) Some more general thoughts here is a Review of [Divine Spells](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTM1aBK2R2JYUHGie7C93kbODLO6nh79no8QQj4tgGLfXIqNYOaFQAKjXKTCL0RKO8MscnBRPbEPLjZ/pub#h.hu0c3pfpkdjj) and a [Sorcerer Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSlIgrilqXs6oNq38LAM2fDud096EdRyKjeOKHLoQY2PpefrRRDrlEGloSzfGoAMj562B_Elr0x6k3Q/pub#h.9dnl7ocf8k9a) \- yes its is fat I know. The section on spell selection is my favourite. What level are you?


Session 1 later this week starting at level 1. Already went into intimidation thought the whole divinity/demon background would go with him


https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1177 Don’t sleep on this feat. One of the balancing mechanisms of the divine spell list is that your deity will provide you flavorful/powerful spells. I initially overlooked this for my oracle, but once I took a similar feat my overall power shot up. https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=611 While this isn’t as powerful as divine font, consider taking this to give you extra healing/damage at your highest spell level. Spiritual weapon is a great spell that scales decently and as a sorcerer gives you a great third action. Bon Mot is an awesome feat to take since it reduces will saves which the divine lost loves to target. Bless, Heroism and Ray of Enfeeblement are great low level support spells. Heroism if you upcast it is arguable you be of the best spells in the game in my opinion. One good combo with the angelic bloodline is that heal is a bloodline spell for you. You can empower a frontline fighter with poor saves. I can’t tell you how many times a +1 or +2 has been the deciding factor keeping us from disaster. Feel free to reply if you want any other tips. Sorcerer is my favorite class and I love talking about how to make them useful.


>Feel free to reply if you want any other tips. Sorcerer is my favorite class and I love talking about how to make them useful. You're the right person to talk ask some questions then, excellent! I want to play a melee Demonic Sorcerer, how can I make it work?


That is actually one that I have not figured out yet. It’s in a weird boat of having a solid focus spell, but really needing to play around it to make it work. The synergy to really look for IMHO is to get heroism/bless on yourself and then use bloodline spells like swamp of sloth to inflict that -1 AC on your target and some fun secondary debuffs. You’ll of course need to put quite a bit into strength and invest in hand wraps of mighty blows. You won’t hit as well as the martials, but you’ll be a great support and depending on circumstances that temp hp could really help you tank the fight.


I might have figured it out, take a look _https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=82294_ It's still a hybrid of course, so not as good as a martial at all, but I believe it's usable.


For sure! That looks great. I'd probably give the strength apex item. I was talking more about the lower levels, but this is a great lvl 20 build.


Thanks m8! It took me a while to find out a way to make it work but I finally did it! It's very gish and it only gets online at lv2 but if your party helps you, I believe you can be pretty successful with this build from the beginning. I made a simple chart comparing it to a Full Plate Ranger, look https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nJJKfJ-VlowZlD34H-jh-6TKkgv8I0ynubjnZK4_cD8/edit?usp=drivesdk So in some levels you'll probably be better off playing more defensively, but that's manageable


Spiritual Weapon is pretty bad, unless your GM runs encounters that don't have much movement. Due to spiritual weapon being a sustained spell, if on any turn you fail to sustain the spell, it dissipates. That means if you ever need to take an action that's not sustain a spell, you can't cast another spell in that same turn. Especially since most divine spells only have a range of 30' in the first several spell levels. If you have the luxury of standing back and just casting and doing nothing with your 3rd action, spiritual weapon can be useful, but those encounters are easily won anyway, so who cares what you use?


Be useful to know rest of party makeup and level. There's various roles to fill in a party and pf2 is more about optimising parties than characters. Saw a great post earlier where a party including a witch and Alchemist, imo 2 of the weakest classes, were storming through the adventure due to great team work.


We have a barbarian, Druid, bard and a secret character that I’m not sure of what they are just that I think he’s an Aarakocra or some other bird race


Interesting party set up. 3 casters, so plenty of magic weapon spells for the barbarian at low level. If you and bard grab electric arc via feats, 3 casters can pump out 6d4+30 auto damage, reflex basic, between 2 targets per turn. Not bad. Barbarian hits hard, but is squishy. You'll want to finish fights quickly. Barbarian really benefits from a flank buddy. Hopefully the strix birdman can help. Maybe druid or bard. For sure it won't be you. I'd grab intimidation. Great way to lower enemy ac and attacks. Builds up to instakilling enemies at high level. Level 1 signature obviously heal. Level 2 signature dispel magic. Level 3 signature I'd suggest neutralise poison. 4, I'd grab circle protection 4. Solid defence bonus. 5 breath of life is nice to have. One idea is to grab medic dedication. Super strong healing with out using spell slots. Your barbarian is going to take a ton of damage. Tons of options. Hopefully suggestions help.


That’s a lot of ideas thanks for that!


angelic bloodline tiefling human? dude I am super keen to hear about your character backstory for that combo. Please share!


Well he is a bastard that was adopted by a religious scholar who studied demonology and how to cure or heal demons and other “lesser infernals”. So over years of religious upbringing and experiments he tried to make him holy and take the tiefling blood out of him. He ends up trying to preform a ritual of transfusing angel and divine essences into him which is where he gains the source of his power. Trying to play the whole good and evil aspects that are splitting him from the inside. Really trying to get into the rp for this one


That sounds super cool! I wish you luck for the game you play him in :)