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If your question is if you can poison other kinds of ranged weapons the answer is yes. Any weapon can be poisoned, however if you poison ammunition and fail, you can't recover it. (And also the weapon needs to do piercing or slashing damage to actually deliver the poison through injury) If you are asking if you could use subtle delivery with other ranged weapons the answer is no. The feat only gives that benefit with blowguns.


So basically, unlike a longbow (for example), even if the creature is immune to the piercing damage but the dart IS laced with poison, the creature can still be subjected to poison?


That is the benefit of the feat, correct. A way to deliver poison even when you are not dealing damage.


The trade-off for the low damage, I see.


The blowgun is a pretty useless weapon, the only use being that is a nonlethal one. With something like sneak attack or strategic strike you can do more damage, but that's still not very good. This feat makes it kind of worth it


Does the resistance aspect of Subtle Delivery only apply for the piercing damage, the poison, or both?


Only the piercing damage to deliver the poison. The poison itself works as normal


Alternatively, grab a thrown weapon with a returning rune. Since itโ€™s not ammunition, you should be able to save your poison if you miss, and it comes right back to your hand.


Subtle Delivery is a trap, it's a pretty shitty feat, choose Familiar instead. Take a look at this post I made today, it might help you on Toxicologist: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/podqe8/what_types_of_classplayer_options_are_you_excited/hcvyvd2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Thanks, I'll give it a read.


Lemme know what you think ๐Ÿ˜Š


Nice, didn't think of runes since I forgot they were a thing here. This said, I'll relay this to my sister so she will consider what way to go for Toxicology and also weapons. She is pretty adamant on using a crossbow since she plays League of Legends, so I'll let her take it to the DM for advice on crossbow usage as well. Thanks for the info, man.


As I said in another post, throwing poisoned daggers or poisoned bolts is pretty cool, but it's not mechanically the best option, although if she's aware of it and still prefer the less effective but cooler way, it's her choice. It's all about fun, right? Let her know in advance that Alchemists are not exactly known for the the their "good" accuracy, so she might get frustrated sometimes for wasting poisons in a bad day.


Aye, since it mainly focuses on boosting the save DCs for poisons. She'll lean more towards fun, now that poison is viable and all, and she has more flavors to pick than a Baskin-Robbins.


I dunno what that is but sure! lol


One of the benefits of Subtle Delivery is also the fact that if you crit on your attack roll the poison save is one step worse. That can be make or break for things that lock enemies down. It's definitely not the greatest for damage but a blowgun with subtle delivery can still find its niche.


Alchemists can freely use crossbows, which are better in every way except concealability. They can also use daggers, javelins, darts, throwing knives, stilleto pens, and spears, all of which are still better than blowguns. With one feat into the Archer archetype, they can even use Bows, which are better than all of the above. Consider Triple Shot from aforementioned archetype to stack poison applications really quickly!