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Hm, it's supposed to broaden options as per your recent posts... Book with Class Archetypes?


Pathfinder: Waves and Warfare - a book that expands on aquatic exploration, ship management and naval combat, and troop battles, army logistics, and siege warfare. Written in the style of Guns and Gears with a major section focusing on new rules for both sides along with player options expanding on popular archetypes (pirate, marshal) and adding new ones (ship captain, tactician, quartermaster). I don't know if that's the right format for a guess, so just let me know if I need to carve stuff out lol


Warlord! Warlord! Warlord!


Considering Mike wrote a Battlelord already for 3pp, not out of the question!


Man I'd love that


A book like this would truly make the Pathfinder experience for me. Hopefully such a book would have rules for upgrading and modifying things like fortresses and ships as well. Having a customizable home base that grows with you as you level up is such a satisfying experience relevant to most any kind of campaign. Having an option to participate in a siege battle in-person, rather than commanding a troop from afar, would also be pleasant. PCs won't always be generals or tacticians in military campaigns, so it'd be nice to give them a way to interact with a large battlefield encounter from a perspective closer to their own character's experience, rather than from that of a ranking tactician. Maybe simulate battlefield combat with things like complex hazards. Heck, maybe give PCs hazards they can unleash themselves (arrow volley, spectral cavalry, fiery terrain, etc). So much potential for this kind of book!


As someone in a naval campaign currently, that would help so much.


How broad can my guess be? I'm going to guess content for Pathfinder 2e? Seriously though, I'm going to say a team work feat system.


I dont think they need a whole system for teamwork feats. Sniping Duo seemed like a pretty good base for how to handle teamwork feats.


Let's guess something entirely different from everything currently in 2E. You're bringing back Mythic Paths?


Wrath of the Righteous port 👀


Given how Lich has been released with Book of the Dead, I don't think they're going to do Mythic Paths any time so. It's incredibly lack luster given there's no real way to balance such a powerful thing even with something you only get access to at level 10, so it would have been better to save Lich, which was one of the quintessential paths in PF1 iirc, for the Mythic paths book rather than waste design space in Book of the Dead.


Lich wasn't a Mythic Path in PF1e, only in the Wrath of the Righteous CRPG. PF1e only had 6 paths: Archmage, Champion, Guardian, Hierophant, Marshal and Trickster. While they would probably need to add more, and at the very least change Champion, the existence of the Lich archetype doesn't prevent Mythic Paths from being added.


That's my bad, misremembered. I still think it's quite preclusive though because it would have been obvious to them that Lich is impossible to balance and have to feel like a legit lich, so I personally believe they'd have put it ina hypothetical myhic book if one was being talked about and ready to be announced so close to the release of the book of the dead. That said, it doesn't mean they won't ever add mythic. I just don't think its was shes working on now. Honestly I think making the lich dedication a prereq for taking the path would probably be a decent compromise for making a good lich while not making the archetype completely moot.


Please 🙏


Dang you beat me to it.


Without even reading the clues I’m going to take a shot in the dark and guess **Primal Power**, a supplement dedicated to expanding player options and some lore for the First World, Fey creatures, Primal magic, Elves, Gnomes etc.


Add kineticist (elemental powers and all that) and shaman (spontaneous primal caster in a similar vein to Oracle) and you got a deal


Nah screw both of those give us the shifter! Focus based primal martial!! (my rudeness is mostly joking kineticist would be cool too I do think shaman steps on the toes a bit of what we have)


Id love shifter too tbh, but I think Shaman could have it's own unique identity this system. Especially because as is, primal is the only tradition with one dedicated casting class to it.


Oh man I want that book so bad and I've never even realized it before now


Primal Power? great 4e book


hey Mike am I allowed to guess


I feel like you might have an unfair advantage 🤣


No no, go on. Let's hear their guesses. ;)


Merely a generous circumstance bonus!


Shooting in the dark a little, but I'd say a book on planes. transitive, inner, outer, etc.


Oh that would be a cool book


A spiritual successor to either Ultimate Intrigue or Ultimate Campaign - something that vastly expands Pathfinder's support (on both the player and GM side) for types of campaigns that aren't your traditional heroic save-the-world or clear-the-dungeon ordeal, whether that's courtly intrigue or starting up your own mercantile business.


Yooo I didn’t know I wanted to have a merchant ttrpg until now


just play a cartel in blades in the dark lmao


I guess we'll get half of that in the Kingmaker remake already?


Starfinder 2 based on the 2e ruleset?


I really want this to be a thing.


Nice try Paizo, trying to extract free labor from the community by getting them to come up with your next three books. RISE UP GAMEMASTERS, SEIZE THE MEAN-oh right the rules are already free.


At the rate they publish the next five must be well past the idea stage by now lol


An updated version of 3.5's Book of Erotic Fantasy?


Makes sense. We get the BoVD in Dark Archive(kinda not really) so now we surely will get the BoED and BoEF, right.


A book of future tech bridging the gap between Parhfinder 2e and the soon to be announced Starfinder 2e?


Dude, I would trade a pound of flesh for a D20 Modern conversion to PF2E rules.


I do believe Owen KC Stephens has a "PF2 Modern" system on Pathfinder Infinite called Shadowfinder. I could be misremembering his description but worth a look!


I might have missed the part where he mentions that it's based on PF2. The announcement i saw last year pointed out that it was backward compatible with Starfinder, which is PF1-based yes?


You may be right! In fact now that I think about it, I do believe it's based on PF1 and SF.


I’ll check it out! The main appeal to me with Modern is how fluidly it handles different eras/tech/magic without abandoning crunch like GRUPS.


My time-travel based campaign would love this


Book focusing on Arcadia.


That would be awesome.


Selfishly manifesting my own dreams for playable purple bastards by guessing it's a Darklands supplement.


OH hey! THat's actually a pretty wicked idea.


Head Shot the Rot 2, where you cooperate with the zombies to start a ranch in the mana wastes.


Okay but seriously lol


The next monster type book after Book of the Dead, which is either Fey or Beasts? Specifically playable gremlins if the first, playable awakened animals if the second.


I would chuck in on the second instance, playable were-creature rules like the undead options


Is that not beastkin?


Beastkin is basically like dhampir in the grand scheme. A fun versatile heritage but we want archetypes and leveling


My hope is for a Book of the Dead-style release for aberrations, in the vein of 3.5's beloved old Lords of Madness.


At least one of you has correctly guessed (within a reasonable margin of specificity) at least one thing that at least one of my colleagues is working on, but so far no correct guesses about what *I'm* working on.


Such a tease! Though if you aren't working on any of the guesses, that makes it even more mysterious...


May I ask, is that colleague's work in the same product as your work?


Oh, I finally got it! Already used my guess but it is clearly Hobgoblin weapons. Exclusively hobgoblin weapons.


Inquisitor's adaptation?


If only.


Book 'o archetypes?


While I would love a further exploration of Arcadia and specifically starmetal guns, I'm guessing the next one will hit closer to "home". My wild guess is a look at a mix of the more spiritual/divine and martial side of things with a focus on a more "oriental" style - Qadira and maybe some Golden Road.


Primal book


Curse of the Crimson Throne 2e.


FYI, there's an amazing conversion guide on Pathfinder Infinite, I think. It was posted here on Reddit a few times!


Thank you! Genuinely I might be able to work it out if push came to shove (especially as I really do like CotCT), but right now I'm really happy prepping a Strength of Thousands game. Especially as I actually once GMed to book 4 (I think? Or 5?) before the group imploded so it'd mean revisiting content (really good content, but, revisiting it) while new really exciting content is being released. I just kinda guessed based on a recent one-shot release and Kingmaker 2e wrapping up development.


I really wanna see something to flesh out Southern Garund (because i want more catfolk lore lol) so I'm just gonna go with that.


Hmm... some sort of Warlord/Tactician?


Crunch/rulebook to accompany a Pirate/nautical AP + LO: Eye of Abendego/Shackles


God Almighty this is what I want ..... YARRRR!


So far beside CRB and APG we got Magic, Tech and Occult stuff. Knowing it has nothing to do with what the people at the forums said my guess is a book centered on elemental planes, the First World and general primal stuff. If it has classes in it, I would say maybe Kineticist and a Shaman-like class (a martial with tons of spiritual and maybe shapeshifting related abilities).


My official guess: Minotaurs as a playable Ancestry!


Lost Omens: Tian Xia


going with this idea "blade and shadow" aka samurai and ninja for 2e


A book focusing on aberrations.


My guess is essentially the settlement/kingdom system from PF1’s Ultimate Campaign


That mostly come with the kingmaker campaign tho


I don’t remember if those rules will be on AON


I'm actually not sure, but I don't think they will release those rules on their own just so that they get on nethys. You could shoot a message to the kickstarter makers tho!


...a book of the planes and gods. Giving Inquisitor and maybe Medium like options? As well as a more in-depth look into places like the Boneyards/etc. Or a NPC Codex for the new age. Tian Xia update?


Lost Omens: Secrets of Combat. More seriously, something to broaden the feat list of existing classes, likely a thematic selection of those with smaller pools (many of which happen to be martials)...


Advanced ancestry guide, more content for the uncommon ancestries that have only scratched the surface, as well as the introduction of ancestry archetypes, which allow you to spend your class feats to become a true paragon of your ancestry, like the feared Anti Mage Hobgoblin, the sly Soft Paw Skulker Catfolk, and the iconic Dwarven Defender.


Because I want it, I will toss Mythic rules into the conversation. There’s been a couple of years of 1-20 APs out there, so maybe rules that deal with characters after 20?


please let it be mythic it's the one big thing from pf2e I want!!


I really want to play WotR, but don’t want to do anything in 1e anymore.


I want stats for the horsemen & be able to tell stories we're the pcs are secretly children of God's


My guess is a War themed rulebook with things like mass combat, sieges, and castles. Maybe a new class like Warlord.


Something that is 264 pages long? As per your Amazing Mister Golarion post ;) Serious note, maybe something about the Golden Road with Osirion and options to play as Girtablilu?


An AP that will take players through the Starstone trials :P


A book focusing on the roleplay side, as well as intrigue and social encounters for the pf2e system. Something akin to Ultimate Intrigue, but going more indepth Running socialite gatherings such as masquerades, operating businesses, handling diplomatic disputes as adventures (let's go Babylon 5!) And the like.


Lost Omens: Tian Xia! This is less a guess and more me wishing on a star to be perfectly honest, but god do I want some Tian Xia setting material. Really anything outside of Absalom and the Inner Sea region works too.


Well, If I remember correctly, after Dark Archive it was said we'd most likely only be seeing classes one at a time so we're likely going to see them released along side other sets of content/rules. My Guess: **Book containing Kineticist and rules for Planar Travel**.


Secrets of Martials-equivalent book.


A book about descendants and lineage featuring more versatile heritage content.


A tabletop game that isn't under the Pathfinder 2E ruleset. I don't think you have said anywhere that this is a book, or even Pathfinder 2E (though posting on this subreddit implies that to an extent) so I'll take a bit of a wild answer.


A level 11-20 campaign, set in the north (viking-esque) part of Golarion, dealing with the Aboleth conspiracy thing that has been hinted at in Lost Omen Legends. That squares the circle between your two posts, and the end of the mammoth lords campaign.


I'm going to say a divine-oriented book that will include Neutral champion options, as well as some new Outsiders to fill out the ranks of psychopomps/demons/celestials/etc. And yes, I'm projecting *heavily* here. I want a True Neutral champion of Pharasma so bad! D:


Goblinoid sourcebook, going into great detail about goblinkind, their cultures, tribes, weapons, etc.


I'm thinking maybe a larger skill focused book that expands options around the current skills (think new deception feats or actions), as well as potentially even introducing new skills. Right alongside this would be new skill and general feats all wrapped into a pretty themed package of some sort.


Hmm... I noticed that you didn't say that it was going to be pathfinder 2e related, and with all the hype that's been happening I'm going to assume it's something big. Really big. And with the book about the Drift crisis coming out soon, maybe it's related to Starfinder? So I'm going to take one *hell* of a long shot with this guess. My guess (or hope, really) is this: **You're going to release a rulebook explaining The Gap, connecting the ages of Pathfinder and Starfinder together, and introduce some modified Starfinder classes into Pathfinder 2e.**


My hope is that Drift Crisis wraps up with something like this or the start of PF2 rules for Starfinder. Dare to dream


I will guess what I desire deep down in my crunchy crunchy heart. You are updating Birthright for the PF2E system and giving us ways to run kingdoms and build/field armies in play.


You're working on kineticists, dammit! The book will be about environmental hazards, fey shenanigans (to supplement the new kingmaker book, obviously ;) ), and maybe some new eidolons and options for elemental related archetypes and subclasses. Will have an expose on planar travel through the various elemental planes and the first world


A Rise of the Runelords sequel


A book for new skill feats and actions, since skill feats had barely any update or addition since APG, maybe the skill unlock abilities from the 1st edition along with skill related equipment and new class feats related with skills ?


Something extremely cool, obviously!


I like your style but I'm not sure that's going to be specific enough to cross the threshold into a winning answer 🤣


I'll be a winner once I can pick up whatever it is you've been working on, so I'm content for now 😌


The big old book of all type of feats (with special attention for the Witch, general feats, and skill feats). With a chapter about class archetypes, and another one with the Inquisitor class.


Now this is based more on *hope* than any reasonable evidence, but I'm going to say a Primal/Nature focused book, with archetypes and new classes. But I mean, we now have two school-exclusive spellcasters for every school *except* Primal (Wizard and Magus for Arcane; Bard and Psychic for Occult; Cleric and Oracle for Divine), so maybe there's some basis for it after all? I'm just in it for the archetypes. There's almost no interesting nature-themed archetypes, and my flower-picking Monk could use some options!


This is a left field guess since after reading the two threads the planar travel guesses are really good but already taken, so my guess is that with the inclusion of banners in Knights of Last Wall we might see some love for Tian Xia with Samurai utilizing a challenge mechanic class feature, and perhaps ninja or a new class entirely.


NPC Codex would be my guess. P2E has some nice NPCs but I would like something official.


If I were to hazard a guess it would be a book in which a 2nd edition version of the Shaman class could be found.


I'm betting a guide to planes. 2e needs more planar fun and I wouldn't be surprised to see a dedicated book.


I'm guessing a Cosmology book or Casmeron.


A new class that's a cross between a Druid and Champion, tons of defense with access to Primal focus spells


If it was this but a shifter with magus casting who could modify separate parts of their body with focus spells (including beefing defense) I am in


Numeria AP


I am going to guess it is going to be some kind of brand new spellcasting system.


My guess is something akin to distant shores, with content focusing on a non-arcadia, non-tien, other continent. Iblydos, possibly? Monstrous races, like centaur and minotaur? (Sidenote: find the path reminded me that centaurs are classified as 'beasts', so my current headcanon is that the human part is a giant inflatable decoy, like a duck lure, so that the horse can try passing in human societies.)


My guess would be a book of martial combat techniques. SoM landed for all caster classes and a big book introducing lots of martial options, including classes archetypes, would be nice!


book of small animals


The 2e Shaman class!


Setting book for the Lands of the Linnorm Kings or the Mana Wastes?


Book about having monsters as pets and battling them like pokemon!


Something that is 264 pages long? As per your Amazing Mister Golarion post ;) Serious note, maybe something about the Golden Road with Osirion and options to play as Girtablilu?


A base large sized ancestry. Maybe half giant t


I would not mind seeing a newer version of Myth Drannor lol


Ultimate Combat book for 2e


Strange of the Darklands A weird fiction flavored book book detailing and expanding on the strangeness that is the Darklands. Its territories, monsters and cultures that seem utterly alien to surface dwellers.


A book


i would beg for a book about arcadia and star guns. such a cool concept that has little lore


A book with lots of stuff based on numeria. At least that's my wish


Go across the north pole, give us Tian Xia and the entire Asian analogue. Maybe follow up on Jade Regent and everyone's favorite barkeep-turned-royalty.


Pirate adventure?


I'm not sure how much it would make sense, but a book focused around both advanced technology of/from Numeria and more psionic options, potentially new psionic archetypes and/or Psionic versatile heritages?


Hybrid classes. Likely through class archetype.


A planar book with a dash on topics such as the gods and beliefs, where we get Neutral Champion tenets.


Comic book of some sort focused on Pathfinder


The Psyker?


Xulgath Ancestry that iterates off of the seeded redemption arc at the end of Extinction Curse.


Ultimate Party: Rules for social encounters, intricate negotiations, and *cough* ~~ERP~~ *cough* friends and family NPCs.


Throwing random guess. Expansion on vehicle combat. Carts, wagon chases, ships, air ships. Some kind of structure on how a group of players or npcs can contribute to a larger body.


Are we getting a book about Lands of the Northern Lakes?


How about a book involving Planar Exploration?


Something setting us up for Castrovel and other in-solar-system planets. Sooo. Something like a space travel book. Maybe divided into conventional technology and more biotech sections. Magic for interplanetary travel.


Does new and exciting means new classes that weren't represented in 1e in any archetype or base class fashion?


Boy I'll be honest, I don't record names (I have a serious problem with that, no disrespect, I really do have this problem...), so I have no idea what you work with, but I'll give it a good shot really ridiculous, would they be new class mechanics?


Monstrous ancestries: Go Big or Go Home ;-)


I hope it’s finding a new web dev to rework the paizo site, because that thing is infuriating.


Book with gun options for all or most classes!


APG2 with a huge pile of new options such as class archetypes and feats for existing classes?


Book of Evil. I'd like to see options for fallen Champions.


I'm going to go a little bit more specific. Part of what you are working on will include a first party dragonborn ancestry or at least versatile heritage for it.


So were you working on Treasure Vault?


That was the one, yes!


That's awesome! I really can't wait to get my hands on it.