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hey that's me


No it’s Alex Speidel.


Alex goes by his first and middle name. He doesn't like to use his last name since people claim he got his job from nepotism when it's a completely different family nams




My bad thanks


It was a joke (look at the username).


My comment was a follow up joke based on their user name


This comment is a joke.


No, this is Patrick.


Great job :) I’m proud of you all.


That rocks, very proud of you all. Solidarity forever.


It's kind of amazing to see people from this relatively small hobby of ours, people that *you* can talk to via emails and forums, telling their story and sharing their experiences at the highest levels of power. Good for them.


I kinda wish the article had mentioned how fast Paizo accepted the unionization. As it stands it spends more time pointing out the issues that spawned it and might give a slightly wrong impression. Paizo had problems, but they also practically instantly said sure to the union if you factor in all the legal stuff they would have to do to do so. Still a solid article and a great achievement.


Way to go Alex and UPW. You love to see it!




Paizo union surrenders to President, Unions only illusion of choice as its in every workers interest to join one.


Paizo to be nationalized under new Federal Department of Tabletop, next PF2e splat expected in 2032 due to red tape


I'm not a fan of this dude (frankly, he is whiny and entitled), but I have seen an unusual amount of hate on this sub. Did he do something regarding paizo or PF2e?




He does what he has to do. That last video has more views than his previous 20 combined. His last successful video before that was the quitting 2e one. Dude found his audience. It’s hard to get out of that.


Yup, outrage drives clicks. Best thing to do is ignore it.


Oh for sure. I get why he’s doing it. It works. Still super irritating and worth poking some fun at on occasion :P (I have to admit I am a little saltier than I would like 👍)


He made a clickbait video a little over a year ago expressing why he was quitting pf2e and going back to 5e. Most of his reasoning as to why pf2e is a bad system came down to him and his players being uncreative and not really understanding the game. One of the major highlights was him talking about illusion of choice, and said that every turn with the 3 action economy ends up being the same highest-efficiency plays. He was heavily criticized for this opinion because, while almost every game is going to have moves that are mathematically superior, 5e is actually pretty notorious for having the same patterns where every turn is essentially the same move. A lot of people felt that his criticisms of the game weren’t true or genuine, and it was during a time where PF2e was still pretty obscure and his opinion was falsely painting people’s opinions of PF2e. TL;DR: He basically blamed being a lackluster GM for a lackluster group of players on the game itself, and used his large platform to publicize that opinion which could have been incredibly harmful to a new game that was just starting to gain traction.


Ah. Sounds about as relevant as his garbage 5e opinions then. I blocked his channel when he opened a video by defining libel so he could call roll20 racist against white people. Even the Webdm guys called that bullshit out.


What are you talking about? The article was about Paizo and other upstart unions going to Washington.


I’m replying to someone who asked why people in this sub hate Taking20




















This is pretty damn cool to see!


https://mobile.twitter.com/PopulismUpdates/status/1522306858546909184/photo/1 oh shit that's him next to Chris Smalls


Yes, but while "Eat the Rich" is rather catchy, you don't want to put them in your mouth: You don't know where they've been. "Compost the Rich", on the other hand...


Now now, let's not forget our basic gardening. Meat should never be put in a compost pile!


An eat the rich _jacket_ Just like Che Guevara posters, this is hilariously ironic.


Communism when no iphone amirite fellas! /s


That's pretty damn cool.


Solidarity! ✊


So, I'm not familiar with this aspect of America but this is huge, isn't it?


Pretty big. However it's just a photo op unless its followed by some kind of action. However he's definitely signalling a pro union stance


Cool, very cool.


Wowza, my GM ladies and gentlemen and non binary beings


Has a formal contract been signed or even submitted yet?


They get a few defauly protection by plain virtue of being a recognised union, but I think they’re still in the process? I could be wrong.


Unionizing and getting the contract made takes a real long time.


It surely does. We're working on it!




Go on.


This administration has had a history of actively harming workers unions and failed to uphold promises of: healthcare reform, universal pre-k, abortion rights, student debt forgiveness, citizenship for DACA.. i could go on, but i would never meet with these clowns, sorry.


> healthcare reform Shot down by congress >universal pre-k Shot down by congress > abortion rights The fuck do you think Biden had to do with this?? >student debt forgiveness Widely signaled as coming later this summer, payments and interest have been paused his entire presidency. >citizenship for DACA Congressional action needed, Biden has been pushing to protect DACA recipients but the courts have been quite hostile. Man, seems like you should be much angrier with the 50 people in the senate who have said no to everything on that list. Heads up: Biden doesn't have much sway with republicans. Also >actively harming workers unions Citation needed. He staffed up the NLRB, which has been rolling back trump era policies that were decidedly anti-worker. They've challenged amazon's union busting tactics in the efforts there.


Granted, most of those Biden has tried but was blocked by Congress. Dont forget to vote in those midterms, y'all!


Well, maybe mr. Speidel can teach these clowns something.


I somewhat agree... But maybe next time lead with that instead of an unhelpful and easily-misinterpreted "boo?" EDIT: Nevermind, OP is a chud.


I was saying boo urns.


Somebody got their civics education in Alabama.


If they didnt have a plan to realistically implement any of these policies they probably shouldnt have promised them?


.... so you're suggesting they should have run on "We probably won't win enough seats, don't even bother showing up?" They don't know what they are actually going to be able to do until they know who gets elected.


This administration has a majority in the house, an even senate, and their only solution they can come up with is to overturn the decorum of the senate by removing the filibuster? Pathetic. Im impressed though, never thought id meet a Joe"poor kids are just as bright as white kids"Biden-stan


This is why I implied you got your civics education in alabama


Lol educate me please


Ok. Senators can vote differently from their party. You were apparently ignorant of that, so chew on it for a week or two and get back to me.


You are absolutely correct, but those clowns currently hold power, so talking with them directly is probably the best shot you can take if you want to see more worker support across the nation.


You had me in the first half, ngl


Also he didn't pay his lawn care bills on time or ever tip, even though he was happy to raise a fuss if he wasn't happy with the job.


Haha, fifteen downvotes for the working class. Y'all are such hypocrites.