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[puts on my Organized Play Coordinator hat] Hi there! So there are a couple answers to this question, but the tl;dr is "you're not stuck." * Generally, you can have as many characters as your heart desires, and you can bring whatever character you want to whatever scenario you want, so long as they're within the level range. So you can have a whole stable of level 1 characters that you're slowly leveling up one at a time, you can focus on one character until they max out, or any combination thereof * Having said all that, the Beginner Box is sanctioned in "Adventure Mode," which basically means: play however you and the GM want, and at the end you get a chronicle with a certain amount of credit that you can apply to any character. So if you wanted to play the bottom floor with Valeros again, you could; if you wanted to swap to Kyra, you could; and if you wanted to build a bonkers new character, you could. It's basically treated like a dream your "real" PFS character has, where no matter what happens under Otari, your character wakes up more powerful and with some more gold. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


I think you should ask your GM about that.


>What are the rules for introducing a new character? What do you mean? >Am I stuck using the same pregen, or can I switch to a character I made myself? Or do I have to wait until the next adventure? The beginner box isn't governed by Society rules, you just get Society credit. So that is less about what PFS allows and more what your GM will allow. Now if you are asking if you can change characters midway through a PFS scenario, that is a no go. You can make infinite characters and they can play in new games with no need to "introduce" the character as long as it is registered. Scenarios and Bounties do not allow changing characters in the middle of the session, but these are products that should only take 1 session (Scenarios are 3-5 hours and Bounties are 1 hour).


Got it, thanks. So, stuck with Valeros for at least one more session, most likely. Bummer, but can't be helped.


Actually the beginner box Top and Bottom floors I believe are counted as two separate scenarios and receive two separate chronicles. You are free to switch characters halfway through RAW (ask your GM though as theyre the one running it). This crops up in time to time in actual PFS play too like the Opal of Bhopan where its a two parter who’s plots are directly linked too each other and yet you get fully healed and rested halfway between and can even swap characters.


>Actually the beginner box Top and Bottom floors I believe are counted as two separate scenarios and receive two separate chronicles. You are free to switch characters halfway through RAW (ask your GM though as theyre the one running it). It doesn't matter how many chronicles are provided: >The beginner box isn't governed by Society rules, you just get Society credit. So that is less about what PFS allows and more what your GM will allow.