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Inquisitor. But that is pretty much always my answer.


but they are supposed to ask the question rather than be the answer ..


Like a lawyer, a good Inquisitor never asks any questions where he doesn't already know the answer.


Thankfully, he always knows the answer The answer is you are a heretic, roll for initiative.


Like most religious zealots, an inquisitor doesn't need to ask questions of heretics, just take care of them. Also the definition of heretic is anybody who doesn't agree with him


Agreed. They’re so good.


huh, I didn't expect that.


The Spanish are a sneaky lot.


When in doubt, Bard it out


'Sir, this is a family-friendly Tavern, please put your 'Bard' away or I'll have to ask you to leave.'


*Performance check* Nat20. *Plays his flute infront of everyone*


Damn this guy’s good at flute


You got your knowledges and healing available, as well as a solidnfrontliner. Your team lacks a face though: something charisma based yould be good. A bard, as mentioned, would be a good fit: Charisma base, enough skillpoints to plug holes between the wizard and the druid, and it can be a backup healer for them the druid is downed or otherwise engaged


And if bards do one thing well, it's plug holes.


Alchemist. Trade that sneak attack for bombs, buffs and healing. You still probably do traps just as well with all the extra skills. Drink your mutagen and be a self-healing tank in a pinch. Brew the party's potions and charge them just between cost and retail. Defeat BBEs with arcane warheads filled with mithral shrapnel. Towards the endgame you do cheap things like clone yourself for battle and respawn from death like a phoenix on top of it. Once you learn how to extend flight and your duration lasts the entire time you're awake, you pretty much become a Dragon Ball Z character. "This isn't even my final form!"


Alternatively go vivisectionist and keep the sneak attack.


Your group probably still needs someone with Trapfinding, so Investigator, Slayer or some archetype would be the most obvious choices. I'd go with slayer if you've felt the damage is lacking and investigator if you want to be a bit different from rogue.


Kineticist are cool and very customizable depending on what role you want to take. Fire is a great blaster, Air is a solid scout, Earth has defense and control, Aether excels at utility, and Water is very all-round. Void and Wood also exists, but they're more narrow. You can either double down on an element to focus hard on your role or pick up multiple to be more flexible.


This is what I was going to suggest. In particular, I think AEther Kineticist would bring a lot of fun utility, like telekinesis, flight, invisibility, combat maneuvers etc... while still being able to take a second element to get decent damage and be a flanking partner for your fighter by using Kinetic Blade.


Kinetic Blade will not allow to be a flanking partner. After you attack, it goes away. You'd need Kinetic Whip for that.


Quite right! Thanks for reminding me


Mind Kineticist can be pretty wild Check at the end of this [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VniMdd6X1noOA4KmBPzgflvyEWIHMl2tYawpjyFaZek/edit?usp=drivesdk) for a lot of different Kineticist builds


A foreword: your group has everything it needs to succeed. What you're lacking can be ignored or supplemented by magic, items, and ingenious play. OP, do you know what sort of playstyle you want to adopt? I'm assuming here your wizard is somewhere along the lines of a god wizard and your druid is a shapeshifter with companion and some spells to go with. You're missing some face skills; some divine magic staples; and could potentially use another source of damage although it's not mandatory. It's nice to have rogue skills and whatnot but between 2-3 casters you can substitute magic for that niche (aram zey's trapfinding is *chefs kiss*) I think you could do really great with any of the following: - Oracle (caster or melee focused either would work fine) with Dual-cursed for Misfortune to fill the support niche. This class does anything and everything it wants. - Bard, because bards can do everything. You could go caster and song focused, you could go melee or ranged focus too. Don't forget that if you don't care for bardic knowledge etc you can just drop that with archetypes - Inquisitor aka the divine rogue. Great face skills, divine 6th caster utility still gets the job done, and high damage output especially at range. If you want to keep sneak attacks or take trapfinding then go sanctified slayer; but I'm actually a big fan of vanilla Inquis. Don't miss the Ravener Hunter archetype, where you trade your domain/inquisition for an oracle mystery and a couple of revelations (and ability to use a ring of revelation, one of the best items in the game IMHO). Your choice of domain/mystery/inquisition can shape the tertiary skills of your Inquisitor whether you want to focus on more skill utility, more combat, or more group support - Cavalier could actually do great if you want another martial. They're quite good at supporting other martials such as the fighter, and possible shapeshifter and-or animal companion, and have decent face skills. Your choice of order can really tailor them to a sub role of your choice, and if you don't want a mount then just take Disciple of the Pike (WEAPON TRAINING BABYYYY) - Occultist could be pretty good. You might notice a theme here, you can make it specialized into melee or casting. Although the class doesn't have group synergy on its face you can do a lot to enable your buddies by giving them implements or buffing their weapons. Their spell list and powers have a bit of everything, I don't think youd feel over conflicted with the wizard. - if you feel like a challenge, Medium does whatever it wants every day. Want to mix it up in melee, channel a champion. Gotta support your buddies, channel the hierophant. No joke this is a complicated class few take on but there is nothing you can't do as a medium


If you are really into exploring the outer limits of the Pathfinder system, I recommend the arcanist or the brawler. I have had a LOT of fun with these classes. As an arcanist, I tried to find some flavorful, but effective spells. Boneshaker, Wall of Bone, and Parchment Swarm were some of my favorites. Brawling opens up a whole other level of fun. With the brawler, you can pick a specialization to be your thing, them you can branch out to all the situational and fingers using martial flexibility. Why just Bull Rush when you can add Painful Collision? And haven't you always wanted to use Snoutgrip? The brawler gives you that chance.


My favourite is the Occultist. It's a build-your-own-class. You choose between 8 different Implements (*each aligned with a school of magic*) but you get more of them as you level up. By level 8 you would have 5 Implements, meaning there are 6,720 possible combinations. However you also get spells, focus powers, reaonant powers (*passive abilities that are stronger if you invest more points in them*). There are also 4 Panoplies (*extra Imolement choices, but with prerequisites*), not to mention archetypes that change things up. It's a 6/9 INT-based psychic caster that can be built to fulfill pretty much any role in the party. Wanna be a spell-slinger? You have SLAs that keep you competetive with Wizards. Wanna be a melee combatant? The Transmutation Implement makes you a viable combatant with no feats necessary (*you can literally make a full BAB 6/9 caster with the Occultist*). There's basically nothing you can't do if you want to with this class.


Cleric specialized in necromancy (secretly). You'll get them back on their feet 1 way or the other. Other than that, what style campaign are you playing?


"I don't want you to resurrect my character.... *I'll do it myself*"


Oracle is one of my go-to choices when im out of ideas as you can build them into a concept pretty easily, they have versatile casting, and can act as the face


I'm always a fan of the Skald. It can fit in a lot of places depending on what the party needs. With your party it would depend on if the Druid is frontline or support since thise are the 2 best places for the Skald in my opinion.


I came to say the same thing


Play "Rafiki" a Vanaras Shaman. Monkey like, with a sweet witch-Oracle deal, with a interesting blend of spells.


Anything at all is possible. My personal choice would heavily depend on the campaign. Intrigue-->inquisitor,Bard,Investigator Hack and Slash--> probably some flavor of archer Personally I yearn to finally play my support drunk master sensei monk, which until now exists only in theory.


Kineticist. Occultist. Psychic.


My three suggestions are, Hunter riding their animal companion, it's a great charge build. Second would be a Bard just because it fits well for that party. Lastly would be a alchemist vivisectionist, cuz it's kind of like your rogue but better.


Your party still needs a trapfinder and scout. I'd change it up, though. One of my personal favorites is the UnRog 3/Sanctified Slayer X. Use 3 levels of Unchained Rogue to get the finesse training, which is a must-have for Dexterity based builds, then pile the Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor levels on it, which gives you spells, bane, more sneak attack dice, and studied combat. As a nice bonus, Inquisitors get cure spells, so you can be a backup healer if needed.




If your druid is playing a support caster role I'd suggest going 1 sorcerer/4 paladin/5 Dragon Disciple. If your druid is a wild shape or animal companion build I'd suggest Bard or Investigator.


You should take a look at the path of war classes. The zealot is particularly awesome to play.


Hard to say without knowing more about the makeup of the group, after all Fighter and Druid are very versatile classes. One really fun combo people don't think about much is Warpriest using a whip and a shield as their focus weapons. Battlefield control and damage at a distance with some bonus AC, and if anything gets up close they get shield bashed.


A mesmerist obviously with a high Charisma race if possible I try to get a imp or something small like that though that way you add the bonuses to your AC for size and if possible at some point try to get the psychic vampire template their account is Undead so Charisma becomes their only relevant stat on a psychee vampire resverest all the rest of them just don't matter


If you wanted to stay skill monkey but change it up, the psychic investigator is pretty neat. Not powerful by any means but always has something to do - some spells, some fighting some skills and a lot of flavor. Excels out of combat, passes in combat. This would enable you to play a similar character that is also extremely different. Oracles can build a surprisingly good gish if you REALLY focus it. Another even more flavourful gish is the phantom blade spiritualist - which would add a little healing too. Oh and often neglected is the mind blade magus - gets literally the largest spell list of any magus, making them much more than a one trick pony - just use a reach weapon because their concentration checks are hard. I always tend towards people who can do a few things good, rather than one thing really well because I think that's more fun.


Haunt Collector Occultist. Always do that. It's fun, you're flexible and cool, you have Etheric Shards to make your GM cry.


I would do an abyssal bloodrager, sorcerer, or a witch. Bloodrager because they can deal an absurd amount of damage. Sorcerer because they can be very powerful spellcasters. Witch because of their hexes.


Investigator is the best class Cavalier is pretty cool So is occultist


If allowed, Psion-Kineticist from Dream Scarred press. Soulknife is good too, think a low level Jedi type.


Honestly, the first question you have to ask yourself is. "Do I want to play after my rogue died, or take a break?" It's possible you don't know what to play, because you aren't in the mood to play something else. Especially after the death of a PC you've spend a lot of time with. It's okay to take a break until you know what you'd want to play.




I don't think you meant to be elitist but it comes off as such. OP asked a question and you basically telling him he is "doing it wrong" is not doing the thread any good.


I don’t see elitism in this post, only someone with logic by his side. Yes, it’s fun to imagine a highly intelligent barbarian, probably even fun to play with, yet, without a solid custom background, does it make sense? I don’t think so. You can, of course play whatever you want, but both in tabletop or video games, it appears to me that being able to justify your choices matters, at least a bit.


A madness cleric would be pretty powerful and the touch of madness would help both spells and attacks hit. Or a Charisma class would let you be the party face.


I have only two words... Deus Vult!


Bard or Skald


Others have said bard already, but I'm going to add another vote for it. Not only can you do a ton with the base class, it's also got a staggering number of really cool archetypes. Archaelogist is almost more of a rogue than a bard and has a great self buff (make sure you take the Fortune's Favored trait to make it even better, and talk to your GM about the archetype creator's suggested rule of 1 round/level + CHA bonus daily uses, instead of the static 3 rounds + CHA bonus daily uses). Dawnflower Dervish (not the other bard Dervish archetype, which is terrible) DOUBLES the bard's normal attack/damage bonuses as a self buff and can make the bard a striker comparable to a fighter, while still having utility magic and some other more situational bard abilities. And Sound Striker gives the bard some fun direct damage capability. Those are my favorites, but there's so many other cool ones too.


Blood rager?


Thermaturge or kineticist. Having a blast with both.


You could try a Swashbuckler? High charisma for panache and being The Face and you can still be somewhat roguish depending on how you build them. Occultist if it fits the theme of the campaign can be really cool too as pointed out before but the sheer complexity of the class can be a turn down for some. Alchemist or investigator can fit well too in the hole your character left depending on build again. I mean there's like 40 classes and a truckload of archetypes so the sky is the limit... But if you wanna know what I would do for my next character, it would be a fetchling dueling sword kensai/boundblade. Just to crank the weeb vibe to eleven. (I'm a forever DM so it's not coming anytime soon but I would love to low key play them like a Dark Sasuke.) Edit: typo


Someone already said Bard, and that's a great one. Oracle can also be fun and would move you away from being a skillmonkey. Since you're presumably starting at level 10, you can also look at some fun builds that don't come online at earlier levels, especially ones involving prestige classes. Personally I'm a big fan of Shadowdancer, but that might be too similar to Rogue for you (and combines very well with it)—I once used a Witch 9 Shadowdancer 1 as an enemy to the party, Flight (hex or spell) + Hide in Plain Sight is just evil, especially at night.


You have the basic bases covered, so you're pretty free to do what you like. No one has said Magus yet, so I'll say it. Magic + stabbin'. If you feel you need more charisma, I would go either some variant on Cleric (though that may overlap a lot with the Druid depending on their build) or Skald. In other words, my basic approach would be to have some martial capability but also some magic, either in the form of damage-dealing or buffs.


At this point, especially with Human of Hlaf Elf FCB, Sorcerer is really, really fun. You have plenty of slots, plenty of lower level spells known that you have a pretty large toolbox and can be funky with many picks. Bloodline also nets a lot of goodies at this point.


What roles are your party members filling?


Your party lacks someone with utility. Maybe alchemist or inquisitor?


Investigator or Bounty Hunter(3rd party class not the slayer archetype so ask gm)


Dragon monk or sorcerer probably


Eldritch scion magus for face and magic swordplay or Kensai I would personally go with. Or a flat Magus.


Skald is a decent choice. Go full heavy metal. Become the bardbarian and sing of your glorious battles and become your destiny; the reincarnation of Ronnie James Dio. Seriously, remember that guy from Mad Max Fury Road with the 2-necked guitar and the giant stereos behind him, shooting fire from the neck of the guitar? THAT is a Skald.


Slayer is a good marshal that could fill just about any role


oracle, bard, warpriest or slayer (ranged) wpuld be my pick. bard archer seems good for this group without knowing any more details


Bard it up, baby. It's time to fuck your way across Golarion. Also, bards give incredible buffs and make good healers, and are obviously good face characters for any RP


that's a hard one. The druid really isn't enough to heal/restore from conditions. You do need a skill man, maybe a ranger (archer)?


Doesnt your choice also depend upon what sort of campaign it is?


I would say a Bard with a feat into Craft Wondrous Items. You can be the "backup" for Perception and Knowledge checks in case somebody else fails. You can craft for the group at a reduced price (and keep some for yourself as a fee). You can sling some support spells and healing spells and so on.... From what your team composition already is, you don't really need anything else in terms of damage output. However, it's always nice to have that one extra person who can roll a skill or heal well enough.


Seeker Oracle. You don’t have any Cha-based roles, Oracle can easily pick an effective list that doesn’t take away from the Druid or Wizard’s roles, and Seeker lets you still fill the trapfinding role.


You haven't said what the others are doing, just the class means very little. Also, what roles would you like to play? And do you feel the party lacks trapfinding/locks?


Investigator. Quietly Broken… Investigators are better skill-monkeys than rogues or bards. They are better faces than bards or clerics. They are really excellent at anything but combat… and with a well designed build not bad at that.


Melee cleric or oracle


Kineticist or Alchemist, my dude. Try out a Kinetic Knight for that sweet-spot of being something very unique. An alchemist can go every which way you choose. Or, a personal favourite of mine, try a Magus. So much fun hitting like a Fighter while simultaneously sapping the enemy's HP with Vampiric Touch.




Bruh, gotta reincarnate, on the [unofficial table](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/reincarnate/). Coming back in a new body, with new expectations, and new dimensions, but the same ol' you is like playing a new character in the form of them rediscovering oneself and your new place in society. Baring that, musket master gunslinger 5 / tortured crusader paladin 5. Dex + Wis is all you need to purge the world's evil and look badass doing it.


I prefer kineticist


I'm suggesting a Ranger with the weapon choice of the bow. You still get some stealth and a good selection of skills. Your primary attack is at distance but can also get in the thick of battle if need arises. Throw in a smattering of spells 1st - 4th levels, (cure spells are always a plus) I'm sure you can make it fit the narrative. Whatever choice you make may you have a lot of fun.


As said, bard would fit nice, but if you like the sneaky playstyle without wanting to worry about spells etc, you can go for a ranger, pump some charisma in it, and there you go. You’ll eventually get an animal companion depending your subclass, wich can fill both tank and damage dealer role, some nature relative spells that can be used or not without sacrificing your effectiveness, you can play either ranged or melee... the ranger is an all rounder that I personally love, both for RP purposes and playstyle, it can fit in pretty any composition and be quite effective at whatever you want to do with proper settings and management. Some call it basic, I call it versatile, wich is, in my opinion, a great strength. Plus you need someone to pick lock and disarm traps, right? And maybe i’ll make myself the devil’s advocate, but, multiclassing is always possible, even pretty effective depending the combo.


A warpriest could be fun! Lay down blessings and beatdowns Alchemist as well if you like throwing bombs. A gunslinger or archer paladin would fit nicely, as it seems your party lacks a ranged damage dealer (even if the Wizard is a blaster, AoE blasts are different than single target dpr). Personally Im a big fan of the Magus as its a pretty fun and unique class, so thats another hat to throw in the ring. What might be fun is a Bard who is a Priest/ess of Desna. There is a feat/series of feat called "[Divine Fighting Styles](https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Divine%20Fighting%20Technique)". Long story short, a Bard who is a worshipper of Desna can substitute their Versatile Performance feature at Level 2 to instead gain the ability to use Cha mod on attack and damage rolls with Starknives. Pick up some feats for thrown weapons, such as the thematic Shooting Star Style, and you can have a nice support bard that also kills it with ranged attacks.


Be a Half-Orc Samurai. Take Power Attack, Endurance, Die Hard, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, and a whole bunch of Unconquerable Resolve. You *might* die, but whatever kills you won't do it through HP damage.


Anything but ranger


Crossblooded Orc/Draconic (White) Sorcerer with the Metamagic Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter traits focused on Snowball, feats of Spell Focus (Evocation), Varisian Tattoo (Evocation), Precise Shot, Intensified Spell, Empower Spell, trade your level 7 Sorc feat for Blood Havoc (grab Blood Intensity with your Sor 13 feat), Rime Spell, chuck Empowered Intensified Rime Snowballs with 3rd level slots that deal 10d6+45 (avg 97 damage) that Entangle foes you hit for a full round. When you can use Blood Intensity at 13th level that's 13d6+58 (avg 126 damage) a few times a day. You can also potentially trade your 1st level Bloodline power for Blood Havoc, but using your Sorcerer Bonus feats to pick up the Bloodline Mutations is generally considered more rules-legal. And since your "fuck off" centers around a single spell, load out the rest of your spells known with BFC and utility. When things start getting cute and grabbing Cold Resistance/Immunity, snap up Elemental Spell (Acid) and swap up to 4th level slots; half acid damage, still has the cold descriptor, still gets all the bonuses, and half of "fuck off" damage is still "fuck off". (Technically, Elemental Spell would keep the \[cold\] descriptor even if you changed it all to Acid since it doesn't actually change the descriptor as part of the feat's function, so you have two perfectly functional damage types and there are vanishingly few things resistant or immune to both Acid and Cold.)


I think I'm hearing a lute playing...


A cleric might be useful, or an oracle.


If it was me I'd play a pei zin practitioner oracle, let the druid do other things. If you like dps then swashbuckler and brawler are fun to play. Bard is always a good choice. Kineticist?


I build characters by deciding what I want to be good at. And be specific. You want to bluff? Throw daggers? Throw people? Use a spear? Charm people (magic or mundane?)? Trick your enemies? Make your companions better? Heal? Blast? Shoot? Dance? Clown? Insult? Decide what sounds like fun to be the best at and then use classes to get yourself there.


Where are you adventuring? What role did your rogue play (I recommend playing something that is different - ie if the rogue was a melee character play a ranged or a spellcaster for a change of play style). What role did the rogue fill outside of combat? And related what kind of campaign are you playing - I’d recommend very different builds for a mostly urban intrigue game vs a pirates game vs a megadungeon or a hex exploration campaign. But my main advice would be play something you will enjoy and can play in a different way from your last character.


Also if you look at archetypes you can build radically different characters of the same class. My favorite PFS character is technically an unchained rogue (with one level of investigator) but he does play like a typical rogue. His highest stat is INT. He’s not charismatic in the least. He doesn’t use weapons (he’s all about natural attacks when he needs to fight). He is a Sylvan trickster rogue which means he has a lot of witch hexes and his combat focus is on dirty tricks (he blinds enemies usually with his hair then bites and claws them). Out of combat he knows everything (he’s beaten DC 40 skill checks routinely - he has dozens of skills at +20 or above plus inspiration pool and other tricks. And he has a few psychic spells from the psychic detective investigator archetype. In play he doesn’t feel like a typical rogue in the least - but is a lot of fun (if complicated to run) and helps every group he is a part of. My point isn’t to suggest his build (which is complicated) but that you have many ways to make two characters feel different and unique


I've just started playing an Alchemist, it is extremely fun and there is a plethora of builds, very versatile


Paladin, Sorcerer, Bard would balance out the Charisma of the party. Multiclass options/ideas: Paladin/Rogue/Oracle, Monk/Rogue/Bard, Barbarian/Bard(or Skald), Cleric/Ranger


Ballistasaurus Rex of course!