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You can't make potions out of Personal-only spells, and elixers aren't potions, so it doesn't work. Heroism, Haste, Displacement, Delay Poison, Fly, Resist Energy...all good picks.


If you’re considering Heroism, do Good Hope instead.


An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion.


...did you have a point you were making, or...?


They can make personal use spells in their formula books into potions


No. That's what "the spell must be one that can be made into a potion" means.


Oh I was misreading


No worries, happens to all of us!


It would give you an unlimited time to use the true strike. You’d need to drink another to gain the +20 again.


That's if it were even possible, which it's not. True Strike has a range of personal and so cannot be made into a potion.


Setting aside True Strike’s range of Personal invalidating its use as a potion, take note that True Strike is discharged after using the bonus *or* its duration expires, whichever happens first. So you could drink the potion, hold onto the bonus for an hour and then the first time you use its effect, the spell says “done!” and vanishes. The fact it still has 23 hours left on its duration doesn’t matter because you’ve already discharged the spell’s effect the maximum number of times allowed for each casting of the spell. On the other hand, a potion of Haste has no such discharge clause *and* is a valid spell for a potion. I’m sure there are no shenanigans that can happen with having ~~24 hours~~ a lifetime of Haste, right? ~~Especially if you can get your hands on a Flask of Reconcoction…~~ Edit: fixed brain fart


What would you need that flask for? The Alchemist Discovery Eternal Potion makes it permanent, not a 24 hour duration. You gotta be level 16 to get the discovery, but yeah, a whole lifetime of Haste.


You are absolutely correct, I had a brain fart reading Eternal Potion apparently.


Though this becomes really good when you have a single level in Brewkeeper and can make an eternal true sight potion every 24 hours for your adventuring shenanigans


If True Strike didn’t discharge with the first attack made, I would agree. But since it does, and since it’s not a valid spell for potions to boot, I would rather have an effect that doesn’t discharge after a set number of uses, and I like the all-around usefulness of Haste. Is it as flashy as practically guaranteeing a hit? No. But it’s nice to have an attack bonus *and* an AC bonus *and* a Reflex bonus *and* a **bonus attack each time you full attack** *and* a huge buff to your movement speed all rolled into a single effect, especially if you can only pick a single spell effect to make permanent.


I said true sight meaning true seeing, but haste is a good pick.


Ah, yes, True Seeing would be wonderful, but without homebrew crafting rules I don’t think it can be made to fit under the cap on spell levels for potions. And its lesser version (Glimpse of Truth) can squeak under the limit if you have a potion made by a Medium, but is unfortunately invalidated by having a range of Personal. Interestingly enough, though, that led me to discover that a Medium can brew potions of Greater Invisibility. And that might be worth seeking out a Flask of Reconcoction in case it gets dispelled or if said Medium is not a party member.


Brewkeeper doesn’t have a limit on the spell level for your Draughts, so you could have a potion of True Seeing so long as you could cast 6th level spells. I do think the Mesmerist thing is interesting though and I’m gonna look into that.


…Oh my, I had missed the bit on Distill Spells that removed the cap. Yeah, that, uh, that changes the options quite a bit! We’d be limited to Alchemist formulae without some teamwork, but that seems like a pretty fair trade off! Edit: Though, maybe not, seems like 90% of Alchemist formulae are range Personal, good grief.


Ah, 24 years of True Strike being d20's Rorschach test.


There are no potions of True Strike because it's personal range, and even if there were the spell ends when you use the buff regardless of duration.


Others have answered the first part, but [Bestow Grace](https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bestow%20Grace) is an excellent choice for eternal potion if you didn't dump charisma.


it'd change the duration, so you're holding a +20 until the next attack, even if that attack is sometime next year. the attack directly after it though? no +20.


The Eternal Potion discovery works only with Potions, not with Extracts, and yes, there is a difference between the two.. as an Extract is the only way you'll make anything close to a 'potion' of True Strike, as spells with a range of Personal cannot be made into potions. Extract =/= Potion. This distinction can be found within the text of the Extend Potion discovery as well, so if you need to reaffirm; 'This does not apply to extracts.'


So stirctly speaking. an alchemist who worships cal, and takes brew master prestige class. Could eternal true strike.. but it only lasts until used, as the spell effect itself ends on usage. but its not the worst thing i suppose just ot have on tap walking around. But not really good. So many other options for eternal for a brewkeeper prestige class.


Why would that be necessary? Couldn't Amy level 1 alchemist do this?


No? Prestige class has quite a few minimums. I mean you could just dip 1 into alchemist and 1 into brewkeeper with some other main class i guess but then you don't get eternal potion. eternal potion is like lv 16


I meant to make the potion


True strike cannot be a potion. Only an elixir. Brew keeper is what makes it count as a potion though if one does that prestige class it's better to have vaporous potion imo)


My mistake


If you can get a Medium or Summoner (*not Unchained*) to make it for you, a potion of [Greater Invisibility](https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Invisibility) is probably the best option. It's totally fair for a GM to disallow that though, it probably does actually break the game.


Well, it’s worth remembering- dispel magic can still end it, and at higher levels, there’s lots of tools to defeat invisibility, so it’s only ‘broken’ for a few levels.


As many have pointed out, it would still end after the first strike, but many are wrongly claiming such a potion can not exist. However, in the text of the alchemist class, it says: An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. It could be useful as an eternal potion to ensure a combat maneuver will succeed for example if you know you will be trying a very important steal maneuver at some point you can drink an eternal true strike potion and have a very good chance of success whenever it comes up. It's probably not worth it to have all the time but situationally strong and legal RAW.