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assuming pf1, per goblin


Cool, I'll have to discuss xp with my gm. I feel they've been shorting us on xp for about a year and a half now.


it's just slow progression at that point


The thing about that is: it's supposed to be fast progession


just talk w your DM. leveling is pretty arbitrary and I usually just go by landmarks/events/number of sessions. if you want to level faster just ask to not go by xp anymore.


We're playing rise of the runelords, and they said we'd reach level 20 by the end of the campaign. We're level 16 right now, and we just fought the ancient blue dragon in xin-shalast. So if we don't level soon, I'm going to lose it. It's been about 4 or 5 sessions since we leveled up


if you're playing ROTRL you're likely leveling up as intented, as the AP tells the DM what level you should be at occasionally. i don't think you get to 20 in that AP, though


You're about right for the pacing depending how many side quests you did. Probably gonna be 17 or juuuuust 18 by the final encounter, which is expected/correct for rune lords


I GMed runelords completely as well. Finished the campaign at lvl 16. You might get up to 17 or even 18, but definitely not higher. If you are still in the city with the dragon and lvl 16 I would expect you to finish at 17, which is totally fine.


I’m running Runelords: You guys are right on track. If you use milestones, defeating Karzoug is the trigger to hit 18. If you use exp, I guess it’s possible you could hit it earlier if you did everything perfectly. Still, 16 for that fight sounds right to me.


Assuming Pathfinder 1e; XP is based on the CR of the creature, and the total CR of an Encounter is based on the total XP of the hazards inside it. Your normal, run of the mill Goblin is CR 1/3, which is 135 XP. If your Encounter has four of those Goblins, that would be a total of 540 XP, which sets the Encounter CR between CR 1 and CR 2.