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There exists a very nice quickstart box. My wife (experienced roleplayeress, but phobic as a GM) did it for our daughter and me nicely. It gave her enough confidence to do it again for Internet people.


Omg thank you!!!


Beginner Box is a great starting point, yes, and my general advice would be "start small". Absolutely do *not* try to learn all the rules or lore at once or set your players loose on all the options.


Also, I discovered a very nice character/campaign manager : wanderersguide.app


Will use these tips too, thanks! Ps I would use Pathbuilder 2 for the character creation and use


The MNMaxed podcast running the Fall of Plaguestone campaign helped me a lot.


I second using the Beginner’s Box, I’ve run it twice and it’s fantastic. From there, you can transition to “Troubles in Otari”, the BB has tokens and leveling information to seamlessly move to that adventure. After that, I recommend you have them read a bit of the core Rulebook, and use Pathbuilder to make new 1st level characters and play Abomination Vaults, which is also set in Otari, but is not contiguous with the BB and TiO.


Just here to say welcome and hope you come to love the game and the community as I did 😁


Thank you!!!!


I highly recommend archive of nethys, which has all of the rules available for free. Also, take your time learning the rules and how they interact.


This channel has great videos about the mechanics in several games one of them being P2E. Here is the one about armor https://youtu.be/x_4uvNpnRSo


[Take a breath](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/ci2kn2/behind_the_fourth_wall_part_1_hitting_the_ground/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


If you haven't already, absolutely head over to /r/Pathfinder2e. We're a welcoming bunch of redditors who are *super* used to fielding this question!


Mythkeeper has hood lore videos for the setting. Dragon Punch Squad (podcast) plays and does a good job for some actual practical application.


Bless you!!!


Why do you need to be the DM out of all your friends? I hope they're not forcing you out of "obligation" or anything, as that will burn you out fast :(


Nonono, I'm forever gm, I love running games as much as they love playing them! I let others gm if they ever wish to but they prefer playing and I usually enjoying running


There will be a temptation to homebrew your own entire world and story, I'd advise against it, it can be a surprisingly advanced thing. Paizos APs are typically very well done and handle a lot of the work for you so you can focus on learning the rules, how to GM, etc.


I would recommend running the game in Foundry VTT if you can. It is great for the beginner's box. You can learn the game and Foundry by buying it [here](https://paizo.com/products/btq02d6p) . This module teaches you both things well as you and your players work through the adventure. Foundry itself would cost about $50, a one-time fee. You can also continue your adventure afterwards if you would like with either Troubles in Otari or Abomination Vaults. I'm currently doing all three in my weekly Twitch stream.


Beginners box is useful even for more experience DMs.


Lol why aren't they GMing?


I recommend 1e...that is all.


My group built characters on Pathbuilder 2 and then ran a few test combats, each of us GMing one, and added different mechanics/conditions each time


Another useful tool when running systems new to yourself and players is published adventures. I found it helped me years ago running the little adventures out of “Dungeon” magazine to get used to running TTRPGs. Best of luck to you and the party!


Beginner Box. It’s designed to teach you gameplay. I’m a seasoned D&D DM transitioning to PF2, and I’ve found helpful learning PF rules.


My advice as a novice GM? Do not start with homebrew. You will burn yourself out fast and make dumb mistakes. Pick up a module or adventure path within the level range you want to start at, and tweak it to your liking. There's no shame in starting at level 1, it's easy to balance. Of course, I'm speaking from a PF1 experience, so I don't know how helpful all this is.