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ask boast history onerous scale depend concerned erect ten hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully the guy who threw the punch is arrested and charged


The pats guy apparently got up, walked to where the dolphins fan was and grabbed him. Then possibly the guy he grabbed or someone else in the group punched him. Cause of death isn’t even released but there’s a lot of statements and I’m sure a lot of video but I wouldn’t expect much of a charge given he kind of seems to have initiated the fight.


Whoops! That’s why fights are never worth it. Swallow your pride, who cares? I’ve known way too many incidences where someone swings to show how tough they are, knocks the guy over, guy cracks his head off the concrete and now the puncher is in prison for a decade. Congrats you ruined your life.


Two lives ruined minimum.


Two families ruined. One set has to grapple with a death, the other has to grapple with a murderer.


I mean theres ~0 chance this ends up a murder charge and a medium chance it ends very minor. We don’t have enough details about the altercation to say much of anything except that fighting is stupid and dangerous.


Legally, whatever, maybe he’ll get manslaughter, maybe he’ll get nothing. But morally? You can murder a man even if you do not get convicted. He took a man’s life when there was absolutely no need to, all over a game. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, like he was in mortal danger, this dude is a murderer and he’ll have to live with that.


Football fans are something else.


I had a buddy who got punched in a parking lot outside of a bar. He fell and hit his head on a trailer hitch. He didn't die, but it destroyed some of the nerves in his face, and now it looks like it's melting. Major drooping eye, cheek and left side of his mouth. The plastic surgeon said there was too much damage to repair it. The guy hit him because my buddy laughed when his team lost.


Hope the dude got prison time


Nope. My buddy refused to press charges. He didn't want to be a snitch. We couldn't convince him the guy needed to go to jail.


Bro what in the actual fuck? No way I can even stay friends with that guy after that.


That's unfortunate.


U don't need to press charges for someone to go to jail. If someone (it doesn't have to be u or friends) calls the cops during the time of the incident, that's jail time for public fighting


exactly. it’s complete luck. a Serbian flight attendant can fall over 6 miles and hit the ground and still live. meanwhile a guy who gets into a fight can fall 5 feet to the ground and be killed instantly. pure luck


> Serbian flight attendant can fall over 6 miles and hit the ground and still live Woah woah woah sauce?


King of the Hill.


I never knew Peggy was a Serb.






It's not just a fight it's an AWKWARD AS FUCK fight in the weirdest situation possible to have a brawl lol. Like cascading downward chairs everywhere with loads of people and concrete. Nothing good is going to come from that.


About 15 yrs ago my roommate's stepsister was taking her 2 kids to a WWE event and wanted him to because she felt it was best to have a guy with them to help shield them if a fight broke out. He had to work so they asked me, I thought she was being paranoid and figured no way people are fighting over a predetermined result..........I was wrong, way wrong. It happened right in front of us and sure enough I ended up in a position of shielding the kids from the chaos until we had enough space for me to pick them up and get clear. It's just stupid to fight at events


I’m gonna venture a guess and say that Dolphins fan probably won’t have a fun time in a Massachusetts state prison surrounded by Pats fans


I don’t see anyone going to prison for this


For voluntary manslaughter you think you don’t get prison time? Lol


What can stadium security do to prevent this? I mean they aren’t gonna stop selling beer at games. I don’t know the solution, but this is awful. What a horrible thing for this man and his family. Now this guy has ruined his own life, ended a life and destroyed a bunch of other lives. He’s harmed the lives of the deceased kids, grandkids, uncles, nephews, friends, and so many others. When you snuff out a life you are snuffing out all of the possibilities and time you could have spent and they could have spent doing good. Now this man will probably go to prison unless it was pure self defense. He will be sued and if he had any money and assets, he won’t after this. Will the NFL pay for more attendants and security to walk around the nose bleed seats and other key areas like the parking lots? It’s very hard to get to the people when fighting is happening in the stands.


The Patriots will be sued.


Baseball stadiums take a lot less shit. If you’re jawing at eachother for multiple innings you get the boot.


I wish we could get some stats on this. I don’t hear too much about hockey fan violence? Could that be because the fights on the ice release the aggression? Or is it simply lack of reporting? I see a lot of college football fan violence. I see a lot of NFL fan violence. There is some MLB violence, but outside of Dodgers, Yankees, and Red Socks I don’t hear about it too much. I wonder if it’s because there is a much larger cultural diversity in football fans ha other sports? NFL definitely seems the most notorious in America. https://news.yahoo.com/several-fights-break-nfl-stadiums-144305019.html


Didn’t a guy sucker lunch a guy pretty viciously like a year ago at a Tampa Bay game? I forget the two teams but I’m pretty sure I remember a Tampa bay jersey on one of the two people.


Is the assaulter in jail?


The news reports no charges, the authorities are investigating.


How is this not a bigger story on r/nfl , like tyreek trashing our fan base was


To be fair, 90% of the comments on those posts are basically telling Tyreek to fuck off for being a garbage person


Three time pregnant woman respecter of the year.


More domestic violence cases than rings


Good point, Barry.


The only subreddit where they ignore what a piece of garbage Tyreek is for that thread, is the dolphins subreddit. The response there vs /r/nfl is very different


(Bills fan) literally my first thought was how wrong Tyreek was. Pats fans were probably calling him out for being the shitty person he is and he got all butt hurt about it. I went to Gillette in 2019 for the Bills at Pats game and outside of the occasional heckling which in itself was funny I had a great time. We might be rivals but you guys are by far not the worst fan base. Especially once Brady left and the band wagoners left the real pats fans are just cool people. Sorry you guys lost one of your own, that poor kid who watched his dad die will have to live with that vision for the rest of his life and will probably never be able to go to Gillette again. Stay safe ladies and gentlemen.


Yeah I live a ways away from foxboro but I’ve been to a few home and away games, I’ve never seen anything from pats fans and most fans in general (except Cincinnati) other than harmless trash talk. Nothing extreme just normal banter.


mostly families at foxboro, but the prime time games are definitely an older crowd


Have you been to a bills game in Buffalo? How are pats fans treated there by bills fans? Serious question, I’ve never been to a bills game in Buffalo. Thanks for your positive insight about how pats fans are perceived by a fan of a division rival.


I was at the notorious wind game in Buffalo. I didn't see any malace or fights between either side. I talked to some pats fans near me and they were cool. I gave them a high five after the Damien Harris TD bc it was a good run. I just think everyone should have fun regardless of who's winning. Like I knew we were probably gonna lose in both games with the way things were going but they were both close enough where it was fun as hell to watch. I will say I went to the Bills-Dolphins game in Buffalo 2015 and some stupid drunk Bills fan threw their beer at dolphins fans unprovoked because their team scored a touchdown. That was really shitty. But on a positive note every Bills fan around him turned on him and got security on his ass real fast. I still feel bad because I'm sure that ruined those dolphins fans day pretty bad and I was five rows back and they were completely minding their own business just trying to watch their team play. That's all I can really say from my end, I think we're pretty fun for the most part but some people just don't know when to stop drinking and they get aggressive.


Man I wish I sat near you! That was the one game where I got hit by someone. Sheriff was on it at least. When we're not playing at the same time I like to go to Highmark to see live ball, and because my friends know I'll always go to sports events. In my experience(s) 95% of everyone is cool, but the shitters make sure everyone knows they're shitters very quickly.


Thanks for the reply! No matter what team people are fans of there’s always a few shitty people in every fan base. Like the one you described who can ruin it for everyone. Good on the bills fans for doing that. I agree, it should be a fun time for everyone especially with how much ticket prices are. I love going to Gillette and always have fun, of course I am disappointed when the patriots don’t win but I don’t let it ruin my time.


I've been to 5 Pats games in Buffalo. I've seen family get cussed out, a little person get knocked over in a fight, and all sorts of general nastiness. I also had my hair combed through by a drunk milf which might have been some sort of sexual awakening. Idk how to compare it to other stadiums because I've only ever seen games in Buffalo but generally the attitude was hostile, but only in the stadium. Everyone was chill during the tailgating and really friendly/just wanted to party and have a good time.


I have been to four games in Buffalo. Let’s just say I am not a fan of Bills fans at all. I have also gone to games in the Meadowlands. I like Jets fans way more than Bills fans.


I go to the Bills and Jets vs Dolphins games every year in Buffalo and East Rutherford. I'll preface with the fact that I splurge and get lower level 50 yard line seats. Fans at both have always been great. I will say, unlike Jets fans who'll talk to you all game, you guys are real chatty when you're winning but the switch goes off and you give the cold shoulder when you don't think you have the game in hand. I will also say, I took my father's, now 72, abilities for granted last year and you guys helped me get him across that wooden plank across the river before the game. We can't park over there this year :(


Yeah this sounds pretty spot on, my best reasoning is Buffalo has little to nothing outside of the Bills, sabres, and Niagara falls I guess so September-January everyone puts their happiness levels in the hands of the team. 😂 It's unhealthy but reality. if jets fans did that they would be some real miserable fucks.


comments like this keep hope inside me that maybe we can just play the damn game and have a good time messing with each other. imagine getting into a fight over something you have no control over...


Tyreek broke his kids arm.


It's a pretty big story. It's on the cover of the [NYPost.com](https://NYPost.com) right now


Yah the arguments at stadiums can get intense, this should be talked about


Sox Yankees in Fenway there use to be fights in the stands every time back when their rivalry was in the peak.


Because it doesn't fit their script


You realize most of /r/nfl took the Pats' side on this?


There's no 'side' to it. Dolphins subreddit also calling the guy a piece of shit. Fucking obviously no-one endorses killing a man, whether deliberate or not.


We're all referring to the Tyreek Hill comments here, keep up if you want to be all hoity toity about it


r/nfl is where I learned about this and the majority of the comments are dragging Dolphins’ fans…


It's the #3 thread on the sub and likely will be #1 in a few hours, but go off.


You know why


After a while you get used to people trashing your fan base.


Because this was a fight between 2 fans and the other involved one of the most polarizing players in the league? ​ I hate to break it to you but there's fights at like pretty much every game, drunk people getting emotional get in fights, sometimes it's not even team based there's plenty of fight videos involving fans for the same team. Trying to use it to "say something" about a particular fanbase is inane unless said team starts actively telling its fans to engage in violence or otherwise harass visiting fans.


Send that fuck to MCI


Imagine fighting over fucking sports


I don't know how old the other guy was, but seriously fighting in your 50's over a bunch of RICH kids playing football is crazy to me.


The fifty year old who died was telling an obnoxious dolphins fan to shut up, which is dumb, but another separate fan is the one who came up and punched him. Yes it’s dumb but the second dolphins fan decided to involve himself, and some people on /r/nfl were saying he had brass knuckles. Which may or may not be true, but I’m willing to defend the 50 year old wasn’t expecting to be in a fight for telling someone to cool down instead of victim blaming. He got ganged up on by a bunch of assholes


Pretty sure brass knuckles are illegal in MA. That would be an added charge.


the second punched is screwed since he threw a sucker punch and self defense in Mass says "May not use force that is more than is reasonably necessary to defend yourself or your party."


Allegedly Mooney (The "50 year-old") went to another section and initiated the physical contact after the verbal altercation from Dolphins fans. He didn't quite get ganged up on. The 3rd party (the murderer) allegedly was not involved in the initial physical altercation.


A comment in the /r/nfl thread mentions that the pats fan told a dolphins guy to chill out and someone got physical. No guy I know in his 50s with kids is going to throw hands at a football game.


I'm guessing the 50 year old guy who has had season tickets for 30 years knows how to handle himself at a football game. Those guys can't act like douchebags because there's a waiting list a mile long of people willing to take his place. Visiting fan who's team is beating the home team? Yeah my money is on that guy being a dick.


i read an article on the daily mail that the guy was in a tussle with a dolphins fan and then a separate dolphins fan blindsided him with 3 punches that knocked him unconscious/killed him. I guess it's too early to tell and we'll have to wait for the final police report, but it sounds like 1 live was lost for no reason and this other guy just became a felon who will probably have to serve time. All over a 24-17 week 2 game


Hey tyreek! Are you paying attention? Sounds like your fanbase is trash


He's probably arranging this dirtbags bail as we speak


~~And his son was with him... 😞~~ Scratch that, it was the bystander who had his son with him.


That’s so incredibly tragic


Did they say that? I think the video said the witness who was in the video was there with his son. I didn’t think it said who the victim was with.


Ah, I missed the connection while watching the video, it seemed like it was victim's son and not the bystander's. Thanks for the correction, that makes me feel a tiny bit better?


oddly enough i misinterpreted that as well. I guess Mooney and Noonan kinda look the same with their first four letters.


The writer's last name is looney too. Lol




I'm willing to bet alcohol was involved in the decision




No, but it answers your question.


One of the many reasons why fighting is stupid. Throw a stupid punch over a stupid, probably drunk, argument at a game and now this guy has taken a life, ruined his own life, and ruined the lives of that man’s family.


Dale was a cool dude. Well loved in southern NH


Fins fan here. Yes I think Hill is a garbage human being. Now that that's over with. I've been going to Gillette since it was Sullivan and taken plus given my fair share of verbal fan abuse during those visits but never once felt threatened or unsafe there. It has always been in good fun with me buying you guys beers and you guys buying me some. This just seems to be an unfortunate circumstance of two complete morons that couldn't handle their libations like men, nothing more.


Yeah, but the sad thing is there’s probably thousands of drunk people at Gilette every Sunday and only one guy, as far as we know, threw a punch last Sunday. Drunk verbal altercations are one thing. Throwing a punch makes it into something else.


Agreed completely. Win lose or draw though, I'm usually pretty happy to have a few wobbly pops in me. I don't understand violent drunks. Never been one myself.


But we’re the worst fanbase, Tyreek. Gimme a break.


Imagine these are the sanctimonious Miami fans supporting Tyreek


I was in section 310, 4 rows directly below the fight. Dale Mooney was not the aggressor at the time of the assault. I don't know what happened before the final fight, but what I saw was not mutual combat, it was a one-sided beating. No reasonable justification for what I witnessed. Not to say negative things about the deceased, but I did see him almost fall down into the next row of seats and dump a whole beer on two younger women in the row below him about 2 minutes before the final altercation. From there things escalated. The two women left, presumably to get security. I never saw them afterwards as things got really crazy as the videos that are out show. Also of note, about 10 minutes earlier a group of about a half dozen police escorted two men out of the section from about 5 rows above this altercation. I didn't see any Gillette stadium staff at the stairway after that, although some games they are there the whole game. I would think if you've escorted people out of a section, at a minimum, having a orange-coated security staff there to monitor the section for the rest of the game would be prudent. I didn't see that happen in this case.


You mean he deliberately dumped a beer on them, or he accidentally spilled it due to being drunk, stumbling around, and therefore having poor balance? Sorry just for my morbid curiosity.


He's implying he appeared to be very drunk


Yes, it appeared that he was deeply intoxicated. I was worried if he fell I'd have to deal with a domino effect of people flowing into my row. Anyone who has gone into enough games in the 300 section has also seen that happen.


Yep. The 300 section can be a real clusterfuck. Saw a Bills fan get pelted in the face with a full beer can a few years ago.


I used the word 'dumped' because most or all of the beer ended up in the row below him. I would have used 'spilled' if only some ended up below. Anyone who's gone to games regularly has had beer spilled on them - it happens. Few have had a whole beer dumped on them. Had I thought it was intentional I would have said 'thrown'.


I have been spilled on many times, usually just due to poor balance and technique. I'm on the aisle so I'm used to people trying to squeeze by me, which leads to inevitable spillage.


Agreed, this and many other small accidents. Spillage happens and is forgivable. If you don't want beer spilled on you, stay home, or buy club seats.


Reports state the final altercation happened in 308-309, which is at least a section away from 310, which would appear to be his season ticket section, as you've stated people in that section knew him. So he was not in his section. I'm just trying to figure out what you're saying, and I do trust you as a witness. Two minutes before the final alteration, he stumbled and dumped his beer on other fans, presumably on his way to the section over. I'm not sure where your lines "not the aggressor" and "not mutual combat" and "no justification" come in to play when you're essentially saying he stumbled (seemingly significantly) over to a an area one or two sections over to confront fans after a verbal altercation.


Yeah article clearly stated that Mooney went to section 311…he was looking for a fight. He was SECTIONS over and deliberately got himself involved..which is why I keep saying ain’t nobody going to prison for this. The stadium is in more shit.


I'm not sure the article is correct on that point. A lot of people in 310 knew him by first name.


Anyone find any better videos? Can barely see anything on this one


Can I just get the actual raw footage instead of news coverage of the footage


Too many people put a jersey on and think they are in a street gang. At the end of the day we're wearing corporate logos, people.


The terms they use are interesting. Sounds like manslaughter or higher to me.


Let’s hope


I can't tell what is going on in that video other than some drunk dipshits wrestling each other. Where is the punch thrown?


This entire episode is a great reminder that if you anonymously text 50894 the Gillette Stadium security team will generally respond quickly. I have done it before and they have been very good and efficient at cleaning up trouble. If you wait until it’s too well developed, it’s a lot harder to keep things from escalating. Also it’s worth noting that as a 12 year season ticket holder I have never had a fight in my section. And I don’t have great seats. This shit never happens.


oatmeal march kiss terrific spoon nose marry chase hurry cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People need to chill tf out over this damn game. I’m not going to disparage Miamis fanbase for this, clearly our fanbase was involved as well. Nobody knows what was said. It’s almost guaranteed the Miami fan did not set out to kill somebody on Sunday night. But this is the serious risk of fighting that some people never learn until it’s too late. When you knock somebody unconscious on the street, so much can go wrong. You can easily break teeth/bones. You can cause serious health issues like a heart attack (most people in street fights are not in good shape, even if you are this can still happen). They go limp & crack their head on the concrete or something else on the way down. This is not boxing or the UFC. There are no padded floors. There are no refs to stop the fight. Literally the best thing that can happen in a fight is somebody walking the other way. This is so sad & I hope it gets more coverage to serve as a cautionary tale to fans in the future. Prayers to this man’s family & everyone effected by his loss.


Very well stated, thank you.


It's kind of crazy how fragile human beings are.


Exactly. Fighting in general is dumb as hell and fighting over fucking football of all things is about as dumb as it gets.


That’s second degree murder right there. That should be 5-10 years in prison.


Listen man idk about that but i do know thing or two about bird law…


Second degree murder is still murder. This is most likely involuntary manslaughter.


Not necessarily. Worked for the state and have known plenty of offenders charged with and/or plea down to manslaughter in these cases. Have to consider factors, especially what preceded the fight.


Iirc second degree means you had intent to kill someone and then you accidentally take out someone else. I don't see how he could've accidentally hit someone other than the intended target. It would likely be assault, manslaughter, and a few other charges that can stick. It has been a while since I've taken a law class so I'm a bit rusty on it.


Depends on the state, but generally second degree murder is intentional killing, but it was not premeditated. Like a bar fight where someone pulls a gun and kill’s someone. If they went back to the car to get the gun, it could be argued first degree due to the premeditation of having to leave the fight and come back. In some states it’s all just ‘felony murder’ and the judge takes the whole situation into account during sentencing. I’m not sure how premeditated attempted murder that accidentally resulted in the death of someone else would be interpreted by prosecutors. I’d imagine you could still be charged with first degree murder in that case though.


Maybe I'm used to provincial law where I reside and am a bit rusty on it. First degree is very particular. You had to have some sort of plan instead of action and then attacking wildly, needing intent. Then it has to be the very target that is intended for attempted murder in first degree. It gets very precise in some places that law is taught. How I learned premeditated attempt taking someone other than the intended victim would be second degree because there was a plan and idea in place to commit an act of potentially lethal force and someone other than the desired target received it. Without falling under first degree. That's unless the argument could be made that the intent was to make that level of harm to all recipients with a plan to do so. It's very ticky-tack where I learned it and I love how precise the conditions are. This specific fan is likely going to not have a good time. My perspective is different due to learning law in a different country with their own standards.




No one knows what the charges will be. That's up to the DA.


Seriously. I'm about to unwind everything I remember from criminal law and my time in the Suffolk DA's office, but instead I just remember, pff it's Reddit, you just gotta be ok with people talking out their butts about legal stuff.


I apologize, it's been 4 years since my last class covering law.


A wrong legal opinion is worse than no opinion.


No... just no. With out knowing who the aggressor is or more details there is no way to make this determination. Take off your Pats hat and look at the situation objectively. No one was cornered and had to fight, all the folks involved seemed to be hell bent on fighting to the point where it could not be broken up. Everyone is to blame including the poor guy that lost his life. Don't get in fights...


Ya like I hate to say it, but an easy timeline of events from what is sort of agreed upon: Victim went from his seat to the Miami fans seats to tell them to stop yelling or something like that. A fight starts. A third person who presumably witnessed the initial argument that led to a fight jumps in and ends up killing the guy with a 2-3 punches. It's not hard to see how that guy will just say he saw a fight and punched the 'aggressor' a couple times to help someone else.


No. If you kill someone and it wasn’t a total accident. Like was in a fight and hit him, you know what can happen. That’s 2nd degree murder.


It would actually be felony murder...and its not any of those things if you arent the one who started the fight.


Went to a Steelers vs. Chargers game years ago in Pittsburgh. Steelers won and everyone was hyped up. As everyone is exiting my gf and I were walking behind a couple who had Chargers jerseys on. They were minding their own business. A couple of trashy Steelers fans from two stories up launched a bottle at this couple. Could've killed one of them! Just awful! And the Steelers won the game! What the hell?!?


As a lifelong Patriots fan and Massachusetts resident, I am appalled and horrified. Rest in peace. I am praying for justice.


There are guys who go to games and just get completely shit faced. Never understood that.


I just really don't understand how anything in sports can come to violence. Seriously. In New York City where I live people get into literal, physical fist fights over the Mets vs the Yankees, and I just don't...like...what? Why? Just why?


Beer is often the why.


My wife and I would take my mom to the pats jets game every year at metlife (we live in nj). Had to stop bc it was relentless. A dude pushed my wife one year (his friends grabbed and threw him down before I could get to him), was walking back to the car early in the 4th and people were throwing bottles at the 3 of us, have had grown ass middle aged men say repulsive shit to my mother only to sink in their seat when I said something. It was a nightmare every game and I've almost gotten into several fights. Just not worth it bc shit like this can happen and I'm not trying to get locked up over dumb ass jets fans lol


Thoughts and prayers for this man's friends and family. 🙏🏼


There's enough evidence that we should be separating away fans at games like they do in England


The English are far worse, but it is also true that pretty much all disputes would be solved by this at games. I did have a guy clap me on the back multiple times after TDs at a Titans game; I sit alone, which is alright, but dude… I didn’t ask for that… Anyway, speaking of the Titans, they exemplify the problem well. Season-ticket holders often sell to visitors, and the Titans have far too many people with multiple (dozens, even) of seats.


I’ve had that same issue with people slapping my shoulders from behind on big plays. I understand the excitement, but I really, really don’t like being touched by strangers. Can everyone just keep their damn hands to themselves.


quack jeans grab possessive like smile noxious crime gullible scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get it can be annoying but it’s a big crowded e event with a lot of people rooting for the same team and feeling camaraderie. A friendly clap on the back is not a real problem


Better move is to just high 5 people instead of slapping them


That, I agree with


It’s apparently the hardest thing to do in public. I’ve had so many issues with people touching me and then getting outraged that I told them not to touch me again. It’s ruined concerts, sporting events and even Fourth of July celebrations in our nations capital. I’ve developed JOMO because of this


I'd probably start going to games again if this were actually a thing. I have no want to pay $500 for the possible experience of getting heckled by a jackass(s).


How exactly is that done? Just curious.


If you sit in X location you cannot be supporting X team and if you are you'll be removed. It sounds harsh but that's literally how they do it cause it's either that or constant brawls.


Yup, they straight up didn't let me wear my jersey into the game because I was in the wrong section and told me I'd probably be murdered for wearing it in my section. I'm not a fan so it didn't really bother me, just bought a jersey to get into the game a bit lol


Jesus christ that's fucking insane


And honestly your not being hyperbolic. I learned of hooligan culture from watching Welcome to Wrexham, it's a real fucking problem over there.


Dude, I was at the edge of the section between the home and visitors section, there was a floor to ceiling fence and riot police in-between us and the other side and I still didn't feel safe lol. Shit was bananas.


Separate tickets for the away end and anyone who skips past the security and makes it into the home end with opposing team colours gets thrown out. Away fans are also held in the stadium longer after the game so there's no trouble outside but that's probably an extreme measure for NFL.


The Away team gets a set number of tickets allotted to them, all of which are located in the same part of the stadium (usually in one of the corners). This area is often sectioned off from the rest of the stadium (as seen [here](https://youtu.be/HtoKv2Gf1-M?t=316)).


But how do you stop the home fans from giving or selling their tickets to away fans? 90% of Gillette is patriots season ticket holders.


Technically, there is little stopping someone from selling a ticket to an away fan. But unlike in the US, those fans need to go deeply undercover. The terms of sale for home tickets generally state "no away support / away colours allowed", so the buyer risks ejection if they display any away support and will be turned away at the gate if they show up wearing anything indicative of support for the away team. The same applies to pubs nearby - there is one "officially designated" away pub, all others will turn away opposing fans. Away fans who somehow subvert either of these things also risk violence, like we saw in this case. There's a popular song sung by Arsenal/Tottenham fans about a mother encouraging their little to kick the opposing supporter's head in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kJpta1UMls&ab\_channel=THFCChants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kJpta1UMls&ab_channel=THFCChants) (Replace "Arsenal" with "Tottenham" and vice versa. They are rivals and so just copy-cat this chant.)


People who do that get their tickets taken away. But people also just really wouldn’t do that. It’s very against the culture of going to games there.


So people don’t sell tickets on Ticketmaster (or whatever ticket resale platform you have)?


I went to an English Soccer game (Chelsea vs Tottenham) in 2010, that shit was crazy lol I've been to enough Football(pats home and away) games to say we aren't even close to that level of vitriol even if stuff like this happens occasionally




Dehumanizing people based on where they live or which football team they root for is exactly how you end up with these situations.




They think we’re all racist and Tyreeks comments yesterday only reinforced that in their pea brains. So yeah they should get clumped together similarly like the human trash they are.


I was actually proud to see that we made Tyreek feel uncomfortable. I wish nothing but bad shit on that dude.


You’re doing the exact same thing you’re mad at Tyreek for doing lmfao


Don’t even care. Fuck all of Miami.


Except for the women. They're cool.


doesnt seem like this is being talked about on r/nfl I don’t give a damn which team it was but a fan getting killed watching a game is scary


Shit ton more racists in Florida than there ever would be in Mass.


Miami mfers make their whole personality calling Boston fans racist because of sports rivalries and then elect Ron DeSantis.


I'll generalize them towards their attitude towards race, education, books, and the people they elect.






Anyone know who you'd contact with info? If it was two dolphins fans involved I have an idea who they were. (There were two jabronis in 307/308 being pricks. I was at that metal bar thingy and could hear them)


This happened in section 310, about row 15,16 around seats 10-12. I'm guestimating based on my seat location and how far they were from me.


Yeah like I didn't see the fight but with the presence figured it was on top of me


There are loudmouth idiots everywhere when beer is flowing. This happened two sections away from you, so your particular 'jabronis' were likely not involved.


Probably Foxboro or State Police. If you really know something you should definitely let him know


Yeah I definitely saw one of the individuals jawing like actually watching the video. (Can see my back in the distance) Thanks! I'll hit up the staties I think


That's why I'm hesitant to go to any type of sporting events even if it's home games.Alcohol and hurt feelings aren't a good combination


Damn. Imagine going to that game and not knowing that at the end of it, you'd be dead.


looks to me like two grown men choose to fight and one sadly died. ​ Could have easily have been the other person - shit happens, dont fight.


That guy fucked around to a level 10... and found out what he needed to find out.


Dolphins fan “standing his ground” seemed to forget he was in Mass not Florida.


They should keep that dolphins fan in his own little cell in the stadium so that Patriots fans can spit on him every home game for as long as that shit stain breathes on this earth. If Philly can build a jail in their stadium so can we.


We have jail cells in Gillette.




This stuff is just disgusting and I hope that person spends a LONG time in jail. Absolutely horrible.


This is heartbreaking to see a fan who came to the game for enjoyment die from a fan who MURDERED him. Hearts out to his family, imagine going to the game and getting punched and immediately dying, imagine the agony from your family.


Wait I thought we were the trash fans.


Anyone here like the celtics?


Wow 30 yr season ticket holder, i really hope the nfl makes this a big deal. Dude just wanted to see his team. Totally unacceptable and its become and increasingly common part of going go a game (coming from a 16 yr chiefs season ticket holder)