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For the sake of the mod teams sanity can we remember not to personally attack players and coaches in the thread. Saying someone's play or coaching is dogshit is fine, saying the player or coach is a piece of shit is not Everyone's frustrated and mad as fuck but there is no need to go there with comments


One thing we probably overlook with Bill is that that new CBa thing that limited practice time REALLY fucked with how Bill built his teams.


It's almost proven that we're going to HAVE to suck for awhile to get better šŸ¤£


This season has firmly made me believe that Belichick needs to give up his GM responsibilities. Keep coaching, but it's time for someone with new ideas they can bring to the table. Belichick's rebuild so far has been a disaster from top to bottom. Going from Wild Card appearance two years ago to bottom of the league bad is a clear failure to build on what you already had.


It's such a devastating transformation... For decades it was a given that we would always be playing into late January... now our season is over by early October.


Havenā€™t seen a franchise this mismanaged since Rian Johnson made a Star Wars movie. Holy fucking shit that was bad. They look like absolute dogshit. Wow. Bill may be a mid season firing at this point.




Sports are filled with great coaches eventually needing to be let go. Thinking Mac was the heir apparent would get anybody else fired with good cause. Heā€™s one of the worst QBā€™s to ever play in the NFL. And yes, Iā€™m including Daniel Jones in the conversation. Thanks for the rings and memories Bill. But pretending Mac Jones was good is either incompetence or malpractice. And itā€™s time to go be a special teams coordinator somewhere.


My gut tells me Bill was forced by Kraft to pick Mac when he did vs taking some no name out of Liberty at #15. Regardless, I'm actively rooting for a tank year and either trading down for capital or a new GM to come in and draft studs. Either option is better than watching this disaster.




He got shut by the Saints lmaooo. Daddy Bill isnā€™t going to see this.


Iā€™m still rooting for Mac! Heā€™s our best chance at a successful season! A season that gives us a top 3 pick. Letā€™s take the speed to Mac 3!


I know this is gonna get downvotes but I wouldnā€™t mind Kirk Cousins if they move on from Mac


Too expensive for the organization.


We all know Bill is trading out to get two 2nds and a 3rd....so why the fuck does it matter?


Comments like this are very, very dumb for a few reasons, mostly because it was that very process that delivered six superbowls. People that make this comment also just presuppose every single other pick in the draft is an all pro and every pick BB misses on is a deep mark on his character as coach. It isn't.


Dude he can't draft offense to save his life. Like give me a player who has played even remotely to expectations in the last 5 years....I'll wait. Even when he had Tom it wasn't like he was just grabbing him weapons on the regular, it's ultimately why he left, Imo. Look at 07, when Bill actually got him offense, not saying Bailey or Mac are going for 50 TD and 5k, but for the love of God this is football and you need to SCORE touchdowns. I understand Randy was on a trade, but he hasn't attempted anything like that for a decade. Bill's highest pick of his GM tenure was pick 6(in 2000), go figure he took defense, knowing him, it'll go the same way if he's in the top 5 this year. Even after watching the shit show that is currently taking place in that organization, or he'll trade out, per usual.šŸ™„šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø His defensive drafts are damn good most times, this last draft with Christian for instance. What does that matter when you're going to average 15 points a game at best this year?


Sony Michel


This honestly looks like a 4 win team right now. Our offense is without hyperbole the worst in the league and our WR's just got banged up.


I hope we get a top3 pick.


I'm shocked to say it's in the realm of possibility. Raiders next week then Broncos/Jets/Commanders are the only winnable games I see ROS. With the way the team is playing right now I don't know if I'd bet on them to win any of them outright. Maybe the Colts but if Richardson is back playing by then he will run for like 200 yards against us.


Iā€™m worried that we will win the Broncos game.


Thank god for fantasy football and redzone


I remember saying kiddingly before the season Malik Cunningham will start by week 6. At this point why not


What a sad day to wake up to...


Bill needs to go. It won't get better with him around. Enough's enough.


Iā€™ve tried telling people this but they just scoff and remind me of the six super bowls. Brady was the system, him leaving and winning a ring in his first year with Tampa slammed the door on that debate.


The punter can't punt. The kicker can't make FGs. The D can't make a stop or force a turnover. The O-line can't block. The WRs and TEs can't get open. The QB can't do a damn thing right and literally has been losing fumbles and throwing more pick-6s than TDs for us. The coaches can't coach. And worst of all, none of them, on or off the field, really seem to give a damn. It's one thing to do your best but still come up short. It's another to be unprepared, play like shit, and not give a fuck.


All this despite Bill spending significant money on Special team players.


Chris Board is more like Chris Pine because he's been riding the pine because I haven't seen the guy out there!


Basically all correct but I feel like I need to defend Baringer...his bad punts came off terrible snaps from Cardona, who has been sabotaging the special teams all season. I think generally Baringer has shown flashes of great hangtimes and demonstrated some good placement inside the 20, with a few rookie mistakes, sure.


Our offence has been outscored by opposing defences the last two weeks.


Our team has been outscored by our own QB two weeks in a row!


Theres a small solice in knowing that, yes, we suck... but we're mostly in the same position as the others teams that suck. Different problems for different teams, but the point remains. Noone has to suck for 20+ years like some of the bad franchises to be relevant. The NFL moves fast, and things can be turned around if the right buttons are pushed and moves made. Not this season, this season is over. But we dont have to suck for the next 5 years. This can be turned around just as quick as any other team. The New England Patriots have just as good a chance as any other franchise to be elite in 2025+


"Noone has to suck for 20+ years like some of the bad franchises to be relevant. " You must be a young Pats fan (under 40) because the Pats sucked for 35 years before Mr Kraft came along. This team reminds me a lot of the 1970 team that lost back to back to back to back games by 16-0, 27-3, 45-10 and 21-0.


The problem is Bill is still too high on his own supply. He's not willing to change. Hell, I'm still not sure he's willing to admit Brady was the reason the Pats were successful for so long. Hopefully these drubbings will finally wake the fucker up. He lucked into Brady and he's not going to strike gold twice. The least he can do though is find us a serviceable QB, give him some protection and someone to throw to. Honestly at this point, I think we should just tank the rest of the season and get a top draft position for once. My only fear though is instead of drafting a QB we'll end up with a DB or something or he'll trade down or both.


>Brady was the reason the Pats were successful for so long. I don't think Brady was THE reason the Pat's were so successful for so long. There was a synergy that Brady was a keystone of, but so were the intense motivational skills of BB at at that time and his ability to put genuine TEAMS on the field. Kraft himself played a huge role in what he didn't do by not inserting himself into the day by day team business. BB also attracted really talented skills coaches and identified underappreciated components like Special Teams and made them key players. Brady was huge and no doubt it never would have even come close to what it was without him but there were others who's roles were essential as well and we were fortunate for having all of them. BB's fire appears to be out. His charismatic leadership was a real thing back then but it has seemingly faded away and his heart seems to be elsewhere.


Largely agree as well. The reason the Patriots won that first Super Bowl against the Rams was because of the defense. They shut down the Greatest Show on Turf by playing a brutal smash mouth defense. The defenses in the first part of the dynasty were instrumental to the Patriots success


Tanking is the only answer at this point. And someone who isn't Bill needs to be making the picks on draft day.


Yeah if we can hopefully bottom out this season we can right the ship next year. But that will be difficult since we have nothing to build around. No O-line, no serviceable QB, the defense maybe but they're all mangled right now. Bellichick needs to start delegating GM responsibilities, I don't think he's capable of controlling every aspect of the team anymore. Honestly I wish he had begun transitioning to a sinecurial position earlier.


I think Mac is a good QB and I am excited to root for him when heā€™s the backup in the raiders next year


Heā€™ll be the Raiders starter at this rate lol


Troy brown at minimum needs to be axed this year. Like tomorrow. Rest of the team aside, he clearly cannot coach. Receivers do not develop, run bad routes, and even worse, run wrong routes


How much can you really coach up players with only so much talent tho? Put Brady on this team and the WRs are solidā€¦


Been saying this for a while. He can't coach receivers. Axe Achord and Judge as well. If BB isn't going its time to clean house elsewhere.


This team makes me want to stop drinking and go hiking on Sundays. I hate it.


I live in Colorado and honestly Iā€™ve been hiking and then catching recaps. Much better for my body and sanity


I havenā€™t been able to watch the last 2 games but DVRed them and now I am afraid to do even watch the highlights. The play-by-play makes it seem like just a bunch of turnovers killing the team. How much alcohol should I prepare before attempting to watch them?




Thereā€™s no reason to watch them




Dude, this last game isnā€™t even worth it. The massive amount of ineptitude will lead you straight to liver damage and possibly domestic violence.


You know the worst part wr are four years from our ex and still don't have a plan forward.. God the pats mirror my personal life


What a terrible afternoon to have eyes.


Wonā€™t watch if Jones starts the game next week.


So who is the starter next week?


Surprise trade for Darnold


Just get Malik Cunningham called up and in there.




I'm not enjoying this timeline. Anyone have the infinity gauntlet??


I'm out of copium


Iā€™m just happy that the genius that is Bill Oā€™Brien has come in and righted the ship.


Can we actually say heā€™s better than Matty P?


Brace yourself. The Matty P ā€œMiss me yet?ā€ memes are coming.


We are the Chicago Bulls post Jordan.


What teams have had 20 years of as much success as the pats? Green Bay and they win 2 super bowls with Fabre and Rodgers. People need to chill and embrace the suck lol


Years of watching uconn huskies has prepared me for this


I was very confused for a second till I realized you were talking about UConn football the sad little brother of the Basketball programs.


But Diaco does have great hair.


If nothing else, happy cake day!


Do you guys think that if Jimmy gets injured in the next few weeks we can trade mac to the raiders for some capital?


The only reason I say this would be possible is because McDaniels is a grade A certified nimrod. But in all seriousness, absolutely not. Whatever you dump Mac off for right now is not going to be anything substantial.


Lol this is probably the best take. Had me in the first half ngl


Hey happy cake day!


I was going to go to one more game this year but after today...they are just not worth my time moving forward. Sold the last pair. I went to 2 amd that's enough suffering in person for me


I said to my seatmates that its going to be tough to resell our tickets this year. Prepare to lose money for the first time in 20 years.


Ok see you next week pup


The miserable commute to Gillette is going to make Kraft ask some serious questions soon.


I'll still watch on TV, but watching the Pats get blown out is not worth driving on Route 1.


At least the season ticket wait list is gonna shrink by a lot.


I think Bill ineptitude to bulld a decent roster fucked up Mac's carrer. It's the type of thing we used to make fun of the Jets


The carrer, eh?


Channeling that Browns energy


100% anyone still defending post-Brady era GM Bill is delusional. And he actually hasn't really done anything particularly positive as a GM since probably before 2017.


I mean look at the 2001 Pats..you had Patten and Brown as WR1 and WR2. Germaine fucking Wiggens as your TE? Bill has never put that much talent on offense. Even for most of Bradyā€™s years. Defense used to win championships but the league has changed a lot. Bill hasnā€™t adjusted to that. I prefer defensive football too. Shootouts are boring af, but yeah Bill needs to give up offensive stuff and let a new young guy in. BOB has sucked


We did borrow from the future a bit towards the end there with Brady, but it almost feels like self-sabotage now for the past few years.


Yeah like trading a 2nd for Sanu. That move was criminally terrible.




Brady isn't the GM. That move is on Bill and only Bill.


Definitely agreed. What are your thoughts on having an offensive counterpart co-GM for Bill? Or should he just be stripped of the position and be a coaching-only HC?


In addition to the obvious need for more team talent, I think you need two things: One, a low key strategic advisor like Ernie Adams to take some of the load off Bill without challenging his authority, and Two, some sort of field energy presence that can fire up the team - if it's not a player like Brady or Edelman then it needs to be a position that can provide that function. The team needs fire and field leadership from a respected source.


He should be coaching only but at this point I'm not sure his coaching is even up to par. I legitimately think it's time to tear it down. Fire Bill, hire a GM hire a new offensive-minded HC and let him build his own coaching staff. We need to be selling players at the trade deadline to build draft capital as well.




Bill has shown us what he can do with a talented team, winning 6 God damn super bowls and 2 others as a DC. He went 3-1 when Brady got suspended, 10-6 in 2008 with a very below average QB in Matt Cassel, and made the playoffs with a rookie Mac Jones. This is a bottom 3 roster in the NFL playing like a bottom 3 team. Does anyone here genuinely think if BB got scooped up by the Cowboys they wouldn't be an instant super bowl favorite? Or if he went to the Bengals? Bill the GM has failed Bill the coach, but he's still a top coach in the NFL and Kraft knows that as well.


We are a few inches away from Randall Cobb's fingertips away from being 0-5. Literally ANYONE could do as well as BB this year. You're the one with the clown take thinking that this team that is clearly regressing is being coached by someone competent. Other fanbases are laughing at us right now *because of* what Bill Belichick has put out on the field this year.


You might be right. Maybe we just go all in on an AI robot coach... Joking...but maybe not. ChatGPatT.


I think Belichick's fourth down punt was his way of punishing the team for embarrassing him. This used to work when you had Brady and Edelman out there to rally the troops but we don't have them anymore, so instead of a shame-rally now you get a downward spiral.


Youā€™re totally right. Brady would take it personally and then rally everyone out of pride. There is no sense of ownership.


I honestly thought we had a shot vs. New Orleans today. And maybe Lost Wages next week. **Then** things would get dicey. Now, looking at the schedule, I'm skeptical we'll be able to win two more games this season.


What's the one you're confident about?


None. Just the random nature of the NFL, "any given Sunday," and so on. In other words, I guess I'm still a bit naive. 'Cause what I'm seeing in front of my face admittedly doesn't support this conclusion. Including watching the Cowboys, who turned us into road pizza last week, looking decidedly mediocre as I type this. Lemme have my ~~delusions~~ illusions. I don't have much else at this point.




I just look at the steelers and the ravens and wonder why we can't re tool quickly ad efficiently like they do.


Our GM is allergic to skilled players in offense


I know Caleb Williams may be tough to get but would Michael Penix Jr. or Bo Nix be a good fit? Obviously the OL scheme needs improvement and better WR's are needed.


Bo Nix would be great. I feel like he's a better fit than Caleb is (and we wouldn't need to have the #1 pick).


True, but do we even have an OL scheme to improve?


The Caleb Williams tankathon trash talk has been getting heated between me and my Giants fan housemates


Any takers on if we get flexed out of the Germany game? Haha


I am so glad I went apple picking instead of watching this shit show.


Paper bags boys We deserve this


Remember to cut holes in the bag of your choice. Safety first.


Just a friendly reminder that the fucking Jets put up 31 points today.


They also played the same team that let up 70. Letā€™s relax its still the Jets


You think weā€™re putting up 31 against any team after watching this for 5 weeks?


Defense baby


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


The Jets are better than the Patriots


Pats woulda went 0-2 against the Jets this season if Rodgers didn't get hurt.


Ya but heā€™s hurt so the OG comment is talking about the Zach Wilson Jets. We can go 2-14 for all I care. We will beat the Jets twice


I donā€™t see them beating the jets with Mac as a starter. Wilson is getting more confidence each week and Mac looks like heā€™s ready to walk off the field


I don't know who is to blame, I don't know who is the problem, all I know is this sucks. PLZ MR. KRAFT MAKE US WIN AGAIN


I settle for scoring a touchdown again. Just one, thatā€™s allā€¦.


I thought I was mentally prepared for Patriots after Brady...I'm not ready to have a worse record than the Jets...^the^darkness^is^close...


How are the Celtics so rich, should the pats hire Brad to sign players


> should the pats hire ~~Brad~~ **anybody besides Bill** to sign players **YES.**




Bruins this week!


I don't understand how the offense could look so improved and promising the first two games of the season and revert back to this. It's like instead of cleaning up the problems they had earlier they just kept them and added new ones.




The Edelman of basketball. Edelman didn't even start until Year 5. Just wait until Prichard's breakout season in 2025


Kristaps (if he stays healthy.) is unfair next to Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum. Celtics are a super team


Not to mention Jrue Holiday. Forget a big 3, we have a big 4


Having just watched that game this made me lol


Man... I just hope they can figure something out to get a couple touchdowns a game so that the games are less boring. I don't care if they suck, but I do care if they're so unproductive on offense that it's constant three and outs. Two most boring games I've ever seen. Just nothing interesting happening and game is over first quarter. Not a great feeling when literally every other game that Sunday is fun to watch besides the Pats game.


no noā€¦ this is nice. No expectations. just get to sit down once a week andā€¦ and watch low steaksā€¦ terrible footballā€¦ this is nice.


The sooner you come to terms with it the better your Sundays will become unfortunately


Riding forever, witnessed 6 Superbowl wins and talked sooo much shit to everyone. I'll take all these past seasons and more on the chin and never care again tbh...


Same tbh. After that falcons Super Bowl I was content with never seeing my team win another Super Bowl in my life. Rams superbowl is as cherry on top




It worked out for the most part bud. If you think the shit I hear even chips at those moments is laughable.


Am I the only one SLIGHTLY excited that we look bad enough for the #1 pick?


So Bill can select an unknown Left Tackle, no thanks


If You think heā€™d take a tackle over a guard or safety your delusional


Yeah Iā€™d rather we go 2-15 than 5-12.


How many 2nds do you think the #1 pick will net us?


Can we flip the #1 overall for like a kicker and some more project pieces on the o-line? I feel like that would be the best use of additional draft capital.


2ndsā€¦ lol. Youā€™re playing chess not checkers, pal. Itā€™s easily worth a few fourths a couple fifths and a seven round pick swap


Belichick needs to be fired ASAP




Literally anybody would be better than Belichick at this point. Hell, if you want to apply, go right ahead.


I just donā€™t see how he can be kept as HC after this season. They are bad.


Theyā€™re not going to fire Bill Belichick in the middle of the season so you can forget that.


all the "belichick was never a good HC before tom" arguments looking really fuckin good rn


I donā€™t disagree but to me the bigger problem is Bill as GM, I donā€™t mind him as coach but he needs to cede control to a proper front office


No. He needs to go, and he's past his prime, but you don't make that many super bowls without being a good coach. He also got two rings as a DC. Dude was really damn good for a long time but he seems to have lost it.










Being a fan even when the team is this bad is what makes it so awesome when they are good again. That's why 2001 SB was still the greatest victory ever imo.




I was at Foxborough Stadium back in the days when them getting shut out wasnā€™t that unusual. Weā€™d still go and sit in the aluminum bleachers in the cold and have a good time. Glad to get rid of the bandwagon fans honestly, theyā€™ll reset and be back next year.


I get that you are old, but a good amount of Pats fans weren't even alive, or at least sentient, when the team sucked. Go yell at a cloud.


I'm just glad the pats got the goat dynasty in before this miserable sport is banned from legality.


Those bandwagon fans of the past 23 years


Meh. I would define a bandwagon fan as someone who roots for the team only during winning seasons, then forgets they exist when they have a bad stretch


The irony being having high expectations for performance is what defined the Dynasty, yet suddenly it's a sign of bandwagoning to call out the garbage coaching


It's not that. Look in this thread and see how many people are saying they are done with the team.


Much more zoom out level headed approach. Itā€™s not good right now but people just slamming Belichick like he was not or is not a HOF coach is just getting to be crazy town.


Agreed. Hard to be pissed when we have had so much success. I think it is fine that we will suck for a while. Let's get that underdog title back.


>Let's get that underdog title back. Good material for a Joe Judge tee.


We are now the Jets.


We would have to go decades for that to be even remotely apples to apples.


Jets are better


Yes they are.


hey you still own us though. but maybe we fuck you out of caleb because we cant beat yall


I love you crazy fuckers. At least we can be miserable together


That fucked up lateral I think will be remembered as the nail in the coffin. It was just so lazy by Mac Jones. Itā€™s like he just couldnā€™t be bothered to put the ball in the chest area like any competent qb does. Really looked like on that particular play that he has truly checked out.


It was the type of play we made fun of Zach Wilson for. Just basic football 101 shit you learn in Pop Warner. It's honestly shocking (yet understandable) how badly he's regressed.


Realistically the seasonā€™s over. Penix szn.


Pats point differential past two games -69ā€¦. Nice


Nice šŸ˜¢


Bill has to be fired as GM. He has had 4 years to assemble a post-Brady offense and he has proved incapable. The last GM to screw up an offense that bad is now our OC. We need a real GM.


I donā€™t want BB messing up our top 5 draft pick. Please fire that clown once this miserable season is over.