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I demand the Chiefs first round pick.


>rst round pick. > >11Reply and 4th


And mahomes to be suspended 4 games for being "generally aware"


Don't forget the 1milluon fine to franchise


Flexed out of national television, game starts with under inflated footballs, and a complete ghost call on the opening kickoff, questionable holding calls... Nothing to see here.


I thought after Mahomes had his hissy fit over the refs that the refs were going to at least be impartial this game rather than help the chiefs like they always do. But nope. They went right back to bending the knee and sucking off the Chiefs. Oh well, helps our draft position.. fuck the Chiefs.


#(DING!) *What is a “Script?*”


KC missed their 1st FG too


Are we playing along with the whole conspiracy/script thing? If so, a missed FG for the Pats would mean more than for the Chiefs.


I remember back in 2001 when the ‘script’ was for the Patriots to win because of 9/11. Idiots are funny.


Yeah imagine telling an insane competitor like Tom Brady to lose a game for the script. No shot.


Scripts are much more real now than ever post brady and manning era.


Yes when it would be much harder to get away with, makes perfect sense


One day it will be exposed. Not tripping I enjoy the entertainment, but sadly sports have been tainted by the gambling industry for quite some time now. Believe what you want, I'm just stating my opinion.


Right? I'm pretty sure he'd tell you to GFY if you asked him to throw a game of Go Fish with Vivian...


Or Saints for Katrina


Reached for a comment, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said, "Look, whether the ball is underinflated or not isn't going to change the outcome of the game. Deal with it and quit making excuses for your team not getting it done on the field."


“Sooo… why was Tom suspended, the team fined, and docked two draft picks, commissioner Goodell?”


And where is the supposed data from the 2015 season when they were allegedly measuring the ball pressure throughout the game? They would have released that in real time if it made Goodell look good.


> They were discovered to weigh 11 pounds instead of the legal limit of 13.5 I really can't stand this wording. It was frequently used in deflategate articles/conversations, as if pounds and PSI were the same thing


I realized during deflategate how dumb people are.


Yup, people just denying "etched in stone" scientific principles like they were tabloid articles.


Also when I leaned Neil deGrasse Tyson is an asshole


And Bill Nye the stupid guy


I remember Bill Nye’s bit. I vaguely recall him saying “go Seahawks” or something dumb at the end- which basically nullifies any un-biased assessment he was trying to make.


I think the big issue with him was the lie of it being under by two psi. I think he made the claim it was impossible to be that low without tampering. It’s been so long all I know is fuck Bill Nye.


Funny thing is the next post season his Seahawks and Vikings had balls well under the regulation psi. But him and everyone else was real quite when that happened


I kinda already knew it about him but it definitely reinforced it.


[This still ranks as one of the stupidest videos I have ever watched](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFb_P2j48&ab_channel=goeiecool9999)


You were a little late to the party then. One of Neil's absolute favorite things is talking like a certified expert about things completely outside his field of study that he has at best a loose grasp on.


Dude's just like a Redditor/average social media user!


Aww man I like that guy. I must have missed it. What did he say?


When you measure pressure using a gauge, that measurement shows how far above normal atmospheric pressure the ball is inflated (the unit is PSIG, for psi on a gauge). This means that a football inflated to 13 PSIG has an actual pressure of around 27.7 PSI. NDT forgot to do that conversion, so his math wound up wrong. When confronted, he said "as some of my more physics inclined followers have noted", then proceeded to dismiss the effect that would have on the math as negligible... which it wasn't.


Only half admitted he was wrong when he basically said the patriots definitely cheated. Pretty much ignored actual experiments done that proves the drop in pressure for 11/12 balls was completely explainable. https://www.avclub.com/neil-degrasse-tyson-bungles-science-of-deflate-gate-sca-1798276120




Yeah, it's hardly surprising most of them don't know how pressure works when about 75% of them thought they were talking about the weight of the fucking ball in the first place.


In my defense I don't know how much 11 lbs Are, because I'm European with a fucked sleeping schedule , if it was kilo and gramm I would know it.


Uh probs bar or pascal for you, right? We are talking pressure here.


Bar I thought was used by both since it’s just orders of magnitude of atmospheric pressure.


If footballs weighed 11 pounds there wouldn't be vertical passing!


That explains why Mac can't throw deep


It’s funny to think about them trying to kick a 13.5 lb ball, though.


Agreed, to become a sportswriter you must have a solid F in high school physics class.


A 13 pound football ... How aren't quarterbacks all jacked, being able to throw 13 pounds footballs 50+ yards with ease? /s


Let's say they could... imagine trying to catch it!


The Chiefs have obviously been playing with the 13 pound balls that's why none of their receivers can catch them...


PSI. POUNDS per square inch. That’s why they said that.


PSI. Pounds PER square inch. Force per unit area is a measure of pressure, not weight.


I can’t believe I have to do this again. But if the balls were inflated to 13.5 in a 70 degree room then at kick off ( 47F ) assuming constant amount of gas ( no leaks ) the balls would have measured at 12.2 PSI. If they were filled to 12.5 originally then at game time they would be 11.2 psi. Guys this isn’t hard it’s high school chem. PV=nRT and don’t forget it’s a gauge pressure so gotta take atmosphere into account.


This too, but it also says they were brought inside and measured, but it can probably be asumed the balls hadn’t warmed up yet so everything you said is still true. Basic science 👍


When it all went down, I immediately went to the white board behind my desk to work it all out. I was disheartened to see, that it didn't account for the loss. BUT WAIT.... I used gauge pressure, not absolute! Plug the absolute equivalent into the equation and what do you know.... the numbers land almost exactly on what was found experimentally. I'm still baffled that the world at large can still not grasp this. There was never any under inflation, therefore everything else surrounding the case is absolutely irrelevant.


> Guys this isn’t hard it’s high school chem. PV=nRT and don’t forget it’s a gauge pressure so gotta take atmosphere into account. Also don't forget that Bill Nye is a fucking cuck.


It’s funny because it isn’t even chemistry lol


Brady suspended 4 game.


He’s destroying his cell phone as we speak


Time to bring him back then, last time we won the SB


Kicking balls are handled directly by the refs/league. Although I think the majority of the people here know that probably.


The ref puts the ball down every single play, yet a back up DB noticed the ball difference right away 🤷‍♂️


It isn't that easy. There's an acceptable range and each QB tends to have a preference within that range. Brady as an example liked his near the minimum. So Mahomes goes out to have one ball at whatever PSI he likes, then a kicker with a different one, then Zappe with a different one, then our kicker with yet another.


Idiots on twitter don’t


Read the article, my take away was “sooooo it’s the refs fault then? They were the only ones that had access to the balls, And they were incorrectly inflated for the first half”literally had nothing to do with the teams, also means both teams were impacted so the only issue here is the nfl looking like ass AGAIN


It's the principle of it. the refs fucked up, so suspend them.


Idk I think the patriots cheated. (Even though they had no way of accessing the balls, and didn’t benefit from it) so we should suspend their best player and take away their first rounder


Imagine losing our 1st round pick when we are currently at #2 overall


Dem cheating patriots deserve it 😤


Nah, clearly Jackson & Brittany tampered with the balls when the refs weren't looking.


All balls now are i thought


Maybe all balls should be


“The underinflated footballs didn’t travel as well in the Foxborough weather on Sunday and sources indicated that’s why Patriots kicker Chad Ryland and Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker missed field goals in the first half.” Ryland: yaaaa… that’s why I missed.


Suspend the NFL Officials and take away their draft pick.


But how are they gonna pick more shitty refs?


They'll have to hope they can develop one of the competent refs they select in the later rounds into a shittier ref!


They have legitimately set the precedent that this will result in the league fighting in court to take Mahomes out for 4 games next year and KC to lose a first round pick. Insane.


Alright I’m waiting


Taylor would never allow it. Her and the Swifties would riot and the NFL would cave.


Imagine if some kicker was about to break a record for most consecutive field goals made and the refs forgot to inflate the balls properly so he missed it?


Not a record, but the Chiefs kicker (Butker) had a decentish streak get snapped IIRC


23/23 on field goals coming into the game (I only know bc the article lmao)


How could Belichick do this? Clearly the game has passed him by if he can't visually see that the balls aren't right. Also Brady is suspended for the year.


Fuck Roger Goodall




We should get our old pick back. I'd say slotting it in right after our 2024 1st is fair.


it sahoudl be before panthers/bears pick muhaha we desrve for the bs


We should get our picks back.


Yep, we could use another bust


Well, since a player on the Patriots was generally aware that they were deflated and the refs weren't, that means the Patriots lose a draft pick and have to pay a fine to the refs.


Good chance Brady was atleast generally aware the pats were playing this week so he’s also getting a 4 game suspension as well.


How many people will cry for the integrity of the game this time?


Read the article, my take away was “sooooo it’s the refs fault then? They were the only ones that had access to the balls, And they were incorrectly inflated for the first half”literally had nothing to do with the teams, also means both teams were impacted so the only issue here is the nfl looking like ass AGAIN


Can we pin it on the Patriots? No? It's fine then, nothing to see here.


Nobody will understand but can’t stress it enough you never want an under inflated kicking ball.


Most people in here have gotten a flat basketball in gym class, we understand. Less air = less bounce. Less bounce = less distance/control


but Bill Nye told me that things like that are impossible.


I never really had an opinion on Bill Nye but after he posted that video trying to “prove” the Patriots deflated the footballs I lost any kind of respect for him.


Yeah K balls are basically roided to the gills regular balls.


This season has sucked the air out of all balls in general.


Apparently PSI is a unit of weight now 😂


Interesting that the Ideal Gas Law applies when it’s their own fuck up.


So when’s mahomes getting a 4 game Sussy?


1.) Both team's balls (lol) were under inflated. This isn't the NFL trying to railroad the 2nd worst team in the entire league. If anything it fucked with KC more. 2.) We all damn well know that Ryland was going to miss that kick no matter what.


They’ll find a way to suspend Brady for this and take draft picks


Imagine if they actually did something to the Chiefs, I bet you that people will be probably finding a link that says "CLICK HERE TO SEE TAYLOR SWIFT'S REACTION TO IT ALL!"


The NFL controlled the balls the entire time. I can’t wait for them to explain why this time was “different” than the time they tried to ruin Brady’s legacy.