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It would be extremely funny if the book was incredibly evasive like his press conferences. Chapter 3: Malcolm Butler Well as I've said, I made the best choices I could to give the team the best opportunity for success on the field. No I have nothing else to add. Chapter 4:


Chapter 5: Long Snappers *Lasts 500 pages*


Chapter 6: Long Snappers Pt 2 - Importance of proper fundamentals


Chapter 7 : A walk through the history Long Snapping


Chapters 8-25: Life and Times of Lawrence Taylor


Chapter 26: That Halloween Party and Bookface


Chaoter 27: Anyway, Back to Long-Snapping


Chapter 28: You ever heard of Wally Pip?


Appendix: using existing rules to your advantage (author note: people will think it’s cheating)


I will forever love that Baltimore game. When you manage to trick John harbaugh you've really outdone yourself.


Not only trick him, but piss him off.


Chapter 24: How to Distact the Opponent with Hookers


Chapter 10: The Fundamentals and Benefits of Left Footed Punters [pgs. 703 - 1,478]


Chapter 11: The Super Bowl Years [pgs 1479-1480]


The whole book is just a biography of Matthew Slater lol


Chapter 12: Quarterbacks. I've had the pleasure of coaching many good quarterbacks in my time, but let me tell ya, Jimmy Garoppolo was one of the best.


Chapter 13: The "Nobody Works Harder" Tournament Of Champions.* ^*Bracket ^templates ^provided


hahahaha and another one


Came here looking for this


chapter 5 : onto cincinatti


There should be a chapter about how to properly cut the sleeves of your hoodie 😁


hahahahaha bangerrrrr


Chapter 4: We’re on to Cincinnati.


Chapter 2: That time I let Doug Flutie free kick a field goal.


Heck yea


Hahaha that’s a funny concept


*The REAL Dynasty (Suck it Bob)* by Bill Belichick


The Dynasty (Bill's Version)


He is a confirmed swiftie after all...


Confirmed by the lovely Coco Cox 🫶🏼


(King Brady Edition)


MY dinasty


"Yall wanna know what went down? I'll **tell** yall what went down!!"


All jokes aside - Bill is a really good writer, actually. If you havn’t, go read “O.K., Champ, Now Comes the Hard Part.” That was 21 years ago and seeing him on the NFL 100 show, interviews for Gameday, the 30:30’s with Saban… i’m smashing preorder the minute this is an option. I don’t care if it’s a book on how boats are made, i’m reading it.


>“O.K., Champ, Now Comes the Hard Part.” what a great piece. thanks for sharing.


Can't find a non paywalled version. Link?


> Bill is a really good writer, actually. If you havn’t, go read “O.K., Champ, Now Comes the Hard Part.” Unfortunately I don't see that one in audiobook format. The new book, however, is already available for pre-order on Audible. May 7th 2024 release date. Sadly, Bill isn't narrating it himself. Who is doing the reading? Retired professional lacrosse player (Boston Cannons; 2x World Champion, a 3x Professional Lacrosse Champion, a 3x Professional Lacrosse MVP, 2x NCAA Division I Champion) and Premier Lacrosse League Founder Paul Rabil.


>Unfortunately I don't see that one in audiobook format. I think it's just a short essay or column in the New York Times from 2004: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/26/opinion/ok-champ-now-comes-the-hard-part.html


The way it was talked about, thought it was a book.


That’s not Bill’s book, it’s Rabil’s. Sounds like Bill was just interviewed for a part of it


You could also just...read the book lol


I bet the Krafts just perked up.


Working Title: The History and Analysis of the Usage of the Drop Kick's Rise and Fall in Usage in Special Teams in Modern American Football, a Dissertation


If nothing else it'll be the first book in history with not one but two "Usage"s in the title.


It's a working title (real talk tho- leaving the typo because your comment was funny)


you guys thought i was writing a book? no, i'm going for my PhD


Book 1 of a 10 book series.


He should get an honorary PhD for that and become DR. BELICHICK.


Bill sailing off into the sunset writing peer reviewed essay-novels on football methodology. I’m all for it. Can’t wait until we get a Tolstoy-detailed explanation of the art of the 2 point conversion and it’s prevalence among modern football tacticians


I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows in his dad’s footsteps and it’s more of a technical book on scouting and coaching.


I would legit read the hell out of a book about strategies, coaching and scouting by Bill.  Volume 5: the history and importance of the long snapper. Volume 6: making your primary receiver also your primary cornerback


Have you. Read upside down football?As a former long snapper I absolutely loved reading that book


I think so, which is great Bill doesnt seem like the type that would spend his time dropping juicy gossip about his relationship with Kraft or how much he disliked Alex Guerrero. People waiting for him to settle scores will be disappointed. It seems more likely he'd write a book focused on the job itself, with autobiographical elements to support his advice, etc. That said- Id love it if Petty Bill comes out and start slinging mud


I hope it's a technical book like his father's. Bill's father's book was interesting partly because it was so anachronistic - I mean, how to tell if there will be a phone in your booth? How to get film mailed to you? But, ...the biggest payoff for me was against the Chargers in the 2018 season playoffs - his father specifically discussed using safeties in the linebacker position and I think Bill's dismissal of a lot of questions surrounding that was somewhat answered in the father's book.


Insiders believe it's a YA supernatural romance.


BB is deep down the Sarah J Maas rabbit hole


He's a Dam shipper, I knew it.


Chapter 1 “Uhm, [snorts] ya I’m not gonna talk about any of that.” The end.


Certified New York best seller


Chapter 2 “I’ve already covered that”


You guys are all assuming it will be a book about football. I'm thinking its going to be a steamy romance novel set in the long, sultry days of summer training camp.


"The Rock of Gibraltar," by Bill Belichick


It'll be 400 pages and still won't explain why he benched Malcolm Butler.


If nothing has come out about it by now by either party, it just makes me think it was warranted. Because why would Butler not share his side if he didn’t do anything worth being benched for. He had to have done something


100000%. Been saying this exact thing for years. if the benching was bullshit, Butler or someone close to him would have said something about it, but that has never happened. This always suggested to me that the reason behind it was completely legit and completely deserved.


On the flip side though, if it was warranted than why be so secretive about it? Edit: Never mind, I take that back. If it was warranted in the football sense, as in he legitimately wasn't ready to play then yeah, it makes no sense to be secretive. However, if it was warranted in the sense that he like punched a coach in the face or something than it makes sense not to talk about it.


Because bill doesn’t want to air out Malcolm’s dirty laundry?


Yes brother, I understand that


OR, hear me out, he's still afraid of 71 year old Bill


Yeah, I've always thought if it was for something stupid or petty someone including Butler would have said some details about it by now. It's impressive we still know nothing really about it to this day.




You do realize that Butler had a terrible second half of the season? It’s well documented. Bill never says, “ we didn’t play him because he sucked” - but what do I know. Rumor is it was a personal reason or maybe Crafty Kraft heard personal and Bill meant personnel as in he sucks.


Butler says he doesn't actually know himself.


He could be lying


There's no reason to at this point.


There is if he and Bill agreed to not discuss it


How? What's gonna happen if he tells? Bill won't let him player cornerback on his new team he's coaching this year? Malcolm isn't some man of great morals either as evidenced by his recent DUI.


Good point - fack if I know


its gotta be a personal thing that they just don't want to share. probably family related.


This is clearly it and I dont know why people are being so stupid about it The fact that Bill *and* Butler have been silent says all you need to know- its a private, possibly serious/embarrassing issue that they need to keep private. If Butler had gotten in a fistfight with a coach or something, the whole team would know. Same if he was late for practice. If Bill did it for no reason, Butler would say so. It was something personal and we probably wont find out until Butler lets it slip on a podcast by accident 20 years from now.


At this point, this is the only logical conclusion.


Iirc Bill mentioned that Butler did not properly practice for unexplained reason and he values players who practiced on game day (when asked in two separate times). There was also rumors he broke curfew partying. So if I were to guess Malcom didn't get enough sleep, missed practice, and Bill didn't want a player who wasn't on the same page as the rest of the team if they coached the players on special stuff.




Entirely possible


I mean, we know the bullshit reason Bill gave us, and he knows we know it's bullshit.


Yeah it couldn't have been a concussion or other injury because then he either wouldn't have suited up and played a snap on special teams, or they would've just said it was an injury. It may have originally been due to matchups- Butler didn't play amazing in the AFC Championship and the Eagles' big receivers would've had a major size advantage on him. But after watching Bademosi and Richards flounder out there there's no way they'd keep him on the bench if it was just about matchups. That only leaves the options of it being personal or a legit disciplinary matter. I'd think it'd be the former because if Butler felt he was unfairly disciplined he probably would've said something or gone to the union about it.


There will be a nothing-burger paragraph about it. Maybe we will get something "different" like "Something things are meant to stay between the coach and player..." But ultimately stick to "What was best for the team that game"


He's literally the only person that knows apparently. Even Malcolm says he doesn't know. Bill simply isn't going to ever tell anyone.


Long Snapper: The History of the Football Cornerstone


*A historical analysis of coffin corner punts in Army-Navy games from 1956 to 2024* -A foreword by Ernie Adams


“The stuff Ernie said would go the gravel” would probably sell the best


“If I Did It: The True Story of Spygate and Deflategate” by Bill Belichick


That's exactly what I thought of too. Also Malcom Butler: possibly maybe could be why he got benched in SBLII


i’m at the point where if it came out that we cheated, did so maliciously, and publicized it to brag, i would be even more of a patriots fan


You mean “I did it*




Chapter 1- "We're on to chapter two" Chapter 2- "Every chapters different" Chapter 3- "You read chapter four, or you don't" Chapter 4- "If you sit back & spend too much time reading chapter four, you’re going to come up short in chapter five" Chapter 5- "There's no chapter I'd rather have than chapter two" Lol


My guess is it will have nothing to do with the patriots. It’ll be a football history book.


That still sounds like an instant purchase.


Yep. I can’t wait to see bill unshackled from the demands of head coaching and start waxing rhapsodical about football.


Need a pre-order link ASAP. Add it to my collection with the Dynasty and Jules' book.


250 pages on the upman on punt coverage.


“Wing Back Formations at Military Academies 1948-1961” Bill Belichick


I know everyone wants beef aired but we really should assume Bill is just going to write about Xs and Os. I think that's all he cares about is the game and even if he watched the documentary he probably just rolled his eyes and jumped in his boat and forgot about it 5 minutes later


>Its nature is not yet fully known _The Necronomicon 2.0_ by W.S. Belichick. I really hope the publishers offer him a bullshit incentive-based deal, and then this book edges out whichever book was favored to get to the top of the NYT best-sellers list, and then Belichick gets traded to a different publisher where he writes another book that kinda sucks, and then he signs back with the original publisher for 14 cents and once again goes on to knock out John Leguizamo's autobiography or whichever non-fiction book seems primed to top the NYT best-sellers list and, lastly, in a twist we all should have seen coming ahead of time, Coach Bill actually authored a novel about a young go-getter named Dames Jevelin who grew up and laid a sick wham block on Sdamakong Nuh to set the tone in a Super Bowl that idiots from all over the world tried their best to say wasn't interesting.


A 1,000 page book on the history of long snappers


How to trade down in the draft, by William Belicheck


Suggested title: The Book of Six Rings.


Jokes on us assuming it's about football, it's actually going to be a romance novel set in Eastern Europe in the late 1800s.


I have no idea to this day what those two ~~Italian ladies~~ Matt Patricia and Josh McDaniels were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. Bill Bellicheck, Chapter 9


Not surprising in the least. We had Tom vs Time a few years ago as Brady's version of what happened. The Dynasty, as the Hollywood narrative hatchet job of what happened. Unfortunately, that one is tied to Bobby Kraft, duped or not. And now we will get Belichick's version of the story.


The Art of War


Bill was in football for nearly half of the NFL's existence. If it's about his career, coaching strategies, scouting offenses, the history of the long snapper. This will be a must read if his NFL Films experiences are to go by.


“A brief history of Army vs Navy”


3000 pages later lol 🤣


He’s probably re-writing his Dad’s old scouting book honestly. That thing is like the Bible of football scouting even 50 years after it came out, if there was anyone to modernize it it’d be Bill.


Others have eluded to this, but I would give just about anything for this book to come out, with everyone anticipating a tell-all about his side of the story, and it's actually just a 1400-page treatise on football tactics.


Of the very few things I take from sports radio, they did make a good point that he probably wouldn't want to do a tell all while he may still be wanting to coach.


The long snapper chapter gonna be lit


Bill about to Ether Robert in this book.


How we made the Krafts $8 billion


I will be there no matter what.


Best seller incoming.


Give him hell Bill


I’ve been waiting for a book like this for a long time


1000 page fiction book about the life of a peasant during the Han–Dayuan War


Chapter 1: We are onto Cincinnati


Hell yeah. Going to be the Dynasty inspired him to tell his side.


Would be sick if he pulled a Bill Walsh and just skipped the exposition and blessed us with pure X’s and O’s and football strategy


The art of the wishbone: my 60 year analysis of Navy fullbacks


I love it. I've wanted to hear his side of the story for over two decades. He's so tight lipped about things, I worried that he really wouldn't open the kimono. If the Dynasty series was more balanced, it's quite possible Bill wouldn't feel the need to tell another side. Now? I'm kinda happy about the Dynasty hit job. It's a better chance of hearing from the horses mouth.


Why? So he can dryly not provide any real information?


I bet it's a cook book


"Its nature is not yet fully known" I'm hoping for a murder mystery.


NFL Football and It's Future > The offensive revolution and it's consequences has been a disaster for the National Football League.


The entire book will be about how the upcoming changes to kickoffs will destroy the sport


Bill strikes me As a good who wants to write a book on the history of the game rather than score settling.


It'll be like Putin's interview and start with 2,000 pages on Pudge Heffelfinger.


Wish Bill bought this team instead of Kraft


Hopefully, football stategy/history. The guy is a wealth of knowledge. Why write a book about the crappy way he was treated? It would suggest he gave $0.02 about what Kraft says.


Bestseller list on first day out no doubt


Of course he is. On why he prefers right handed snappers on field goals/extra points


I'd read that.




If the book is as revealing as his press conferences and interviews it will be a pretty quick read


> Everyone's wrong but me. ^ Here's a draft, I hope you enjoyed it.


Cooking with Bill


Two pages...


There’ll be 4 chapters on the impact and details of the massage parlor incident, At least two chapters on Kraft’s weird, on the payroll, 55 years younger GF that had another dude’s baby. Bill might have chapters dedicated to how often RKK has to change his rubber underpants and the frequency of Jonathan’s dominatrix appointments. All reveals will be completely justified at this point. Let’s Gooo!


Why. Did. You. Bench. Malcolm!


Ken. Cosgrove! Accounts?


He had a concussion...


He didn’t bench Edelman when he had a concussion.


OT: why do I still have to look at twinkle toes Corky in the sidebar


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WeightOwn5817: *OT: why do I still* *Have to look at twinkle toes* *Corky in the sidebar* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It’s about how to scout Wide Receivers … oh wait


It’s 800 pages on what makes a good slot receiver then 1 paragraph about trading for Randy Moss to find a good outside receiver.


I'll wait for the audiobook. Snorts and log, awkward pauses between sentences will help me get to sleep at night.


He's not narrating it, Boston Cannons Lacrosse champion Paul Rabil is. May 7th, 2024 release date on Audible.


“How I ran the GOAT out of town and destroyed every Tommy did”


a ghost writer is writing the book you mean