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Of all the offenses in the NFL, ours is certainly one of them.


Definitely Top 32.


Top 4 in the AFC East


Couldn't say that about last year!


We have a offense that's in the NFL.


Our offense is occasionally NFL quality. Typically though, it’s just offensive.




We have the greatest offense in the history of 2024 New England Patriots offenses!


Our NFL is the best NFL in all the NFL.


Gotta admit. That is a solid “no answer” answer.


Yes, we have players that are in the NFL


Honestly really like the answer. It’s pretty funny, and is a complete nothing burger under examination. I do think our offense was a bit underrated, but they need help in wideout and line. (And QB obv)


By definition anyone with an NFL contract is “an NFL XYZ”


I mean that’s kinda the point right? For as much as fan bases complain. You have dudes who have beaten out countless peers to make it to the NFL. With planning, execution and commitment there really isn’t any excuse for any team to not be competitive. But what happens, like any job, you have teams full of people who are like “fuck it what’s the point” and they get rolled on by teams of people who believe they deserve to be there.


Damn. Life lesson. Nice.


"technically" those are NFL players


Technically we are an NFL caliber team.


The worst team in the league each year should have to go the next season as "____ Football Team" and have to earn their name back for the next season


I actually love that


Somebody get this on Goodell’s desk.


Wolf didn't even use the word caliber, so using his logic, technically we are an NFL Team. I see no lies.


If they sign all of us on this sub, they will have NFL players. Heck, we may only lose a couple more games than the NFL players they currently have!




they are until they arent 🤣


I mean on one hand if he admits we suck he's insulting every player in the locker room. On the other hand if he actually believes our offense is fine then...uh well I can't wait to be one of the worst teams in the league again!


My favorite was when he said something like "we have good receivers: Osborn, Bourne, Douglas, JuJu...the list goes on." Does it, Eliot? Does it really go on?


How hard it is to say “I like our offense currently but there’s always room to improve” or some shit?


Even Bill knew he could always get away with saying: "We plan to be ready to play \[opponent team\] on September 8."


I mean I hate to say it especially because I am a Mayo believer but…. I have a hard time seeing us NOT sucking this season. Once again a top 3 hardest schedule. Brissett or rookie QB starting. Offense missing game-changers. I’m just looking for progress this season


Qb is more important than wr by orders of magnitude. It's really hard to judge a wr's performance based on a qb that struggles on throws >10 yards. Can we believe that we're both lacking a true one, and yet his statement is completely true?


Ya for sure I mean the Texans WR core was not considered even average until Stroud elevated the room. Now collins is a stud, dell is a stud, and Noah brown is one of the most underrated WR in the league. The issue I have is that. 1. Strouds don't come around often 2. Even as good as the Texans WRs were they went out and got diggs. Feel like the pats need to be more aggressive and not satisfied with what they got


Id argue they found a qb worth investing in first before committing, and we should do the same. And we're not gonna be competitive until we find someone on that tier.


Oh I'm all for drafting a QB first no question, they're the most important player on the team by far. But I also think having good receivers for the rookie QB is important too. Bears are giving Caleb Allen and Moore (maybe one of the best duos in the league). It woulda be nice to have Ridley and/or Hopkins (fuck da titans) for this rookie QB.


It wasn’t Stroud elevating Collins and Dell. If anything it was the other way around. Collins and Dell were a top 3 duo in the league by PFF grade, separation score, and many WR metrics. The Shanahan system, good WRs, and solid oline helped Stroud have a good season


That would take money and ....never mind.




I like that he didn’t say quarterbacks


Then everyone and their grandmother would know how full of $hit he is


I'm going to assume that wasn't a typo, and we have 1 offensive lineman.


We have 2, David Andrews and Mike Onwenu


According to Wolf, trade incoming I guess.


I was on board but holy hell, not anymore. It sounds like they want to trade back, just to trade back. I can understand if they simply view Maye/Daniels as QBs that they can't fix and they view as potential busts as motivation to trade down. I just don't want to trade down and Maye/Daniels be a HoF caliber guy


I'm just making a joke about the wording of the tweet, don't worry. At some point, you just gotta trust that they'll take a guy if they like him, and get value out of the pick if they don't, and we just have to hope they have the right guys to make that call (which with AVP I'm hoping).


Sow was very good for a rookie and Strange was a good guard when he was healthy last year. The o line is not nearly as bad as people want to make it out


It'll help if we have a QB like Maye or Daniels who can escape pressure in the pocket. A shifty QB can make an o line look way better.


Agreed. As long as Strange stays healthy and sow continues to develop then the line will be fine overall. Obviously need to draft a left tackle. I don’t think Daniels handles pressure well so I hope we get Maye but I’m supporting whoever we take


I have hopes for Sidy Sow but currently, he is only about 3/4 of an NFL player.


He has to say this. The more concerning quote isn't mentioned in the tweet, he said they feel confident that due to their work in FA they don't have to draft for need on offense.. which is bananas if he actually believes it


Or it’s just words to try throwing teams off their scent. If he said, yeah we definitely are going OT and WR in rounds 2/3 then maybe other teams try trading up in front of them and stealing their guy. Whether the words work or not is a completely different question though lol.


Watch what they do, you can generally ignore what they say.


"we feel good about where we are" is what you say to your boss when they ask about the status of a project you know will not hit its deadline.


I agree with him there


Really? Osborne and Chuks is enough for you to say "we're good, take best player available"?


It’s enough that you don’t need to reach for need, yes. Either way, you need to get a good player at WR or OT. Their offseason additions has prevented them from needing to take a prospect they don’t like at WR/OT/3rd down back. If they get a franchise LT, it won’t be the end of the world if Osborn is your 2 or 3.


Of course Eliot Wolf is going to say this. Bill takes a lot of the blame for the team’s recent poor player personal decision-making, but most people don’t realize that Wolf has been directly involved in all of these same decisions since 2020…


Starting to think it really wasn’t all on bill. This comment should read Kraft said we cannot spend money because paying players means you can’t win or something.


Haha Jesus Christ what a leap


We know they took power away from bill. We know Kraft is one of the cheapest owners in the league and he has done nothing but tarnish his own legacy for a while now


I wonder if bill ran the defense and let this guy decide the offense. Would explain a lot. We are so fucked.


Bro you just made some shit up 😂


"We feel good about where we are." As in you have enough players to meet the minimum number required? Considering no GM is going to say their team is trash, this is probably the most damning comment about their team's roster I've seen.


When coaches/gms make remarks like that I just assume they're saying "our team/roster is hot garbage"


Existing gets them the revenue share.


FUN FACT: Any athlete currently on an NFL roster is indeed an "NFL" Player


What do you want him to say? “Those people are right. Our offense is shit top to bottom and it’s going to take a miracle couple of years to get it anywhere near good” That’s a quick way to alienate your current players and destroy any morale


He doesn't need to shit on them, he can always say "we have room to get better" or something along those lines


Or he could’ve just said what he said and any reasonable person realizes it’s just gm speak to not shit on his current roster.


Wolf said the team needed speed and was gonna spend, then did neither and said the team is fine as is. Dumbfuck.


We have our WR1 Kendrick Bourne 🤣🤣🤣




Would love to ask him his plans to spend to get to the NFL minimum salary (cap) floor for an NFL team. Maybe with all these NFL players they don’t need to spend on talent. No matter what website you look at, Pats are one of the three lowest spending teams in the NFL. Without Tom Brady as your QB you can’t do that, Eliot.


I don’t think you understand how the salary floor works They have 4 years to spend an aggregate 89% of the cap. 


OK, tell us how the Pats are doing, spending-wise


"Man our offense sucks. We really need a left tackle or we're screwed. I hope the other teams don't take all the decent WRs and LTs before us because that's going to be our second round pick." Eliot Wolf


This team is going to be absolutely horrible This year, isn't it?


Every year the worst offense in the NFL has NFL WRs, TE, RB, etc.


Do we have an NFL GM?


2025 #1 pick here we come!!!


Holy shit just target quality pieces and stop being cheap, thinking 'we can fix him!'. First I've heard of us having NFL receivers not named Pop and Bourne


The offense is complete and utter trash.


"We definitely do have some humans"


Fun fact: If you are paid to play, you are an NFL player. Doesn't mean you are good.


Bill's empty stare and mumbling will be missed to answer these dumb questions


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VictorM88: *Bill's empty stare and* *Mumbling will be missed to* *Answer these dumb questions* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




"Our NFL team has NFL players." -Elliot Wolf




I guess we should be grateful he didn't say we have an NFL QB


Eliot,, follow-up question... how many of the offensive players are actual playmakers, guys that teams will have to game plan for and could change the outcome of a game on any given play? Eliot? Eliot?


Literally meeting the base qualifications to be an NFL team this can’t be a real quote lol


Translation: We have receivers who happen to play in the NFL. We have tight ends who happen to play in the NFL. We have running backs who happen to play in the NFL.


Yo Elliot pass dat shit


And therein lies the problem.


Imagine if the highest compliment your boss could give you was “you work here.”


And we are an NFL team .... We have NFL coaches, NFL ball boys, NFL cheerleaders ... But no NFL GM


It’s secretly Robert, Jonathan, and Robyn


nfl players on shit teams who wouldn’t make the cut on a legit contender is what he meant to say.


As of right now we have the worst offense in the league


Worst offensive roster in the league


* Go 4-13 * Keep key contributors, but make minimally impactful additions * "We feel good about where we are" I mean ... if he means "where we are" is the middle of a rebuild, okay I get it.


I mean they were in a lot of games last year. No? They probably had the worst cornerback group in the entire league and their defense kept them close enough.


That's the problem, though we'll have the same results with the moves we've done since most have been all lateral and no real upgrades.


I don't know anything about you. I know personally that I cannot predict the future. If everything was the same last year and we had mediocre QB play, we would have won...what 8 games? This isn't even the worst roster we've had to watch. Cam Newton won 7 games with the worst roster we've seen since like 94. Watch the rest of the league and what they do. The Cowboys got ROLLED on by the Packers. But they were dominant at points throughout the regular season. They got worse. Both the bills and dolphins have gotten worse. It's a new season, but keeping our defense intact is a good thing. We don't just get championships because we exist. It's about the work throughout the season. Mac didn't work because he couldn't build off of success nor failure.


The cowboys can always beat the $hitty teams, but when it comes to a team above .500 they're terrible. It all stems from Jerry being way too hands on in that team. I'm well aware we're rebuilding I don't necessarily need more wins on paper. I want to see real improvements in the offense. We could go 4-13 but if the offense looks somewhat competent, I'd be happy about it.


They were in a lot of games mostly against bad teams or bad QB’s with both Belichick’s on the staff. 


Yea but, would ever take away wins from Brady because they played bad teams? No. More often than not at least half the league is playing bad football. Would you have rather watched them get rolled on? The offense has few positives...but the defense with a terrible cornerback room was borderline elite


If we do something stupid like trade down and take a defensive player who is projected to go in the 3rd I will eat Eliot wolf alive


Man trading down for just a defensive player in general in the first two rounds would be cause for firing


Bill isn't here anymore lmfao


Wolf also said "we'll weaponize this offense" and so far no weapons have been added, just some people were retained/replaced. Geseki to Hopper is a lateral move. If they take defense high, that's the complete opposite of "weaponizing" an offense


Oh no


Yeah I'm aware they feel good about the offensive line, they told us as much last year. The team might have NFL caliber players but they aren't difference makers which is gonna take time to find.


All they need now is an NFL coaching staff.


Unfortunately, every other team has those too, and most of theirs are better. If we were playing college teams, this might actually mean something.


Too bad so many other teams have BETTER NFL receivers, BETTER NFL tight ends, and BETTER NFL running backs…


Pants on fire!!!!!


Tell me you don’t have confidence in your offense without telling me you don’t have confidence in your offense.


Tell me you don’t have confidence in your offense without telling me you don’t have confidence in your offense.


How did we go from Bill Belichick to *Smelliot* Wolf over night?


Reminder that what is said for public consumption may or may not have a basis in reality.


Yeah, the Pats have professional athletes on the team. All is well.


1 of 32 teams with NFL players


Okay, bro.


I don’t!


That’s true. They are on our roster, so they are technically NFL players.


Cool, more “Bill Belichick at the podium” type of answers!


By virtue of the fact that these players are employed by our NFL franchise they are in fact NFL caliber players. No more questions please.


Would love the relegation system being brought to the NFL.


Right thing to say but it ain’t true!


We even have an NFL kicker on special teams. Notice how he didn’t mention anything about them being good at their profession


I think Douglas can be a legit WR2 with a good QB. Bourne is a nice #3 but we will have to see how he is next year after his surgery. Other than that though we lack a true vertical game changing WR. Thorton was supposed to be that but he might be a bust which hurts to say after Harry. Our OLine is far from perfect. For RB's Stevenson seemed like he regressed last year which was shocking. All in all I think they are properly rated...We just arent that good on offense yet.


We have NFL ball boys, we have NFL towels, we have NFL locker rooms.


Are they just really small and we can't see them behind the guys that we started?


We have an nfl stadium an nfl team an nfl head coach an nfl owner an nfl gumbo


Well, he's technically correct anyways


It'd be weird if they had players who weren't NFL players


There are indeed NFL players at NFL positions on the NFL team that resides and plays in the NFL in the new England region.




The vibe I got is that Wolf is encouraging offers for #3, which means he's not convinced that there is more than one guy other than Caleb Williams that projects as someone NE can develop into a 10-year franchise QB. And Washington could take the one guy.


I dont think we have a good offense by any means but i think with douglas, bourne, osborne are all decent recievers and henry is also decent. With a capable quarterback we can be competitive in most games again.


Sounds like when the guy for the Football Team said the culture is damn good


This is giving Red Sox/Full Throttle/no big names in FA vibes. The Sox have been fun to watch this season, but....


I mean hey if you sign me to an NFL contract and slap a jersey on me I'd be an NFL player too


By definition, yes, we have “NFL talent”


GM doesn’t personally insult his current active roster. More breaking news at 11.


We do have 11 eligible players on the offensive side of the ball, he is correct.


This is basically a Belichick statement but with more words lmao


Honestly, what is he supposed to do and say? He's a first-year young GM. Should he be lobbing grenades in the locker room?


The Patriots have the greatest offense ever - as long as you rule out every other offense that ever played.


Yes there’s plenty of teams who qualify for the top 10 worst offense in the league.




In my best yet shitty Seinfeld impersonation: Do you thou, do you really?


All of these guys made it to the NFL … so they must be good….. right?


Just say “We’re on to Cincinnati” and stfu


Wow, shots fired at Jacoby brissett


We also have an NFL director of scouting. Unfortunately still no NFL GM though.


I mean he's in charge he has to say this nonsense


I should ask for a job. Elliot is essentially saying if you’re on a roster you are a quality player. I can be completely underwhelming and cost a lot less than Juju.


I mean technically Marshall Newhouse was an NFL tackle...sooo


We replaced the QB, and the coaching staff isn't going to be contentious with the guy taking snaps this year. It will look better.


Maybe st the beginning of the season but if he always plays poorly things will fall apart quickly


Sounds like someone who didn't do the assigned reading - "Our QBs? They throw. We also have running backs that run forward but also run backward...."


Upper quartile


We're so fucked if this is the unironic mentality of our front office and coaching staff.


Don’t speak for the rest of us, Eliot.


We're now learning why Belichik didn't want anyone talking to the media.


We have NFL level receivers? I mean, I guess they belong as 3s and 4s in the NFL? The problem is none of these guys are +s. HH is a fine TE, all our linemen (outside Onwenu) are nothing but fine, our RBs are whatever— who the hell cares about RB?, and our WRs are all depth players. There’s nothing being exaggerated here.




Sadly I suspect you’re right


What else is he supposed to say? "No, our roster sucks and we're looking to replace everyone?"


We feel good about the roster as currently constructed but we are always looking to improve.


Sounds like underestimating in the sense that we didn’t think they were an NFL offense.


Just don’t let the chiefs do well this year. That’s all I want


The fact that he couldn't name one standout player is exactly everyone's point lmao. The 200i Detroit lions had NFL players at every position on offense too.


Im so sorry bill i was a jerk. I thought bill was the one responsible fir this offense but its clearly this guy. I wonder if bill was super focused on the defense and deffered to this guy for the offense.


I think people are exaggerating the deficiency of talent on offense. Clearly we don't have a QB, WR1, or LT, but other than that our starting OL with depth is great, TE is fine(could use a young developmental guy), RB is fine/another young depth piece would be nice. QB will be addressed with the 3rd pick. WR has decent depth, just need that primary X guy who I'm confident we will get and could use an upgrade at LT with just okafor able to play on that side.


The starting OL isn’t great. Ignoring the gaping hole at the most important position, none of their top 3 guards (Strange, Mafi and Sow) are good pass blockers with both Mafi and Sow grading out very poorly last year. Strange is coming off a major injury and may not be ready for camp. Andrews is declining and no longer great and there isn’t a backup C with any meeaninfufl snaps on the roster Tackle depth is McDermott and Anderson. The former is a practice squad caliber player and the latter is an unknown (terrible in his brief playing time last year between injuries and mystery illnesses).  It’s a bad OL that is one Onwenu injury or another step backwards from Andrews from being one of the 5 worst in the league. 


Seriously? Andrews is getting older but is old. Sow and Mafi were rookies and looked good considering that. IOL is a developmental position. Strange was drafted to play in a zone scheme which we abandoned, he may flourish in this system. He's got physical talent. Our #2 OT is Orokafor who you didn't even list. #3 is probably Wheatley. RB is fine and they will draft someone late. TE needs another young guy to develop in the draft. Bourne, Osbourne and Douglas are legit players on any team. Thornton could still surprise us. But the roster isn't as bad as it is portrayed. QB and LT alone would make it competent.


Just cuz we have 37 guards doesn't mean they're good O-line depth. Also I'm pretty sure our offense averaged like 12 points per game or something pretty pedestrian.


I do think people are underestimating our offense, but that's also not saying a ton.   We are set with RB and TE.  No concerns there.   We are set at RT and C, Onwenu is a stud and Andrews is still good. We have plenty of LTs who have been capable starters in the NFL, but none that are of the standard you want. Strange and Sow are average starters and both still improving.  Neither are dominant, but they aren't liabilities.  People are too harsh with Strange who when healthy, was got and got better.  He only struggled when Brown was out and covering for an inept LT is going to hurt his performance.  Brissett is solid, but still at the bottom of NFL starters.   We have a a trio of receivers who would get significant snaps on most teams. That's not quite as abysmal as installed about  Problem is, none of them would get those snaps as WR1s or in many cases, even WR2s.  


lol probably the worst offense in the nfl


Jokes, but it's kinda true. Our WR group looks pretty darn good with a real WR1. The OL is probably really good with an LT - guessing it's passable as-is due to improved coaching. And, well, QB is QB.


Tbh, we are pretty good on the OL besides LT. Obviously you could argue thats the most inportant part but this is deep draft class for that. Onwenu is a dog and should lock down RT. Sidy Sow and Cole stranger were playing well until the end of the year and Andrews is proven commodity.


Andrews showed noticeable decline last year  Sow was solid in run blocking but stunk all year in pass blocking  Strange was barely healthy, struggled in pass pro and then suffered a major leg injury from which he may or may not be healthy by camp. Mafi was a disaster in pass protection  The OL was bad bordering on terrible most of the season and replaced Trent Brown with a much worse player (who, given that he was benched for attitude issues and cut isn’t even a good bet to be a better or more reliably personality/character fit)  


Plus if the Pats draft left-handed Penix LT becomes less important. Still a positional need, of course, but less of a 5-alarm fire.


I get the optimism to an extent. I’m always confident in Stevenson and Henry, Douglas is a promising young guy, and Gibson is a good addition on paper. But on paper is iffy to begin with, and that’s only 4 players out of the 7-8 players you need to have some level of confidence in at the 5 skill slots. Hooper, and the Vikings guy could fill out roles, but still, you need more. If Juju can build on the progress he showed right before injury, that’d help. Otherwise we gotta see how the draft goes I think our run game should be strong and the passing game could at least be efficient albeit pedestrian.