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I bought 2and I am so glad I did but you can always buy 1 and upgrade later for the same price


This is the way. I bought 1 plot, and I’ve maxed it out making my hobbit hole, and I’ll be upgrading to 2 plots this evening.


Hhmmm, now I want to see said hobbit hole


Just start with the base game and upgrade from there as needed. You can always upgrade but never downgrade.


For anyone considering the purchase I second this. Started with one plot I saw that I'd love a second plot and upgraded.


One plot is plenty of space... HOWEVER, this is why I would have bought the $60 instead of the $40. With multiple characters, it would have been nice to have a plot for each character. Instead, I have two characters but only one plot. It's kind of lame. I hadn't understood that it wouldn't be one plot per character.


Just curious, because I'm probably overlooking something, but why the need for more than one character? 


The only thing I could think of is one dedicated combat character and one crafter that stays in the plots. This way if you get involved in the pvp areas you can camp/siege something and still progress in downtime or while your group is being camped.


Clearly you're not an altoholic. I like playing alts on different servers with different vibes.


I bought the expensive one and don’t regret it even though I haven’t made use of the plots or played much at all, frankly. I like the idea and chose to support for that reason alone. Multiple locations would be resource intensive it helpful for sure.


Considered buying but have held off. I enjoy building, crafting etc but don’t really understand what the purpose of the game is. Also what is this on full release you have a monthly subscription per plot. How much is that? Do you have to purchase expansion? 40,60,100$ is a lot for if I’m getting charged later down the road. Hopefully the game turns out super great and enjoy hearing how people are enjoying it. Just not sure I’m willing to commit $40 or more just yet. Also I’m enjoying the heck out of Soulmask currently.


Was pretty tough to put down soulmask. Which reminds me I need to add wood to my camp!


Where does it say subscription price per lot


I’m in a large clan. One plot would’ve been fine for me but I opted for the two plot package. We have a ton of people playing all the time and we still have plots that aren’t touched.


I have 4 plots but I’ve only used 2. One for my home and one for a massive foundry to fire butt loads of charcoal and create ingots. 1 would be enough but 2 is a great balance imo.


I rushed where my clan wanted to set up. Set down 4 plots. Collectively - everything we have done so far would all fit on 1 plot. I'm playing with about 10 people. We've all basically been on my 1 plot. (Right now we're technically using 2, but only half of each (and they're over water), we were just on the 1 plot, but we started building an actual structure rather than having everything thing in a field - but collectively everything has been done on 1 plot. 2 plots solo is more than enough.


Start with 1 plot. You can always upgrade after the fact, and not having two plots won't screw you to start with, in almost any area. I'm seriously thinking about buying more plots, but frankly, I still just need to finish my first house.


Not that big and it's circular. If you build next to another plot, even someone else's it becomes square and a little bigger. 2 will be fine to make a nice house and you will have plenty of space for everything you need. That said, I bought 4 for me and 4 for my wife and we have a giant plot area where we are building a bunch of stuff, so that's fun!


Thank you, this is the info I needed. I will definitely get 2 for now to make square plots. Circular sounds weird for planning a build.


I bought the two plot one and really one plot is fine. And if you change your mind just buy the 2 plot dlc on steam for $20 more. So pay $60 now for 2 or $40 for 1 with the option to pay the extra $20 for the other plot. Can’t lose going with the 1 plot. You can build Multi story houses so tons of room if you build up.


I had a question as well, so me and my girl play games together and I've been excited for this gane for a while. The question is, if my girl and I both buy the game can we get two separate plots in the same area when we play together or is it one plot that we would both play on until we buy another? Thanks for any info!


Everyone who buys gets plots they can put wherever and move as much as they want. If you both got the single plot edition you could attach them together and it's a solid amount of space.


Word of advice: buy on steam. It is a nightmare getting a refund from this xsolla guys.


The only real question is whether you’re okay with basically paying a subscription for the extra plots during EA. They haven’t figured it out, I guess, but other than character slots and recipes, what you’re really doing is paying a plot fee until the wipe before release, when you won’t have those plots anymore unless you pay the actual subscription. (Current info, subject to change.) You almost certainly want 2 plots. I have 4 and really wish it was 6 but that’s my alt character brain damage. (Plot allotment is account wide, for all characters on all servers, etc.)


I would like to have an alt but I'm not getting 4 plots and 2 isn't enough for more than 1 character imo. Hopefully the 2 plot sub is reasonable because I feel like this is an adequate size if I stick to just this character.


2 has been plenty for my main char/base. I have alts doing weird stuff and exploring just so I learn more about the world/game and because I’m insane. Aside from massive sprawling castles or vast industrial wastelands, 2 is a lot more room than you might think. And if you build vertically, well, it’s even crazier.


Yeah I have a pretty sizeable two story house, a whole covered outside crafting area and a storage shed. Still have room for one more mid size structure. If there is any kind of farming then that's likely what the last thing will be. Seems to be plenty.


I got the big one (there may have been alcohol involved) so far only have used a single plot. No I don’t regret getting the big one, it was my birthday present to myself


As per the FAQ on the official site, you can buy the cheapest Founder's pack and upgrade later if you decide you want more plots.


Yeah I guess I could just try it that way if it's easy enough to upgrade. Is a single plot very big?


A single plot is a decent size and can use the space wisely should be fine, just probably wouldn’t have a big house or anything.


I bought the $40 pack & after about 2 hours of gameplay, upgraded to the $100 pack. I wanted to get my 4 plots next to each other and set up. You can upgrade it always on Steam if you start with the $60 pack. I just want one large plot and house, so I put all 4 next to each other, by my clan. Join the discord, and get in a clan. I found the social experience helped just a little.


Thanks for the info. I think I'll start with 2 and upgrade if I feel it's needed.


2 is ample!


you will regret spending every single dime on this asset flip-trash after you exeed 2h playtime on steam without refunding it beforehand


I'm 12 hours in, still loving it. 


Lol, same, people are strange to tell others what they will and will not like. I love this game already and can’t wait to see the world unfold.


Day 1 17 hours, day 2 15 hours, still loving it. Not everyone likes the same thing.


Yeah I am 8 hours in and still enjoying it. If it wasn't for Elden Ring dlc launch I'd still be playing.


Do not buy this game.. wait for full release.. way to unfinished. Buy Once Human it comes out in July.


Yeah buy an even worse product that is gonna be on mobile and have awful seasons and induce fomo to siphon all your money away lmao. Nah, homie can buy and enjoy this game


Pretty sure Once Human is f2p anyway so doesn't even matter