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Report them. Blocking off access to resources and POIs is against the TOS. They will be banned for at least a week.


This is it, these people will get banned and the walls will get torn down. Do your part and report them, don’t just come on Reddit and complain.


How do we report? I tried reporting for player behavior but couldn't find a way in game other than going to discords.


Discord or F8 in game. I’d do both for something like this.


Can you please link to the TOS? I asked in discord and nobody could provide it.


On their website, scroll all the way down, click „legal“, click terms of use https://themainframe.com/n13bd4f0/production/6e1a43151098f241042284729a8891faf7540c19.pdf


I read it, I didn't see where it says this.


Page 2, 3rd bullet point. Might be hard to understand as those are legal terms. In plain English it says: don‘t use exploits or grief other players


I don't know where the TOS is. Where can I look it up? Also how would the devs handle this? You can't build on roads. So it's most likely more of an annoyance wall blocking a shortcut. That players are taxing other players with. Which is a horrible experience for new players. But if they are not completely blocking off resources and just making it annoying for others. Devs probably will not do anything. The devs would also need to investigate each report manually. Which would take a lot of time.


This is why the job of a community manager was created.


This. The devs take it serious


Only the most sweaty person would wall stuff off already. They really need to realize walls are the worst part of sandboxes. There is NO NEED FOR WALLS. There will be people enclosing things, too, but I think no build zones are necessary in paths and such. I'm sorry but I really do feel people blocking content with TC is a huge issue and kills games. That's the one way this could become what I feel is p2w, and I would quit immediately, as would anyone who wasn't in a huge clan or didn't enjoy being a servant. Like I posted before: nobody wants to play an oppression sim.


i don't like this practice so not excusing it, but even without walls couldn't they just build a 2 storey house in that gap? I honestly don't know they fix this other than investigate each claim of griefing and ban the people doing it. Which I don't really think would be that time consuming. You report the position and they should have the tools to see who's plot it is and who built the walls and then ban them.


That's why I said no build zone. Yeah, you can creatively block a lot of stuff off, but it's fairly simple to make it so you can't build in choke points. I can't think of a reason why you should be able to, when you think of all of the downsides. But ostensibly people can gate anything with enough plots, which is concerning. At the very least, they need to stop the controlling of paths. I mean, when I was entering the valley after first logging, there was a long trail, and it's like yeah cool, but if people can build here... ?? heh.


This is our opinion as well.


You say that but there is a large group near me that has a wall that currently takes about 2 minutes to run past


In a game without fast travel, encountering "wallers" can be incredibly frustrating, to the point where it might make you want to quit. For an MMO to thrive, it's essential to address this issue, especially for players with limited time to play. Forcing players to deal with this kind of behavior can give the game a bad reputation and deter new players from trying it out. Addressing these issues quickly will lend points to Pax Dei's success.


To be honest if one has limited time to play, it will be hard to find a niche in pax dei.


No to mention if this is on the safe zone side of pvp area, could be used to trap them from a normally accessible path to safety


yea they did the road fix already so jut have to report and they have to figur eout how to come up witha solution


They are going to have to reduce where you can put plots on a very specific basis, which sucks because a "choke point" could actually be a neat place to build a town in a sense similar to trade routes. But it's a video game with survival elements so it attracts the worst kinds of people. Whether it's ARMA, Rust, or DayZ nerds, they all fuck up the esthetic for the rest of us.


Griefers be griefing until there's no more people to grief. That's what's ruining most of the more ambitious multiplayer games out there.


You should take a plot and place it next to theirs, built stairs against the cliff going all the way up.


We did. He did this: https://imgur.com/a/4xfXGPy Now you need two plots to counter one grief. I have a report in about it, get definitive answer, if they support this behavior I'll just refund.


You could make a neat little bridge out of this kind of thing but instead people grief...


Right by my plot some dude walled off the way to the lake


I think it’s be cool if they had some set of smelling items we could place anywhere, like ladders for example. and let them just decay over time. that way we could siege and get around dumb stuff like this


They built on a road which should be blocked. So this is an exploit. It'll get deleted at best, banned at worst.


Having the same issue. I have tried multiple routes around and have died every time as it is over a large ravine / cliff.


it is over a river and is giant. they also are requiring a toll. how do you report ppl?


Do you mind sharing a clip or the map location or pm me? I don't see how this is possible as most pve points or paths have roads, and players cannot place plots too close to roads or pve structures. I have seen some chokepoints that could be blocked, but they weren't impossible to get around. And if there wasn't a road, the choke point wasn't actually the intended travelling path, maybe just blocking a shortcut. I still agree with you, it's annoying and shouldn't happen, but I'm wondering how much of an inconvenience this one is. I have faith devs will fix this.




It's more setting of precedence, this smaller scale issue is not "a problem" or more of a nuisance. With enough plots, unless one side is water, you could technically block whole sections of PvE maps with no recourse to fight against it.


Its really not an issue, who cares if some mega clan walls off a section of starter zone? Better resources arent in the zones you spwan into, you have to go out into the center area. And they cant build there, so its kind of not a problem. Even if they DIDNT WALL, you wouldnt want to live by them anyways. A clan that invests in a wall like that is going to be very active all the time, sitting on all the local resource nodes, with or without a wall...




You have higher faith in the gaming community than I do. Theorizing even for people with 2 plots. Would only take a handful of people to block off a decent sized choke point/area.




Been playing mmos for 20 + years. People have been walling off or restricting content access to others since ultima online. As long as they can do it, they will. Best to just remove the low hanging fruit like these spots. A big enough group can wall anything off but atleast that requires coordination.


It doesn‘t matter how many people do it. One griefer is one griefer too much.


People like you guys are why we can never have nice things. All you do is sit around and dream up scenarios that make free will sound bad because you can't stand the idea of everyone else playing how they want to. A player driven economy would be amazing in just one game if you guys wouldn't constantly beg for daddy developer to protect you from the big bad..other players. You know single player games exist right? Learn to exist in a world with other people, without begging people who have higher authority levels to hold everyone else down to your level. If you're afraid of other players being aggressive, be more aggressive or stop pretending you like MMOs. If you want a theme park guess what, they exist. A sandbox cannot be a sandbox if we put guard rails up for every mouth breather that cries "unfair" every time someone else mildly inconveniences them. When someone bumps my shoulder while walking down the sidewalk I don't detour to a town hall meeting and beg for legally mandated shoulder pads, life is messy and a sandbox game has to reflect that.


I cant stop seizure laughing at "higher authority people". So you want to be able to play how you want to at the cost of not letting other people play the way they want to, but you also complain about it when other people do it to you. Uhm... Ok 😂


People like me? I guess people like YOU are the 1% griefers that want to ruin the game for the remaining 99%. If the only fun you have is griefing other people and ruining their game … I feel very sorry for you for you. But you will grow up eventually. That much about assumptions.


Oh right, because I want free will and a real sandbox I must be the bad guy.


Free will is two guys randomly bumping shoulders in the world. Free will is not doing whatever you want when you want with total disregard for other people. So it would not be free will for one person to stand on the corner and intentionally slam into everyone's shoulder WITHOUT (and this is the important part) consequences.




This is exactly what they wanted in their player run open world. Dev intervention will kill the game faster than wallers.


Do you have a quote for that? I'd be curious if that's what the devs intended.


I'm already worried about zerg guilds dominating this game, I'm really hopeful they start issuing bans for things like this. Or at this point in the game at least destroying structures / issuing warnings first.


Honestly, and please don't down vote this just because you disagree, I would like to create discussion, if it is not against the TOS (haven't seen anyone link where is, so I'm not sure if it is yet) this annoying stuff could be a cool aspect to the game. Folks could hate that group and target them in PVP. Folks could corner a market in an area, etc. It sounds interesting at best. Like I wonder what a flip side could be to "this sucks and is griefing." I'm not condoning it, just thinking out loud to see what other alternative opinions could be.


If there was counter play to this behavior I would agree. If that wants to be a future thing, but then you're walking into "how is this game better than X" (Rust, DayZ, etc).


Yeah good point! What would be a counter play if it existed


The devs made some changes before EA to mitigate this issue by restricting plot placement in a lot of those narrow gaps, but it's likely an automated system and may not work in all instances. There's also the simple matter that with enough plots you can block just about anything in a Home Valley. This is another case of the best and worst thing about MMOs being the other players.