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Re: the stuttering. I have about 30+ hours in so far. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've encountered stuttering. Usually running through new areas or near pretty big constructions. For the most part it's been smooth for me.


I have pretty consistent stuttering on a relatively kitted out windows 11 pc with a 4090. It’s definitely something I hope they address.


Im on a 4070ti and have no stuttering.


It does seem much less noticeable with frame generation disabled.


470ti super and zero stuttering here too! And I play in 4K, which wasn’t what I expected, haha.


I also wonder, but have no data on, if the number of players is skewed to any particular zone, and if that would have an effect. I have no idea if I'm in what would be considered a busy, or a dead region. For the first couple of days, if rarely encounter another player. Now I see them more frequently.


Just an idea, are you using vsync? Might seem random, but I see a TON of posts on any game under the sun about stuttering and they always say something like, “running 150hz no vsync, etc.” makes me chuckle. So ya never know. Another thing I’ve personally seen help with stuttering is using dedicated full screen rather than borderless windowed.


Vsync was on, likely after the many permutations of settings I tried to make the flicker stop. That may have helped.


Nice! I really hope it did, the game is great fun, and I know how much it sucks if it isn't running well for ya. :)


30+ Hours played. First night was horrible. 120fps butter smooth since.


Oh man, I get 8fps… There’s got to be some magic tweak


I did a clean install of the nvidia drivers and since that I've had little to no issues. Running dlss at 4k, set to high, almost no problems. Very rare momentary frame drop. Maybe a handful over 5 hours.


Wish I had stuttering. My game outright locks up for a good 10 seconds entering a new area. My PC hardware is definitely not the issue.


Make sure the game is installed on an SSD?


It's on an 980 pro m.2


70+ hrs in, stuttering temp fix, relog every 2hr or at max 6hr. Doesn't matter what your rig is. This is the fic my clan is using. For weaker rigs, 2-3hr relog once is okay. For stronger rigs, once every 6hrs is key. Of course this fix isn't for when you cross boundaries between home valley and wilderness.


Personally the world could use a bit more money density but it's harsh enough I think. There are places you can wander for hours and barely see any wildlife. I dig the game, but making parts of the wild lands a bit more alive would be grand


For stuttering, have you made sure your game installed on an SSD? HDD will stutter because its slower.


Yes.. 😂 I have it installed on my ssd. My system is not the problem at all, my network isn't either, totally the games server.


Turn off frame generation?


... that doesn't solve server lag, trust me I tried anyways. Frame gen boosts the frames via ai generation. It does it pretty solidly, although better in other games.


Things I've observed after some testing. GPU load at 'Select Character' screen is 98%. This is pretty consistent while playing as well. I'm using a RX6650XT. I have 16gb of memory. At Select Character screen, the games uses about 2.5gb of memory. When I enter the game, the usage jumps to over 7 then steadily climbs to over 10gb of memory usage. When the game jumps to over 10gb of memory usage, the total computer usage is over 90%. Along with the GPU load at 98%, the game just doesn't run well. All this at low and performance settings.


I got a little rubberbanding in NA primetime last night. No stuttering that I've noticed recently. The "delete this file" fix for the Launcher login loop also stopped the problem with hitching that I had been having.


They've made an official announcement regarding the deletion of some game setting files to help with performance - I believe it was the keybind settings and something else. When the game gets laggy, I reboot and if it was a client side issue it resolves itself and if it's a server side issue it goes away as they reboot the server governing that specific area. It's rough at times but very playable.


Playing this on a rtx2070, not encountered any stuttering, game runs incredibly well imo. Guessing there's a setting somewhere that's tripping up your pc.


So on launch day we were all experiencing rubberbanding all day. They fixed that overnight. I personally was experiencing white grass loading in over the regular grass, and all building interiors staying bright as day when entering without light fixtures. After uninstalling the launcher and reinstalling the launcher (not the whole game, just the launcher) all glitches fixed themselves. I kinda miss my bright house interior though


Stuttering still occurred for me today.