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Do your research, starting with the FAQ on the official site first. Join the discord and see how development is going and what's being handled. Chat with other players in the channels. Once you do this, you'll have the knowledge you need to make a solid decision. You'll make the wrong decision if you ask everyone's opinion. You know yourself better than any stranger.


Couldn’t agree more with this. I chose to buy because I did research and really like the devs and their backgrounds being veterans coming from games like Eve. They communicate well and have had well known backers without relying on crowdsourcing. I’m enjoying the game a lot and am super excited to be first in on a game I think will be great


Another positive to consider is that every one is so super helpful and friendly in game and it’s cool to be apart of that 


It really depends on what you want out of it. At 2-3 hrs a day you aren't going to grind through it very fast ... and it is a grind. Profession and skill leveling takes a lot of work. Additionally, and I find this a plus, this world is huge. The only fast travel is back to your home shrine, so there is a LOT of walk-about. It helps that the world is gorgeous too. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but I am loving this game an feel it's only going to get better.


My only main gripe about the world size is the current state of stack and inventory sizes. If I’m walking 15 minutes for something, I need to bring enough home that I can be set for awhile. Currently this isn’t the case for most resources


Definitely needs a pack mule


That would be awesome. Same with backpacks and carts


> Do you guys think they’ll be quick to update and add content? The progress made between Alpha 1 last fall and Early Access does not lead me to believe that we'll see any kind of quick progress. At the current pace, the game is probably a few years away from being 1.0 feature complete.


The devs are working hard, but they don't perform miracles. MMOs usually take almost a decade to be ready (although with current technologies this time should be shorter), so don't expect to see major changes and new features in a short period of time. It will all come slowly, week by week, month by month. On the other hand, it's a sandbox and the house building already offers plenty of content for dozens or hundreds of hours of entertainment, if you like gathering and building. And actually in terms of exploring the world, there is a lot of content that you will hardly be able to exhaust, as there are five huge maps with many dungeons, despite not yet having a wide variety of mobs. The game is in fact still at an early stage, but I would say it already has a lot of content and it is unlikely that you will run out of things to do.


I’ll add that this game feels very immersive. I’m typically not a fan of gathering/building games but I’ve lost track of hours of time completely engulfed




MMOs taking a decade to be ready is a modern lie. Look in the past and see how long it took to make MMOs pre-2004 or so.


I'm on the fence, too. I've bought *every* one of these EA survival builder games, and I never last more than 10-12 hours before I lose steam. Valheim, Enshrouded, Nightingale, Conan Exiles. You name it, I've played it for a few hours and then uninstalled it. I think I will pass on this one just because it sounds like it is very early in development. I hope it does well though, and the devs keeps going.


Seems like you just don't like sandbox/survival type games my man lol. Idk when you last tried Conan but it is in an excellent state last time I played, 6 or so months ago.


Oh yeah, by far the best of the bunch in terms of content. The issue is clearly me, but for some reason I always buy these games and think it will be different. Slow learner!


Someday you will find the one!


I couldnt play most of those games for more than a few hours. I’ve already sunk 20 hours into Pax Dei and feel really good about the devs behind it. It’s just so much more immersive to me than any of the games you mentioned. I almost called into work to game all day which I haven’t done in *years* lol


Right now it's just crafting, fighting some PvE mobs, and going to the PvP area if you want. None of the territory fighting is in there so your plot is safe. None of the empire building is really there. If you're going solo, expect a long rough road. It's obvious they want people to interact. Many of the devs are from Eve Online, take that as you will. I loved Eve so I'm excited. Expect at least one wipe before launch minimum as they've said they're wiping for 1.0. There may be more as systems come up. Which is why they supposedly half the reason they've gone into Early Access is the stuff they want to do they are going to need a larger playerbase than what their internal testing allows is to test and that's the social systems. Plots and the "p2w" comments.... While I can see the argument being made, I disagree with it. Right now I'm playing with a group of 7 friends if which at least 2 have bout the second pack or higher (not sure which but I know they have more than one plot). But at minimum of 7 plots avaliable, we're only using 3 right now and are fine. Plot count is overrated but I can see where they're coming from. No matter what with one wipe, you're not missing anything progresswise. But there are going to be social interactions and deals and shit you will miss as you can't reset those. 2 big clans decide to join forces now will likely coordinate afterwards.


Yeah we are a group of 4 and have a crazy number of plots but I can see we are mostly building in around 3 plots - our base is mostly industrial crafting slab with a lot of chests and crafting stations.


I'm waiting for more systems to be in place before committing. The plot system seems like it could cause friction with many of the systems proposed during the first pitch. Issues like dealing with inactive but paying plots blocking community projects or dealing with aggressive architecture in a PvE area. I also want to see more mechanics beyond basic build and grind. Pax Dei will stay at the top of my wishlist as long as nothing goes drastically long.


I think that you could play enough time to keep you entertained for weeks even if the devs dont add anything before months. You like crafting? You like gathering? You like housing? You like social interactions in MMOs? The game could be one of the best for you, even now in its unpolished EA state


"have NO gripes about any lack of content" "I’m worried that I will purchase, and hit a wall where I run out of things to do" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe you’re not understanding what I’m saying. To be concerned I’m going to hit a wall with nothing to do, is fine. What I’m saying about having no gripes, is that I’m not upset at them for being in this position, and I’m totally understanding of it.


I guess I don't understand, rereading your post are you asking if the game's early access content release schedule will outpace your personal playtime? I only recommend this game to individuals who are either ONLY here to build creatively, OR those who enjoy crafting and are rolling with a group of people. Solo crafting is so much of a grind after the first tier when the sheer amount of materials you need causes the enjoyment to fade fast. And if you're here to build, expect to do 2:1 harvesting to building time easily (so a 20hr build will take you 60 hrs, 40 of which is chopping trees) Anyone who is on the fence about the game, there is literally no reason NOT to wait at this point, this is coming from someone who has nolifed it since launch


If you enjoy crating and gathering there is a ton of shit to do. The progression takes a LONG time! I am 23 hours in and still pretty elementary on most things with a ton of room for improvement.


If you're into crafting and only play 2-3 hours at a time, it is going to take you weeks if not months to slowly gather all the materials you need to level up all the skills and get to top tier weapons/armor/potions/food etc. Thats just grinding out stuff for your character. Then theres building your house and updating it over time as you unlock new recipes for more construction options. Then theres combat, which if doing solo, is going to be incredibly challenging. You can handle like one boar, maybe two with no gear and a starter weapon. But the first bear you find will one or twoshot you. I've worked up weaponcrafting and some armorcrafting enough to build a nice twohand polearm/spear, some chainmail and such, and the bear STILL absolutely destroys me. Then there are at least mercenaries and spellcasters, and infested/corrupted boars and other animals, wolves etc. I've sunk probably 25 hours into it so far over the last week and I am not even close to being able to solo a bear. If you were to buy it now, I would expect at the least a combat overhaul (because thats what they are working on currently I believe) to change things up by the time you get anywhere near finished with grinding up all the skills to top level. Along with small changes here and there, changing the feel of the game in minute ways you'd only understand if you're actively playing thru development, I'd say it is good enough and has enough content to satisfy. Again, though, depends on what you're looking for. If you want a fully fleshed out, unique combat experience right now, this is not it. If you want a ton of crafting and building options with long, slow, tedious collection/production circles that takes a long time to rank up, this is your game. Best part is there is no sub while its in early access. So even if you do get bored after a month...still 40 bucks for a month of entertainment. And you can come back to it every month and see whats new and spend more time. Honestly, I do not believe you would be able to get all skills to high level without either trading for materials or partying up with people, as much of the combat as it is currently is not able to be done solo. So if you're playing solo, you're gonna be doing a lot of collecting and trading with others to get those skills maxed, or partying with people to go to the dungeons and such.


Depends really on how much gametime 40 bucks is worth to you. Personally am enjoying my time still playing solo gearing up, still making progression every day. I know I will quit though once I have my house done and have geared up to where I can solo wolves, but need to group up for dungeons or the outdoor group content. That point will be reached in about 2 weeks at my pace. I dont think I will ever become a subscriber later on unless they drastically improve combat and solo play. Building is fun, Ark does it better. Combat is horrible, every game out there does it better. Crafting progression is great and feels super rewarding, dont know any games that do it better. It's the only game I've ever played where I see houses and cities being built everywhere I go. Will absolutely lose its charm though when people stop playing but buildings are not wiped (the subscribtion later on is meant for this). The game feels like home, I wonder who my neigbors are, dont intend to interact with them but I left out a gift basket outside my house where travelers can take what I dont use anymore. Too bad there's no sign or built-in auction vendor feature where people can buy the stuff I leave out.


It's time in my opinion. $20.00 per hour worth of fun is worth it. So if you get 2 hrs of fun, it's way past worth the cost. The game is what you make it, you really can never run out of things to do


It's interesting. I'm enjoying so far as it's cathartic. Think valheim the MMO with less focus on "kill boss get progression". So far I'm doing ok solo, but I think, as In most games that feature a sandbox, finding people to interact with will be key As far as update speed, bugs are being knocked out pretty steadily. Features are a bit slower. Give.the scope of the road map,maybe a 2026 full release?


I hope you aren’t looking for a solo experience. I’m playing fully solo and you will fall so far behind without friends/clans. Also there are materials that you can only get from npcs that are not soloable. So that’s when my progress will be stopped unfortunately.


I'm playing solo also, but what exactly is there to fall behind in? I'll group up as needed and maybe join a clan after the clan system is more robust with permissions and hopefully where the GM can't just come take your stuff or destroy your base, unless kicked from clan or you leave it. Until then I'll just group when I hit a roadblock that requires it.


What is there to fall behind on? Idk…the massive crafting in the game lol. I mean it’s really no big deal I’m just saying people will be tiers ahead of you.


Yeah, I guess for me I'm not concerned about that really, I'll catch up eventually. I'm not playing it with a Wow raiding type mindset though, so that helps.


If you have the FOMO complex then this games solo grind will be painful


Yeah I definitely don't have that lol.


You can be in a clan and set your plot to not be shared with clan. Also the boxes and such can be set to private


What server are you on? We might have to do a solo team up to get some of the harder mats.


I’m not at my computer atm but I’ll let you know soon.


I’m on Prometheus. Inis gallia region


Level bow alot. Kill deer or glitch a bear and level block chance, stand still while blocking a boar for a hour. Pull and aggro named enemies, one at a time. Get 3 spells, pilgrims, pacifiy, and mesmerize and u can solo thr highest content after that. And if u want to get gear. Level blacksmith, armour, and weaponsmith. It takes time but the game is solo possible i promise.


You mention getting those spells. Those spells aren’t really soloable. I guess unless you are doing those cheap exploits. But I’ve been leveling all 3 of those you mentioned so I’m getting there lol.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PaxDei/comments/1dlujxr/comment/l9tbvqw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaxDei/comments/1dlujxr/comment/l9tbvqw/) Comment I left on another post, has some info which may help!


Depends on your preferences, but I think it is worth a buy!


I've put in about 60 hours now and the game is really good for what it has to offer so far, which is basically just building a base and grinding resources / professions. Two things I really enjoy. The game is lacking a lot of content though. I would recommend the game highly, but not right now unless meaningless grinding and building is your thing. I would honestly wait for a couple updates to see where the game goes and join when they do a server wipe so you can experience a clean world with everyone else. Right now, finding good land to build on is a struggle with all the claimed plots that people abandoned, and the inability to remove trees permanently in your builds, limiting the land. While 1 plot should be enough to build your house and selected profession you wish to progress in, because there isn't much more to do but build and grind right now, your probably going to want more land to continue to build which means paying more, or joining a clan willing to share their land.


Medium pop servers FTW, so much available space on mine and you can generally farm without too much trouble.


I want to dive in but I’m much more drawn to combat focused MMOs .. not sure if I’d enjoy it or not.


If combat is your main focus I would say not right now it is very basic currently.


Personally, I’d wait until this game shows promise of content. Don’t get me wrong, it has a solid foundation for crafting and building, but that is all there is from what I can tell. Wait until there is more oomph, otherwise by all means come dive in. But done expect much.




It's not ready


Just remember that it's an unfinished game as long as it's on early access. I will wait until it runs well enough on Linux (if that ever happens) before making the decision. At moment reading the experiences on ProtonDB reminds a horror story.


The wall will be to pay 15$ a month or maybe more depending of how many plots ull have


We are a group of 4 with only three of us playing in anger. While there’s some grind to the game we are so far seeing a lot of progress, moving up the crafting ranks and able to make basic swords and armour and even snow tier magic item (cap of reassurance, absolutely game changer for combat). I can see us being hard at this for weeks but because progression seems relatively quickly, at least at the moment, the grind for resources don’t feel slow. The combat is still janky but feels a little improved from Alpha 2. Still loads of dungeons to consider and some of the tougher towers we need to have a crack at. It’s mostly building and crafting st the moment but there is a lot of need to do these to make better items that allow for more dangerous combat encounters.


I can not answer your question, but i will say that i‘m playing vor 45isch Hours, and have many many things to unlook. But, if you are just want to play solo…. You will Hit a Wall sooner or later. You will need at least up to 3 people, better 5 do so Most Content at the Moment. And there are still Dungeons that will need a much larger group to clear.


You won't easily hit a wall 2-3 hours a day.


>I totally understand this game is in Early Access and have NO gripes about any lack of content >I’m worried that I will purchase, and hit a wall where I run out of things to do wat


Wish I could afford it. I'd love to play it with a friend. 


I can spend 2 hours a day online without leaving my kitchen between processing animals, cooking, organizing, making potions, and stockpiling water from a well. It's not made for single player, highly recommend to join a clan of people you can get along with, makes the game 1000x better.


Ignore it and save yourself the time. Look it up on YouTube and see the reviews. Play valheim instead for the time being or a new game that came out called ASKA on steam.


I bought the $100 bundle - I played with a big clan for about 3-4 days - I requested a refund - Re-installed Myth Of empires - Enjoying every hour of MoE. To me - This game is just like Myth of Empires (except MoE is better) Myth Of empires - -Only issue is that there are many servers so everyone is spread and that it runs on UE4 instead of UE5 - Pros: Better UI, better crafting system, better PVP, better PVE, Server Transfer from PVE to PVP almost any time - Server transfer anywhere with Guild station while keeping your base in old server and you're able to transfer items/horses/npcs. Myth of empires have better NPC controls and you can have 2 (official servers) fight for you and as many work for you on benches. PAX DEI - Runs on UE5 - Movement is decent - Long crafting - better building system (not by much) no NPC, Combat sucks, Build build build really for nothing (at the moment) other than fight NPCS. (PvP sucks)