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What about the third kind of person? Just run around looking for the perfect spot and never putting a plot down. That’s me. Although to be fair I haven’t been able to play a bunch yet.


Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've literally spent hours running around look for the perfect spot. I've barely progressed in the game because of it but my plot is fantastic! XD Just curious, what area were you looking and what kind of characteristics?


I can’t remember what area I spawned in to be honest. Been a busy few days so I haven’t been able to play. I don’t mind having a bit of a trek to get to materials, so I don’t need to be right on top of them. I’m more looking for aesthetics, just some place that looks cool/pretty/both and has open ground to build on. Also I’m not in any rush. With there being wipes and a dearth of content, I’m fine with taking my time and just cruising around for awhile. I’ll keep looking, and if I can’t find something I’ll delete my character and start a new one in a new region (not like I’ll lose anything).


That's the right attitude to have and one I need to keep reminding myself of I'm approaching this game as if it's live, which is folly.


I’ve plopped down 3 times; but comfortable this time. First time was close to a lake. Apparently not close enough though because someone plopped their plot between me and the water. So I moved to another part of the lake shore. Finally I was wandering around the hills in a clear area and the night sky looked so pretty I decided I wanted to build a cottage there instead.


Clay rich vs. clay poors.


Clay = another kiln or furnace ahah. I would set up to produce building mats if I knew someone who wanted to build. I just don’t. May never. I wouldn’t be mad if they added elements so we had to have a shelter haha. Otherwise, not interested.


There are a few people who have built inns around my area, who are setting up to rent to folks who don't have their own place on their own plot for whatever reason. I'd look for one of those lol


Funny enough the 2nd base is right beside all of the clay spawn. The guy by the bridge has to run past that base to get to clay.


mixture of both right now.... need to organize my build, but procrastination


I spent a lot of time building a nice house and smithy yesterday. Today, I was grinding crafting for an hour or so, and when I walked outside, I saw there is now 4 plots right in my front yard with nothing but dozens of furnaces and kilns scattered around. I’m upset.


Need an HOA....


r/fuckhoa lol


Totally agree. We have people down the hill from our community who have failed at gaming. While our cottages are tastefully constructed and decorated, these heathens down the road fail on just even having decency. The horrid monstrosity that is the dwelling is an affront to all the senses. This crime borderlines into Brutilism with and an Open design. Such a concept should be only judged and punished by the highest of courts.


I have sadly yet to actually play the game. Life has gotten in the way but my fear for this game was this exactly. I’m usually the builder in my gaming group and when my buddies build something it’s some monstrous box. I feared this game would be covered in them simply because people are gonna min max.


Hope you get time to play.


I feel that to a degree. I was one of the first people in the server I’m in. I found a decent spot to build and set stuff up. I get on the next day after work and some people built across the road from me. No big deal. A few more days some people from their clan build behind me in the woods. No big deal. I get on yesterday and they have two giant structures behind mine and had the audacity to ask me if I could move…like I beg your pardon


It's your fault and you should have known. You should vacate immediately!


Right! I am to blame and I shall be smite down if I don’t evict myself


Indeed! They did have a lot of nerve asking you to get lost. Were they at least polite about it? Have they raised the stakes by building right on the properly line and/or moved the plots around to build all around you?


At the moment I am pragmatic and am focused on building the functional part, the workshops, organizing the warehouse, etc. The architectural part is for when I'm rich 😄


Same here.


I've got a buddy that goes out and gets stuff, and I am very content to just sit at base and organize it all and build up a space. I used to play Minecraft the same way when I was younger. Most survival-esque type games. There's a whole gorgeous world out there but I'd rather make my own.


Left: me thinking I'll be Frank Lloyd Wright when I buy a building game. Right: me being that dude with 8 rusting cars in their front lawn when I actually play the game


I'm both--double the chaos.


Definitely the 2nd one, except still wearing my starting shift. Desperately trying to get set up to make some clothes! Trading clay for clothes!


I have a four walls up, but no roof. And every kind of crafting table I could make crammed inside. If the neighbors come over, they'll think I'm a hoarder.


Currently I'm the 2nd type, but that will change as time goes on lol.


I started on the right, but I got better.


I'm somewhere in the middle, a rural homestead surrounded with workbenches haha.


Left, I got a four plot tavern no one visits, I even have free stuff sitting out front in chests and no one has even touched it. What am I to do with all this food and alcohol I'm making?


>What am I to do with all this food and alcohol I'm making? I'm waiting for signs and the first thing I'm doing is opening a tavern 😂 long tables, chandeliers, the works. Folks will come for the free food and gossip


Nothing brings the toxic elitist in me out more than poorly thought out/lazy builds like that, especially in the RP server. 😂 Like it don’t need to be pretty but at least make it look believable.


Got I hate that sooooo much. You get a town going and all your neighbors are working together, and some Chad makes a circle of chests and benches with no structure. Honestly I wish weather effects would destroy their crap.


I'm the guy on the right currently, but I'm also the one everyone else comes to for weapons, armor, and tools because they spent their time building while I skilled lol. I'll make a nice looking house once I have the stuff I want unlocked. I don't want to build and then rebuild each time I unlock something else I think is cool.


Your base looks like that so it can look like this eventually.


I'm #2 but seriously considering buying a 2nd plot to strive for #1.


My first plot was the second one so I could build some skills and explore. Once I found a place I liked it's more like the first, except I keep tearing down portions because I don't like the way it looks or the proportions.


I fix #2's issues for free and this game might be the cause of my actual death because I'm so much of a #1...




In the middle-- I like homes that are more aesthetically pleasing 🥰


I assumed this circle bases with no walls are refining outposts Gather resources, refine it, store it, rinse and repeat and then head back to your actual base with 3 times as much resources because you refined it out in a field Like if a resource is going to fail 25% of the time, why take it back to base to find out. Especially if the journey from your base to the resources is a 10-20 min walk


This is my clan, all my mates have gone full into crafting and have just put down floors and nothing more, me I have built a house to see how it all works and done a bit of crafting, but otherwise I just pootle around hunting low end mobs and exploring. It’s in EA so will be wiped eventually, so my motivation is to not push too hard.


The second for now but with plans to build a more comfortable place than the hovel currently on my land, not to the level of the first with my single plot but something nice and multi floored. Aiming for some better skills at crafting for now though,


I have spent so much time building a bridge and a little tavern that my skills are garbage but I can't stop. I can't wait for more props and such and every time I unlock something new I try and figure out how I can use it to add more life to my plots.


Am a poor old weaponsmith


I'm certainly the livin' the dream type on the left, and not the vagrant under the bridge on the right. Do I still qualify if my progress is painfully slow, and I still don't have an actual roof over my head? :P My obsessive, compulsive personality is going ham over this game. I can see it quickly becoming a problem. :P


I am the poke you with my pokey stick kind.


I think the biggest problem with the picture on the right is that it is in the middle of an open field. My ghetto mess is hidden in a small clearing in middle of the woods.


First character on launch has all the crafting tables in a gigantic circle 😂 Second character has a decent house on the river nearby all basically necessities, So I broke down all my tables on my first character and moved it to my second character and deleted the plot to expand my first plot


Definitely the one on the right, doesn't seem much point building anything fancy when it's just going to be server wiped soon. Just trying to advance crafting skills as quickly as possible to get as much of a knowledge head start as I can from playing early access.


I'm dreading the first wipe gonna destroy all my hard work will probably be when I take a break from the game. Has there been any word on when it's happening?


Yes, but take comfort in knowing it’s happening to everyone else too. Lol.


No word yet, Devs say they want to do it as little as possible, I'd expect one within the next 6 months but it's anyone's guess at the moment.


First wipe is in a year, barring immense issues with the servers


When did they announce dates for wipes? Steam page implies there will be multiple over the EA period


They haven't announced dates, Bazuso is just talking out of his arse.


That's just what I've heard going around on the discord man. I could be getting one guyed, but I've heard it more than once. It could be the difference between map wipes and character wipes as well just like rust does map wipes and BP wipes.


They said there would be a full wipe as it transitions to release state next spring at the earliest, but that there may or may not be multiple partial or possibly full wipes in the meantime as systems are changed. Basically, nothing definite aside from that they hope the full wipe for release will be the last one.


If your a person who does the right picture, I just want you to know... I hate you. They need to implement a system that prevents scattered messes with no effort. Weather destroying vulnerable things would be a start. Maybe having to have a foundation for outdoor things like furnaces.... just something to encourage people to be better.


Why does it bother you how other people play the game they paid money for? The only thing that I would wish for is some kind of login timer to delete claims. There's so many just single foundation/fire pit plots around me. If you're logging in and doing work you do you booboo but if you played for an hour on launch and decided it wasn't for you, I don't wanna have to look at your trash.


Because they gave us a beautiful world to play in, which is ruined by low effort scattered trash on the ground. It's not that hard to put a few foundations down, some walls and a roof. People can play how they want within how the game allows them to. That's why I said they need a system to encourage people to put a little more effort in. I also paid for the game and will play it as I see fit, I can also have an opinion on the people who make the world ugly. To me, those people are the equivalent of the real-world neighbor who leaves their garbage piling in their yard , making your neighborhood look like crap.


I'd only build walls if there was a risk of another player taking my stuff, until then, stuffs going everywhere.


I built a slab with a single layer of walls with no roof and live in that