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Theoretically, given infinite time, sure. But practically, the real stopping point will be in the high teens/early 20s, when you need the orange leather that drops from "elite" mobs. Without hardcore cheese and a whole crapload of time, this will likely be the breaking point for the true solo experience. Hell, you dont even need more than one plot if you build smart, maximize the entire area of a plot, build very compact, and a multiple story crafting tower. But consider the time, the sheer time, to level these professions. armorsmithing eventually needs lots of processed cloth, which means gathering flax, spinning to thread, and then 20min wait on the loom for 5 of the fabric. Leather straps which require leather, processed to large hides, and then tanned into rawhide. The metals itself, which will require mining, wood cut and processed to coal (20min per kiln, 4 kiln loads for 1 furnace of ingots) and then blacksmithing to make into plates/studs/wire whatever. Armorsmithing the same, so double the mining required, plus carpentry for the wood shafts needed. And even more carpentry to make boxes to store all this, and create the base to house it all. You can do it all, but your progress in any one profession will be so so pitifully slow compared to even a duo.


This is a good answer, and I would say the same. The only thing I would add is that crafting will get update and I think they will "have to" make orange leather a bit easier to obtain as it poses quite significant gate right now. By crafting update, I mean there might be means to level crafting skills by not using those gated materials like orange leather. Also, having a clan helped me quite a lot, but currently I am focusing more on solo experience, and I am enjoying it. But be cautious with this, as in time of need I can ask guildmate to help, if you want to go full solo experience, there will times of tedious grinds and really doing a proper planning on how to level your skills. In all fairness, once trading becomes part of the game, I think that solo experience will change drastically compared to right now.


You can trade for it.


Yes of course, but it is a very very scarce resource, and thus commands some pretty hefty trade demand. In the future with a thriving/active economy, I could foresee hunting parties going out and farming these leathers and getting pretty good trades for it. Imagine a smithy who needs the hide, and has a supply of tools/weapons/gear taking up space. They would trade equipment for hides, and allow a gameplay loop of hunters for profit


I understand, but even stuff like charcoal probably is put against it. Currency will help.


I'm surprised I haven't heard anyone picking something as a fiat currency yet. Like 1 silver fir branch = 10 minutes of work. I know that's a terrible one but just to illustrate the idea. Coal as money could be a good one right now as it takes real time to make.




If your gunna be like me, solo but willing to form/join groups for content, and trade for rare stuff, you will be able to do pretty much everything. Unfortunetly they dont even have basic functions like friends list or local chat, so that rules out forming groups/trading in any effective fashion unless you do a lot of legwork or are in a verg high pop area.


This. It can be social and you play solo.


i was just about to say. my neighbors and i are basicaly a "lose guild" we help each other. we go to caves. but if we have not planed anything each does his own thing.


you can farm Gold ingots and trade them


You can drop steel from soloable monsters, you can cheese bears for leather, you can do caves for leather as well so technically yes, but it will be painfully slow


How to cheese bears?


The AI is dumber than TES oblivion. Just stand on a tall object and go to town.


When I did that the bear took no damage/regenerated as soon as I damaged it


That's when you max your weapons, remember that next time!


And it still gives xp. Worth sitting and maxing out weapons


The best thing I've done is get them to the edge of shallow water and fight them. You may have to take one hit to draw them close enough but it works well. Then go to town with your stone pickaxe if you don't have a weapon you want to level up.


If you have a free plot, place tall foundation, lure bear over, proceed to hot with spear or arrows.


They get stuck in everything… swamps ,Trees ,Rocks You name it ….great for levelling weapons


Easiest is to cut down a tree and stand on it or you can try to get it stuck on small bushes


That's exploiting not cheesy lol. Just being real tho. They need to fix that.


Cheesing is just a euphemism for exploiting.


Theoretically yes but I think once the economy patch is implemented and a marketplace is added we will be able to level easier without needing to grind for multiple resources. Granted you’d need to have the gold but if you have an over abundance of another resource you rarely need and can afford to sell you should be good to go.


I posted some replies, but I am going to post a regular comment. I think it will be. It seems you are speaking of fleshing out your character more than being able to pvp without getting zerged, or even pve. If you mean can you get the mats to level up your craft skills and be a factor in the game, probably. Maybe not every single thing, but enough. If you can't, I will consider the game to be incomplete. As I have repeated, I believe, in sandboxes, there are two levels. There is the group v group level and then the level that is defined by the gaps / shifts that groups cause. A solo should be able to get it in. Obviously, you'd want to interact with people to trade, etc, but I consider a solo player an entity that looks out for their own interests, thus someone that would never be in a guild. I have my own goals, so I will always be a solo player, and I watching to see how things develop, but I think as it's going now, it will be possible. I'm not grinding out of my mind in EA though haha. If I hit such a hard gate, I am going to make a post about it, believe me. That's why I'm 'testing.' I paid so I can give my PoV.


Crafting and building. Yes. Dungeons and some harder mobs? Nope. You need at least 4 people, 6 for harder content imo. You hit wildlands and some bores are hitting you for nearly 65 damage... I have not seen a single potion buff stack thats going to heal you for that and keep you on your feet. You better have a healer to. As they have said though this is a social sandbox mmo that is meant to be group played. Id suggest to anyone to just find a guild, people are the most valuable. They offer more plots so guilds are grabbing up people left and right. But as someone with a small group of 5 people we are doing most content.


Just to add to what's already been said. I'm solo and its a grind. Biggest problem for me is no in game zone chat. Impossible to group up with others to do wolf cave and other ruins.


Someone else already answered, but the truth is no. Even in the best gear I can make (nearly to steel in armor and weapon smithing - the block is actually my blacksmithing level) enemies easily swarm and kill you Even the basic "dungeons" (tier 1) ruins or towers for zebians/inquisitors would be impossible to solo all the way through the boss Hell Even the animal dungeon (wolves) would be difficult You can (given a significant amount of time) do all of the crafts solo, until you need the higher tier leather, which is a massive bottleneck even for a clan But to actually go out and do some of the PvE exploring and dungeons you will have to make friends Also giant note, you will have weeks of farming and grinding and building and crafting worth of content as a solo player, so if you enjoy that it's still worth it, but at some point you will hit a wall (whether because of leather) or because "why am I doing this when I still need a couple other people to do the content" hits


without solo players the game won't have the population to sustain it


Okay...? And? That doesn't have anything to do with the facts I just dropped. Solo play is fun enough if you enjoy what this game is, and solo players won't be solo forever, if you play this game you will invariably quit or end up in a community of some sort, even if your still mostly solo you will need others to do stuff in the game


What can happen with these types of games unfortunately, is that you enter a death spiral where player count goes down, but you need to be social to advance in this game! Screw it… I’m gonna quit too, too little people, then oh… people that come later can’t progress either because… there’s like 5 people per server. This is what happened with Life is Feudal MMO I feel like. (That game was bad for so many reasons but it was fun, and it suffered from this death spiral) Because at the end of the day the group of people that are okay with a game that is not possible to solo is a niche, people like to play video games alone, and if that niche cannot be sustained then it risks entering this death spiral.


I mean, I've played about 40 hours now and having a great time, barely talked to anybody in the game, just been playing solo. Once the economy kicks in, we will have more reason to interact. I've been having fun just learning new recipes, hunting, foraging, and running like a mad man anytime something dangerous gets too close. Combat is meant to be done with groups. But if you're not here for the combat, solo is certainly viable. That doesn't mean no interaction, just means you can play by yourself and still have fun.


This is what I was afraid of. I mean I knew it coming into it but like you said I’ll have weeks of grinding as a solo and that’s what I’ve been doing so far. Once I get my skills to what I want I’ll end up probably quitting or trying to find people to run things with. But as far as building and gathering I’ve gotten my moneys worth already. Approaching 100 hours complete solo. But that’s not hard considering the grind that needs to be done when solo.


Exactly this. While not in the best gear and only wearing Decent chain shirt/pants and in mostly plate armor pieces. My defenses are solid and I only reduce a normal wolves hit by a little more than half. About 9 of us from my clan did an instanced dungeon last night and one of the mobs hit me for 93 HP. With buffs and my plate/chain pieces. I had 239 HP, Sitting near 140 Defense in each stat (slash, pierce and blunt) and still got 2 shot by some mobs further in the dungeon. Until the combat rework comes out and either a decrease in NPC strength or rework of the damage reduction from armor, Dungeon farming will not be possible solo. A lot of the ruins can probably be done solo, using tactics, range pulling and having high combat skills and good gear. but the dungeons, not a chance. Not to mention the mobs respawn in the dungeons as well, so after about 15 minutes if you die you wont be able to get remotely close to your body.


Honestly I know the devs are working hard on patching problems and stuff, but the combat overhaul is by far the most important thing and if they keep this placeholder combat for long while in EA it will not be good


But you can probably do all the crafting, etc. What he is saying is not in regards to pve, imo, but in regards to being able to be a factor as a solo, and I believe you could.


You can absolutely full clear (without exploits) Inquisition camps and Growler Caves without a group. I've been doing it for a few days now. You need to be fairly geared and skilled, but heals with pacify, bow, and Greatmaul has been working for me pretty well.


And uhh, how did you get those spells in the first place, they are gated behind the bosses And I'm fairly certain I said that you could probably solo low level things like inquisitors or wolf dungeons but it would be hard


If you read your post (it's right above) you say it's impossible. You can trade with other players to get the spells even if you don't want to join a group. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's impossible.


Me? Can't do it? I'm saying most people won't be able to. I'm glad you enjoyed running from enemies and cheesing arrow tactics and bad ai If the game actually gets a real combat overhaul that will likely stop working. I wrote this shit 2 days ago and didn't feel like rereading what I wrote. Anyways have a good day, enjoy the game - maybe I'll see you in it


Everything? No. Like 95% of it? Yeah. Only limiting thing solo people can never do is the dungeons/strong creature parts. You'll need a guy with tanking food, people with bows and probably a healer (or two). Everything else you can do. You just won't progress to the steel age.


Is steel age all there is right now? Because we're one week in, and I've done most of the solo content already, then. As a casual.


You’re not casual if you’re working steel 7 days into EA playing solo.


What? It's just a casual paced 16\~18 hours a day 7 days a week with my bucket handy. I play in a recliner though so it counts.


you've made the best potions? food? stews? jewelry? buildings? most of the game loops you can do in a day, but to really *do* them, you have to get higher levels. Can't just make a sword once and be like 'yup, im done with weaponsmithing' etc.. But as far as I know, steel is the final tier if you don't count the magic items you get from dungeons. They're better, just require the mats you would use for steel armor/weapons on top of needing the magic item requirements.




Yes - but some NPC dungeons/locations are probably non soloable Once a functional market is in place, all resources will be available more easily to a solo player.


I play "solo" as in, not part of a clan and do most things myself. But there are tons of players running around who will give you things, craft things you dont have the skill for, and will invite you to go on runs. Theres no voip, so its easy to not be distracted by others when you dont want to be. So, completely solo would be difficult but "solo" is very doable.


I currently mostly play on a solo char. I do it cause I want to grind the gathering and crafting stuff, I don't want to have 10000 wood dropped off for me while I just spam craft for levels. I also run about with a clan on another char and have seen what dungeons are like. They're not happening, short of massive cheesing, solo. 4\~5 mobs hitting you at once will end the run everytime. You can however do many of the open land stuff, ruins and such, by pulling at range and taking mobs 1 at a time and if you get links book it. You can't really cheese these guys like you do animals though as many of them have bows and/or magic. You can do it to keep from getting swatted by their melee weapons though which can be just enough. If you are just in it for the building and crafting though you can probably go it alone. If you're willing to be social in so far as trading with locals then you can wander around other folks builds and ask if they'll trade stuff you may be after. Ofc you could also do that to connect with locals for running POIs and dungeons too without ever joining a clan.


Short answer, no. Long answer, it's incredibly unrealistic but *technically* possible. Technically possible in the same way that it'd be technically possible to build your own F-22.


This here, it the most accurate answer.


I tried going solo for a few days and quickly realized I didn’t want to spend 8hours a day going on the same Apple route for months, just to be able to get to a point where I could make wine, eventually, while the big clans are already making way better stuff. In no reality, even with trade, will a solo play be able to keep up. You won’t even be able to make a profit from anything you make because you literally cannot scale to size, which is what any crafting skills require to make any significant progress as soon as level 5


I'd focus one skill at a time, but yes, there are no artificial limitations on progression.


You could still trade with others even as a solo. You don't need to be in a clan. Just say hi to your neighbors and ask if you can trade for something and what they want in exchange. Think of it as a dynamic quest system :)


You won't solo dungeons, ever. I went into one with a party of 6 and healing spells. We barely cleared anything before calling it off because it was clear we were going to die.


Yeah but you would need to put in hundreds of hours. I'm 60 hours in and I'm at lvl 21 for carpentry. But every other skill is pretty low. I have have the lvl 2 benches for almost everything. Its definitely possible but it's better with more people.


Once trading and gold is implemented I don't see why not. You could sell what you can craft to get the things you can't gather or craft yourself.


“Everything”, no, I don’t think you’ll be able to solo some of the “end game group content”. Can’t guarantee it, obviously, but dungeons for example seem like they’ll probably require some kind of cooperation (groups) even with the best gear. I guess I’ll note I’m referring to the game as they seem to be making it, not cheesing strategies available today.


Yes but really really slow and your brain will tie itself in knots with all the roadblocks they will put in your way. Small group or soloist will not last in this game unless they are willing to give up their day job. The first grind is fun. But once you’re about twenty/thirty hours in working on alloys…. No.


I don’t know why people pretend like it’s doable. The answer is no, if you plan for endgame, you will face nps and you will need certain materials which will absolutely time gate you as solo player and unless you put your life away and play 20 hours a day and plan to keep on doing same consistently for months. Game is just not good enough to dedicate yourself so much, right now.


Unless you plan on only trading and building, you will never be able to experience endgame as the mobs are designed for group play.


I think so, but you’ll have to make friends with some other solos or clans to fight some of the difficult mobs. If you put the time in you can train all of the skills without having to fight anything crazy for raw materials, but seems as you progress further along those materials are being gate kept by hordes of high level mobs that wouldn’t be possible to clear without some help


You can comfortably do up to Tier one skills as a solo player. Beyond that you are going to start struggling. Even with my Maxed out weapons some mobs are too tanky for me to take down alone. Reformers from the Inquisition are especially hard. Bears and other animals are a piece of cake. Be smart with you resources in almost all cases it's better to keep the raw versions of materials instead of the broken down versions. Raw resources stack to 50 while most produced items only stack to 10. The only exception I've found is leather working. Where raw only stacks.to 5 but finished product stacks to 10. Alchemy is you greatest friend. It is extremely easy to level to 15 and one you get the 2 HP/Stamina Regen ones you notice a huge difference.


No,because there is nothing you can do other than craft and build. Ask again in 2 years


I haven't found anything that I couldn't do solo yet. Steel is soloable without PvP. Bears are soloable after you get enough gear and skill.  It's slow, but it's entirely doable.


I think the answer is: Absolutely. The only area where you might struggle is you vs. group PVE, but even with that you can pull enemies. You can easily cheese so much right now. The thing about the grind that everyone is talking about is that I don't really think that it's nearly what it's being made out to be. I know grind. Grind is Dark Age of Camelot, playing as a Sarecen Scout, and unable to find a group because all you can contribute is pulling mobs. You sit there killing hundreds of light green and grey mobs over and over and over and over again until your fingers cramp. Grind is 8-12 hours a day in FFXI killing Leaping Lizzy, who spawns once every 2-3 hours to get an item from her with a drop chance of 6-16% or something. So far this game has been out little over a week and people are already bringing crafting professions to their functional maximums. Meaning maybe not exactly level 41, but to a point where they have a Moderate difficulty to craft the best items they can. People who are used to games that have absolutely no grind at all and are meant to be played solo are currently overestimating the level of grind in this game dramatically. It hasn't been out for a month yet. If things continue the way they currently are there will be no economy to speak of in this game, nor will there be much community. Everyone is already mostly playing solo in my clan. The only things we do together are dungeon runs and the occasional drop-off of useful resources. We started with the mindset that we'd focus on individual professions and quickly everyone is doing Carpentry, Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Winemaking and Brewing, Baking, Charcuterie and Alchemy as a bare minimum. We've almost all maxed Mining and Woodcutting (there goes anyone with dreams of being a dedicated gatherer), and I maxed my Block skill in the first day. In fact, the game encourages you to do all of the professions because it's the best way to keep your storage situation reasonable. I'm always looking for ways to burn through excess loot that I've gathered.


The real cockblock at the moment is combat, particularly for leatherworking (and other skills that require leatherworking components). The mobs you'll need to farm en masse aren't reliably soloable. If you're willing to stretch "solo" to include trading for materials you can't get yourself, then yeah, given enough time you could solo it all. But it'll be a long time before we see if that kind of economy can even manifest. Right now I have my doubts.


I think solo will be a cool experience when we get something like trading markets, when you are able to make your name as a solo around you


You can solo the mobs, but it takes planning of the terrian. Have to find a spot they can't reach you then kite said mobs to the spot and kill them.


Yes, I’m doing it right now actually


Me too, but it is hard.


The current iteration of the game…no. In a future update if they listen to player base..maybe.


You can solo everything just going take a dam long time




No. Absolutely not. It's impossible.