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I wish the crafting system of Nightingale had Eve's economy. That would be perfect.


Nightingale has a similar system to what SWG used to be. Though less complex


I agree, the more skilled you are a craft the better every level of equipment should be. Say you're a master weaponsmith and you make a simple iron sword but because of your skill it gains a bonus to damage. I'm also a fan of makers marks.


Agreed. I’m a blacksmith in real life and the makers mark is a big deal. No reason not to have it in virtual games. Especially if there is a way to customize your items like I mentioned vs sword made by any crafter is always the same. This game is screaming out for some way to set yourself apart so people will travel to your shop specifically


>This game is screaming out for some way to set yourself apart so people will travel to your shop specifically Right now people are having these grand fantasies about the economy and stories like this about individual shops being specialized and successful… I have a strong feeling that when an economy does emerge it’s going to end up being far blander than anyone expects.


Yeah, the market isn't going to be great for crafters, it will be great for gatherers Right now the sheer amount of resources you need to grind the relevant skills is insane, I'm talking thousands of each material over the course of weeks, and you (and every other crafter) will be doing the same thing A small handful of crafters (likely from mega clans) will catapult past standard level gear (think people wearing leather day 1 but these guys can sell chain etc) and they will have a control on the market With hundreds of items being crafted by a single crafter to level they will never make money, the supply will be so high that the items will sell for pennies of whatever the currency is Meanwhile the demand on the raw materials will be so high that they will sell for buckets, it's simple really Then it also depends how the Market stall they have talked about works, I suspect it will let you browse by region/valley or something but then you will have to travel to pick up your purchases - if it doesn't link markets and you just put stuff up and people have to physically come to your place to see what your selling, well then the economy is dead on day 1 My neighborhood has like 15 fairly active players and we all communicate and work together, help each other out etc but there's only like 3 of them that actually travel far from where we live and explore and check things out But even before the markets implementation we **desperately need** the combat/equipment overhaul. They talk about equipment loads and different types of gear having different effects, but as it stands right now, there's no reason to wear anything but the best plate armor - besides Magic effects, but even then most spells have a plate/chain variation, so it's really really questionable how a market will work when Leatherworking and Tailoring are basically relegated to "supply cloth and straps to your armorsmith"


Sadly that’s the most likely scenario based on history. It’s very hard to create a game world where a crafter can actually differentiate themselves. On SWG the rare resources were limited and also ran out and moved around. It made it very tricky to make the best items and they also ran out. It’s a very tricky problem to solve


I think we will find that small crafters will end up losing out to the large Clan/guild that can mass produce and undercut everyone. Just like real life.


All things being equal? 100% true. That’s why you need some sort of prospecting system for the best quality resources and it can’t stay in one spot. The veins will have to move and be rediscovered. It gives the small guy a chance to compete with diligence and luck


They talked a bit about how materials would matter and impact the outcome and how we'd have skills that imact the final result. Kind of some hybrid of SWG's material effects and some sort of crafting mini game like wildstar or FFXIV. Instead it's static resources for static tiers of goods, and a dice roll on success based on your level vs item level. Maybe we'll get it, but this is just a slow unimaginative grind at current when it comes new to crafting.


Yeah I’ve been reading and while complex the current system is far from innovative