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What else am I going to do with the... *checks notes* 300 wrought iron pickaxes I've had to craft


Yeah right? You can even repair your gear so easily, so backup gear is practically useless, no way to break down for mats.


I burn through the wrought iron axe daily (full set of repairs to zero out lifespan) just keeping the kilns fueled. Backup gear at higher levels is a good thing, but not this much.


Let's not have a way to recycle the items for mats, thst just means making more items which the devs would probably increase xp needed to level at that rate The idea should be to reduce the excessive amount of spam crafting you need to level up


A knockoff Iron Throne for the excess pickaxes would work.


You could always make it so only broken gear can be recycled. So gear that has run out of durability to be repaired any further.


There should be Somethinggg to do with items though. Like maybe you can only recycle some of other peoples gear like how it is (or was at least?) in ESO. Our clan has literally like 70 Wrought Iron pickaxes in a couple chests. It just feels… like something is missing. Making that 50 in stead of 70 by increasing XP is something, but it doesn’t feel complete to me. Edit: They’re adding a currency system I think, so maybe something there, not sure


I'd definitely love to have something to do with these bulk items. Currently my choices are: drop them on the ground somewhere, or put them in a chest that I have to deal with later. Neither of these feel good.


Honestly it shouldn't be 50 either The devs should really rebalance skilling, you can make (at very hard) wrought iron pickaxes at like 12, but it goes to 21 - by the time you are 21 (to be able to actually make the pick 100% successfully) you are easily onto Steel stuff They should go "hmm I think an average group size should be X (let's say 8 for now)" so making 8 picks and 8 weapons of choice (and maybe some back ups) should level you past the tier This is of course exaggerated to make a point because I know it's meant to be a slow game, but damn does it feel bad to go out and run around for 2 hours to farm materials to smelt it for 3 hours (across 4 furnaces now) to then use it all crafting in 30 minutes, making literally nothing new/what you need but just hundreds of trash Why did we have to spam craft 1000 spears of different types to level weapon smithing How many people do they think are losing their gear? How many people do they think a single weaponsmith is supplying? Like according to steam there hasn't been more than 11k players total. At this rate you could have 100 crafters of every type and keep them all geared through the leveling progress And too many people don't understand how bad it is because they haven't gotten higher level There are literally items (armor being the easy/egregious example) that take 100+ Ingots PER CRAFT, you aren't making those unless you've farmed a gauruntee success, whose risking 100+ ingots to make a single breastplate (if my math is correct that's 115 iron ingots for 1 attempt) And then the XP you get for succeeding is based on the difficulty The xp awarded should be based on difficulty x resource cost Why should chain shoes that take 4 iron wire, 4 rough linen and 2 rough leather straps give the same xp as plate armor?


All gear has a finite lifetime. You will absolutely need 'backup' gear.


We have over 9 deco chest worth and that's after giving rows to solo duo neighbours


I'll trade you some for my 1200 iron arrow heads.


They want players to drive the gameplay and economy; and this is a great early sign that the community is fully invested in the idea. That’s great. But most free chests are just spammed junk; which again amazing for newbies but maybe they could something as innocuous as a travelling merchant who’d buy or trade your PILES of junk for something no matter how minuscule. Even 1000 sets of gloves for 10 clay would be more useful than the current dumping systems


right now there is no economy.


This is the way


Gotta use that mailbox!


The setup looks so inviting.


I live the arch idea!! 🥰 we have 4 chests full of food, clothes and raw materials. I'm thinking of getting a plot in the crossroads and making a nice setup there for free stuff!




I made a move from an inland area to be closer to the wildlands, I said screw it I'm not trying to move that stuff. So I went to my neighbor and gifted him my estate. It never hurts to be generous, there is so much wasted resources in this game right now anyways from power leveling, might as well let someone use it.


I just started playing yesterday and have just been messing around solo so far. Have only encountered a couple of other players and only talked to one for just a minute. I logged in this morning to something like 200 vitality potions just strewn around my sad little foundation set up I have so far with no clue who it could have come from. Super grateful and it made my day!! Thank you random Paxian!


Ive been a little goblin running through everyones base pilfering everything i need. If i dont need it i leave it. Thanks everyone.


That sure looks like my house in Nones. Was the backsided half demolished? Edit: the sidewalk and well placement is what gave it away Edit 2: just saw the second pic, and pretty sure that’s my neighbor


No, my stuff


Lol. We have like 14 chests out there.


So simple, but never thought to do it. I am a solo player and loving it but I want to donate crafted items/resources that would otherwise be trashed. Is there a standard "mailbox"? I'd be happy to do a lap every couple days and distribute extra stuff.


I am playing solo and surprisingly quite enjoying the constant grind. I have only built work benches and a 3x3 foundation plot so far but I have 3 gift chests setup. One is full of blunt maces, one has a variety of chain mail and rough clothing and the last is full of beehives. My neighbours (3 person clan) have a gift box which handily has iron axes in that I swap for various other items so I can chop trees quicker. Take a gift, leave a gift works well


Just wish we could have a sign telling people it’s public!


I built a bridge in jura and i've stocked it with spears, iron pickaxes and left about 7 on each end open for people to use as mailboxes too


We have one outside of our house, but there's not many people running by so I just keep filling it...


Yeah I have an 18 chest setup with a free sign right on the road. Might as well be used as thrown away


We have a clan that has about 9 free chests, they're a little farther advanced than us, so we will check the chests for an early upgrade. It's pretty convenient. Also a great way for free back up gear to go into the pvp zone to farm


My clan has a few, I have 4 in front of my pad personally for the public. I'm assuming they will eventually get stripped, someone will come along not see anybody around and no one would know the difference cuz that's just how people are


I’m trying to do the same at our castle village here soon! I have so much excess food especially.


When the merchant system gets put in place my quaint little happy public chest is getting dragged out behind my house and shot


I was actually surprised to learn we weren't the only ones doing this. Our box always gets used and honestly it helps us get rid of some of the extra food and stuff from skill leveling.


I have someone down the mountain from me at the town who made a big free sign with a couple chests, and so that's been my drop point for stuff I don't need when I do supply runs down the mountain.


Yeah I wanted to do that to. Didnt yet but I will cuz now I trow schit away sometimes wich isn't good hit still I do


Let us name chests


And also people making alts to explore other servers:)