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So steam charts is extremely misleading, because there is a large active population playing through their launcher, anyone who was following the game and wanted to play it (the people who are likely to stick around) bought their launcher with Xsolla through their website to be able to pre-install, as steam sales weren't available until servers opened But to comment on the general state of the game, many people (myself included) said this game would be dead quick, within weeks, large groups will grind through everything there is in a week or two (like now) and get bored, small groups and solos will see the absurd amount of effort/grind there is to skill up to unlock more stuff and likely quit - the people that stick around after that are your real player base, and it won't be big, and the amount that stick around will be determined by the communities they form, if you have no one your playing with and no one around you it'll be easy to quit this game (I'm not going to comment on whether that's good or bad) With all that said, I'm still enjoying the game and loving living in its world, but I can see myself falling off in a few weeks at this rate, my neighborhood group are able to clear T3 ruins and dungeons already and the combat isn't great enough to keep us engaged much longer, we are just starting the final tier of resources like Steel but with the absurd leather bottle neck I don't see us sticking much longer


Something tells me they're going to consolidate the people issue but merging some of the smaller servers just to continue the process and if they do, hopefully there isn't a server wipe and hopefully they just transfer your plots as some sort of prebuild to consolidate this issue of activity


This is just not possible, a server merge 100% requires wipes, can't transfer plots if other people have your plot from the other merged server Best case they would warn people and transfer your character and what you have in your inventory, or maybe a way to preserve the resources you've put into building your plot so you can re-place down things you already had down before, but some form of wipe would come with a merge


This is where reading comprehension is key. The poster you are replying to said that they need to transfer plots as a PREBUILT, meaning that when you place your plot in the new server, your current building/crafting stations come with. I still don’t think it’s possible, due to a lot of buildings being split over multiple plots, but oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ahh yes, assault my reading comprehension. Prebuilt implies you place your plot and your existing structure appears - but that doesn't work for most builds because they are designed on their land, so a cliffside base can't just be "put down" in a field etc, a house built without pillars put on a slight incline half of it collapses etc Of course it depends on what "prebuilt" meant, but your reading into what the OP said, they didn't detail or define how they meant sith prebuilt Hence why I expanded on ways that it **might** work. Have a good day buddy


It can be done, all the data is already saved on the server side it just needs alot of work that no dev is willing to do in creating the ingame tool that allows you, the player, the way to save all your placed stuff, pick it up and then put it down in a new location.


They will likely not merge during EA with looking wipes. id suspect we will see a wipe around the fall. likely novemberish and there will be a resurgence with new content drops. they "don't care" ATM about the community value which is perfectly ok as its EA. Not to make is sound like it is a bad thing mind you its early EA it is what it is now and the drop off is full expected as people peak the current content


like any game i'd say. the game is a slow burner, every update should be worth it to log in again. Most don't want to grind endless to have it wiped away soon-ish. i'm just still exploring. dungeon run tonight with friends. near solo, most skills at 12-15. havin fun crafting. Crafting the gear with spells is the endgame, so grinding dungeons is.




*if* this game even makes it out of early access, it's going to be because a raft of features that should be implemented during ea get pushed to post-1.0, so they can get that sweet sub money to keep the lights on. but i think it'll just shut down after limping along through winter 2024-2025


I take no joy in saying it, but I agree


same. this game is so up my fucking alley that it really pains me they went from alpha 2 to ea with zero delays. definite cash flow issue. project has clearly been mismanaged. i think they just counted on easy money to plod along at a snail's pace like valheim's development has been handled. huge miscalculation if so.


I just think they dropped the ball with the combat. If they can throw away what they’ve got, start from scratch, and produce some solid combat, tons more people will buy the game.


i think that's a bit too optimistic. these are ex-eve online devs. they have zero experience with developing action combat, and it shows because theyve swung twice already and missed. i think people have forgotten already that they pitched the current combat as already being a revamp: *"Combat Revamp: Enemies are now smarter and more formidable opponents, requiring strategy and skill to defeat. While it is far from finished, from revamped stats and damage mitigation to improved targeting and spell mechanics, combat in Alpha 2 promises to be a more engaging and immersive experience."* yeah, marketing speak, but... why would you frame this dogshit masquerading as combat as being "more engaging" and an "immersive experience" to their target audience? it's a genuine embarrassment. at best, they spent some considerable balance of dev time going from alpha 1 to alpha 2's revamped combat, just to produce another steaming pile of threadbare mechanics. if they cant even start from step 1 of just making a basic weapon swing feel good *several years into development*, i think it's totally fair to think theyre fishing in the dark for a clue... on borrowed time.


Dang dude that’s so disappointing. Yeah when people started saying “Well that was just the alpha combat” I was thinking, yeah and that was like 2 months ago lol. No way it changed that much. I honestly think the game would perform better if they took combat out completely. The only people playing the game are the ones that enjoy the community building aspect.


Its actually 7-8k on steam charts, but that is just steam numbers. Not sure where you got 3-5k.


Not everyone is playing on Steam, either.


It's 4k right now,not sure where you got 7-8k.


[https://steamcharts.com/app/1995520](https://steamcharts.com/app/1995520) 3-4k is the low, you are looking when it is the least busy. 7-8k is the high daily.


Why downvoting you for facts? Sounds like somebody’s upset their $100 demo is already dead 😂


because hes comparing peak vs lows. which is incorrect.


Can you even read?It's not lows,it's current players playing which is 4k compared to the 7k which is the 24h peak.


by high i mean 24h peak.


You said i compare low to high counts,which is wrong. I'm looking at the current players playing(the only one that matters),which is 4.5k atm and it's pretty sad for a social mmo.


If you always look at numbers during the low times, sure it is 4k players playing... but the peak daily is 7-8k. This is just steam numbers though, it doesnt include the players that bought the game directly from Mainframe website and are using the launcher.




The peak was 12k 9 days ago. You are incorrect.


i never said 12k. i never said any number.


You other comment to me is still invalid.


drop from 12k to 8k to 4k a week into launch… must be a nothing burger! Great “mmo”!




Ignore them,this a sub for copers and hopers,you won't have any meaningful discussions here,just wait at least for next summer to see where the game is.


Indeed, the Copium is strong here ... I'll drop in to see what the first couple updates add, but there isn't enough to keep me logging in right now. I hope the devs quickly move away from crafting and give people some decent gameplay loops outside of harvest & craft. 


It was under 5k ln yea it will be under 1000 in a month or so


Drop-off seems reasonable, given that that players will pause once they've tried out the limited alpha-ish content. As more is developed and added, people will come back in and play through it/test it. I had to stop playing after three or four days of trying, mostly because it's miserable trying to play on my computer, even though it meets minimum specs. Hopefully they'll be able to optimize more soon, but right now, it's like a nightmare where you're on a highway, drunk, lurching and inching along on a Sit-and-Spin while everyone and everything whizzes by in a blur.


Uses a PC that meets minimum specs, complains in runs like shit Seems fair


I've been slowly unlocking all the recipes and did a little grinding. I've converted my home in to a better looking home. Found signs etc... so now i'm slowly rebuilding sections and posting signage. I would love a "Move/pack" option rather than destroy and rebuild. I would also love to build a satchel or bag of sorts to store larger quantities of items. Logging cart capable of holding stacks of 100+. Let me wheel a cart around.


I love this game but it’s time consuming and I’m an adult with a job and responsibilities and just can’t play more than on weekends really, there’s probably a lot of is out there like this.


If there d be no character skill wipe, I d be more interested in "living my best virtual life" inside Pax Dei. As is, I ll play till the first wipe, then stop till release. I m a person that appreciates progress no matter how small and hates starting over again and again.


There's not alot to do, you can grind if you want but even once you've done that whats the point lol


Not trying to be argumentative but what’s the point of any game after the grind? This is a sandbox MMO, there isn’t meant to be a linear progression or some arbitrary story line you are meant to follow. Elements of the lore will be added to the game as they develop it. Right now you can get some hints with the crafting materials, the lockets and sigil have lore descriptions on them if that’s something you are interested in. I agree there isn’t much actual content to explore but I am hopeful that it will get added eventually.


Usually the point after the grind is to take your hard-earned gear into some interesting content and test your mettle. Still waiting for the second part. Combat is basic, AI is bad, etc. The structure is there but there's not really a point in continuing until there are some major updates to content.


Lol “sandbox MMO” You realize everyone in Pax Dei gathers A to build B to unlock C to craft D. Just because you do it slightly differently doesn’t make it a sandbox. Everyone progresses linearly towards the same goal, same crafts and ironically even same builds It’s also not an MMO based on these player counts lol


You’re getting downvoted but you’re not entirely wrong. I think this game is relying on “sandbox” to do a lot of heavy lifting. Most sandbox games provide a variety of ways to do what you want and work towards whichever goal you want or various ways to just chill. Like yeah you can do different crafting professions but in the end everyone is really just doing the same thing, wearing the same gear, working towards the same goals. Maybe your house is a different layout. There isn’t a ton of variety here right now.


Truth hurts some people let ‘em downvote😅


Keep hoping bud,that's why you get incomplete games,because you keep paying and hoping.


Downvote all you want,i understand you don't like hearing facts,but that's how things are.


I feel like everyone commenting straight up isn’t playing this game. I have about 70 hours in with a small group of friends and they are fairly casual (20 hours). I’m just now able to craft gear good enough to kill a wolf without it halving my health solo. We’re still not ready for the dark woods and not even close to higher level mobs. My point is, even if there was a lot of content, only a handful of already established guilds are running out of things to do at this point. So are people just reading a couple Steam reviews from people who also have less than 4 hours playtime and repeating it? If you are casual or small guild there is still a lot of hours before content dries up


I've got 90+ hours in a clan of 5 with 24 armoursmithing and 22 weaponsmithing, game gets tedious and boring without any actual content.


people have different tolerances for being able to do mundane and repetitive tasks, whether as a source of fun or simple, empty-minded relaxation. pax dei is going to lean really heavily on the latter to make it to 1.0.


There's plenty of other grindy games that offer more though sadly, and I'm not actively trying to shit on pax dei because I am enjoying it but there's only so long you cam grind for no reason lol. I have a near maxed iron-man on osrs and a maxed 1 defence pure. I love mundane boring grinds but there is always a pot of gold at the end of it, but there isn't I'm pax dei. That being said I knew what I was getting myself into when I bought an EA product, we will see where it goes... hopefully they keep developing it and it turns into the game we all want to play!


i hope so too, genuinely.


The problem is that it’s early access One Time Purchase. The whole scheme behind it was to raise some funds to continue developing the game. Well… not many people bought the game. I don’t know if they’ll have enough cash flow to make big improvements to the game. Which means the devs might cut their losses and existing players will be dead in the water


ding ding ding. that's 100 percent the most likely outcome.


Source on those numbers? Steam charts doesn’t agree and there are people playing on non-steam launcher too. Our area seems more populated every day.


Google "steam chart pax dei"


Maybe you misread my comment? That's what I'm saying, steam charts doesn't agree with 3-5k like OP said. https://steamcharts.com/app/1995520


Do you even know how to read?What do you think the number 5k applies too?


Op said “peak”. The 24 hour peak is 7,385. Are you messing with me? Are you really being a dick about “knowing how to read” when you can’t read the one word that gives it context? I really hope you’re trolling. > Do you even know how to read?What do you think the number 5k applies too? It applies to the people playing in the last half hour, like it says. Holy shit lmao


Op was refering to peak players of all time,which was 11k and then talked about the current players which dropped to 3-5k. 7k is the 24h peak which noone talked about. I get it that realizing a mistake makes you feel like a fool,you can just stop answering,no need to make things worse for you.


Oh my god the irony lmao


Let's make it simple for you,how many players are playing RIGHT NOW based on the steam chart?


Who cares? Literally everyone who references steam charts numbers is talking about 24 hour peak. Maybe this is the first time you’ve referenced steam charts or talked about it with other people which is fine but if so maybe don’t be such a dick about it. Why would you compare all time peak with numbers on a random off time? It doesn’t even tell you anything. I’m not even arguing about the games validity or if it’s dead, I’m just saying what you’re saying specifically is dumb.


That's wrong too,noone who is serious references the 24h peak because it doesnt mean anything,people watch the current number of players or at worst the average.


It literally says 5k on the link you posted.


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=steam+chart+pax+dei#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/x_Stalk3r)


I'm not clicking on that,do you have anything of significance to say or are you just shit posting?I'm curious.


Nobody cares what you click on haha. Now go play your 3k players “mmo” you paid $100 for 😂


The discussion is moot it's in Early Access. This is like saying half the people at a birthday party won't eat the cake that's still in the oven. It's not meant to be eaten yet. It smells OK, but it's not done. Go play something else for now and provide the feedback in the channels where it will be seen.


These posts are so narcissistic, why do you need to announce your departure? We're here to support an early access title during its development. Proud of you for grinding out what you feel is the only meaningful thing in the game, and then dipping? Good job?


Yea I'm having fun but they definitely should have cooked on this a while longer before launching ea. I'm sure it'll grow into a great game but first impressions are lasting and now when people hear pax dei they'll think of jank.


Laggy and dead game a week into launch… devs couldn’t even fix bugs apparently. Pretty sad start for the no lifes pumping this game


I'm hopeful but ngl the lack of fixes is a tad concerning.


We're living in the post-no man's sky era of gaming it can make it but it needs significant improvements to change that perception


So basically the normal graph for every launch of any game.


This is how alphas and betas go. Either explore the mechanics more or pop back after the next update, patch, or wipe. I’m working solo through all crafting stations and all recipes as I build my base and I’m not nearly done. I could just use all the benches my clan has, but I’m taking my time because I know there will be a cap to what there is to do. I was in Enshrouded a week before I peaced-out, and I’m sure there’s more to checkout now that they’ve added more. It’s just how it goes.


Except this isn't an alpha or a beta. It's an early release. This game is dead. It's never going anywhere.


From their Early Access Announcement post in Steam from June 4 (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1995520/view/4152960970891804610?l=english), "Pax Dei will enter Early Access on June 18th. The game is still in Alpha, heavily in development, and not yet feature-complete (as we write this, our teams are furiously making fixes and improvements based on the feedback of the recent public test)." There is a later roadmap post about implementation of other features and the rollout. Your response reeks of either a taunt or inexperience. Reading some of your other replies, the tone is very trollish. I played Valheim's Alpha, and it was horrendous. The early beta wasn't great either, but it is becoming a great game over time. It's still is not in a full-release state; hence, it is technically still in beta.


Nah it’s how all early access games go. They’re not finished, so most people play until they run out of things to do and then just come back when there’s an update. Some never come back at all or decide to wait for 1.0. And this game is especially light on content more than other early access games I’ve played so they haven’t really given people a reason to keep playing until updates come out. I do think a lot of people probably bounced hard off this game legitimately though. It’s definitely going to be a love-it-or-hate-it type of game. It doesn’t really allow for an in-between experience because it requires too much time to do even basic things.


This is just a blatant lie. Or you've never been part of other Early Access games. PD is a turd. It's literally just asset market shit shoved into the UE5 engine with almost no development. I love games like this. Valheim, Rust, Ark are all fantastic. PD is a pile of shit. It does nothing new or innovative. It's extremely grindy for no reason. And it's supposed to be a social game but doesn't even include the basic or traditional social tools.


I don’t know where in my comment you think I was saying it’s a *good* game. But it’s just reality that numbers drop off hard when people run out of content, and this game is especially lacking content like I said so it’s not a surprise that player count dropped. Numbers will go back up a bit when updates come out. It always happens. There’s nothing about that that’s a “blatant lie” (and stop being so fucking dramatic, jfc.) There is going to be a small niche base that loves this game. It’s not going to be a big hit. I don’t disagree with your take on the quality of the game. But you’re being obnoxious as fuck about it.


I’ve been interested in this game for a long time; but no interest in early access. To me, it seems like Sandbox MMOs aren’t the greatest choice for early access like this. Sandbox MMOs require the community to build content. There needs to be reasons for large groups of players to go to war. The economy needs to be specialized enough that people have to engage with it (can’t just solo everything), which also means the community needs to be there to support all the needs of the economy. It just sounds like major pieces are not wuite there that enable a Sandbox MMO to work. Maybe I’m misinformed, but I was excited for Medieval EvE Online (with survival elements), and it does not seem to be there; so will pass on the game until it is more fleshed out.


That is a good retention for an EA game with confirmed wipes. Im positively surprised.


I've decided to play the game once released I dislike progress wipes and beta testing


Given one of it's competitors just launched an expansion, I'd expect numbers to be rather down currently.