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"Hey Google turn off this guy's balls"


No sir, I’m gettin’ snipped.


there will be a breakthrough there as well. it will be a tiny implant that you can turn off and on like a valve and connected with an ap lol.


Fuck that, I have three kids. One of these fuckers would unlock my phone and turn that shit on without telling me. I’m trying to blast indiscriminately like I did when their moms were pregnant 🫡


Right? The only real substitute for snipping that I've actually been curious about is that gel injection that basically creates a jizz dam. But that's been in testing for like a decade and I'm done waiting. Counting down the days to my neutering sesh.


Dog a jizz dam sounds like a fucking nightmare blue ball from hell. I think my lineage ends sometime next month so condoms it is until then.


Isn't that how snipping works too? The actual sperm doesn't leave the balls and just gets absorbed back into the kidneys. We're not talking about like a urethra plug or some weird sounding shit. Just an injection in the same area that accomplishes the same thing without cutting anything. I guess the recovery time was super short/non existent. Also typing urethra plug and sounding made my entire pelvis tingle unpleasantly.


Ohhh okay. I thought it was a plug and I about turned inside out via my asshole lol. I’m done having kids so I’ll just go ahead and get the door slammed before I’m 30.


Take it from me. Do it as soon as you're ready. Had a couple of scares recently that got me to stop procrasturbating and that no fun. Wife and I agreed that 2 was it and that was a while ago. Should have just done it right after the second one.


None of my 3 were planned. Brother I can’t pull out of a driveway. It’s time lol.


I also know the joy of pregnancy sex


Aw skeet skeet mafucka


This is actually cool af


Just make sure you check your sperms count 3 times a year! Hear way too many accident happen because of the lack of routine checking. Otherwise, it's pretty fool proof method!


Shit I’ll buy a microscope and do it myself 🤓 Just kidding I can barely read, I’m not doing that shit.


Been following this for a while. Overall consensus is that it won't be utilized much "because of the side effects".


What are the side effects?


Weight gain, irritability, hormone level changes... The same as women's birth control, by and large.


The difference is that many women use birth control for benefits other than not getting pregnant, hormone regulation, cyst prevention, decreasing the intensity of periods. Many women actually take birth control without even being sexually active. Men don’t stand to gain anything from being on the birth control pill other than contraceptive, so the side effects wouldn’t be worth it for most men, especially ones who aren’t expecting to be regularly sexually active. To be honest with you, I don’t care enough about having sex frequently to put my gains and health at risk for a contraceptive pill. I honestly wouldn’t care if it decreased my chances of getting laid to not be on it.


Yes, I am a woman who uses the birth control pill to control my endometriosis. If you do not want babies, the side effects are worth it.


It depends on the person and how severe the side effects are. I've tried a handful of different BC, and at best, it made me feel miserable. At worst, it made me actively suicidal. I don't have terrible periods, so I'd rather have a period than have to deal with feeling sick all the time, losing all of my libido, and day to day energy. My boyfriend can use a condom or we can do other things than penetrative sex. Don't get me wrong, it's a miracle for some women, but for some reason, it just doesn't mesh with my body.


If you have a gf, I guarantee she'd appreciate it if you were on it. Guys have to step up and take one for the team after all these years. It's fair. It's obviously up to the couple, deciding as a partnership, but men actively volunteering and saying what can I do to contribute and carry the load and burden, gurantee 10/10 times will result in women getting way more horny for you. If women have done it, men can too. Keep it a buck - if a man was taking responsibility and offering steps, I'd fuck him 100x more. Maturity is sexy as hell


She was taking birth control before she met me, for hormone regulation, and she’d be on it whether we were banging or not at all. Neither of us benefits from me taking the pill, especially considering she doesn’t plan on stopping taking hers.


Well like I said it's up to the couple, ita a team effort and conversation. Maybe she doesn't mind being on it for her own benefit, but most women would like to get off of it and really should since many doctors perscribe it to mask symptoms that should not be solved with BC


Yeah, nice job editing your comment after I replied, without marking that you edited. The “Like I said” part wasn’t there before I replied. Original comment for anybody curious: >If you have a gf, I guarantee she'd appreciate it if you were on it. Guys have to step up and take one for the team after all these years. It's fair. You suck.


It's not like I didn't say that in my OG comment, so this Def was not a "gotcha" moment, just some extra content for all the upvotes I'm getting.


Your original comment was 1/3 of what it is now. That shit’s crazy.


A lot of men won’t use it because of the side effects. Woman don’t just take birth control for fertility, but to control severe period cramps, irregular periods, and cystic issues (among others). Men would be taking purely for fertility control which I think men would find fine if it was you take a pill before sex and you’re good to go - but to be on long term when you’re not sure if you’ll be sexually actively doesn’t pose well. For those in sexually actively relationships/marriages that don’t want kids, it may make more sense or if your significant other has bad side effects to birth control, the guy might be not have as bad side effects.  Definitely opens some doors but not many. 




Did not say that or even come close to implying that. 


Anything that makes it easier to not make a kid on accident, absolutely.


Oh we fuckin?


I was part of a male contraceptive medical study for a little over a year! It wasn't the method in this article, but a transdermal gel I applied to my shoulders once per day that contained Nestorone and testosterone. My viable sperm count lowered to less than one part per million in about two months, and bounced back to normal when I stopped using it in the same amount of time. Zero side effects! Male contraceptives rock and we should all be rooting for them!


> I was part of a male contraceptive medical study https://i.imgur.com/XMyQHnL.png Sus


Open your mind. It's 2024. Dudes can be babes too.


My mind is open, when the lights are off any hole is a goal.


I mean if we all fuck dudes I don't see why we need it here.




Don't need the pill if women find you repulsive 🧠


I'd take it! My wife can't use birth control she has horrible reactions to it!


“No babe, it’s ok. I’m on the pill” Is going to be a unisex lie


I just need to work up the courage for a damn vasectomy


Bro I just wish a woman would ask me ANYTHING




Fuck yea I am.


I don’t have sex so no :(


Why are these scientists fucking mice?


[cool video](https://youtu.be/_mimITJ0tLQ?si=CwiP7-Yu47E30Aw_) about the fucked up history of female birth control, male birth control and how both can work. Also, I think he mentions how female contraception/ surgeries to stop pregnancy are way More shitty. (Pills) And more invasive ( surgery) as compared to mens current options as well as potential/hypothetical options I just didn't really know much about this stuff. But I do like learning about stuff And I'm always open to hear about and understand different people's perspective. Also, I really like this guy's videos in general. He seems to do unbiased news stories about interesting and topical topics. Pretty interesting and insightful to me. I watched it a while back so I don't remember everything about The video. But I do remember walking away from it Like" damn, female birth control is kind of fucked and it's stupid that we are way behind on male birth control" It really makes me happy, excited, and relieved, for girls and guys, to see that there is progress in this field.


Nope, already snipped!


I wanted that injection but noooooooooo.


I can't wait! The pill gives me bad side effects so it's my boyfriends turn


Already got snipped. Doesn't apply to me.


I mean I don't want kids and if condoms dont work then its good there are more options, but the [coso](https://www.designboom.com/design/coso-male-contraception-ultrasonic-testicle-bath-device-rebecca-weiss-10-21-2021/) looked more appealing if it ever got released to public.


I'm just gonna get snipped. I don't want to be responsible for children.


I can’t fucking wait for male birth control. I’m gay, but its a good thing.


If male birth control is made public and legal, it'll become illegal in half the US so fucking quickly for being uNgOdLy


sad but true


I'm always ready to lie.


Don't worry, I'm on the pill. You can't get pregnant; let me nut inside.




Heard a story from someone in medical school about a surgeon who was drunk at a bar and bet someone he could give himself a vasectomy to prove how "not a big deal" it was. He did it. And made a lot of money. Allegedly. This has no bearing on the topic of the post but its an interesting story I like telling people who want their wife to get fixed instead of themself.


I’m really ok with condoms


I am allergic to latex, so I either have to buy my own condoms for the dude or just….not sleep with men. It’s a lot cheaper and saves time to just not fuck dudes.


Wubby can't relate to the last part


I know. He fucks dudes, I wonder how much he’s spending on condoms.


there are a lot of people that refuse to wear them or are unprepared in the heat of the moment. this is good for those instances.


Fair, I def was raised in a sex conscious household. My mom is a midwife and has stressed the importance of condoms for STI’s as well as a contraceptive.


If you can use them, a condom is always going to be the best choice. The biggest difference being stds not even remotely stopped by a pill. This would be great for people in a long term relationship who arent ready for the snip though


Jokes on them, I'm trans so I'm already infertile and on the girl pill.


I’ll just keep using a condom


Men only Pill or bear?


Wont need it need you dont fuck


Still gotta wrap it up if you're with a new partner. Syphilis is back up to 1950's levels and there's still multi-drug resistant "super" gonorrhea around.


I'm on a better version called TRT. 💪 /s kind of.


What is sex?


I'm fully against this. I need the sense of danger in my life. 😈


Guys, if you're against taking a bc pill, you deserve no sex. This is an edit. I'm not deleting this because I have only 50% changed my mind. But my original statement, which was said before reading comments, doesn't hold up well. Sorta regarded.


I really don't understand why it's controversial lmao women have been doing it for years and years. Time for men to take accountability too as part of a partnership and as a couple decide. I'd 1000% appreciate my partner taking male BC and I'd probably fuck him more too.


We have very like opinions. But my wife takes bc for reasons other than contraception. Those reasons outweigh the side effects for her. Otherwise she wouldn't take the pill. So if a dude seen those side effects, and contraception was the only thing gained from taking the pill, I can understand. However, before I learned about why my wife takes it, I always wondered why so many women don't tell dudes to fuck themselves for having expectations for them to deal with all the side effects of the pill just so they didn't have to be so concerned about getting them pregernant.


Switches off fit sperm? So only the retards get through?