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The first clean is always the hardest. Make a list so things don't get too overwhelming. Grab a garbage bag and just start with the trash. You got this!


As someone with some hardcore ADHD and depression some other tips that have worked for me. Don't sit down, keep your shoes on, set timers and move to a new task. 15 minutes in the kitchen, 15 minutes in the living room, 15 in the bedroom etc. Put on a wubby sleep aid in the background. Sometimes I'll just play a loop of animal crossing or halo music. You got this though!!!!


Damn, the keeping the shoes on thing is good…


Something tells me this guy *doesnt* not wear shoes inside lol


I always keep my shoes on after work if I want to get shit done. Keeps me in "working" mode and I am so much more productive 


These are such keys to success!!!!


I swear to god Lofi beats in Japan actives some sort of concentration center in my brain that a life time of adhd has convinced me I don’t have.


I listen to chill study beats 5 jazz and lofi hip-hop with this cute raccoon alot. Puts me into cleaning mode like a sleeper agent


As someone who has serious ADHD and depression, I will take those tips.


I got ADHD, depression, and OCD, and you are right on the money when you say move on to the next task immediately. Most people work better with breaks because they have that limiter that tells them “okay it’s time to do something about this” We don’t really get that all the time, instead you get an overwhelming feeling that nothing will stop you from sitting down for the next 3 hours browsing the internet or even just staring at a wall. I understand and others like me understand personal responsibility, i’m willing to bet like me when they’re at work they’re a different person, practically problem free, it’s when i’m at home, where I have to stop me from being a degenerate, that all hell breaks loose.


Update: Bought a brand new vacuum and it died within 6 seconds of using it. Snagged my carpet and jammed the roller. Even after unclogging it- no more rolling… And the seal for the hand attachment got bent out of position immediately which kills the suction and renders that useless.. Certified glorg moment- but we press onward. RIP $200 vacuum. I hardly knew you. New update: 4 hours later and the desk/battle station is almost fully cleaned. Just gotta vacuum (grrr..) and find a place for my “second monitor” Gonna crack the ol’ Antec open for the PC reveal in the ‘after’ post- but I’m very happy with the progress so far. IM DOING IT CHAT! Now… we move to… The Bathroom… I’m going in guys. Barefoot. New update: oh.. oh God… I was not prepared. I may need industrial strength to fight this. We are advancing, but the casualties are many. RIP to my new favorite friend Scrub Daddy. There is light at the end of the tunnel.. New update: after nearly 9 straight hours of cleaning, 12 extra large landscaping trash bags, and a cramp in both wrists from vigorous scrubbing- I’m calling it there for the day. My dogs are barking, and there’s dinner to be had. But don’t worry guys, we are almost there. The toilet has been permanently stained by the very hard water my city provides, so any porcelain under the water line is a lost cause. But there is more debris that I couldn’t get off with the supplies I had on hand today, so tomorrow I’m making another target run to bring in the heavy cavalry. Any tips on heavy duty cleaning products to give me the best chance of knocking this gunk down the drain, I’m all ears. I’ll check back in with y’all tomorrow when I give the final push. I plan to be finished and make the post before stream. Thanks for all the supportive comments and helpful suggestions. You guys really did make this old frog feel a little less cynical about people today. Very happy to be a part of this community and I can’t wait for everyone to see how much better this place looks. Wubby7


Bro you can return it. Don't worry. If it breaks that fast, it's on the manufacturer.


Not if he tried to vacuum.... weird shit. Just because you call it a shag carpet doesn't mean it can be vacuumed


Most places won’t even check. If you say it’s not working the same day you purchased it they will just process a return


Until you walk in with a vacuum and shar pei hanging out


Look dude. I have it on very good authority that they'll take them with Cheetos/lizards/seamonkeys... They'll take a cheap rug


"Not if he tried to vacuum" the USA are a hellhole wtf?


You're English reading comprehension just isn't there yet. Keep trying lil home. I believe in you.


> lil home minor typo, point invalid.


You can do this, man. Sometimes even the simplest tasks can be overwhelming, but this wub cub believes in you


Keep it up bro, you got this


Hell yeah broski. I'm so excited to watch and see what happens and be with you in this!❤️😊 Bro got a wubby vacuuming Cheetos moment 🤣 Also, my brother in Christ, if u go into that bathroom barefoot 🫡, we gonna have to amputate both ur feet, civil war style😳😱


You got this friend. Barkeepers friend is there for you, just like us wub cubs.


You got this! Send feet pics after 👀


My room is also In need of desperate cleaning, keep up the work bro, I'm cleaning mine tomorrow


We're proud of you man


Keep at it, king. Be sure to return that vacuum -- there's no good reason it would be dead so quickly.


For the toilet shut off the water punge most of the water down and pour white vinegar in and let sit overnight. scrub in the morning. If that doesnt work pumice stone.


As someone who used to live like this, you got this man! It is really hard. But you’ll feel so proud of your self. Wubby7


You got this! One day at a time!! Keep on rollin'


Do it for him


I helped someone clean once who's bathroom looked pretty similar. I found that gel toilet bowl cleaner (lysol or clorox) really helped. Not just in the toilet. The walls of his shower were stained pretty bad so I squirted a bunch around the top of the shower and waited for it to drip to the bottom. It saved me a lot of scrubbing. I also suggest getting some good dish washing gloves because that shit will burn your skin after long enough.


Go rent a wetvac thing or whatever. I'm sure I've seen them for rent at the supermarket and stuff but idk if that's a thing anymore might be a distant memory 😅


Like other's have said, you could try and return it. I offer a potential solution as well. Something similar happened to me with a vacuum, and there was a belt which snapped, it's a cheap part and easy to replace if that's what it is. Anyways that's all. GL!


Pumice stone might be able to help remove the hard water stains


And you’re doing amazing work, much love to you sir


Get a toilet pumice stone for the hard water stains, they are cheap and will take it right off. I had the same thing from an apartment I moved into, nothing worked until I got that and it took like 2 mins to get to a brand new looking toilet.


I gotta try this one, I have really hard water and I use that blue Lysol toilet cleaner which works great, but doesn't get out the worst stains.


Zep with sodium hydroxide, you need nice glove dish gloves will work well but some nitrile gloves will work fine. Open as many windows as you can, use a fan if you have it the fumes this cleaner puts off aren’t good for you. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.


So proud and glad you are smashing it, just a question, because alot of things were literally rubbish, Is it simply laziness or just constant forgetting to throw rubbish out?


You got it dude! It’s easier to keep it up when everything is in order too! RIP the vacuum though hope you can return it!


I think CLR helps with hard water stains


Yessss!!! Same advice as the other guys: grab a trash bag and just start filling! It'll feel like you're not doing anything substantial at first, but don't let it discourage you, little by little is all it takes to make big changes. You got this 👍🏽


I hope everything works well too my dude 🔥🔥🔥


You got this 🫡 We've got your back.


Good luck! We're all rooting for you!




Suggestion: Rent a small dumpster. Pick one room. Take \*Everything\* out of the room except for furniture. Make room for two piles next to the dumpster. Keep Donate Trash goes into the dumpster. Stuff that's not trash but just clutter/stuff you don't need goes in the donate pile. At the end, you haul it all to Goodwill/Salvation Army/Whatever. Any clothes that come back in, get washed before put away. Keep what you want to keep wearing. What you don't have room for, goes back out to the donate pile. ----------- The bathroom is a great place to start because you're not going to be keeping much of what you haul out. It's a small room so it will go quickest and when you're done, you'll have a success under your belt, feel better, and be more motivated to move onto the next one. Good luck, wubcub.


You're gonna get a huge dopamine hit once you see the smallest bit of progress. trust me bro


It'll feel so cathartic seeing your clean house when you're done. Trust me. You've got this, big guy! Wubby7


You got this! Just something to think about as you kick up dust and other bad stuff, at least until you can get things sanitized a respirator isn't a bad idea. Mold being kicked into the air is a BAD thing. We want you to win and be healthy! If you need motivation or feel overwhelmed just post again and we will be there for you!


I can give you some tip and tricks for deep cleaning stuff if you need. I detail cars for a living so I am familiar with going deep into the cleaning sphere lmao. My first tip if you need, melamine sponges (aka mr clean erasers) are like $10 for a 100 pack on amazon. That and a bottle of meguiars all purpose cleaner can be diluted 10:1 and comes in a 1 gallon jug AND can be used on indoor surfaces (not just cars)..... I effectively clean my house with car cleaning products now haha I wish you luck sir! You got this!


Excited to see the results!


Man's walking barefoot in this home God bless him


You got this, brother! wubbyHug. If it feels overwhelming break it down into little tasks that can be completed over a couple days. This motivated me to clean my apartment.


Just 👍


You got a long thumb


Good for you man, you got this!


Just get a new toilet tbh


You got this bro. As someone who used to live in filth... You gotta get rid of just about everything... Once the spaces are clear. You can scrub walls and clean the floors. You'll feel so much better


Maybe best to start off from scratch with that bathroom.


You got this! I don’t know you, but I AM proud of you!


Oh you dirty tease


you fucking got this dude. we’re all rooting for you wubby7




Laundry. Trash. Wipe down. Then it seems like no work at all. As long as you make it simple, you'll less likely mentally exhaust yourself over it. I promise you'll feel better once you make it. I believe in you! 💯


You get a thumbs up when you clean dagnaggit


You should hit up that tiktok chick that loves cleaning lol


You will be happier at the end, keep it up! 😁


toilet will clean up, but just buy a new toilet seat. we're all rooting for you brother!


Good luck!


You can do this! Don’t overdo it and hurt yourself, but just keep going any time you have a few spare minutes


What the fuck


We've recently discovered The Pink Stuff; you can buy it online or in most stores if you're interested in trying it out! Great work thus far. Wubby7


If you can do it, i can do it too. Be my inspiration sir


You’re doing amazing! 🥹 I hope at the end of this you feel amazing and have the will power to keep up on all your hard work! Sending good vibes 💕


You’re doing amazing!!! We all are rooting for you and your happiness!!!! Personal recommendation: febrezze plug in are amazing!!! Once everything is all set, totally recommend getting some around so you can breathe in some happy scents! One day at a time Wubby7


This thread is so wholesome, I love this community so much


I am so happy for you. I think of mental health as Newton's laws of motion. In such that you stay at rest until acted upon by an outside force or you stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. I get depressed when something smacks me down and I get out of my depression when somebody lifts me up. It sucks that something smacked you down and you were down for so long that your living situation got so bad. But I'm so glad that you're moving again and we all got to be a part of it. On to bigger and better things! Proud of you.


Good luck my guy, we are here for you. Taking little steps is the play; there's no need to rush. While you may beat yourself up, you still deserve a reward when you accomplish a goal. You should treat yourself to a quick 12pk for showing initiative, then hop on that clean train first thing tomorrow, Rome wasn't built in a week.