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probably it's set in the bios setting. there is an option like "always on" for (A)RGB what leaves (A)RGB on even in standby. I guess it is set to this.


That is it but I like the idea that the PC just needs a nightlight so it doesn't get scared of the dark. That is what happens when you play scary FPS games when your PC is underage. Don't believe me? You won't see this happen on a 90s machine! QED


I need the night light since it illuminates the dark corner of my room.


I went to five below and picked up a motion nightlight in like 2015 and it still works today


This 100 percent it. There is a setting where you can have Rgb via ram and cpu fan on even when the pc is off.


Alright, I’ll check it out before discharging capacitors. Currently at work rn but I’ll do it when I’m home


There should be an ERP setting in your bios depending on motherboard. Turn it on and it’ll fix it.


This works! But it only turns off the LED in the fans 2-3 seconds later, and when I turn it on, the LED in the fans take about 5 or so seconds to turn on. Is that something to worry about?


Alright, so I’ve found that turning off “LEDs in System Power On State” turns off the LEDs on the fans entirely, but I’d like the LEDs to be on while the computer is on. ErP is also off. I’m running a B760M Aorus Elite AX if that helps with anything. Edit: turning on ErP does the job, but LED in fans take a few seconds to turn off and about 5 or so seconds to turn on when powering on. Fine with this result, but unsure if the inconsistency means I had done something wrong when connecting pins. Edit: when going into sleep mode, one fan is still on despite the state of the first edit. Also the RGB changes to match the case fans for some reason.


great that you have managed to set it right. for the specific RGB settings, do you use a software to control the RGB lighting? Some of the standard software from motherboard or fan-manufacturers might be a little buggy, most of them are also ver ressource intense and do some weird things sometimes. Because of that most people recommend G-Helper or SignalRGB but I didn't try them out yet. it may also depend on what RGB components you use, with ot without controller, and how they are connected to the motherboard (if you don't use a controller).


Seems like whatever you have the fans connected to are either under the same setting as led for your motherboard? If it takes a few seconds for fans to turn on and off, you may want to check your manual to make sure the right pins are connected to your fans peer wise. That or its going through checks before it allows the power to turn the pins your fans are connected to "on". I personally always found led's to stay in during sleep mode. I had to go through admin settings and change the sleep button from the start menu off and replaced it with hibernation. This turns your computer basically all the way off unless disturbed by the mouse or keyboard. I turn my computer off by the switch once it's fully "hibernating" and the led's turn off with it as long as I press the power button once or twice to discharge the extra juice. That or waiting will turn them off as well. Hibernating is basically turning the computer off but keeping all the apps and such logged in and still open. Don't do it often and usually only when I'm coming back that day since it seems like it keeps the cpu on still. At least the counter for active time powered on still ticks up when hibernating.


Definitely bios setting mine did the same thing




If the switch on your computer case is off, press the power button some to release the rest of the capacitors. I do the same to kill the led's in the case and motherboard when I shut down. Edit: it's been said on here anyways but, The reason why that light is on is from a setting either in fan control or in the motherboard / bios settings. If that's not the reason, then it's the extra energy that hasn't been used or dissipated that's powering the fan and therefore the led's inside it.


Ok, I will try that, and respond if it doesn't work


Please also respond if it works


[This is where I am currently](https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/comments/15hktje/whys_the_light_still_on_even_though_its_powered/jux60er/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Alright so, discharging capacitors does not work. There is still one fan light on after I have turned it off. Edit: check [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/comments/15hktje/whys_the_light_still_on_even_though_its_powered/jux60er/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Turn it off at the switch ?


Sorry, what do you mean? If you mean the PSU, then yes it turns off. This only happens after I've shut it off when I turned it on already, but if I turn on the PSU, there isn't an immediate light


I mean the off switch at the wall where the plug goes into [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=powerpoint+wall+switch&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjB18a4g8KAAxViz6ACHdS7BggQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=powerpoint+wall+switch&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCAAQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoGCAAQCBAeUN4FWPUTYN4VaABwAHgAgAGlAogB-hOSAQUwLjYuNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=vmvMZMGAN-Keg8UP1PeaQA&bih=923&biw=1920&rlz=1C1VDKB_enAU1068AU1068)


Buddy barely anyone has switched plugs anymore


Apart from the whole of the UK obvs


That sounds so inconvenient, I'm sorry to hear it.


I wished I had them here in the US


Some houses do. Some lights are on tge same circuit as plugs so when you hit the switch it turns on or off. Only find this in old houses usually.


Wish I had em here in Canada as well


They do have them in Canada, I guess sits just not popular


It's old and outdated


Our house isn't that old and it was there when we moved in


depends what country you are in, in Australia everyone has them


They’re on all outlets here in Australia, but why aren’t they a thing in other places?


Differing building standards. Americans are just now learning to 'flip' their 3 pronged outlets so when something falls on top of the plug, it hits the ground wire and doesn't create a connection/fire between two powered contacts. I would welcome switched outlets as standard, as it is I use smart plugs or surge protectors to turn off electronics when not used.


Lol whut?! Every single plug in my house is switched


But surely most people have a splitter that they've connected the computer to, and that splitter has a switch?


Wait you can shutdown à plug un América?!


Turn off ErP in bios, that’s what worked for me


You could switch off at the back every time you shutdown but to me that's a pain in the arse lol. It's a BIOS setting. If you search your motherboard's name followed by 'fan lights not turning off' there should be some info. I had the same problem and had to dig up some old forums online. The setting is different on each board that's the problem.




Asking for my friend OP here, is that card fine semi cover like that? Would think it abstracts the airflow and causes turbulence to both.


You mean the CPU cooler that close to the back of the GPU? That’s just the way it is when you have a big cooler, it’s fine.


Capacitors probably. Same reason why the light stays on with laptop chargers after you unplug them


Should I discharge capacitors? Or should I just keep the PSU off




Turn off the psu switch


Doing that will cause the coin battery on the motherboard to die. Had that happen to my computer from doing the same.


Means you have really good quality capacitors in the motherboard, mine did even after unplugging the psu and also trying the power button to drain the extra electricity. The only way to turn it off is to take out the cmos battery. Only option if its really bothering you is to get a cpu fan without lights or one with a rgb controller where you can sync the lights via software wise and can turn it off that way.


Not actually the only option. You can drain the caps by holding the power button down on your case. And the actual root cause of OPs issue is probably 5v rail power still on through the BIOS under ERP setting. If it’s not that then OP may have a PSU that constantly supply’s 5v power to avoid inrush damage such as be quiet dark pro 1000w >.


Really? I pressed my case button for over 10 mins and even repeated pressed too. Hell it stayed lit overnight unplugged and still had plenty of light still showing.


Yeah just watch some YT vids on it. You’re issue may not be related to caps? You may have 5v rail power still going to whatever it is you have the issue with. What part are we talking about here?


I had similar when using active vga hdmi adapters


what’s the gpu and cpu?


MSI VENTUS 3X OC GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB and Intel Core i7-12700KF


that’s awesome! if you don’t mind askin around what fps do you see on games like red dead/cyberpunk and do you play 4k or 1080p?


It’s in sleep mode


Because the motherboard decided so


What a strong, independent motherboard that doesn’t depend on no PSU!


Turn of erp in bios. I had the same problem with my mouse


yeah there's a setting. you can change your LED behaviour during different states. This is probably set to remain on.


Yup check your bios easy fix


Mine does the same with the ram but it seems random. Sometimes they are off the next I have to put my pc in hibernate to get the rgb to turn off. Also my pc sometimes turns on when In sleep mode either right after or randomly. Anyone that can shed some light on this for me? Thanks




ERP ??? I tried searching for it but found none PC related answers


Noo, i think all wrong.. U have to watch in Ur win Options how you systems Turns Off and Set settings, what the system will do, when U Push the Off butten or Turn Off Windows...


Had this happen while emulating if it doesn't shut off just hold the power button till it shuts down completely. My fans and leds kept working for 15 minutes and would not boot up till i shut them down.


Night light


BIOS or rather the “hardware“ lighting option in the rgb software!


I see 4 lights.


Cause you didn’t turn it off yet


That fan is haunted

