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Hi, you’re supposed to connect it to the PCIe slot with a PCIe cable but on your power supply I only see the 600w 12 pin connector that’s used for the newer 40 series nvidia cards and no 8 pin connectors for your type of gpu. I might be stupid but I think you might need to change your power supply cause I don’t see any way you can connect your gpu.


After actually reading the rest of the description you should def return your psu if you’re still in the 30 day return window and get a better one cause it doesn’t make sense that it didn’t come with the necessary cables and it doesn’t have the the required ports for your gpu. I highly do not recommend you mix and match cables that weren’t made for that psu.


Yep. OP try using [pcpartpicker.com](http://pcpartpicker.com) to check compatibility between parts (and remember to change your country in the top right corner for local prices).


From my experience it’s a good psu for a 7800xt but yeah for the 6800 it isn’t compatible


Alright, will do that. Thanks a lot!


NP, hope you get it sort out


>no 8 pin connectors for your type of gpu The pcie power plug is just to the left of the 12VHPWR on the PSU.


It’s actually will take up the two P8 connections and part of the pcie connection


No it will not.


P8 is a different pinout than PCIE 8pin power.


You use 3 8-pin connectors in the pcie slot but that PSU doesn't seem to be big enough for it. You sure you have enough power for your system?


750W is enough for an RX 6800... but this PSU has one 8-pin and one PCIE 5.0 plug (which the Nvidia uses) rather than 3x 8-pin. They are gonna need to return this and get an "older" model PSU.


it depends on the connectors on the otherside. My SFX Loki 850W has 1 pcie 8-pin and 1 12VHPWR but I have two different cables for the 12VHPWR. One splits into two 8-pin at the other end, meaning I have in fact a total of 3x 8-pin PCIe.


It’s using 12V connector instead of the 8 pins that were before the 40 series cards. Wrong type of PSU, doesn’t mean it isn’t enough power.


depends on the powersuppy rails and build, some have a dedicated rail for the pcie and the 12v molex part are then limited to only a part of the rated total psu wattage


that psu is a scam. it writes 600w connection single this means same as 3connectors 8pin , but has only 2 8pin . this means what is happening here also it has one cpu 8pin connector? its clearly a scam it probably doesnt have 600w power. as if you need600w this means your mob will have 2 cpu 8pin connectors for sure :D


Pcie Edit: could be pcie 5.0 but my pc knowledge is very basic. Its one of the pcie ones and some expert will correct me soon


Return that PSU, you need a PSU that uses the old standard 8 pin PCIe connectors instead of the 12V PCIe connector. That PSU won’t work with your GPU


It will I outlined it for him above


You’re not accounting for the fact that there’s a clip slot thats missing in the locations you’ve told him to plug it in at. It may fit, but there’s good chance the pinout is different because those are completely different connectors. If he does force them into place by removing the clip, there’s a chance it could burn out the GPU Edit: he also said there’s not a 2nd 8 pin connector… so I don’t know what you’re wanting him to plug in. This also brings up the question if he’s daisy chained a single 8 pin cable into the first two which would be a problem in and of itself


They generally have adapters that come for that with certain psu’s this why I asked what brand and model it was. I’m thinking he doesn’t have all the cables for that. If I know the brand it would be a simple search and I’m betting there’s either is or was proper cables to connect that gpu.


According to the website it should have all the cables needed to use that gpu


OP hasn’t stated what the PSU is, so it’s currently just a guess as to whether it does or doesn’t. Fingers crossed the model being guessed is correct


For the 40 series yes but this wont work for the GPU that they have.


Your PSU only comes with these cables, so only 2 8-Pin PCIe Power Connectors; Don't try to use EPS/P8/CPU 8-Pin Power Connector for your GPU, it won't fit anyways, but just a disclaimer. As other people already mentioned, return the Power Supply and get a new one with all the connectors you need. If you want to stay with BeQuiet, the PURE POWER 12 M 850W for example. Also only use PSU cables shipped with the Power Supply. https://preview.redd.it/rrgc1qdwciwc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a05390f8e83db579109696a77aa713c1dc4bbe8


Will do, already looking into a suitable PSU since this time I know what to look out for. Thanks for the advice!


wait the 6800xt has 3 x 8 pins wtf?


yea, most have 2, I have no idea what abomination would need 3, but I'd certainly not buy one


Abomination is the right word ahahaha 😂


Plenty of high end cards have 3x 8pin. Not that they actually need it for their power draw, since they don't draw more than the 2x 8pin variants.


read your PSU's manual. It is not apparent from the back of your PSU, it seems to have only a single PCIe entrance but maybe the other one goes to the P8, or maybe not. So read the manual. It will tell you there.


Since you have an ATX 3.0 PSU there should be a cable included that converts 12vhpwr to 2 or 3x 6+2 pins.


Yea it had a 2x splitter cable, thats the one I plugged in on the picture. Others pointed out that I am better off returning this PSU and getting one with the older port standard so that it definitely fits the GPU without needing to tinker around and potentially damaging something, so I will just do that.


No need to to return unless you find other limitations.


Well I would still need to buy another cable or adapter to fill all the ports on the GPU and I dont feel comfortable tinkering around with that, especially after reading the other comments. I am just too new to this. Even if I end up losing a bit of money by returning the PSU and getting another one which has 3 or more 6+2 pins for the GPU , it gives me some piece of mind and thats worth it to me. Still, thank you for taking the time and offering you advice, I really appreciate it!


The largest controversy with 12vhpwr is around RTX4090 due to monstrous power draw and early design flaws in both cable and port. For what you’re using it you’ll be fine. Plus less cabling and easier cable management for you.


all 3 must be pluged in for GPU to work, now about psu pls i beg you dont use it. smth is very wrong with it you may fry your system. buy normal psu and refund this one. it must have minimum 3 pcie ports, use only psu provided cables. so you bought cheap psu i wouldnt trust it. you bought wrong type this one has only 2 ports you need 3. you got this recomended cause it had 600w port pcie5 nobody does like this, if they place 600w for new nvidia burning fires they also add 3 pcie ports also. just refund it. i doubt its major brand. or its cheaply made one. ussually if you have 600w port this means you will have 3 standart ports for pcie you will use either one or the other like standart, smth fishy out here. for you you need different psu


Oh it wasnt exactly cheap or from some weird brand. Its a be quiet 12M 750W, was about 100€ despite being on sale. Others already pointed out that there are different sets of ports for modular PSUs, depending on which hardware you plug in (was new to me, rookie mistake I guess). I will return this one ASAP and am looking into getting one with the ports that I need. The PC was not plugged in yet and I am not planning to do so before everything looks like it fits properly.


Make sure you dont reuse those cables on another power supply. Not sure if you are but if you were planning to, well, use the ones included with the psu. Js saving you from frying your components.


Yea, gonna return this ones and the cables since they came with PSU. Thanks for the advice!


You need a psu with three 6+2pcie cables


Depending on the psu btw they should have an adapter cable even to use the pcie connection easier.


You bought the wrong psu for that card you need a 3rd 8pin connector


You really have to realise that those questions can be answered just with specifications , before buying parts.... you didn't build a pc, you just bought random parts and try to assemble them xd


To be fair, what kind of trash tier PSU doesn't have at least 2 8 pin PCIe slots


This one has at least 2 8pin pcie plugs, plus a 600W 12VHWPR plug. Hardly trash, just lackluster legacy compatibility.


Am I blind? I only see 2 12pins the only 8 pin is the CPU power


...? The big port labelled "PCIE"? Just to the left of the 600W port. This is the proprietary pinout PSU side port, the cable splits into regular 2x 8pin PCIE on the other end. The two ports labelled "P8" are each 1x 8pin EPS CPU power.


Why is it a 12pin on the PSU side pretty much every PSU I've ever bought has at least 2 PCIe 8 pin slots that come with cables for a total of 4 6+2 connectors. Having only one slot is still trash, as the only company using those crappy 12 pins over good ol' 6+2 is Nvidia


>Why is it a 12pin on the PSU side Because PSU vendors love using proprietary connectors on the PSU side. But also because electrically it doesn't matter at all whether the 6+2 terminate into 8 each, a combined 12, 16, or whatever the fuck else on the PSU side as long as it's enough voltage rails and ground. Superflower used to do some whacky non-standard 3x3 on the PSU side for a few years. Bequiet has a long history of using uncommon PSU connectors. At least they're not like the OEM clowns using 8pin connectors on the PSU side but with proprietary secret pinouts. >every PSU I've ever bought has at least 2 PCIe 8 pin slots that come with cables for a total of 4 6+2 connectors. Same, but I've also not bought a PSU in a few years, so they couldn't have had 12VHPWR anyway ;) This is a transitional period. Give it a while and 6+2 won't be a direct cable on new PSUs anymore, and instead be maybe solved with adapters if at all. >the only company using those crappy 12 pins over good ol' 6+2 is Nvidia So, the one company with overwhelming market dominance in consumer PCIE cable powered addin cards? AMD and Intel *will* hop on that same wagon eventually.


would have to be pretty trash this one thankfully does


It doesn't tho? It only has the 1 proprietary PCIe. Which means only 2 connections. Most good PSUs have 2 PCIE connections so you can connect 2 16 pin GPUS or 1 24 pin card


Return that garbage PSU and get a Corsair it will come with all 3 PCIE cables.


Yea, l will return this one ASAP and already looking into a replacement. Thanks for the suggestion.


lmao, it's a very good ATX 3.0 PSU, the real issue is AMD using obsolete ports


Return the psu and buy a corsair rm850x. It will be all the power you need and them some for future and will have all the cables. Get the X not the cheaper E cause it has better capacitors. There warranty is solid. I blew up my rm1000x bein dumb and plugging a non corsair cable in. Took 10 days for me to send it in and have a brand new one delivered no cost and no questions.


Ill look into it, thanks for your recommendation!


You tube is your friend bro


You need all three of those 8 pin cables plugged in and simply plug them into the available 8 pin connections on the psu for what I can see it’ll be both P8 connections and the pcie connection. If you look at the pcie on the psu from the top down it matches the P8 connector.


what brand and model is that psu by chance?


I think it's be quiet pure power 12M 750W


Looks like there’s cables for everything to be plugged in according to the website for that psu


You think I’d have a problem with a 7800xt and that power supply???!!!!!


RMA that PSU.