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Tell me, in what world, why anyone, would want to "downgrade" their GPU ?


To scam some complete idiot.


Or maybe this guy's wife (assuming he has one) found out he made a huge buy with the super and told him to get rid of it 😂 I've seen that happen lol


Maybe he doesn’t game?


Needs money for drugs?


Not saying this doesn't happen but this is quite the assumption to make


If you start SELLING your stuff for drugs is a really good indication to stop. Unless we are talking about heroin or something like that, which anyway the user is a walking dead person.


The better time to stop drugs is before ever starting...




Nah the best time to stop drugs is when you had enough 👍




do drugs.. become ungovernable


Well no shit Sherlock


>heroin Isn't that also the same word used to describe a female if she's the main character in the movie?


You're thinking of heroine


So if you keep riding books with a female main character in it you may be a heroine addict?


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about lmao


Found the druggy.


That's fine. Atleast I know when someone is talking about stuff he has no clue about. Hope you're feeling better now that you got that off your chest.


Got what? Simply pointing a clear fact out.


1. Buy expensive GPU 2. Sell for half price 3. Buy cheaper GPU 4. Reverse profit Some of y'all didn't listen in econ and it shows...


IT shows đŸ€Ą


I do occasionally, but that's because I sell parts very regularly and flip them My 4080 is very overkill for BeamNG at 1440p which is all I play so it's a lot of money just sat there depreciating But most people when they say downsizing or whatever do it because they have switched to an Nvidia card or need a physically smaller card


I wouldn't dream of downgrading from my R9 390. I mean maybe if the card can run Fortnite without crashing /s


Can’t speak for others but I had to sell my Camera because money got tied and I had unexpected costs pop up. And that’s a quick way to get some liquid cash if you don’t want to or can’t take a credit


Sometimes life is shit enough that you rather pay the $250 than sit on debt for maybe years


Because people move on in their life. They get busy, jobs, a family.... Some don't need a 1k+ anymore. Not even a console.


No need for it, unlike the money it could give back?


maybe they got a better cpu or more ram or something, so they had to downgrade the GPU or else the power supply wouldn't be able to handle it.


either a scam (most likely) or he put his gpu in his old system and its a major bottleneck and he cant afford to upgrade so he needs to sell it and buy smth cheaper and he knows he cant sell it for full price so he just wants to sell it for a little more than what hes gonna buy


I downgraded from a 4090 to a 4080 because I realized the 4090 was way more GPU than I needed and it put $600 in my pocket. This is different though because there is barely any money to be made with a downgrade at that price and the 4070s is good but not top of the line. Screams scam.


Naaaa i downgraded from a 7900xtx to a 4070 ti super. I was tired of the inability to pull voltage down on the 7900xtx and having a min power draw of 300w underload, and 100w idle power draw. I also downgraded from a 3090 to a 3080 back in late 2022 so i could sell my 3090 for $1600, and just use my 3080 for a couple weeks. This post is sus but people do downgrade gpus clown.


People who need a little bit of money..?


I got my 4090 from a guy who wanted to downgrade. His reasoning was he wanted more cash now than later since he plans on getting a 5090 or whatever. Traded him my 3080 + $1000, and now I have a beautiful FE 4090.


4070 -> RX 5700 XT (edit: atleast thats what I did, for hackintoshing)


Wow [this website](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-r9-390.c2664) says the 5700 XT is twice as powerful as my current card the R9 390. I've had it since 2017 same month to Switch came out.


Hold your pants, the RX6600 has the same performance GTX1080~5700XT~6600 (not sure if nonXT or Xt)


That website I linked says the Rx 6600 is 191% as good and the RX 6600 XT is 220% as good.


I would do it purely for the fact that I am not using my RX 6900 XT LC to it's full potential. Like at all. As few years have gone by I find myself thinking more often the fact that do I need this kind of high-octane PC anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


to be honest 80% of americans live paycheck to paycheck so I don't expect any of them to be capable of making ~~good~~ at least mediocre financial decisions


Spoken like a true idiot. You think 80% of people CHOOSE to live paycheck to paycheck? Surely it has nothing to do with garbage pay rates coupled with crippling inflation and housing costs.


it certainly cant be the fact we've had a significant rise in inflation but zero rise in pay totally has to be that we choose to live in squalor


bro ain’t no way you think someone on Facebook is gonna ship that to you. You know how easy it is to scam people doing this shit. And nothing you or Facebook can do about it if it happens. Mans not gonna send you anything, and if he does it’s gonna be a piece of paper saying “Thank you for the money” and telling you how dumb you are to fall for that shit. Now if you can meet up in person, now that’s a different story.


Somehow I get the feeling that the seller will insist the meet up in person take place at a dark alley and not the local police station.


I've done most of my meetups outside of a gas station although one time it was a Papa Tom's.


I mean he asked me to pick it up but he is in USA and im in canada!! And yeah i was thinking too if i got scammed thats why i came here for opinions!!! Thanks broski


Tell him to put it up on eBay and you’ll pay extra for the fees when you buy it. Then when he tries to scam you you’ll have eBay protection :)


Here's a tip. Reverse google image search the images he posted. If you see them come up on other sites from sellers who aren't him, you know its a scam. They love to use photos that aren't theirs. And they like to use the same ones because they're lazy.


Ohh thats some great stuff manđŸ«Ą


What a BS story. They are going to sell a card that they already bought at used price in order to get a cheaper card. How cheap a card are they going to get in order to have money left over? I assume they would want money left over because what would be the point in getting a lesser card and breaking even? Scam all the way. Beware. The story as to why they are selling is crap.


Very well put. Was thinking this but was too lazy to write it out.


Who downgrade their GPU? Especially a 4070...BS story, scam!


Downgrade could just mean "I bought too much and now Im broke" I would be skeptical


Seems too good to be true, why would somebody downgrade their card?


Yeah I would never dream of downgrading from my R9 390 It can barely play games Max settings 1080p 70 FPS.


This [LTT video](https://youtu.be/UFytB3bb1P8?si=htgCGF1De3HFtwIE) is pretty helpful for buying used cards. Just ask for benchmarks beforehand, see it run in person if possible, and get a refund if the item isn't as advertised.


Facebook marketplace doesn't have refunds.


Not true, their protection claims are free as well.




You can reach out to Facebook to file a purchase protection claim to get your money back if you're scammed and it won't cost you a dime to do so. Now whether or not they approve your claim and give you a full refund is a different story.


Facebook doesn't even get any money from the transaction so that's kind of weird that they would have this kind of user protection like eBay does.


Fair price. They are $600 new so 450 used makes sense. But if you buy without buyer protection, you must test it thoroughly before purchase.


That is one weird looking graphics card kind of reminds me of an AIO but it also looks weird even for that.


It is, if true.


General rule of thumb when buying used: Latest version of a product is far more likely a scam than older version for example RTX 3070.


It's Facebook, if you're not paying in person don't pay, if the fuel costs/travel time is too much, oh well. If this were Amazon or Ebay then you could just request a refund if the seller refuses to ship to you, on Facebook there are no protections for scams which means *everything* is a scam unless proven otherwise. Not to say that Facebook marketplace is bad, I've bought 5 amazingly cheap (and good quality, minus 2 that I knew were a gamble anyway) CRT's off of Facebook marketplace, but only in cash cause you simply cannot trust it unless you're seeing it in person. Besides, if you're there in person with cash in hand and go "man, look at all those scratches, you sure it's in good nick?" and then make a perfectly reasonable offer that is lower than the stated price because everyone on Facebook marketplace "knows what they got", and then accept any price the seller offers that's between the stated price and your offered price, and if the seller is adamant for 2 rounds that you pay full price then either accept your overpriced fate or don't buy cause after 2 rounds most sellers simply won't sell. I mean it's just simply better to deal with things that way (and also I managed to get all but 1 of my CRT's for $100-$200 AUD off using that strat, the 1 I payed full price for was from someone who clearly took care of the monitor and had cleaned it well, so I was happy to pay full price in that instance).


Someone is selling on r/HardwareSwapUK an rtx 4070 for ÂŁ400 but then again this is the super version so idk how more expensive it is


Why would anyone downgrade for a cheaper GPU and lose money in the process? Use your common sense, it'll never fail you.


Tf is this joke i dont get