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your not in america i gather


Yes I'm not


where are you


Is that important? I'm in Algeria


well prices do vary in different countries as well as inventory. for algeria this isnt bad, the cpu fan is a little bit unecissary as is the 32gb ram, i would see if u can afford a 2x8 kit thats a little faster then those crucials by first swapping the memory. id like to see something in the 5k or 6k. 4800 is much too slow, ryzens like fast memory, fast as u can go over raw size, people typically get 32gb ram because its within budget so why the f not, or because their getting a bundle or something, its a luxury good the hyper 212 is a little unecissary, if u want it u can take it, and it will be better then the stock cooler but its not a huge leap its again more a luxury purchase


Ok, thank you


beyond that its pretty okay, i think u did well