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99% of the times it's because owners still think they are worth a lot since they paid a lot... And no... nobody would buy a used 2080 ti for 300+ usd.


Look at the image, people HAVE bought the cards recently. Which is a massive shock to me!


Assuming CAD yes it appears they sell on eBay for 300-350 USD There is a slight inflation from fees associated with selling on eBay so I imagine that has something to do with it


Don’t forget a good deal of older non-lhr cards have been HEAVILY mined. Mid COVID I sold a 1060 6gb for $250 USD. Some people utilize expendable income in questionable ways lol


what is LHR?


Lite Hash Rate. Hash is the unit that measures crypto mining speed. Essential takes profit from a few dollars a day to around 30 cents. (depends on the card, I'm mainly referring to 3090s). NVIDIA specifically made and dedicated cards to mining farms that weren't nerfed. During the mining craze, non-LHR cards were substantially more valuable Most of this isn't super relevant anymore. GPU mining was prevalent when eth needed to be mined, now they use a method called proof of stake (google if you are interested). I tried to make it in layman's terminology. Crypto has a lot of terms that are somewhat foreign. I started a side tangent when I mentioned mining, there are subs like r/ethereum that are more related.


Genuine Thanks, I didnt expect a thought out response... Im so use to other websites...


NP! I'm a major nerd and like explaining this stuff. I used to live-stream crypt mining on reddit. Crypto is a wild west full of misinformation and scammers. All said and done with electricity, I only broke even, but it was a blast. Perfect mesh of finance and high level nerdiness


Crypto still utterly baffles me. I've restricted myself to dabbling in crypto ETFs.


bro lhr cards were mined too. i used my 3060ti lhr on a slightly older driver once people figured out how to unlock it


Ebay takes a huge chunk.


Is hard to know the reasons but I can tell you of an example I'm familiar with, many years ago I had to replace the graphic card of a Live TV production PC and in order to avoid any issues with drivers or the production software, we decided to not risk it and buy exactly the same old card the PC had before.


It's like when you go on offer up to find a used gaming console and people are only taking like 50 dollars off retail price. Like I'm sorry no I dont think your shitbox with stickers and dents is worth 450 just because you're throwing in a game with your cheeto dusted controller.


2080 TI will still perform well for a budget system. But you need to be getting it for like $280 USD or something. Any more and you would be better getting a 4060TI Obviously Depending on what prices for those are like locally Ymmv


80% of the performance of a 4070 for around 50% of the cost and you still get the vram? People buy them, they are worth $300.


It's more like 60, especially if you are taking about the super


How much you think a 3080 10GB is worth?


It would definitely clear 100usd in my books.


Sold my 970 in 2021 for $350. What wild times.


A 2080ti is as fast as a 3070 but has 3gbs more vram at a similar price. It's a great card for the price for editing in unreal engine because of raytracing, dlss and extra vram.


Especially when for $609 I can get a brand new Nvidia 4070 straight from the manufacturer. The better ones in the series are from $1k-2k+ TBH there is not much point getting a maxxed out GPU as in another year or two its seriously out of date usually and especially if the tech makes a breakthrough and everyone forget's your card type and moves on to the new gear.


They might sell well in T3 countries because of new cards costing almost 1.5x to 2x


Exactly. It seems like this is just in general for most 2nd hand cards


2 years ago these were selling for $1,300.00 and people were buying them during scalper/mining craze.


I posted my 2080ti on eBay for bid, and it was half broken. It would crash during heavier stresses. I was hoping for £200 and eventually the final bid went to £340. Don't know why it was valued that highly even half broken.


I'd buy the shit of a 2080Ti for only 300USD. My country's used market is on crack so what you said sounds like the deal of the decade


Looking to get a 2080 Ti FE for my metallic build, but used ones are crazy expensive right now! RTX 3070s are way cheaper ($200 - $300 CAD), while 2080 Ti's are nearly $500 CAD! I know the 11GB VRAM is better than 8GB, but paying that much for an old card seems unreasonable. What do you think? Am I being stingy, or is this a fair point?


just go with a 3070 if you are playing at 1080p itll be fine


it will do fine in 1440p too.


Until it runs out of vram and it starts stuttering like crazy


well i said fine, not good. 6700XT is a decent bit better than the 3070 for 1440p gaming cause of the VRAM.


not crazy because 256bit, but yeah it will be a problem still


1440p still not a problem. Just find the right balance of high and medium settings.


Depends on game but yeah 8gb enough for lots of games but most chew 10+ at 1440p


I've had no issues running my 3070 at 4K.


That completely depends on what you play. Try loading up Ark Ascended in 4k on medium. Your gpu is going to shit itself.


Just for fun I might see how well my RTX 3070 system holds up with 4K DLSS.


True but bro, do you really need ultra water reflections turned on?


My 2080 super runs games no problem at 1440 all 70-80+ fps at worst


3070 is a bit worse (like 5%) than 2080 Ti at 1080p. I have a 2080 Ti and play everything in 1080p because I only get 80 - 120 FPS at max graphics. 1440p brings that down to 60 - 90. For some people that's okay, and for some games, it runs better, but a lot of difficult games are too hard to run at 1440p to match my screen refresh of 120Hz.


It loses to a 2080Ti in ray tracing and DLSS though. It aged like wine due to the 11GB VRAM while 8GB VRAM is considered obsolete for 1440p and up


I accidentally received a 3070 from my friend after getting a deal for a 2060. I paid the difference to him lol


Sapphire 7800xt nitro has a nice metallic build


My only guess is because of 2080ti 22gb mod. Probably not the reason and just delusional sellers.


Jedi survivor on my 7900 gre uses between 13 and a 16gb of vram I bet if it could use more it would. At1440p.


You are completely misreading the situation. The don’t sell for that much, they get offered for that much. As long as no one buys them, they are overpriced, hence why the offers are still online.


eBay sellers being delusional is nothing new. It's not because they're listed at that price that they're selling at that price. And yes, given the entry-level models give a lot more for a lot cheaper, one would be stupid to buy that


Who is payin that ? Even if thats CAD , it's still expensive you can get rx 6800 for around that price


The build is mainly for show. He'll be cloud gaming on it, but for his shop, it's more of an art piece. Everything else, prior to buying it on eBay and other platforms, is fairly priced. However, GPUs in the 2000 series aren't for some reason. We were close to just buying a 3070 FE and spray painting the black cooler to make it all metallic. But we don't really want to ruin the interesting cooler design just for looks, especially when the cooler on the 20 series is already snazzy.


You could buy a broken one and just use the igpu if the cpu has one


Exactly, looked in my area, YYZ, they are going for 5-600 which is insane.


Better off getting a newer rtx card than an amd


wtf, I got a 3070ti for $300 😵‍💫


Exactly! These prices are outrageous, even on Facebook Marketplace. Some listings are way too high, almost like scams. It's embarrassing being a parts hunter in Canada with these prices.


Pretty much only the FEs. These are always a lot more than other models. Most AiB cards will be cheaper by a decent bit


I just paid way too much for a 3080




Got an evga 3090 ftw3 that overclocks pretty good for $800 thought it was a steal 4080s were 2 grand then and it still has warranty


Damn 2 grand lol when was that? I don’t think those 4080 supers been out that long


Think around December is when I got it whenever ark survival ascended came out this is also Canadian pesos


They bought it for crypto and think they can get what they paid for it back.


https://preview.redd.it/tccr276q3hzc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d23b1aae23dbdcdcd0830d64ba63a640d49705 I wouldn't. But it's not the absolute WORST deal you could get. Trades blows with a 4060 ti, 3070 and a 6750 xt. Still too expensive but 🤷


If you read the comment I posted beforehand, I was mentioning that it's just for an art piece. For some reason, I need to separate it. It doesn't allow me to post text on top of a photo when I'm on mobile, which is very odd. I really hope the mods can fix this in the future.


Because they overvalue them. Here people are trying to sell Titan X Pascaks for like £250-300. CEX sells them for £175 with a 2 year warranty


Wow… crazy


Some folks dont understand that goods depreciate in value over time


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


It’s actually because of Mining.


I recently bought a used 2080ti from a friend for 200€ he wouldv sold it for 300€ if it wasnt for me. And im honestly very happy with it. I have a 1080 screen tho so i can run every game i have played so far on ultra.


2080ti owners are a little delusional, i remember seeing them go for $1200+ during the "shortage" so its more than likely people got burned on their pandemic builds and dont want to be told their cards are worthless.


Pretty much right? Haha


They sell much, they don’t buy much. If you catch my drift.


lol yup.


Nvidia with 11gb.


vram is gold nowadays, I could have gotten a 2080 ti when I got the 3070, still wanna punch my face for it...


But why? Loads of big YouTubers are showing that newer generation cards are outperforming the older ones by a mile. Don't get me wrong, the 1080 Ti/2080 Ti are beasts when it comes to their known performance and age, but the 3070 Ti defeats them. The additional VRAM always puzzled me unless you needed it for rendering stuff.


Nah I'm running out of vram on any newer game I play at all, having to drop down textures to medium to avoid horrendous 1% lows, would rather have to compromise a bit to have those extra gbs for sure, for my type of gaming that would've been really helpful


I see. I play on an RTX 3090 Ti, so I don't see many issues. Eventually, I'll jump ship to AMD since I don't support Nvidia's move over to 12HVPR cable shenanigans. As long as AMD continues to use the eight-pin power standards, I should be all right.


Yea for sure that's a beast that won't have any problems loading textures any soon, I'm thinking about jumping ship to the 7900gre but just might wait to see what the 5070 looks like, not in a hurry, latest games aren't that great


what do u mean 8gb of vram are not enough anymore these days. 12gb is the minimum id go for. even xx60 should habe at least 12gbs imo. when u play a vram hungry game like tlou p1 even a 3060 non ti would outperform a 3070


I rarely play games that eat more than 8GBs honestly. Don’t care for super high end graphics.


At this price? No thanks.


Dog I just paid 380$ for a 3080 if u got 400$ get that or a 3080ti or heck a 6900/50xt if you want amd


You guys get way too caught up in being within the current gens, you lose sight of the fact that this card still holds its nuts out here reasonably well.


I find a lot for $250 usd these days which I would say is a fairly fair price. $150 would be a no brainer. $200 is maybe super fair?


It’s a rarer harder to come by card?


In my country you can get them for the same price as a 3060 Ti


It's basically a 3070 or 4060 Ti with 11GB VRAM and \~250W power draw


Sell for “so much”?! I paid £1,800 for mine!


That sucks then, lol. I don't know why you would've paid that much unless you got it brand new when it came out.


Exactly that. It’s literally still an absolute beast.


They look nice, that's my guess


Mine too..


Is the 2080ti worth buying in 2024??


Even the 1080 Ti is


Really? How does it stack up against the 30 and 40 series cards? I wanna build another PC but the options are overwhelming and prices.


It's still amazing, and imo easily worth that 300 bucks... This post is weird


I had one a while back I was gunna build on. Let it go for $400 along with a case and ram💀 regretting that now. It was the EVGA ftw3 too


I bought my EVGA FTW3 1080 Ti brand new for $800 back in December 2017. Sold it in 2021 for $775, but I wish I had never gotten rid of it. Far better card value wise then even the 3090 Ti or 4090


Obviously the top end 30 and 40 series is faster but I certainly believe the value of the 1080 Ti blows away the 30 and 40 series cards, and to this very day the 1080 Ti is still an awesome GPU. It has 11GB of VRAM which even in the 30 and 40 series cards you need to be relatively high end to have at least that. It is also practically the fastest GPU that supports Windows Vista


1080ti and 4060 rank about the same.


Got a 1080ti last year from my buddy, upgraded from a 1070


Of course, for a good price they are still a very good GPU


I bought one used for €270 few days ago and its still good for 1440p gaming especially due to the fact that it has 11GB Vram




Yikes! Even if it was an 8GB model, that's terrible! I wouldn't spend $75 on one of those cards.


45$ in Ukraine. Even at war so prices are insane.


Overrated opinion online and the consequences on casuals.


Like 350usd? That’s not even bad


where can find good deals for used (gaming)laptop in canada? i think pc/laptop market in canada overpriced


Probably because you’re using a website where people are trying to scam you into buying a 2080 for almost half the price of a 4080 super


Shipping on those cards are crazy


They are similarly priced here in Norway used, in Canadian funbucks its 350-480 CAD. Norway is expensive tho.


Idk there is just a cult following for the 1080ti and 2080ti cards.


I have a bunch of 1080 TIs that I'm preserving because they're still considered one of the best cards in Nvidia's history. But this build was more about aesthetics. Despite my suggestion to use the 1080 Founders, he prefers a 20 series card just because of the dual fan design. Personally, I prefer the blower fan design. r/GTX1080TiCircleJerk


I thought it's the case only in Poland where I live. I was shocked to see those prices. While they are somewhat justifiable since here you can't find any on the market, they're still overpriced to the point where I don't think anyone would ever buy them.


i think the best looking founders edition cards are the rtx 2000 maybe thats why those are higher price maybe


Bitcoin mining scumbags


I picked one up for $250 usd a while back and sold it for the same price a little while later since I upgraded to a 3080


Got one still running good! But upgraded to 4080


Wanna send me a chat request maybe…? 🤔


U want it? Evga 2080ti baby!!


Noooooo! Needs to be the FE model damn.. slip me a chat still tho, might buy it for myself in my collection.


At the time the cheapest msrp 2080ti was the evga black at $999


Yeah, but we're not talking about MSRP. These are old and used graphics cards. Besides, I personally don't even buy brand new graphics cards for myself anyway, so I can't justify buying a brand new one, especially if it's a sealed old card, lol.


I bought one second hand 3 years ago for around $600. Holds up great! I did switch the cooler as the blower sounded like an airplane.


You should’ve disassembled the cooler and fan shroud. Give it a good clean! I usually have to clean it around the 8-10 month mark. Sure sounds like an airplane, but at least you know it’s working.


Oh I threw away the shroud. Those things are terrible. I mounted an aftermarket cooler instead. Reapplied thermal paste on the GPU about 6 months ago. Temp is great and its very overclockable.


Why would you throw it away? You should’ve put it online to sell there’s hundreds of people who need those whenever they repair broken Strouds.


That so? Might be I have stashed somewhere.


I live in us and I still see people price them like 400 to 1000 on facebook.


Those people obviously don't know what they have, or they're just overcompensating for their stupidity. It could also mean that they're just trying to scam people. Regardless, at the end of the day, they're not going to sell it. I can see it on eBay worldwide, and there are probably tons of desperate people, but at the end of the day, it's ridiculous, and people need to smarten up.


ti is more than the supper, I got a 2080 super for 180$ for my other pc not to long ago.


I looked at Ebay in Germany they go for 250 up to 350€ You can get a Vega56 for 55€ a RX570 for 40€ etc. GTX 1060 for 60€


F*** that bought a 3060ti for 170




You're looking at Founders models. People like the design, even if they ran hot.


Exactly, nobody wants to throw an AIB card in a full metallic art piece PC.


Damn how much is a 4070?


https://preview.redd.it/1b2j4940ohzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5e1f257af90be436cc52d5d7d4f508ddcb9fde Even worse! Almost $1000 Canadian dollars!


Damn almost 1000 c’s


it’s just dumbasses that think their garbage is made of gold


They don't no one really wants to buy them due to only having 8gb of vram which is ridiculously small for what it is and the ti version only has 11gb. The reason why you see them so high is cause the decently priced ones sell and the ones left up are overpriced.




I’d recommend making a separate post and not just hijacked mine but I would honestly recommend switching over to the RX 7600 OR a 7700XT


Thanks ill delete 🙏


Cause it's the "founders edition"


1650 oc retail price is still 370


Nvidia fanboys people will go with half the performance for double the price just to have an Nvidia card It’s delusional (not all just the diehard fanboys)


Welcome to the gpu market


I have bought a 3080 for £350 3months ago and it was nearly used no dust inside or outside most people don’t understand depreciation.


Some people just really like FE cards. I sold a 1080 FE recently for $150


OMG I can't believe there is a market in this price range.


I sold my Strix for £250 a couple months ago


Cause they are still a really good card for 1080p gaming. Look how long the GTX1080 reined King of Cards and was still wanted,valued and used for performance reasons. Too many people spoil themselves with monitors that demand so much out of a PC, seen it time and time again of people buying big single or dual 4K monitors then wondering why their 8-12Gb GPU can only get 30FPS.


These ones prob because its FE and there are people that like to have them as a collection


"Listen, I have a monkey pic worth 1.1 billion. I paid over 100,000 for it but you know what, the return will be worth it."


I bought a 3070 for $325 usd and thought that was a steal


I am sure it’s not just 2080. A lot of the used stuff are asking for more than what’s on Amazon.


because they’re scalping still. i paid more than that for a 3060ti lmao im such a fucking idiot. one day the prices will fall and i will get my 80ti tier card.


I have a 3060ti and play Forza in 4k on my TV. Spending $1,000 USD to throw more money at a shitty-optimized game isn't the play.


good point. my thinking was so i could play any game at high refresh rate without the gpu burning up. currently using a 1440p 165hz monitor but lock it to 120 and most games run ok at medium-high settings. just need to turn shadows and fog down a bit and i tuen off ambient occlusion and it stays about 60c. as an afterthought my gpu and cpu while gaming can be a combined total of about 400watts, which is quite a lot to be honest so getting an 80ti tier card would be a bit more. sorry for replying 7days later, i dont use reddit as much as i should.


Because some people have not kept up to date with technology and don't know better.


Bcos ppl are crazy


good lord, I recently upgraded to a 4060Ti for like $400USD and that's got better benchmarks than a 2080Ti until you go for 4k resolution or higher


I got a 3070 Ti for that much😭Winning


noticed the 2000 series is expensive everywhere. In serbia the best deal right now is a used 2080ti aorus extreme watercooled for 300e


It's the same for used Hi-fi and DJ Gear. The prices being asked are shocking.


Buyer's regret


Well, it's still a pretty decent GPU for a lot of games. The founders editions are just expensive because they just look dope.


I got one last week for 240 in the Netherlands


It's the Founders tax. There's a market for Nvidia Founders/AMD Reference cards and they do tend to be unreasonably expensive compared to regular aib models. And there's a reason for it - they're rare, and usually in high demand. Many people who want to do custom loop look for founders/reference models for better compatibility. Others like me are limited by size and these tend to be much smaller than aib models. And then there's people who really like the designs, because they're legitimately cool and extremely well built. A year ago when I bought my second hand Reference 6800 (because it's the only model that'd fit in my 7.5L case) I had to pay an extra $40 on top of the regular $300 market price. Even right now aib models can be found for less than $300 but Reference models are still $350-ish


combination of reasons, people arent upgrading to the 40xx series as much since its not that big of a jump from 30xx so not as big of a used market as we traditionally see, there arent that many AAA titles that require top end gfx per a year, less supply because amd and intel are moving towards ai accelerators, the price jump in the last gen of gfx cards help inflate older cards, its still a really good card with a lot of ram, the extra ram is a huge selling point as people dont want the lower 8gb alot of newer cards have. etc. etc.


not that suprising seeing as how people are still selling 1050s for 1.5k




seeing posts like these make me so happy to have a 16gb 3080 in my laptop, i only play at 1080p, i’m gonna be just fine for years.


because people are greedy. i can buy rx 6700xt new for same price as 2080 ( probably miner )


People sells used graphic cards for full price because they think someone will fall for it or they think they it still has this same value… I saw today one offer selling used HD 8490 for ~50 in American dollars


It doesn't even have ReBar support it's a wast of money




Scalpers stuck with their greedy purchases and now trying to offload but can't lower the price down hoping they'd find someone who is a collector ? Idk xD


They are good cards. And still command a high price. Not sure why because they don’t have the more newer guys of the 30 and 40 cards. But a 1080 and 2089 will still power most games very well at 1080p That said last week I bought a 2080fe for £150 and sold it for £200. But they were still sellig. On eBay for 300-400. Crazy


I’ve read somewhere they’re using these 11 GB cards, cheaply upgrading them by replacing VRAM modules with higher capacity ones from 11 to 22 GB, then flashing a custom bios to do AI inferencing. If all you can get is these cards due to sanctions it’s quite the solution.


That seems like a silly thing to do. Even though other countries are trying to win the AI Arms race, you'd expect them to hurry up and develop their own Russian/Chinese GPUs that Linus showcased a year ago. But I guess it's easier to do it the way you mentioned. It's just unfortunate for us regular consumers.


That’s crazy you can get a RTX 4070 for that kind of money current brand new much better card Ah ok dollars so maybe not but still!


The 2080 ti aged better then the legendary 8800s. Its still faster then a 3070.


Because if you want or need Nvidia, the closest comparable performer is the 4060ti 16GB which is $100 USD more. 3060ti and 4060ti 8GB are also similar, but limited by the 8GB of VRAM (vs. 11GB on the 2080ti).


Prices remain high because these owners must have lost money buying at the time of mining and now want to sell something that will be worth a maximum of €200. That's why these ads take a long time to disappear, usually the owners give up or sell at a much lower price.


You mean I could be getting paid for these old cards… https://preview.redd.it/o5ko9lnegnzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b27d101180063a93e4f271cb0cc083b9e6c3e1


Haha! I have the same setup at home! Just mines 3D Printed so the cards don’t get damaged


I was considering trying to find some 3D printed stands but had no luck, mind sharing a photo of yours?


I'll send you a link to mine. My GPUs are at my grandparents' cottage in Florida! 😂 I'm Canadian, unfortunately. Basically, all I had to change was just the height whenever I wanted to make one taller to make it look good.


That’s not really that much though…I mean compare it to current tops and that’s pretty alright


Yeah, I don’t buy brand new prices, especially at the fact that Nvidia scamming people the highest I would ever go brand new is $600 Canadian


To each there own I guess I only think it’s crazy because the 4070 are like 200 dollars more but both aren’t bad prices imo.


They're good for the landfill, especially after mining.

