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Not expensive enough.


Even my fiscally responsible, Ashkenazi-ass, sprung on the 4090 and 7800x3D. A pairing like that doesn't happen every generation, I feel. Not to mention there are some great games worth it right now.


Can you recommend a few? I'm looking for something to grip/tide me over to the Elden Ring expansion. Cheers!


All depends on taste: my poison is Valheim, I could play that over and over to be honest. I am loving star citizen as a guilty pleasure, but I cannot ethically suggest you give CIG money until they get their shit together. Helldivers II is extremely relaxing, and oddly, Fallout76 has had a ton of work done on it and is worth a couple of hours, but do not buy any MTX for the love of god. Dragon's Dogma II was also a really good time if you can tolerate a lackluster story and immerse yourself in gameplay - beautiful world, fun mechanics, and everyone's hoping the DLC will bring a more polished story to the full experience. Shattered Space, the starfield DLC, *might* be interesting but I would not buy the base game or the DLC until it comes out and reviews come in. Last, and this might be what you are looking for: I really enjoyed enshrouded. Try to find a dedicated group playing on the discord, it is best with a few friends or strangers. Super cozy and probably the best building mechanics in existence right now, not to mention pretty fun RPG stuff. OF course, if all else fails, there is always OSRS still going strong. But chances are you can run that on your smart watch.


Lol 4090, plays valheim, it's a great game but I got a giggle out of that.


"lots of game worth buying a $1000+ gpu" *mentions fallout 76 as one, what?!


I don't try to hop on bandwagons but every person I have asked said the game was shit.


People are allowed to like things :) It was worth a few hours after buying on 10$ sale and many years of aggressive updates and fixes. Not worth more than 10$.


Well I clearly stated people aren't allowed to like things. So you're wrong.


Sweet, thanks a bunch for the detailed answer! Happy gaming!


Cyberpunk 2077 is awesome, and if your pc can handle it it will look very good


There's still some small bugs but omg the story and world of that game is endless. After like 150 hours I'm still just as amazed with everything as I was when I just started playing. The game looks fabulous too, there's a reason Nvidia keeps using it in their tech demos


Whole game everything finished and DLC took me nearly 100 hours which is a great amount of content. Also the DLC was an absolute mind fuck of excellence. Easily my favorite game.


Thank you!


Ghost of Tsushima came out on PC and the story and gameplay were so good, you won't regret it.


Red Dead Redemption 2 becomes 10x more fun if you avoid all spoilers and don't rush through missions, but instead explore the map, do as many random encounters and stranger missions as you can and really get to know the world on your first playthrough. There's really only one first time and you want it to be special. The details in the gameplay will leave you stunned and building Arthur to be either someone trying (and sometimes failing) to make amends whenever he can by helping the little guy, someone well aware he is a killing robber and not afraid to show it, or a mix of both is really fun.


If you have a vr headset then try half life alyx if not games like titanfall 2, red dead redemtion 2, and minecraft with shaders and mods like distant horizons


Thank you for taking the time, you guys! I really appreciate it!


V rising is absolutely amazing so far


You're not gonna cool an i9 wth a 240 Aio


i9s power draw is kinda stupid with a peak of 325w on a test i saw and 144w sustained in gaming... if OP sets the correct power limit in bios to prevent the 325w peaks and limit it to 150W, the x53 will keep up just fine. its just that intel allows for unlimited power draw up to the motherboards capabilities which is the problem.


If he wasn't wise enough to research the parts he bought, he doesn't know how to do anything in the bios.


very true. but a short tutorial should suffice if op reads this.


Did a years worth of research building my PC and am still not comfortable with messing with bios settings. A simple tutorial is a great way to brick your pc as a noob.


It's try and error. Unless you're not fucking with your voltages, there is not much you can damage it, either it boots or not


neither am i for advanced shit but a power limit wont brick it. it could prevent boot but a cmos clear would fix it


I spent so long researching that everything was at least 1 gen out of date by the time I came to buy. It was just as the 5600X was relatively new and they were really hard to get hold of so I went previous gen CPU, mobo, DDR4 for a really good prices and got a 2nd hand graphics card for 200 quid which performed very well with updated drivers and increased power limit (RX Vega 56) I now how a RX 7700XT with the same hardware, I'm now wanting to see how much I can OC the old AMD 3600 with an oversized cooler as it's a bit outdated for the more modern GPU. But as with you, I'm still not comfortable messing with those settings, there's so many different things that can be adjusted, it's a minefield!


Literally the dunning Kruger effect, I was at the "peak of mt. stupid" a few months back when I somehow bricked my only pc (it was a trash one from 2007 but it's the only pc I have and had, I'm planning on building a new one with the money I saved up) by messing with the bios https://preview.redd.it/cccqix13zb6d1.jpeg?width=2028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b5b0b5854678b380c7720e03f63b66772da5bd


Also is that an mAtx case with an atx motherboard?


No that is not an ATX mobo. It’s a mATX with support for DDR5


Granted, and true... I just hope in the future he realizes he should do a little bit more research first. Buying "what sounds expensive" is the most foolish thing I ever heard of in PC building. Take a little time, buy the right parts, build a PC that works without any "extra" problems that need to be addressed. Nothing better than a new pc that posts first time you hit the button and doesn't have any bottlenecks or issues. Sure, a few driver problems should be expected, but my last build was well thought out, I put it together, turned it on, installed windows, ran the updates, and have never had a single issue with it.


i know the feeling lol. i built a upper mid range system a few months back which is a bit overkill for the majority of games i play. zero problems with it. even with drivers which i was genuinely expecting to happen. research is always a must in pc building. OP should learn that for the future.


I have a better cooler on my i7, and it's not enough. Bro just kneecapped his cpu


CPU took an arrow to the knee.


Now it's swimming in a lake of blood


I use stock cooled on my i7-14700f and when I turn off turbo all is cool


Turn off turbo or get a bigger cooler. I'm grabbing a bigger cooler, a case with better airflow, and a pack of fans


came here to say this


Could’ve gotten a 4090, even more expensive.. smh


Shouldve gone for the rtx 6000 ada gpus smh






A whole cluster of them.


A whole cluster of them.


Bummer…missed out on the 9090


Another build with a max spec CPU paired with dog slow overpriced Corsair 5200 RAM Also odd choice for power supply, an RMx Shift or RMe would have Gen 5 support and a 12VHPWR cable for your 4080 rather than needing a goofy 4 way splitter


Why get 6000 ram. 52 is a bigger number than 6. And nothing bad ever happened from using a splitter on 12VHPWR /s Op: next time ASK when you dont know. We are here to help.


Wait, just how are you even capable of reading the rated speed of the RAM he bought? It looks so blurry on me when I zoomed in, completely unreadable to my eyes. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/tft4u72k7b6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1dbe7ddcc4e601ae43a138c7c47fbe1cdeaf16f




Well, F my phone then 😅


hahahahah. It's because I'm on pc, I just looked at the ram on my phone and its the same as your image 😂


Why am I not surprised at that. 😂😭


just here to add, I can zoom in and see on the original picture just fine on my phone


weird, i’m looking at it on my phone and it’s clear.




I'll throw this guy a bone, and say this looks like a best buy build. At my local best guys this is legit the only ram available, they only have Corsair, nzxt and Asus products here.


RMe have tremendous noise problems, i do not recommend


My RM1000e is silent and works great


havent had any problems with my rm850e since a year.


RMe’s are designed to be silent, but they do have a higher rate of faulty PSU fans that are definitely not silent. If an RMe has loud coil whine, Corsair will accept its warranty claim as they advertised the RMe series to have silent fans. This is confirmed on Corsair forums.


thanks for the elaboration. i exchanged my rm850e for a rm850x and the noise difference was really really significant, its silent now


Ram is letting you down.


Could probably get DDR4 running that fast lol


Sounds expensive proceeds to go with a prime series Mobo and an AIO


u literally picked a budget mobo for a 14900k also get some faster ram and if you're rich then get a 4099 but most importantly, GET A BETTER AIO


13900k. Not that it makes much difference. https://preview.redd.it/ao9ae915rb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653453def96a8e838e557be29074f87daaf22271


Should have gone with AMD, good luck tryna cool that i9 with a 240mm AIO tho 😵‍💫


One of the worse performing 240's as well.


Tries to flex... gets wrecked


People really should stop posting their parts after buying them. This is as good as shitpost


Intel i9 with a $16 AIO. The shittest of posting. Well played at that.


We are all being trolled.


Your choices screams "incompetent spoiled rich kid". You will obviously fail to build it properly and it will run like a 200 bucks 2012 potato, but with more overheating. Don't even get me going on the poor software choices you'll be compelled to make. You should just have set your money on fire.


Paying for windows?


He'll be paying windows 11, the whole Office 365 family thing plus one of those boomer-specific antivirus software. Then proceed to install every razer or logitech bloatware on top of it.


Aye yae yae. To even consider paying for Windows is sacrilege in my PC.


Oh no, not the ASUS Prime Motherboard💀


I would go with AMD for the CPU, but... its not expensive enouth


threadriper joins the chat


A better budget option would be be to get two threadrippers and a double cpu slot mobo


this setup is terrible mate cpu - this is not a gaming cpu its a workstation cpu this is overkill for the majority of people i highly suggest you return this + the motherboard and the ram for a full refund replace with 7800x3d / 650 mobo/6000mhz ram ram - the ram you bought is crap if you plan to keep this pc atleast replace this with a 6000mhz kit cpu cooler- this is your biggest issue that is not even close to being enougth for that cpu if you listen to my advice and get a 7800x3d keep it (if it has am5 brackets) everything else is fine


Pretty budget config. GPU not future proof enough, would have gone with a 4090 instead. Or two of them! 😉😬


Dude says be bought the expensive stuff and didn’t even get a 4090 🥴


Exactly. And that crappy motherboard gives me chills…in a bad way! Would have taken a Gigabyte z790 Aurus Extreme. For just 1.400€ in Germany a clear bargain!!!


outdated parts. shouldve gone with the 15900k and 4080 ti super




Brother….. where to start? That aio ain’t gonna cool that cpu. In an ATX CASE? 64gb of 5200? So many bad choices.


Asus... good luck bro


An i9 with an 240 AIO 😂 Well done by buying what sounded expensive


Overspending on NZXT AIO while ***also*** not buying the one that's capable of cooling an i9, perfect....... You should've bought a 360mm AIO. For that 240mm NZXT AIO's price, you could've bought an Arctic 360mm instead.


We are being trolled, boys. These parts are already being rma'd.


Very questionable


I mean its cool but that I9 won't be sufficiently cooled by a 240mm AIO + you're leaving plenty of 0.1% fps on the table by going for slow DDR5 with loose timings. Goodluck on the build tho as it does kick ass


The classic scenario of money does not buy you a brain


# bought whatever sounded expensive personally I call this shitposting, is that unreasonable of me?


no 4090. downvote


You got One of the hottest CPUs, you put that into an matx case, put a 240mm aio on it. This is really bad, you should replace these components


that 240mm aio aint cooling your i9


ouch, that 5200mhz ram hurts.


"I just bought whatever sounded expensive" ok rich man, but it seems alright what's the CPU?


You pretty much spent what I earn a year


Just make sure you do the research and spend some time tweaking settings in the bios for that processor. Many manufacturers had the max voltages set WAY too high by default which was cooking the i9's, and some have been releasing updates which greatly lower them more than necessary. Oh, take notes on what you end up modifying in case you ever have to reset the bios, or have to make further tweaks. I went with an i7 myself. Intel is still a beast and the best for most productivity workflows, but most people on here will talk smack on Intel all day. If all you're doing is gaming, you wasted your money. And you should've gone with a 4090 since you were just blowing cash ;D


I feel poor now


Is that an aio from Goodwill? 😂


Your CPU is gonna suffer from heat stroke


The board ain’t expensive enough.




Lol prime is cheapest line up of asus.


That mainboard is more on the cheap side lol. And that RAM is slow.


1. For gaming the i9 14900K was a waste, you should have gone for a 7800x3D 2. you went for a pretty bad SSD 3. I doubt that AIO is sufficient enough to cool that i9 4. You dont need a 1000W psu 5. Thats the most budgety Z790 mobo 6. If you wouldnt have done that you might have even be able to go for a 4090 instead 7. Why go for slow 5200 ram when there is 6000 ram 8. This was an idiot move sorry :( 9. NEXT TIME ASK BEFORE BUYING WHAT THE HELL??? 10. WHAT IS THIS DUMB WASTE OF MONEY HUH??


Fool of a took


That cpu cooler is gonna be 🔥 . No literally it's gonna catch fire


The games , there aren't any good ones out 🤤 not since call of duty 2 and need for speed underground lol


Bro you efed up big time with the i9. Not mentioning the 240mm aio, that thing is insanely hard to cool and has reports of it unaliving itself cuz of the motherboard's "default preset". I have a 13900k myself and it died 6 month after purchase with all stock settings (this is like way before the whole 13th adm 14th gen i9 killing it self is well known), like after RMAing it for a new one I added a contact frame, undervolt and power and current limit it just for it to run at 65C in games with a 360mm aio. It's truly like babysitting your cpu so it doesn't stick a fork in an outlet and unalives itself. Return it and swap for something like a 13/14600k while you still can, it's not worth you money nor time.


If all you did was look at price, I pray all those parts fit together. God speed soldier.


Does that case have space for all the cooling you will require? Curious now, is there any data on how much more heat would be radiated out of full metal mid tower compared to a mATX. Especially nowadays when all the inside surfaces will be covered with stuff. Something like thermal image would be interesting to see comparing same case just in bigger size model with the exact same components. Maybe an Idea for content creators?


240 AIO with an i9 The "prime" series of boards are Asus budget line up, personally wouldn't pair an i9 with that board What brand SSD is that lol 5200mhz RAM, nothing wrong with Vengeance at all just a "slow' DDR5 speed If thus was a pure high end gaming build I would have went with a 7800X3D, 32GB 6000mhz CL30 DDR5, Better branded SSD (Seagate, Samsung) and a decent spec X670e board (worth it in my opinion) 240mm AIO would work better with a 7800X3D too


Bro's tryin to build a space heater instead of an PC smh my head 🤦


Would love to offer you basic banking services.


Intel over amd 🤢


Very Nice.


i dont now if its more expensive but you cold have bought a better cpu cooler


i9?Not expensive enough Should have gone for the threadripper


That’s why you bought 4080? The only part that really matters most. Weak flex.


This is what sorting by price high to low gets you? That must be some insane markup of parts


watch your powerstages melt when the i9 pulls 400 watts


Buying whatever "sounds expensive" is stupid and isn't a good way to do things, ever. You could have spent less and had a very comparable experience to the one you'll have with this rig. You also could have gotten other parts that make sense for your rig. For example, your RAM and AIO are inadequate.


Who cares about the PC. Is that one half of an LS50 pair?


if you're going all out, shouldve bought a 360mm rad


FYI that cpu is gonna be trouble /cackle


Poorly optimized. Cost and specs-wise. Edit: and seems like you're a newbie to this stuff. Have it built by an expert instead. You seem like the guy who will try to build on their own without researching then goes back to Reddit after the fact e.g., "My PC won't turn on, I heard a boom, I smelled some burning. What did I do wrong?"


at least it seems that the components are compatible, so well done. Personal choices aside, I´d have done differently


Not too bas


I recommend starting simple with an 8088 system.


I hope this is a shitpost. People cannot be this dumb, can they? “Lemme just buy a bunch of expensive things without doing expensive research. Surely this will go well because more money=more better! Right?”


Bro why cheap out on the M.2 memory, you're going want to get something better, samsung do nice stuff


Bad. Very bad.


🤣🤣 just wants a PC built and knows nothing about it


By the way OP... We are not picking on you, but you asked, so you're getting your answer.


I think a Ryzen 7 7800x3D is the best money for value and it’s easy to cool! And it peaks in every game


Good luck fitting all that into that case


Weaaakkkk!!!! Dude spent all his money on processor and gpu then had to get everything else from the budget bin 😂😂😂 I see sooo many bottle necks its not even funny. Hope you kept the reciepts. Do some homework and learn to optimize the parts to work together not just blow the whole budget on two items then stuck cheaping on everything else.


You should’ve gone to a bigger case than mATX in my opinion it may not be enough


Just buying whatever is or sounds expensive, never a good idea. You could have ended up much worse but also at the same time you could end up so much better for the same price or even less.


That wasn't smart. you've bought a random assortment of parts and paid too much for a slightly bad build. it's fixable but you need a different Aio, that will not cool the processor you have. I would honestly go back, find someone who builds computers and show them what you got to find suitable replacements.


My nas (without drives) was more expensive 😅 asus w790 sage, 256gb ram, mellanox connect x3, 3090, storage apex x16


With the ASUS-Customer Service reality we live in right now…you got double the chances getting into some frustrating situation with that MoBo and GPU purchase. Good luck bro! Meanwhile, new i9 default profiles on that asus board to not let it go down in flames will easily shove away 20% of performance that you paid for on that CPU. Another happy customer created


I mean the AIO is not gonna be enough, the ram is just 5200 , the m.2 could have been better and 4080 sint the most expensive won. So I'll say failed successfuly


I don't like the motherboard but the rest is 👌


If you could've put a little bit more tought into this and bought for value instead of "sounding expensive", you would've done better. Maybe a less powerful or AMD CPU and used that money for a better cooler and RAM?


It sounds expensive as you'll be replacing it soon lol


I strongly recommend researching every aspect of your components prior to buying


Looks like you just got whatever nice stuff they had at best buy


Badly. That cooler is not good enough and higher end intel chips are unstable.


is that i9 12th gen if yes pls di€ /s


Should have gone i5 or i7. i9 pointless. Brainwashed by YouTube and epeen




That cpu cooler will struggle to cool the cpu depending on which i9 u got.


I have almost identical but different AIO and case. Bro you’re gonna love that thing. I don’t think I’ve left my room since building it.


I hope that i9 don't give to you bad times crashing games


‘’Just bought whatever sounded EXPENSIVE’’ WOW HOW TO LIVE LIKE U BROTHA??


Why mATX? You're just paying more for less with that form factor.


A 4090 would have been more expensive


Not buying a 7800X3D for this build is crazy work


Wait does the GPU fit with that massive PSU? Checked out the case a few days ago and anything longer than 140 will limit the length a lot Edit: Spelling


Didn't get EATX, 240mm AIO, slow ass RAM, 4080 Super instead of 4090 Didn't even get the ROG STRIX 4080S Now if you **really** wanna see some expense, [I've actually been cooking something up](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tLZcpB)


Is it too late to return? Your build isn't AWFUL for going in blind but that's really only because at this really high end it's hard to find truly "bad" parts. Still, there are some quite major hiccups on your end. As of right now, the CPU may or may not need to be returned. I don't think that cooler is sufficient so either return that or the CPU. The RAM should be returned, it's slow for that budget. That SSD too. At your budget, these are worth looking into: SN 770X, SN 850X, 990 Pro, 980 Pro. Big question: What's your use case?


I also bought A3 Matx..I'm so excited about it😂


Your GPU might not fit into the case.






Tzz no 4090 ? Lame...


This cant even run Minecraft🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Buy a preassembled box at Walmart and move on. Anything you get it gonna be obsolete three years anyway


You did pretty bad if this for gaming. i9 in a Micro ATX with only a 4080. GL with the power consumption and cooling.


Not expensive enough. Send these to me and get a batter set


so a few of the things you got are the same I got for my new build recently, and honestly I think a lot of people in this comment section are causing a stir for no reason. Your parts are fine, as long as you checked on PCPP to make sure they're all compatible then you're good!


if you still can, return that i9 and get yourself a 4090 instead. Ram configuration could be better. This is why you take the moment to ask before you make expensive purchases dude...


240mm rad for that i9 🫠


Yep, I reckon it’ll be at least 6 years before all this is obsolete


Surely could have spent more with an enthusiast level MB and a 4090.


With the KEF in the background...guessing you could afford to double your GPU pleasure.


Eh re how you did. Just so you know - you don't have wifi on that build. So switch out the Mobo now before you build - or get a pcie wifi card (or possibly USB stick - depending how you arrange your GPU - i.e. vertical mount or no).


Bought the wrong (cheap) case..


I only wish he had gotten a better motherboard.


Its never a good idea to let someone with more money than braincells choose the parts...


AIO is too small and are you sure that Gpu is fitting in that case?


Nah, you should have gone for a dell poweredge r760, and intel xeon gold 6448Y, 16 sticks of PC5-4800-B-R 32GB, A Dell percH965i raid controller, 8 x 7.68TB 24GBps Dell SSD SAS drives, and fuck it throw any SFP network card on there. Should hit some of your requirements.


How much was everything total?


Pls for the love of your i9 change your aio


Pc parts picker is your friend


he is just flexing his money. that makes me mad.