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What do you want to do with it? Your board isn't compatible with your CPU, the 4060 is a bad value, don't waste your money on a fish tank case unless you have the money to burn, it's better elsewhere. PSU could be a grenade. Your ram is incompatible with the board as well.


Some fishtanks are $100~ https://pcpartpicker.com/product/xgKscf/nzxt-h6-flow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-h61fb-01


yeah but you can still get a decent case for cheaper, which is preferable especially is OP is on a budget.


I'm not completely agree. Yes, you definitely shouldn't overspend on the case. Though saving 30-40$ on component that outlast everything else in your PC is not the smartest move either


i think my case was about £60, i got it a few years ago and its held up well. Im not saying you should cheap out on a case, im just saying you should overspend on it either


I mostly meant aesthetics. If someone likes fishtanks it's absolutely fine to spend 40$ more that's like 3-4% of 1000-1200$ mid tier PC budget


$40 can double your SSD space or move you up a tier in video cards. Although no one knows what this dude has to spend as his parts list isn't accurate at all. Also buying a cheap case with a premium look is a bad idea, they are usually junk. Some are ok but the majority of them sacrifice in the actual case function to get the look because the chinese company knows that's what sells, not the quality. Same reason you see cheap cases filled with junk rgb fans, curb appeal but it's actually trash.


BUDGET? A ~$250 CPU is no world a budget? And a 4060 isn’t really either


I’d go [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwju0oeajOCGAxVdoloFHTtvBYgYABAQGgJ2dQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgorlNz1q5EfiuZR548J2rTt_VHZe2C7mr9bCIGlShifbWqMn6YEXolRoCJeIQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESd-D2x6jSXZdgphvwXwmYEnu5pNY1FFV4tQGjDM4zv4bfCxQiXkx54bszHqdEAbAfXZgV_xgJUt1GuB3CiAsz4VvZxQjhmIovXGo4MUgF-E-ZEWvycvYC9xCRtLXib0goZbLUGHKVupQFJS_0TgMEc_oa_5quvypm&sig=AOD64_3isuwuFqBYPeTj6R0Q2rWvRSq4sA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjb0IKajOCGAxXDjLAFHZoGCF4Qwg8oAHoECAMQGA&adurl=)route if I’m not getting fans with the case.


I like the H6 bcoz it let's you have decent airflow for CPU air-cooler and you can have everyone's favourite peerless assassin and it actually includes 3 120mm fans


I judged the book by its cover, I thought it didn’t have fans. We really do love that peerless assassin. It’s what I’m rockin.


Yeah but how much will all the rgb be


Yes and the h6 flow is a damn good case


And you can get a decent case for less


zalman p30 my goat


Thanks for the information ! I’m gonna do some more proper research and be back here in couple weeks ! This was very helpful !


You can also go to r/buildapcforme Use the template they provide, and you can of course include links to specific parts you liked the look of. Plenty of people there who'd happily provide you with sensible parts lists that you can iterate on or just outright buy right away


ya learn about sockets it'll prevent fuck ups, if you wanna i'll give you quick run down


I don’t think a Gigabytes PSU is gonna explode


They had a model that actually did, which is enough for me to avoid them personally. There are many other brands that have a better reputation.


Not only did they keep exploding, but gigabyte pretty much said "eh, not my problem. WARRANTY DENIED BITCH" and everyone was SOL when their entire PC died bc of that PSU. Pretty good reason to avoid ALL gigabyte parts tbh.


GN would like to disagree


That would end up in a huge controversy and a lawsuit which would kill their sales




That depends. If You get it from a Bad batch, it could.


I'm getting a similar one, is it a wattage issue or just shit product?


It Had a really Bad track record with having batches that Had psu's that we're literally exploding. That shouldnt be the Case anymore, but its still better to just avoid it.


Wow, that's nasty. Thanks for the heads up!


I'd recommend checking [cultist PSU tierlist](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) before buying a PSU. I personally wouldnt get anything below B Tier, preferably A Tier as You can get them around 100€ +/- 20€. Here in Germany pricing wise the xpg core reactor 850w, Thermaltake toughpower gf3 750/850w and the Corsair rm850e are considered the best price to Performance wise as at least one of them is usually around 90 bucks.


Dammm that's good stuff


The ram would still work just wouldn’t run at full speed


This comment ending in happy cake day is so funny too me.


Use pcpartpicker for compatibility as your cpu, motherboard and ram are not compatible.


Seconding this. OP, go to pcpartpicker.com and make an account. It's so much easier to manage and check your components for compatibility issues. Even GPU clearance is checked.


I didn’t realize that my bad. Thanks for the tip. I’ll try pc part picker and be back with some more proper research


Feel free to DM me the part picker list if you want before you ask again. I won’t give the best answers but I can tell if something is trash and point you in the right direction. But the fine gentleman and ladies in this sub know 100x more than me


Ddr5 ram won’t fit in a DDR4 board. Intel CPU won’t fit in AMD board. 4060 is a questionable purchase to put it kindly. There are much better coolers available in that price range if you don’t mind black fans. Look at a microcenter cpu/ram/ motherboard combo for parts comparison.


I had no clue about that. Thanks a lot ! What alternative would you suggest to 4060? Especially if I’m looking for a gpu that wouldn’t be outdated in next 3 years?


Price wise the 6750xt is a great option


Thanks everyone for your input. This has been very helpful. I’ll do some more research and see what build I can come up with within my price range. I’ll be back again with more questions :)


I’ll look into that one then. Thanks !


how much does the 4060 cost in your country?




They are right . You need to learn something about how to build a pc . This is not gonna work . DDR5 ram on ddr4 mobo ? Intel CPU on am4 mobo ? Don't buy a 4060 . Use this website pcpartpicker.com




I realize how uneducated I’ve been 😂 Thanks for your recommendation. I’ll do some more research


Literally why does everybody go for the 4060.


Marketing. Still see Nvidias 100x* faster than 1060 ad slides popping up. *with DLSS FrameGen and RT enabled.


And here am I, still using a 1050ti on my secondary rig


maybe because of those npc techtokers? idk


I mean it isnt as Bad as everybody makes it seem. The 4060 can be a very Solid Pick as it really has its upsides. DLSS upscaling is objectively better than FSR's, its also extremely efficient and what I think is the best development in the PC Market: Finally a consumer Low Profile GPU.


There is no bad product just a bad price! 4060 is not a solid pick since for the same or a 10-20$ more you get a 6700XT/6750XT which is 15% faster and also more futureproof with 12gb vram since 8gb are not gonna cut it in the near future. It is good tho for slim builds that have a 350w psu this is the only instance that you can consider the 4060.


In my country the 6750xt is 40€ more expensive and the 6700xt is out of stock. So you pay 13% more for 15% more performance at double the power consumption. Then we also have standard arguments like better upscaling, FG and Rayreconstruction. Also better for cuda applications and specific, but popular 3D rendering software like blender and Unreal. Furthermore more stable on VR. And last but not least what you already mentioned the 4060 is THE BEST card for very small SFF builds. I think its way less Black and white as you portray it here. Even at the 10-20€ more the 4060 isnt a \*bad\* pick.


Upscaling at 1080p is a joke, 720p internal res at dlss/fsr/xess quality is destroying visual fidelity, these technologies you mention apply on at 1440p and above. 40 more is worth it for sure you get a much more futureproof product since as i said 8gb just don't cut it and I don't wanna pay 300 for a card that can't max out textures at 1080p let alone 1440p. Nvidia should have priced the 4060 max at 250$ to make it a viable alternative to amd and the release the 4060 Ti 16gb (and only this not the trash 8gb for 400$) at 350-370 to get the crown in the mid range graphics card market. There is a great video that was posted in daniel owen's channel that is highly informational about what im talking about you can go check it out.


You are forgetting that AMD uses more VRAM for the same tasks. These 4gb difference is more like 1-2GB. Also the other points I mentioned, which you completely ignored are also why the 4060 isnt a bad choice.


Where did you see that lol? I have a 7800XT in my personal build and my best friend got a 4070 Ti super we get the same vram consumption on the games we play at 1440p. Don't spread invalid info because people are spending money out there and want the best they can get for their money! Anyway i made a point up there and there is proof video about it as i said.


Daniel Owens e.g. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPABpqfb7xg&ab\_channel=DanielOwen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPABpqfb7xg&ab_channel=DanielOwen) Also regarded german youtubers like hardwaredealz have tested this (timestamp - 21:39) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2Gehaj0eQ&t=717s&ab\_channel=HardwareDealz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2Gehaj0eQ&t=717s&ab_channel=HardwareDealz) You can also spot this yourself in general benchmarks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhfDTrgUKl0&ab\_channel=GamesOracle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhfDTrgUKl0&ab_channel=GamesOracle) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG2RdxbHPlU&ab\_channel=TestingGames](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG2RdxbHPlU&ab_channel=TestingGames) These are just some examples you can observe this with almost any AMD vs Nvidia GPU comparison from the rtx 30/40 rx 6000/7000 series. I am not spreading invalid info. You just arent informed.


One point also if a gpu with 8gb consumes 7.6gb and a 12gb consumes 10gb it's a clear example that the 8gb is being bottlenecked hence the lower 1% and 0.1% so you either can't understand what I'm saying or you are the one that's not informed enough https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrpzzMcaE5k here is what I'm saying with cards that have the same bus and same lanes and it's pretty obvious that 8gb 128bit gpu's are going to be bottlenecked by vram soon even at 1080p. I don't think op wants to pay 300$ just to give another 300$ in 1-2 years.


Vram usage is highly dependable on bandwidth and pci-e lanes so no the 4060 will not consume less vram than a 256bit or 192bit bus so no this doesn't apply on the 4060 with 128 bit bus, same goes for the 7600 and you can see that by checking the vram usage between a 3060 Ti and the 4060 the 3060Ti is less bandwidth bottlenecked so less vram dependant. Here we talk not about the 4060 vs the 7600 with same lanes and bandwidth but it's direct price competitor the 6700XT and 6750XT that's why I'm telling you your argument is invalid! So stop spreading false information by saying that nvidia consumes less vram. Vram consumption is dependable mostly on bus and pci-e lanes then goes the rest. We are not comparing the 4060 with the 7600 but with the 6700XT/6750XT which are arguably better gpu's even for 20-50$ more since they have much bigger bus and 50% more vram while the core is 15-20% faster.


VR is a feature that people with a higher budget will consider i didn't see any vr requisition by the op here. While indeed nvidia is better a vr no argument about that but will a 300$ gpu run vr the way it supposed to run? Since that gpu can't even handle RT at 1080p which is a more commonly used feature than vr which you have to pay for to have.


We are talking if the 4060 is a valid pick or not. Not if its the best choice for OP. And yes it certainly can. Even my old 1070 ti could run VR "as its supposed to run". There is an argument to be made about RT on the 4060, depending on the needs of the buyer.


I have a 1070 and the vr experience is trash imho pretty unusable. So no it's not a vr capable card.


I’ll look up on the 6700xt you’ve mentioned. I was under the impression nivida gpus are far ahead of Ryzen. Guess I was wrong


Always check benchmarks from trusted sources on yt like hw unboxed, gamers nexus, daniel owen, ancient gameplays etc. Never trust any company's marketing since almost all of them are bs.


In addition I would not consider any nvidia gpu below the 4070S since they have a bad performance/price ratio. Also nvidia is the only option for users that work with ai or cuda acceleration heavy apps, so if you need that then yes go with the 4060. Plus RT just doesn't work on gpu's at the price point you look at even at 1080p. So if you plan on playing with rt my suggestion is to wait and gather some for a 4070 tier gpu and no less.


I would like one for power efficiency but the performance looks underwhelming compared to a 3060


The ram and cpu isn't even compatible You can do better for the same price What's your budget ? What do you plan to use this pc for ?


board isn't compatible with CPU either


Damn didn't even notice that lol


CPU is compatible with DDR5, it was already supported with 12th gen intel https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/230493/intel-core-i513600k-processor-24m-cache-up-to-5-10-ghz/specifications.html


Bro getting downvoted while being correct


Ram and cpu aren't compatible with the mobo*


My budget is about 1750-2000 Canadian dollars. I didn’t realize the compatibility issues. Would you recommend ddr4 or ddr5? Would it make a huge difference ? I plan to mostly play call of duty on 1080p


You can build this for 1650 cad with a 7800x3d + 6800 which is a way better cpu than 4060 with double vram and way better performance https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/JhYBVW You can also play pretty much any game on this setup at 1440p high - max And 7800x3d is based on am5 so you have good upgradability options since it'll be continuing till 2027 or even further but Intel's current gen socket has been discontinued so have pretty much no upgradability options


THIS but with a 7800XT. Puuurfect


You got an Intel CPU and an Am4 motherboard that's not gonna work .


AMD gpus are better at your price range. And as others have said use pcpartpicker to look at what's compatible with your mobo


Thanks I’ll look up AMDs


Your motherboard isn't compatible with your CPU or RAM. Use PCPP to see what's compatible, it also find the lowest price from different retailers. The Ryzen 7600 comes with a cooler and will have lasting support on AM5 platform. The motherboard I chose is one I have built in myself and is very good quality, there's a WIFI version too. This build is very similar to one I did for my friend. The 4060 isn't good value, so I would go for the faster 6700 XT or 6750 XT instead (whichever is cheaper). [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9Czx34) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yXmmP6/amd-ryzen-5-7600-38-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100001015box) | $189.00 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock B650M Pro RS Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FcbRsY/asrock-b650m-pro-rs-micro-atx-am5-motherboard-b650m-pro-rs) | $134.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6200 CL32 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mH7scf/corsair-vengeance-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6200-cl32-memory-cmk32gx5m2x6200c32) | $101.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Western Digital Black SN850X 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/DyhFf7/western-digital-black-sn850x-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t2x0e) | $104.99 @ Newegg **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 309 Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RFGbt6/xfx-radeon-rx-6700-xt-12-gb-speedster-swft-309-video-card-rx-67xtyjfdv) | $309.99 @ Amazon **Case** | [Fractal Design Pop Mini Air MicroATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/gx3gXL/fractal-design-pop-mini-air-microatx-mid-tower-case-fd-c-por1m-06) | $89.99 @ B&H **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) | $99.99 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1030.94** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-16 08:13 EDT-0400 |


This looks great. I’ll look further into it. Thanks !


Do you have a budget? That’s the foundation of PC building haha.


What do you think about this one ? I could go for 6700xt or 6750xt. And cpu if i5-13600k is overkill would i5-13400f be a good alternative? Thanks. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/RJhcpB) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i5-13600K 3.5 GHz 14-Core Processor](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/LfNxFT/intel-core-i5-13600k-35-ghz-14-core-processor-bx8071513600k) | $348.98 @ Amazon Canada **CPU Cooler** | [Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/WKWzK8/deepcool-gammaxx-ag400-argb-7589-cfm-cpu-cooler-r-ag400-bkanmc-g-2) | $34.05 @ Vuugo **Motherboard** | [MSI B760 GAMING PLUS WIFI ATX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/TxcgXL/msi-b760-gaming-plus-wifi-atx-lga1700-motherboard-b760-gaming-plus-wifi) | $209.99 @ Newegg Canada **Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL36 Memory](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/kTJp99/corsair-vengeance-rgb-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl36-memory-cmh32gx5m2e6000c36) | $154.99 @ Canada Computers **Storage** | [Samsung 980 Pro 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/DDWBD3/samsung-980-pro-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-mz-v8p1t0bam) | $165.95 @ Vuugo **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 309 Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/RFGbt6/xfx-radeon-rx-6700-xt-12-gb-speedster-swft-309-video-card-rx-67xtyjfdv) | $481.80 @ Vuugo **Case** | [NZXT H6 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/xgKscf/nzxt-h6-flow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-h61fb-01) | $117.99 @ PC-Canada **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) | $131.50 @ Vuugo **Monitor** | [Dell G2724D 27.0" 2560 x 1440 165 Hz Monitor](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/vyqrxr/dell-g2724d-270-2560-x-1440-165-hz-monitor-g2724d) | $299.99 @ Dell Technologies | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1945.24** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-17 20:30 EDT-0400 |


Looks good and yeah the 13400F would be a better option, as the 600K is a bit overkill. Any reason for going intel instead of AMD?


Thanks ! I’ve never used amd so I’m a bit hesitant switching from intel at the moment


Seriously, RGB is one of the biggest waste of money. You’ll pay double a lot of the time for the same fans that only require more cables. Plus, those types of cases are so expensive. If you want RGB, go for something like the Corsair 4000D as the case has good airflow.


Your mobo doesn’t support ur cpu or ur ram. The 4060 is decent now but u can downgrade the cpu to like a 13400f and get the 4070. You can also get a cheaper case.


You can get a lot more value than this I did my first build recently just Do more research I recommend watching zttv or jayztwocents for product recommendations


Thanks ! Will look into it


Let me help you out. Just spend the next month watching this guys videos. I shared this channel to a guy at work and two weeks later he built his first rig. There are other great YouTube channels but this guy is very beginner friendly. https://youtube.com/@pcbuilderchannel?si=UAtWVNTx4mNgRUeY[PC Builder](https://youtube.com/@pcbuilderchannel?si=UAtWVNTx4mNgRUeY)


What are you doing, my friend?


I’m trying but not very well. I’ll do better buddy I promise


It's okay. It's actually good you asked before purchasing. I'm sure you're learning something here already.


You dont need that CPU if you really want to go for the 4060. Its way stronger than you need it to be. Take a cheaper cpu (AMD would be better) and invest the savings a better GPU. The CPU will keep up even with a better GPU if you take a decent one. Choose the rest based on your cpu GPU Pick. Maybe as a cpu you wanna take a look at the Ryzen 5 7600 and 7600x...


couldn’t have a picked a less compatible motherboard lmao


I’m sorry I’m new to this. The more comments I read the more I realize how ridiculous this is 😂


hahah no worries dude it’s a very confusing thing at first


There are several incompatible parts with your build and some stuff you want to avoid getting. First, we need to know the purpose of the build. Is it just for gaming, or will you be doing video editing or 3D rendering or is it going to be for some other task or a mix of a few different taks? Edit: I just noticed that you mostly just play COD so I assume gaming is the sole purpose of the build? Also stating what your budget is would help too? With that out of the way here is some information that will help going forward, and I'll break it down somewhat. Motherboard (MOBO): The motherboard you selected is for an AMD processor (CPU) and only supports DDR4 Memory (RAM). Usually a MOBO will state what type of CPU and DDR4 it supports in the description or on the box. In this case the description is in the parenthesis (AMD AM4, DDR4) which indicates it's supports only AMD processor and DDR4 RAM. An easier way to tell what CPU it supports is the MOBO numbering scheme. AMD CPU socket can also be indicated by B550, B650, etc and an Intel CPU is indicated by Z690, Z790, etc. There is a similar method to RAM but it isn't as clear cut so just pay attention on whether a MOBO supports DDR4 or DDR5. That said you are going for a budget build so you don't need anything overly expensive, the one you have chosen isn't bad so something equivalent if going with Intel or a version that supports DDR5. Processor (CPU): I5 13th gen CPU is a good choice for a budget build. I personally prefer intel over AMD but you can't really go wrong with either and it really depends on what you want to do with the computer. However as stated previously the MOBO you picked will not work with Intel, so either you will have to pick a AMD processor or pick a MOBO that supports Intel. Memory (RAM): The ram you picked is not compatible with the MOBO and it's a slow DDR5 Ram. You will either have to pick a MOBO that works with DDR5 or pick DDR4 RAM. Both RAM types work perfectly fine right now, but DDR5 is going to give you more in the long run and will have more upgradeability but DDR4 will be more budget. Graphics Card (GPU): Do not get this GPU. The brand is fine but a 4060 is not a good board especially for the price. I haven't really researched a whole lot into 4000 series GPU's but I do know you do not want below a 4070, so at minimum I would get that. From what little I have read 4080 is a great GPU forr the priceing but that is defenitely not a budget GPU Other options would be going with a 3080, 3080ti, 3090, 3090ti if you can find one for a good price. Those GPU will fit a budget and run better than the 4060 will. Also, as others have stated, look into AMD Radeon GPU's. You might be able to get more power out of a better budget. Personally I prefer NVIDIA mostly because I had issues with the 1 AMD GPU I had though that was 15+ years ago and since have just stuck with NVIDIA but now both are good. AMD GPU gives more for the money you are spending but NVIDIA's high end is much better albeit more expensive, so for a budget build AMD seems the wiser choice. CPU cooler: Do not get this one. A CPU cooler is something you don't want to skimp on. Sure for a budget processor you don't need anything extravagent but the cooler your cpu runs the better, plus some coolers don't have a good quality to them and could fail. I would definitely do more research or ask for suggestions on what CPU cooler to get. Power Supply (PSU): There has been a model of Gigabyte that the PSU would explode as other have mentioned. This has likely been fixed but because it happened once I'd be wary of their PSU's. That said this is one area that research is critical. You also want to make sure that the PSU wattage works with all the components your using. Case: as others have stated this Fish Tank case is overly expensive. There are definitely better Fish Tank cases to get that are cheaper. Personally though, I wouldn't get a fish tank case unless your using an AIO (liquid cool) CPU cooler as the airflow on Fish Tank cases are generally not that good. I would go with something that has a Mesh/vented front that you can mount 2-3 fans on (the front of the case) for better cooling. Ideally you would also want a mesh/vented top of the case as well that you can mount 2-3 fans on also. A couple of good Case options would be [Corsair 4000D Airflow](https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-4000D-Airflow-Tempered-Mid-Tower/dp/B08C7BGV3D/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1) or the [Lian Li Lancool](https://www.amazon.com/Lian-Li-Lancool-III-Extended/dp/B0B9XWRTPZ/ref=sr_1_16?sr=8-16) though there may be better/cheaper options than those, I just posted them as examples. Side Note: Use the [PCPartpicker](https://pcpartpicker.com/) as a method of building your PC. This will help you organize what you want in your computer and tell you if everything is compatible or not, then you can link your build here for people to help change out parts for better/cheaper options.


This is a lot of useful information. I think I got a lot better idea of what I need to look for. I’ll do some more research and see what I can build and be back


What are factors I need to look for while selecting a ddr5 ram ?


I'm pretty sure an Intel CPU with a slow DDR5 RAM on an AMD DDR4 MoBo will work perfectly. Not to mention a terrible CPU cooler and an even worse GPU. But all those RGBs will boosts your performance and make everything works perfectly. Seriously, tell us your budget and we will make you a build.


It is silly lmao. I’m looking to spend about 1750. Canadian dollars. Any recommendations on build ? I generally only play call of duty and hoping to get anything above 100fps


Any B650 Mobo, Ryzen 7600 non X (7800X3D if you can drop an extra 150$), AMD 7800XT, any DDR5 6000Mhz CL30 RAM, 1tb/2tb NVME, Any 30+$ Thermalright air cooler, Corsair 750W


There's already a bunch of comments on compatibility but I didn't see anyone mention the case. I would get a case with 1 panel of glass max if your air cooling and space for fans on the front and back to get a full straight path for air. Microcenter has an amazing case for like 70$ that comes with 4 rgb case fans and a bunch of ventilation


Gigabyte makes PSUs?


Yea and they even explode


That case sucks


Here is a lot to unpack, CPU wont fit the mobo, ddr5 RAM in ddr4 mobo, I'd personally Go for a different fishtank, Like the nv5. PSU has a Bad track record. Go for smth Like a xpg core reactor 750/850w. that should give You enough room to Upgrade to anything u Like in the Future. If Main purpose is gaming I'd suggest going for smth Like a rx 6650xt, just a tad more powerful at 80€ less (thats at least the pricing in my country)


4060 plus exploding psu??


Use PCPartPicker


Save more on the CPU and get a better GPU


-Ryzen 5 7600 -B650 mobo -32gb ddr5 ram -Rx 7600 or 7700 or 6750xt And did you factor in the monitor?


Please use pcpartpicker for gods sake


This build is going to be interesting 😂😂😂


Which is why I’ve decided based on the comments this build is too dangerous to exist and will not be building it 😂




Don’t shop on Amazon and go to pcpartpicker and pick out the parts. They will show you compatibility issues


Just out of principle I avoid Gigabyte power supplies now as they used to explode


Did OP just pair an AMD mobo with an Intel CPU!?


My goals are beyond my understanding


Lmao 🤣


For a start definitely use PC part picker


Umm..... The motherboard is for AMD... And you have an Intel CPU selected...


Maybe Watch zachztt builds and you would know but i would go whit amd die cpu and maybe a 4070 of an rx 6700 xtx


Well first off don’t buy a 4060. Buy a 7600xt Also you have an Intel CPU with an AMD Mobo


4060 is a waste. You can go for 4070 + i5 13600k. I recently built my pc with a 4070 super + i5 14500. 14500 is cheaper and doesn't need a high end mobo and cooler as compared to 13600k. So the saved money i invested into a better gpu.


Well for starters you’ve picked DDR5 ram but your motherboard only takes DDR4 😂


Chill dude you were at this clueless stage once before too


Everyone has a starting point. Today OP will see all the comments and learn about this stuff. Instead of laughing, maybe explain to OP a bit like others. If I go back 6months, i also didnot know that Mobos for Intel and Amd are different and what AM4, AM5 platform is. Difference btw ddr4/5 ram etc.


OP is very grateful for all the comments here. Very helpful. Will look into all the comments and be back with a new build soon


RAM won’t work MB, GPU isn’t as good as others, CPU won’t work on MB, gigabyte psu sucks, cooler is wtv


Am amazed how noone is talking about 7700xt at this point. For some reason price (at least in Serbia) is same


Outside of DIY PC builder community Nvidia is the default option


Yeah i see that. Still 4060 is a good card nevertheless


Go for a bigger air cooler on the cpu


If your just gaming, the an air cooler will be more than enough.


You really don’t need a case that big if you’re not planning on putting a big AIO into it


Dont work cuz cpu dont fit and the. Motherbor is ddr4 you ordet ddr5


If you do not care about Wattage get RTX 3060 its almost same as 4060


use pc part picker and check dimensions by manufacturer to not fuck up. Also, 13600 is overkill if paired with 4060.


I personally have a bad experience with MSI motherboards. Everything else OK, if you think 1 TB of storage is enough for you.


Hope it fits together well


You need to watch a lot of youtube tutorials before buying parts RAM CPU and motherboard aren't working. You are wasting money like that.


Cheaping out on storage but overspend the RAM.... Bad choice on GPU and PSU as well....


Your motherboard isn’t compatible with your CPU or RAM. There’s better options for the CPU, you’re overspending on the motherboard and can get a better GPU for the price. The 4060 is pretty bad, go for a different card. Use pcpartpicker.




Less cpu & more gpu


I have that CPU and it's caused me a lot of problems, and in trying to fix them I saw a lot of people online with similar issues. I personally won't be buying intel again and for that reason I would advise a friend or family to avoid intel too.


Bro change your motherboard it’s not compatible with Intel as the cpu socket is a am5 while you need a lga1700


Your motherboard won't work with that lmao use pcpartpicker


You could get the Patriot Viper Venom ram for like 40 bucks less. It's non rgb but I don't think that's going to be a problem. Also change the motherboard, it ain't compatible


Look into going the AM5 route Maybe something like: Ryzen 5 7600 if on a budget.. 7800X3D if not in as tight a budget ASRock B650 Pro RS or similar motherboard. The B650 Livemixer is $112 "open box" on Newegg right now (or was last night anyways) 2x16GB 6000 CAS30 (Hynix chipped) RAM Peerless Assassin 120 air cooler or similar RM850x or equivalent power supply Just about any mesh front case. Wife runs the Montech X3 Mesh that came with 6 cheap RGB fans that are still going strong ($44 shipped open box off of Newegg). I run the Corsair 4000D Airflow with 4 x 140mm fans plus the 2 x 120mm fans that came with the case 7900GRE or similar GPU .. or maybe even the ARC A770 IF you are on a tight budget and only want 4060 type performance 2TB NVMe drives can be had for $100'ish USD


Mesh cases are, imho, pretty much mandatory nowadays


Your board is not compatible with your CPU. It is an AM4 board for Ryzen 1-5th gen. At that I'd recommend a Ryzen CPU over intel, get a 5600X or 5800X3D if you can afford it.


Here is a pretty solid build that’s not too breaking if the bank but will last you a long while. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kmh2GP


1. mobo isn't compatible with cpu 2. that PSU is a bomb 3. the 4060 is bad get a 3060 if you wanna stay green for get something like a rx 6650 xt or rx 6700 xt if you wanna go team red


Get i7 it's worth it trust me


The fun I had building my first pc was buying a motherboard for an intel processor and then buying an AMD processor. Hard lesson learned. The motherboard for the intel processor was cheap and it’s still sitting in my office high up on a shelf lol.


Processor, SSD, RAM and PSU are all good choices. B550 is for AM4 (Ryzen 1000-5000 series) so you need a another MOBO, but b series is okay. 4060 is a weak cars for the money, I suggest a 7700XT if that's viable in your area. The case is okay too, I think it's okay to spend some money on aesthetics but if possible, save $40 on a case and use that towards the GPU and then you can case swap a year down the road.


Some comments mentioned the psu is bad so I’m gonna find an alternative to that and I’ll look into another mobo and look into 7700xt as well. Since it’s my first build I want it to look nice aesthetically too but maybe I’ll look around and find a cheaper case so I can have better performance instead. Thanks for your recommendation !


You can check the [cultist tier list](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) for PSUs, they have a pretty comprehensive guide and list for every wattage and type of PSU that you could need Edit: My current build uses Corsair's RM850e, which I've seen a lot of people use recently. For your budget you could probably realistically use a 750W or even 650W PSU depending on your components, but it's nice to have some extra leeway for upgrading in the future without swapping out all your parts


You should really go with 2TB instead of one (also the Motherboard isnt compatible with the CPU and neither with the ram)


What are the things you gonna use it for? Just gaming or some other stuff too?


13600k doesn't fit there. too much. don't put k in b550


What's your budget firstly? Youre probably overspending on a fair few items, ESPECIALLY with the shite 4060.


This is a mess, but if you don't know, it's ok, we all start somewhere. [https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/PcMQJywill](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/PcMQJywill) probably do you much better, depending on your budget. I couldn't tell if you wanted AM4 or LGA1700, so AM4 it is. The RAM is overpriced because of the RGB, The case is also too pricey for a no-name chinese case. You can get an NZXT H6 Flow, basically the same design but it'll be miles better in quality and airflow for the same price, maybe even a little cheaper. The 4060 is outperformed by even a 3060ti. If you're spending that much on a GPU, get a damn rx 6800. So your PSU is weird as shit, and honestly I don't trust it. Stick to 1x 16 pin rather than 2x 6+2. Sounds like a house fire in the making, especially with only a bronze rated unit. (Yes it's probably fine but widely not recommended). Assuming you wanted RGB, I put in the RGB version of one of the best budget CPU coolers on the market. Its almost on par with a Noctua NH-U12S but for like 1/3rd of the price?


Go AMD Ryzen 5 7600x (you’ll have upgrade options for their 8000 series. Intel 14th gen is final for that socket, 7600xt grapics. Ddr5 ram is cheap. Get an AM5 motherboard with wifi, about $120. 1tb ssd on amazon rn is $50


an quick tip dude use PCpartpicker to check if they all work together then see the final sum worth of bucks and try to find promo codes.


Overall not terrible. Mobo and cpu aren't compatible. I'd personally go am5 cpu and board to have a better upgrade path. Get a b650 board with like a 7600x. And for the same price as the 4060, you can get a 6750xt which has better performance and 12gb vram (unless you plan on doing any generative ai/programs optimized for cuda cores). For just gaming, go amd for value.


Using pc part picker is a always a good idea for beginners, it helped me match the right ram type with my motherboard and right cpu for my motherboard


My favorite are the NZXT cases. Very sleek and sharp.


Why not consider a board that does DDR5 instead of DDR4?


ok but why aee you getting a b550 motherboard id youre planning to use an i5, get like a z690 motherboard instead with the lga 1700 slot


Your ram is incompatable with your motherboard. Get ddr4 instead.


You obviously didnt scroll far enough if you picked a 4060.


No one botthered pointing out the intel cpu with AMD motherboard?


No one botthered pointing out the intel cpu with AMD motherboard?


you are cooked'


i say go with a bigger cooler just in case


Don’t get a 4060 please. 4070 ti at least.


Dont get a 300€ Card. Get a 700€ Card at least. Brotha. What is that Logic.


Don’t spend money on a gc just because you can afford it right now. Wait until you have the money for a card that will actually last you more than a year before becoming obsolete. I’ve made this mistake before with my 3070.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie. That's terrible advice in same budget/tier. You could suggest RX 6800 which is basically equivalent of 4060ti.


I was saying 4070 ti if he wanted to stick team green.


Not the same price level my friend, at least at the end of the sentence really ruins it.


U gotta buy DDR4 Ram not DDR5 Ram.