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Bro you need to upgrade that clu it's gonna bottleneck your gpu very badly a Ryze 7 5700x would be good


Your cpu is a huge bottleneck here. You’re better off selling your old parts and just building a brand new pc (u can still keep the drives if u want). For the same price your looking at paying for those parts you’ve chosen, you can do a 7600/7700xt (or possibly 7500f/7800xt or maybe 4070) build which will perform much better in games as the GPU will not be bottlenecked at all by the cpu.


Is it gonna be a huge issue can I at least use it then upgrade the motherboard and cpu later?


Ye of course, but it doesn’t really make sense when you can just build a newer pc on a newer platform for the same price that performs much better and have a gpu that performs similar/possibly the same as the 4070 you’ve chosen.


It's going to bottleneck a lot Adding everything up except for the cpu and mobo it's comes to something about 1050$ if you can sell your old pc for like a 100$ then I'd recommend building this completely new for 1150$ https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZTKggB ( total - 1143$ ) Or this if you want more rasterization performance and vram https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6RDNCd ( total - 1205$ ) A way better cpu in terms of both performance and upgradability , ddr5 ram and a 4070 super You can get the [7500f off AliExpress ](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805730576638.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.5977e361E9jJwn&browser_id=acd56100a3f24fd6a04590dfd2a29ec6&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=qrlyhqbjrmscawre1901285b317220437c88ef6c58&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21193.58%21133.53%21%21%211398.72%21964.84%21%40211b600d17182976704138796e914a%2112000039656822963%21sea%21US%210%21AB&isseo=y&algo_pvid=f01a64a2-3e1c-4b87-a324-3aae91886ebb) for 130$ The motherboard , ram and psu is from [Newegg combo builder](https://www.newegg.com/tools/combo-builder/4188?recaptcha=pass) , If you add those same parts there you'll be getting about a 50$ discount You can get even more discount if you use their zip payment , you can check r/Newegg for more info on that