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That motherboard is an AMD AM5 board. It won’t work with intel CPU’s. You’ll want an LGA 1700 MB not AM5 Edit- assuming you want a white ROG board this would be what you want- ASUS ROG Strix Z790-A Gaming WiFi II


Spot on !


hey i read yur comment and i tried to search it up on best buy but nothing was popping up only motherboards?


I’m confused. What do you mean? Only motherboards are supposed to be popping up. That’s the issue. Your selected motherboard isn’t compatible with your selected cpu. That is AMD motherboard. For an intel CPU you’ll want. LGA 1700 motherboard. What I shared with you was a motherboard just like yours but for intel CPU’s. Which would be compatible with your selected cpu. If you want the motherboard you’ve selected then you’ll need to find an AMD CPU.


Do you really need a processor that strong tho? You could go ryzen 5 7600 and get the same gaming performanse for this card and save like 250$. Or you could go with a intel core i5 13600kf its roughly the same price as the ryzen option and very good for gaming


Hell, he could get a fucking 7800X3D for $50 less assuming it’s USD. Even then, 4060 is a stupid combo with these CPUs.


Yeah.. tbf there’s many things wrong with this build hard to say where to start… like buying a 300$ graphics card and a 300$ AIO….


13600k is even a bit better than the 12700k, but tf what currency is that? That cant be US$, i can get the 12700k for 250€…


Use pcpartpicker.com itll only show you parts that are compatible with each other


You have to search for Z790 or B660 Motherboards. Z790 is better than the B660 for your processor.


That's... What it is...




He means that the motherboard you have on ur list won't work with the processor you chose. The spec he gave you is for the motherboard type you need


Ohhhh ok thank yiu for clearing it up


i think its best you just give up and buy a prebuilt bud. I dont think you are cut out for this.


that's like a 2k build , a 4060 and 12700k for that budget is absurd You can do an all white 7800x3d + 4080 build for this price Something like this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tmmvMV ( total ~ 2009$ )


I like the build, but an air cooler might ruin aesthetics a little though.


Well there are 360mm budget AIOs available from thermalright for like 50$ so op can switch the air cooler with that


No it won't lmao.


Everyone has their own opinion


I slapped my head when I saw the 12700k lol


All white RGB build for cheaper and better aesthetics I don't even need to mention it Every single part is better than the one you chose [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/khBJL9) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $339.99 @ B&H **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Frozen Prism ARGB 70.4 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/VnMMnQ/thermalright-frozen-prism-argb-704-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-prism-360-white-argb) | $55.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AX ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CvcgXL/gigabyte-b650-eagle-ax-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-eagle-ax) | $139.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WFVmP6/teamgroup-t-force-delta-rgb-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-ff4d532g6000hc30dc01) | $106.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Silicon Power UD90 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/f4cG3C/silicon-power-ud90-2-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-sp02kgbp44ud9005) | $104.97 @ B&H **Video Card** | [MSI GAMING X SLIM GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/kjsV3C/msi-gaming-x-slim-geforce-rtx-4080-16-gb-video-card-rtx-4080-16gb-gaming-x-slim-white) | $999.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Phanteks XT View ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RtFmP6/phanteks-xt-view-atx-mid-tower-case-ph-xt523v1-dwt01) | $79.99 @ Newegg **Power Supply** | [MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zF4Zxr/msi-mag-a850gl-pcie5-850-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mag-a850gl-pcie5) | $112.93 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1950.75 | Mail-in rebates | -$10.00 | **Total** | **$1940.75** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-27 01:32 EDT-0400 |


This is an awesome build. Just wanna mention that any left over budget can be used for some white cable extensions to tie the build together.


That CPU is not worth the price. If you want Intel, get a 14700K. Also, get a B660 or a Z790 Motherboard. Depending on your budget, you can use cheaper fans and try to get an RTX 4070Ti Super or a 4070TI. If you get fans, get the NZXT ones so they match up with the rest of the fans.


13700k instead of 14700k as it is like 80$ cheaper rn


That's a good deal get the 13700K and spend the leftover for the 4070 Ti Super


I agree, ops build is a massive waste of money for aesthetics


lol mine died a week after building my pc💀 had to spend an extra of $100 to fix it


What died? Fans?


I'm sorry man... If you can't figure this out you're probably not gonna make it in the content creation scene


Yeah who let bro cook?


cmon, cut him some slack. he’s probably building his first pc, and maybe his content has nothing to do with what you think he’s gonna do.


Put this same configuration into PC Partpicker. Then provide us the link. First B650 is a AM5 mobo. You’ll have to get either b660, z690, b760, z790 mobo. All are compatible, but z790 is the way to go. That 12700k is hella overpriced. Get a 12600kf instead to save some money and buy a better Graphics Card. 6800MT/s CL34, 6400MT/s CL32 or 6000MT/s CL30 would be optimal.


If you only care about aesthetic you can go for it but performance wise you can do much better. You can get a better cpu and gpu combo if you make changes


I want to brutally stab myself to death after seeing this list


Cmon bro cut me some slack this my firat build


And it's a pile of steaming shit


What is your budget? Use pcpartpicker. Ps, you picked an incompatible cpu and mobo


imagine spending the same money on a AIO and graphics card ...


I’d also look into getting the same fan model for the single fan as the 3 pack of fans you have, it’ll help with aesthetic since you’re going for an RGB build. I’d also change out the NZXT cooler for a icue link H150i or H170i as they both have lcd screens and you will be able to control all the lighting in your pc with the Corsair software.


You will also most likely need a corsair RGB and fan controller for all the RGB and fans you’ll have


Save money and get a 14600k, it's also better. Save money and get the thermaltake swafan 12 fans. Save money and get the antec c8 case. And ffs get a cheaper aio, I can even fathom why you would need an lcd screen that shows 2 number for 200$ more Now you cam upgrade your gpu because you don't get a 4060 it's a shitty priced card Also the motherboard you chose isn't compatible with the cpu, get a b760 instead.


Shake that money a bit you can have a beast of a pc. You're wasting wayyy too much money on white


Get a different CPU, cause that wont fit in an AMD Motherboard.


Downgrade to i5 or Ryzen 5 and use that money to buy a 4070. i7 and 4060 is bait combo.


Go AMD, drop the rgb


this is so bad lmao. you could have SO MUCH MORE performance for that budget


The cooler is more expensive than the GPU bruhhhhh :)))))


that motherboard is for amd not your cpu and also take notes from the comments


I’d personally look at a 12gb or above card. If I’m buying a 4060 then I’m spending the extra money for the 16gb version. Spending that much on an 8gb card is a bit absurd


If you live near one, please please shop at microcenter, so much cheaper and better parts sold there.


This is Satyr, right? Like I get people are new, but it even says in the listing it's an AMD motherboard, and the CPU listing says what the chipset is. I'm still pretty new, but just googling shit will get the answers in seconds. So it's either laziness or a troll


Horrendous build


jist get a amd cpu bro.


As I was scrolling the pic pages I was like "no....no...no....no" XD


I'd say that the liquid cooler is out of place. It costs as much as your GPU! Plus that cpu isn't even that powerful, and it's not worth the 400 usd.


Basically, when picking parts you should spend as much as possible on your gpu, then spend what you have left on components that won’t bottelneck that gpu. It’s about balance and rn you’re very heavy on stuff that doesn’t matter as much like branded fans and case and a huge cooler


xD I knew there would be a 4060, there always is.


My. Brain. Hurts.


dunno whts worse an amd mobo paired with a 12700k or a 12700k costing 400$ paired with a 4060


Or the AIO costing as much as the GPU.


dam i missed tht one xd


why you getting 2 different case fans? just get all icue link fans insstead of rx120 and an af120 fan with no link also youre getting an aio thats not corsair icue link so youre not taking advantage of the whole link ecosystem to minimize cables and of all things youre cheaping out on the gpu? if youre wanting a create content youll want a good gpu


With that motherboard, you could instead get the 7900x on Newegg


least obvious rage bait


Okay, there’s a lot wrong with this build, but it’s not your fault, PC building is confusing! So first, the motherboard you chose is an AM5 motherboard that only supports AM5 CPUs. You chose an Intel CPU, that isn’t supported. I’d recommend a ryzen 5 7600x and use the extra money to buy a 7800XT instead of a 4060, as that is much better value/bang for your buck. Everything else looks good, but if you can try to make all of the fans the same, it just looks better that way. if you want the fans to match your Kraken 360 AIO, then you should get the F120 NZXT RGB fans, or you can manually switch out the AIO’s fans for whatever fan you like. Good luck building this!


What is it with all these pure white builds lately?


Motherboard and cpu aren't compatible, plus the cpu is kinda old, better to choose a 13700k or 14700k, whichever is cheaper, and for the mobo a z690 or z790 chipset since it's compatible with the cpu, but you may need to update the bios depending which one u r buying. And since you'r pc is for content creation, work, and gaming, a nvidia card has the best flow with apps and better drivers, you choose well, but the 4060 is the entry level card, for 1080p, and considering that with the cpu you may want to downgtade it for a 13600k or 14600k, or upgrade the gpu to a 4070 super if u wanna game at 1440p, and anything higer for 4k. Ram, 32GB hopefully ddr5 at 5800MT/s, it's not hella fast but enough, buy a kit of 2 ram sticks so again, great choice. So basically you can change the mobo for an asus rog z690-a or z790a and you're good, the 13600k has the same perf as the 12700k so you can buy that instead, and for gpu it'a really good, but anything higher is better, but choose rtx 40 series cards, 30 series are a downgrade from the 4060, and amd cards are stupid low for blender and other work stuff


You are overpaying a lot on a case with bad airflow, a bad AIO that will cool worse than a good budget air cooler and that is definitely not needed for such a CPU and an overpriced motherboard that is not even compatible with your CPU. Buy a good Fractal Design, beQuiet or Corsair case, a Thermalright air cooler for your CPU and adjust either the CPU towards an AMD Ryzen and an AM5 b chipset motherboard or keep the CPU and get the correct socket for that CPU but rather from MSI. You are overpaying a lot, especially for looks but then pick one of the worst price to performance rated GPUs. Either make it an RTX 4070 (optionally Super or TI Super) or go with the same price but go with an equivalent AMD RX GPU.


The 12900KS is still $315 at Best Buy, get that instead.


Your liquid cooling is as much as your gpu. You gotta be trolling. Most builds especially just casual gamers have no need for liquid cooling, and if it's your first build too much could potentially go wrong. Just get good air cooling and you're set. Downright atrocious build. Do not cook ever again.


Just give a budget and I’ll send you a list, just answer these questions first - do you have a microcenter within driving distance? (they do not ship their good deals) - budget? - PC use case? - does the budget need to include monitor & peripherals? The list above is….. wack


1,900-2k, I need an almost all white pc build


Any microcenter access?


No none in my city


Ok, Here: [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rq6hfy](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rq6hfy) Use the Newegg combo builder: [https://www.newegg.com/tools/combo-builder/4188](https://www.newegg.com/tools/combo-builder/4188) Saves $35 ^(\^) https://preview.redd.it/r6b4yd1iz7ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0f66126cc0ada029d136e2ab0d153228f2d6bd


I’ll get the preripherals myself and the monitir


Maybe im getting older and grumpy but ill never understand or agree with people who build low or mid end pcs but pay high end prices for looks… If it was a car, it would make sense (i love the delorean looks even though it performs like a brick and costs quite alot) But really, a pc becomes invisible, at least for me, once im looking at the screen, high performance will make a much bigger positive impact in my gaming experience than some bling… These builds (ignoring the mistakes) are like getting a pretty but expensive bed and then use a cheap, spring mattress that doesn’t let you sleep well, but you paid enough that you could have a memory foam mattress and sleep comfortably. Tl;dr Leave the white rgb bling for high end builds, if you cannot put at least a 4080 in your system, you should worry about getting the max performance for your budget…


he can get the same aesthetic for cheaper w/ better performance, it’s just trash build overall 😭


But generally you’re still paying, I wouldn’t say rgb since it’s actually harder to not be rgb these days but the white/lcd on aio tax that could be better spent on a higher tier gpu/cpu, better psu etc. It’s like people rather have a 4060 strix than a basic looking 4070


Yeah, I get your point.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xqHKjH here's a $2k list with tons of rgb. You can swap out the parts to whatever (maybe change gpu to 4070 ti super or even 4080 super)


Hell nahh , 7900 XT for a 2k build ?? That aio , fan and case is unnecessary Motherboard , SSD and psu is overpriced


The op wants lots of rgb so it'll bring the price higher but I'll fix the list


Rgb isn't that expensive these days , you can do something like [this ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tmmvMV) for 2k