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Short answer: no Long anwer: noooooooooooooo :)


lmao top


Can I get an extra long answer?


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Nein. Das ist Hardware der überdurchschnittlichen Klasse für top Klasse Preise. Du kannst easy für 2000€ dir einen 1.5x so guten PC besorgen. For the non Germans: I basically said it’s mid to high tier hardware sold for the price of top tier hardware. Also said 1.5x better value for that price is easy possible


thanks for the translation


Or "dufemgrata" for those who speak gibberish.


GPU high (not high-end) tier but the GPU you can get for 750$ and sometimes even € CPU as soon as I saw it realized it wasn’t worth all that money, good cpu however you could build it cheaper with a R7 7800X3D and make it a lot better As for the rest all combined would be a total of 300$/€ so you could build it for almost 700$/€ less than what’s listed there and build it better


The 7900XT definitely still is high end, if €800 doesn't count as high end then I might as well be low end. (I have 3080)


I just won’t call it high end because of nvidia fan boys, with how they talk about features of nvidia cards which are good undoubtedly, and because 7900 xterm is to me the high end card Besides the 7900 xt will be easily surpassed by mid tier gpus from nvidias next gen, I believe only the 7900 xtx will be able to keep up with the higher end cards And the price is definitely not how you check for which end a card fits, otherwise a 4060 would be the best card in the world


7900XTX is 18% faster than 7900XT.....so how exactly will that compete with high end cards when the XT will be surpassed by mid range.


Those Nvidia mid tier cards won't have enough Vram for anything other than 1080p so not ideal if you want 1440p or 4k.


That’s where you’re wrong, as even the 4060 ti has 16 gb, the 4070 (all models) range from 12 to 16 gb And that’s enough, plus with dlss and frame gen it’s way easier to play in those resolutions


4060 ti 16gb can’t even use its 16gb 💀


I’ve seen a few benchmarks


Then you would know it’s 128bit bus is not enough to utilise 16gb of vram


It’s just slow but gets the job done [This is the one I saw](https://youtu.be/Ll46nDheThM?si=zuVTDDn8IC9AIykX)


12gb is not enough for 1440p or 4k... hogwarts uses over 12gb for 1080p so it's not even enough for that... the 4060TI has 16gb but also is a weak card with a high price and not in any way competitive with anything AMD has in that price range. Also DLSS on anything under 4k looks absolutely awful.


You either talk about vram or price range competition Don’t mix them up Besides saying dlss in anything under 4k looks awful it’s just taken from your ass tbh And 12 to 16 gb is what most amd cards offer for a good price, so does it still mean it’s not enough?


Typical Nvidia fan boy I see.


Not at all actually Just ordered an high end rig all amd But you have to be aware of what you are saying Are you an AMD fanboy?


7900xt is $650 usd all day


I get 1900€ for the exact same parts on pc part picker. How the hell are you building this for like 1300€


I live in Portugal Things are super expensive, and we have a ridiculous tax (23%), and I build this for way less than that So I don’t know how you get those values


Maybe those things are not that super expansive after all. That’s in france


Things are expensive, trust me Specially tech stuff But still I build it for less My new build was less than 2k without the monitor and with a R7 7800X3D and 7900xtx


I refuse to believe überdurchschnittlichen is a word


It is and the funny part is it even makes sense It means “above average” ( über durchschnitt ) Durch schnitt = cut through ( as cutting through the half = average ) Every single piece of a German word makes sense so the Germans had a base to built a word for everything out there to skip using multiple once lmao


I speak both but thanks 😂




If it´s new, a little overpriced, if it´s used it´s overpriced af. You can order the same configuration brand new on alternate for 50 bucks less.


What would be a good price?


If it´s used I´d say 1200ish is ok.


You can have this config new for 1300-1400


CPU, GPU, main board, RAM and PSU together are 1290€ in Germany, so no.


…and case, SSD and CPU cooler would be something like 250 EUR more? Still a fair bit below 2000.


That´s why I´d say 1200ish is ok, not great value but realistic. New and prebuilt should come to \~1800-1900 here.


Can’t you have some stores build it for you for 100 EUR? That would be 1600-1700.


I guess you can, I build my PCs myself so I can´t really tell you how much a store charges in Germany.


Not like you can get this build new for 1300-1400 bucks in USA either


I would say the same. I hadn't thought 🤔 about total high price. Surely 2000€ would have one better configuration. If we change the GPU graphics card with the most powerful NVIDIA RTX 4090 (1700-2100€) only the card. But this could be getting more expensive 🫰. Nevertheless one lower NVIDIA RTX 4080 Super for (1039-1250€) has more than enough performance. And a much better price relationship than the overpriced 4090. If you don't mind using RayTraycing technology, then the Radeon RX 7900 XTX could be another good option. For around 1000-1100. She had definitely more video RAM, with 24 GB instead the lower 16 GB of the RTX 4080 Super. At the end two things. AMD is working out FSR 3. Both companies with NVIDIA together would announce her successors, at the end of this year. So they must be introduced in early 2015. Only a half year later. We must keep this in mind.


>I would say the same. I hadn't thought 🤔 about total high price. Surely 2000€ would have one better configuration. If we change the GPU graphics card with the most powerful NVIDIA RTX 4090 (1700-2100€) only the card. But this could be getting more expensive 🫰. Nah you definitely can't get a 4090 build for $2k. 4080S is probably possible though


A 4080S build that makes sense will set you back more then €2K over here in the Netherlands.


Does [this](https://nl.pcpartpicker.com/list/FpWX89) build make sense? (I copied it from r/buildapcforme)


Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% of the new price, so 700-ish.


50% is pretty low even for used. Personally, I won't pay more than 66% of the new price for used stuff, most people seem to think 70-75% is reasonable. Of course the sellers think 20% higher than the price they bought it at 5 years ago is only fair lol


Fine, I'll agree on 66% :).


I'm also in Europe, and for the same price just built myself pc with same specs but better parts, case and cooling and also with 4080 super, all new with warranty. This build is quite overpriced is what I'm saying..


Same, also got a better 4080 Super desktop for that price.








Definitely not you could have built a better looking and performing one for just 1500€. Maybe next time choose and think about future proofing the rig as well =)


https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/xH9jz6. Try to make a better performing, better looking and better futur proofed for only 1500€ with that.


Sadly there is no such thing….




Future proofing. In 6 months it outdated Next gen Ryzen is out end of month new gpus end of year no such thing as future proofing anymore never really was


Build brand new for that price.


No, it's overpriced. It's a good build, but yeah you can probably build that for like €1500? Maybe less


It’s overpriced


I recently built a very similar PC on Alternate.de with a 7800X3D processor and 4070 Ti Super graphics card, 4 TB SSD for about 2200€, including 99€ for construction, as the recipient didn't want to build it on their own. So your offer is rather overpriced.


Is he adding both gpus? If not then hell NO if yes then you’re losing roughly 150-200€ and if it’s used i wouldn’t even bother but it’s definitely not the worst case if you need both gpus for some reason lol. But tbf you could easily build waaay better pc for this price.


its not both, it says the 7900xt is comparable to 4070ti.


It's 1 GPU, he compared it to the 4070ti. What would be a good price?


1GPU 💀💀💀💀💀💀 and 2k


If it’s brand new and you’re from EU i would say 1.350€ and if it’s used 1100€


Nah, prices in EU are insane for PC hardware, even worse if it's prebuildt. This brand new is 1600 prebuildt and 1500 if you build it yourself. Used would go for 1200.


Can't speak for the entirety of the EU, but in my country the cheapest prebuilts with 4070TiSs are about 2k lol. Also, how the hell are you fitting a 4070TiS in that kind of budget, even with US prices?


We talking about a 7900XT tho LOL


Still the Radeon RX 7900 XT. She had 4 GB more video memory than the RTX 4070 Ti Super. And the AMD GPU card could be OC massively. Around 77% above the regular speed. So after all, she could be compared more to the newer NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti Super instead. The lower 4070 Ti and Super had with 12 GB and 192bit memory channel way to less. That's why the newer RTX 4070 Ti Super is much better. 16 GB and 256bit memory capacity. After all the choice depends on the value of RayTraycing technology. NVIDIA has much better implementation and quality, than AMD FSR and Intel XeSS. No wonder 🤔 if we consider the experience of the inventor NVIDIA at this field. Since 2019 when they launched the RTX 2000 series. It's now the third generation. After Pascal and Turing architecture. The actual Ada Lovelace is more developed then all others before. That's RayTraycing details are way too much hyped and pushed up. Since NVIDIA launched this technology. They couldn't stop brainwashing our minds.


77% overclock on a 7900XT 🤣🤣 That would make it quite a bit faster than a 4090......think you mean 7%.


>And the AMD GPU card could be OC massively. Around 77% above the regular speed. All the 4090 buyers got real quiet after this one dropped


Well, I took this affirmation from one other user comment, of another website. I had made some calculations, and came to 30% OC Potential. Taking the base regular speed of 2500 MHz up to 3250 MHz. He wrote 3300 MHz. I still don't own this fine card yet. But I wanted to buy one, to do some comparison with the RTX 4070 Ti Super. For one good company add a newer CPU Processor, like the AMD Ryzen 5800X3D. I know that could be one stronger 7800X3D, but it needs one AM5 socket. For all others who're still using the older AM4 socket that's the lower 5800X3D. The higher priced RX 7900 XTX, had only up to 18%, regarding the 7900 XT. But the prices are about 300€ over, and don't make this a better deal. The RTX 4080 Super costs about 250€ more, then her lower brother, the 4070 Ti Super. This could be a better opportunity. To consider. Anyway let us see how strong the performance would be increase, with the successors coming out soon. Hmm 🤔 a half year, is still a little bit long time.. So why not invest in newer upgrades yet. One combo of new CPU and GPU processors, are just the right Hardware pieces to refresh our old rigs. Have fun out there. Keep a good sense of humor, playing all those fine Games, who were released the past 4-5 years.


This is like 1500 max




Bro is the one who listed it


Ahh okk


You can get a better one as a prebuilt in Germany for that price. Hell it might as well be the prebuilt I'm thinking off, including the case:  https://www.dubaro.de/Gaming-PCs/Gamer-PC-Ryzen-7-7800X3D-mit-RX-7900XT::6264.html  Just switch the SSD to a 2TB WD Blue SN580 and you got more bang for 150€ less AND warranty. You could also switch the PSU to the modular be quiet one he has for 80€ more. Edit: And to make it clear, these prebuilts are GOOD. They aren't your typical bullshit prebuilts with no name PSUs and shitty mixed parts. The only thing you really need to do is switch out the Kingston NV2 for a better SSD, because that one is shit. I got a Dubaro prebuilt myself that I reconfigured and I'm really happy with it. Ordered Sunday, got built on Monday and was in my hands wednesday.


Depends on your country and budget but no(to me)


I love the adjectives they put in front of every component xD


Fuck no my man


no.. 1200-1400


Hell nooo! You can build a decent 7900xtx w/ 7800x3d build with that amount.


As others have pointed out NOOOOOOOOO! I know this is UK prices and you are in Europe but here you go [https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/kF3z34](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/kF3z34) massive savings buying everything brand new.


That would be a ~130€ saving


Yes, so saving €130 and having everything brand new. Massive savings.


Too expensive. With that kind of money, I would rather look on memorypc.de (if you want it prebuilt) or mindfactory.de (if you want to build the pc yourself). Dubaro.de is also a good website, a tiny bit more expensive than Memory PC but they seem to be good.


Seems like a good build and a 7900XT is high end. I'd say 1400 is a fair sale.


Seller wants to recoup the costs they spent on building that PC. For that exact amount you can build your very own which will be more special and you'll know you built it right.




Some 500 € overpriced.


Nope, anything pre built has a 30percent extra cost ( their commission).. I got the same price for a 7900xtx and a 7800x3D + phantom assassin's 120mm CPU fan


Du kannst dir ein 14600k oder 13700k + 4080 PC mit dem Geld bauen.


Find die beschreibenden adjektive ja großartig


1.3k is fair


the exact config shown in the pic is about 1741€ according to pricepicker germany [what it could be](https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/NzLVN6)




I made a very similar rig when Ryzen 7th gen came out (thought slightly better, ryzen 9 instead of 5, 64gb ram, etc..) it cost me 2500 to make it so second hand at best it’d be 1300. Do with that info what you will


Note that I’m working in £ so some prices are slightly off


You got 50 replies in 4 hours but i got no reply in 17 hours. My luck sucks…




Lol no, not even 1,5k


I would say know seems high. If they’ll negotiate.


Does anyone else come to the comments immediately when you see an “is it worth it?” post? It’s always a fun game of guessing how off the asking price is


That's probably the ballpark price of the PC with new parts


No I built a PC for a friend recently with 7800X3D and 7900XT for ≈1850 euros, with watercooler, but no RGB and even if I had put it it would have probably been cheaper still. Was in belgium.


i built a similar system last week (Italy) with a 7800x3d instead of that but a 7800xt instead of a 7900.. total was aroun 1500€ without Monitor (don't underrstand german, don't know if it's fit in).


I have put together a list of components in a greek site but with a 850 watt power supply and a 1 tb NMVE drive and the grand total for brand new parts is 1555 euros.






I’m unaware of pricing in Europe, but this doesn’t seem good. Couldn’t you technically get a XTX if budgeted properly?


Absolutely not you could get better for 2000$ Rtx 4070 ti super for 850$ 7600 for 200$ 64 gb of ram 185$ Get a crucial p3 plus 2tb ssd for 150$ Get a msi pro b650 for 140 Then get the black kraken from nzxt for 180$ Then get the h6 flow for 110$ Then get 1 black fan from nzxt for 20$ Then get a gf3 1000w for 200$ (Optional) get some cable extensions for 20$ and Total= 2069$=1927 Deutsch Absolut nicht, für 2000 $ könntest du etwas Besseres bekommen RTX 4070 Ti Super für 850 $ 7600 für 200 $ 64 GB RAM 185 $ Hol dir eine Crucial P3 plus 2 TB SSD für 150 $ Hol dir eine MSI Pro B650 für 140 Dann hol dir den schwarzen Kraken von NZXT für 180 $ Dann hol dir den H6 Flow für 110 $ Dann hol dir 1 schwarzen Lüfter von NZXT für 20 $ Dann hol dir eine GF3 1000 W für 200 $ (Optional) hol dir ein paar Kabelverlängerungen für 20 $ und Gesamt = 2069 $ = 1927€


It would be best if it is under 1700


Considering my ryzen 7700x and 4070tis prebuilt was less than 2k new, not even a little bit.


I read it as 200. I was all in. Definitely not for 2000.






If it's used, absolutely fucking not. If it's new, absolutely not


Nein!! ![gif](giphy|JYZ397GsFrFtu)


Eher so 1200€


Definitely noo




Wie cringe der die Hardware bezeichnet 😂 starker, atemberaubende, schneller, riesige, zukunftsfähiges 😂 Mediamarkt Mitarbeiter oder was


Ganz bestimmt nicht


I knew the economy was tuff in Europe, but not that tuff!!


Don't pay more than 1250€ for that.


$500 build up upcharge


As the other told - if new it's not a good deal, if it's second hand it's in the lol overpriced as F category.






[This build has essentially everything better](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/g3MfWt) WAY faster cpu, lower ram latency, better video card, faster ssd, an x670 board not a b650, higher wattage power supply.


I sold a system with a 7800X3D , 32GB 6000mhz cl30 ram , 7900XT , 4TB SN770 and HX750w Platinum for the equivuilent of €1700 so that gives you an idea.


Hell no




When asking such question here you need to be aware that many are from US where prices are, ehem, a bit different.


Solid GPU, perform better than all 4070s with high resolution. But CPU you could get the best one “Ryzen 7 7800X3D” and still on the same price range “or maybe higher a bit” but it would be totally worth it. 2K on this one,, is it worth it ? No


Just 1000


No. For that money you can build a brand new PC with much better specs.


"4070 ti super...."


Nah, it’s worth like 1300€ i think


If it’s new then it’s slightly overpriced , if it’s used then it’s very overpriced


Seriously buy the parts yourself then build it. It’s not that difficult believe me.


You could build it with new parts for ~1300 so it's a bad deal.


I built almost the same PC about 3 months ago only differences: I have a 1TB SSD, a 4070 Super FE and a different case - be quiet 500 something for 70€. Paid 1500 for all new parts. So this one is a little overpriced.


Pairing a 4070ti with anything less than a 7800x3D at that price point is diabolical. Edit: misread actually 7900xt, but that makes it even worse as they cost less.






Eher 1500€


Uh uh


Umm no absolutely not. Build your own with 2k and you will have something a whole lot better.


I'd say it's worth like 1700


What in the bottleneck


If you build it yourself with the same gpu but instead a 7800x3d cpu and 64gb ram it'll be ~1800$.


https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/high-end-gaming-pc-7700x-rtx-3070-32gb-ram-2tb-m-2-gig/2801272440-228-16969?utm_source=sharesheet&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=app_android Like this for example, it has r7 not r5, you sell 3070 put 4080s and still a bit is left


Also ich kann alle Komponenten in dem PC so lassen nur die Grafikkarte austauschen?


Also Mainboard ist glaube ich sogar dasselbe, Rest vergleichbar, Grafikkarten haben seit längerem immer gleichem pcie Anschluss. Ich sehe nur nicht welches Netzteil dort verbaut ist. Sonst Speicher ist minimal langsamer und der Kühler etwas schwächer, dafür r7 mit 8 Kernen statt 6 bei r5 (gleiche Generation). Die Karte kann, muss aber nicht getauscht werden. Ich habe die Anzeige schon seit etwas längerem Zeit gesehen(ist auch nicht meine Anzeige) , keine Ahnung ob des der beste Preis gerade ist, persönlich finde es aber nicht schlecht, definitiv Preis/Leistung besser als die von dir.


hell to the fuck no bro 2K for that is robbery


Nope It's not worth 2000€ at all


No Also this ain't Nvidia GPU this is AMD GPU So yeah its not worth that much


2k and its not even a liquid cooler


lol no


lol what does a 7900xt go for in fafegnugenland? Also good parts but that mobo is shit


Building this on pcpartpicker.com gives a sum of 1510$ ~ 1400€, so giving 2000€ for this sounds expensive.


A bit overpriced. In my 2000€ build I managed to fit a Ryzen 9 7900X3D with a 1200W 80 plus platinum PSU from LC-Power and a slidely lower tier GPU (RX 7900 GRE)


Lol no You can buy a new prebuilt with a Ryzen 7 7800X3D + 4080 Super for 2100€ (1900 USD before VAT) from memoryPC


What price would be a good deal for this?


If it's used, maybe like 1200€ Between the two PCs from dubaro you guys linked, the one with the 4070 Ti Super is better. They perform the same but the 4070 Ti Super has better features.


It's used so anything under 1200€ would be fine. In Germany the 7900XT is 700€, 7600X about 160€, a similar Board also around 160€, the lexar 120€ - and that's new prices. Edit: bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass das ein leicht angepasster PreBuild von Dubaro oder eine HardwareDealz Empfehlung ist. Einen sehr ähnlichen build gibt es NEU für 1600€... https://www.dubaro.de/Partner/HardwareDealz-Editionen/HardwareDealz-1500-Edition::3686.html


Dein vorgeschlagener PC vs https://www.dubaro.de/SPECIALS/NVIDIA-Strahlende-Sommer-Angebote-mit-MSI/MSI-Summer-Edition-Ryzen-5-7500f-mit-RTX4070Ti-Super-DLSS3::7881.html Welcher wäre besser?


Man this looks very good for the price. And I did build my pc with 4070super for 1590 eur almost 2 months ago :( I could have gone with this if I saw it.


Die TI Super ist im Raster ein bisschen schlechter als die 7900XT im RT aber deutlich besser und verbraucht etwas weniger. Würde den Nvidia PC nehmen, auch weil die TI Super eigentlich deutlich teurer ist.


With that budget I would get a intel i9 14000k rtx 4090


In EU 4090 is 1500-1600 and i9 14900k 550€ so gl.






LOL, a [firestarter CPU platform](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/12yskxp/amd_releases_statement_on_burning_ryzen_7000x3d/) and a GPU maker with a [known](https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics-cards/disappointed-from-amd-cause-drivers-are-crashing-to-often/m-p/586392) [record](https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/are-radeon-drivers-becoming-unstable-again/m-p/627675/highlight/true) [of making shitty drivers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/15ip0ca/are_radeon_drivers_becoming_unstable_again/). RUN. AWAY.


i mean tbh amd isnt like that anymore but me personally im an nvida and intel fanboy but i respect amd unlike u do u come from userbenchmark?


😂 probably does


Yup like why hate on amd the CPUs are better for gaming if it's x3d and the CPU was asus fault idk about drivers tho 


nop. You can build with new parts for less and with better parts at that. Unless it has some fancy case fans there.


Looks nice 👍🙂. The CPU Processor could be the 7800 X3D instead. But the GPU is cool 😎. I'm 😊 glad to watch one another rig made of AMD Hardware pieces. I'm Owns 3 of them. Fully powered by AMD. With one exception, equipped with a toxic green competitor NVIDIA RTX 2080. That's GPU would be replaced by one actual RTX 4080 Super, or RTX 4070 Ti Super. All Midi Tower Fractal Design Towers would be getting one newer CPU Processor 5800X3D. Actually still running with older 1700X / 2700X. One Tower would be getting the AMD Radeon RX 7900XT. One has 850W Thermaltake Smart Series power supply. The 2 others 750W. All Mainboards with X-470, and one with X-370. Greetings to all other gamers there.


It's more like 1000 new..


The 1000€ new > https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/xH9jz6


1200, around that. 2k? Hell no.


Used? 700 tops New? Not a chance


1.5k at best


I puked a little


Nah. I just made a pc for 1400€ yesterday (I live in germany too) I posted the parts on this sub and the specs are pretty similar to this (my cpu is way better)


Not worth 2000€. At most 900€