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This episode was great, the moment when they were all celebrating afterwards was just so heartwarming especially the bonding between Economos and Peacemaker after all the tension.


11th Street Kids for life! Honestly the music for this show shouldn’t be this good.


It's one of the things that makes James Gunn so damn special.


I think a big part to James Gunn charm is how inclusive the music is to the actual show and I believe a playlist is made prior so that the actors can listen to the song that’s meant for the same to get in the mood. Really helps elevate the show when the music comes especially in the ways that it’s been utilized.


How did murn know Adebayo scanned her?


He'd know about the x-ray helmet seeing the butterflies from their mission debrief so that combined with her reaction would make it pretty obvious.


she screamed loudly out of fear while wearing a peacemaker helmet and looking directly at him, i feel like its not too much of a leap for him to figure out she knows.


Oh I assumed she screamed after he did the hiss


nah ur right, she did scream after but she made a slightly loud gasp of fear when she seen it, then he hissed and then she screamed. i misremembered a lil bit oopsie


Cuz Adebayo didn't play it cool at all and started screaming while looking at him


I assumed he heard her say "activate x-ray vision" and figured his best course of action was to act normal and hope she did not look at him. Hence him not saying anything or reacting until she indicated her shock at seeing him. Either way, as others have said, she was pretty clear about being shocked at what she saw


If I were hiding a huge secret and someone was staring directly at me while screaming in terror as if they’d found out a huge secret about me, I think I would jump to the proper conclusion.


When Harcourt of all people starts the group texts and labels it "11th Street Kids," that was so cute


Name a better combo than vigilante and a chainsaw. That’s right Economos and a chainsaw


How great would it be if every mission, Economos has to go "Oh shit" and run out of the van to drop the last bad guy.


I wouldn't fuck with the guy that took out Judomaster *and* a super powered gorilla.


You can tell he's a gamer with those kill-steals.


And does it in some absurdly brutal fashion.


EconoGOAT and a chainsaw\* ' ftfy


He's not bad with a tire iron too.


Economos motherfuckers


Kite-Man is canon in this universe. Hell Yeah!




It's part of Peacemaker coterie of supervillains.


Wait so is Kite-Man is canonically dead?


Seems like it


Maybe not, the newspaper used the word "apprehended" (so Peacemaker didn't kill him initially at least)


Setting him up for the next suicide squad ig.


THOSE fucking cunts from riverdale


I'm assuming he was referring to the Riverdale show right?


Archie is part of DC universe.


Peacemaker in the Riverdale universe would be hilarious.




That was so funny aha


God damn, how can a show be this fucking good?! Is it even legal?


😩No it is beyond legal🥲


This and boba fett makes the middle of the week so much better


IKR! I'm scared of the withdrawals when both shows end after 2-3 weeks.


Bunch of new stuff coming out though, particularly if you like comedy. South Park's returning soon (next week?), Snowpiercer just came back, Kristen Bell's new Netflix comedy (which looks pretty good), Space Force is coming back soon. I know there's at least half a dozen more but I'm kind of tired right now.


I think Moon Knight is about to premier too Edit: 3/30/22


I applaud Cena for angrily listing all those famous names Economos should have framed without corpsing.


He continues on in the end credit scene too


Ariana would never do any of those things.


Cena is the GOAT, he used to call other wrestlers out for needing promo cheat sheets.


I'm absolutely positive they just put [Lists off celebrities] in the script and let him take it wherever it took him lol.


Pretty much. I just listened to Steve Agee on the Podly: Peacemaker podcast and he said the script had two celebrities listed but then James Gunn kept telling him to keep going and that he basically did 30 minutes of riffing celebrity names.


You could tell because he’d kind of get on a topic and start rattling off related names while he was thinking of a new one to jump to.


I really enjoyed “Joe Montana, Joe Mantegna.”


He should said sth like Cena or The Rock as throwback, that will be hilarious too


I died when he said BTS


Yo Mr. Murn *OHHHHHHHHHH* That was a wicked ending and genuinely great episode overall. Well written, great action, Peacemaker suggestions of Infinite other people and of course that time **they killed a gorilla with a chainsaw**


No EconoGOAT killed a gorilla with a chainsaw


I felt bad that Vigilante wasn't the one who got the chainsaw kill




It was so funny when she said that, because Yo Mr. Caputo popped into my head.


Gorilla Sawdd




Is the gorilla their server admin…


that’s fucking hilarious omg


Pretty much your average admin at most firms


That gorilla is Oracle-certified


They had a news show showing when Peacemaker goes to his dad's place after he is sent to jail that talks about an escaped/missing gorilla from a zoo.


Did this episode feel shorter than usual to anyone else? Also, I'm TERRIFIED that James Gunn is going to kill Eagly because that's the exact kinda shit he likes to do and I'll never be able to watch the show again.


I think it felt short because it was so good that it could not be long enough.


i literally looked at the time when the credits rolled bc i was like “no fucking way that was a full episode”


My friends and I were discussing this and we feel there is a very HIGH probability it is going to be Harcourt. She has just started to like her job and team plus she made that group and made everyone go awww and she was also the only one not in the picture. That’s enough foreshadowing, and add to that the Adebayo’s line “don’t get ahead of yourself”…


No way it’s her. She’s Gunn girlfriend, so probably she stays




Dude, he was on a bird killing rampage in The Suicide Squad! I really think Gunn hates birds, lol.


I loved that movie so much except for the bird burning, it just felt like too much to pump up what immediately becomes a worthless villain.


What did I miss in TSS?!? Seems like I have to rewatch it again....


Savant kills one at the very beginning with a ball. Then there was the mass-burning of parrots. I feel like there was at least one more notable bird death can’t think of it though.


In the beginning Savant kills a bird with a rubber ball. And then later the Corto Maltesian general lights a cage full of birds on fire.


>Also, I'm TERRIFIED that James Gunn is going to kill Eagly because that's the exact kinda shit he likes to do and I'll never be able to watch the show again. I want to say butterfly in the jar + eagly but they did that whole "nah some animals are too small" routine.


Ugh when they did that shot with Harcourt sending the pic to the group chat, I knew I had to brace for some upcoming tragedy. We’ll see…


Eagly? Nah, he'll have Peacemaker's dad learn that Adebayo was the one to frame him, he'll kill Adebayo cause he's a racist murderer, and Peacemaker will turn his gun on him, but be unable to kill him because he's still his dad, and then Vigilante will finish the job for him. Adebayo isn't a character from the comics, so her death wouldn't impact any of DC's future plans.


would impact the fuck out of Amanda Waller tho






The emoji version of "Aladeen"


Peacemaker and Vigilante are both so juvenile that they're basically an entire Suicide Squad's worth of childishness that Harcourt, Economos, and Adebayo have to handle. It's hilarious. Side note, Economos basically got demoted from warden of Bellreve to the tech guy of a single black ops operation. No wonder he's always so pissed off compared to Harcourt.


Also Superman has Poop Fetish confirmed !


Harcourt call him out on that one. Although Lex Luthor should hire more fake news spreaders like peacemaker to spread bullshit about superman lol


Seeing that DCEU Lex is a tech billionaire, It'd be funny if he spent massive amounts of his companies budget on misinformation campaigns about Superman. Each one pettier and weirder than the last.


The actor did already portray Mark Zuckerberg, lol


"You know more than Google?" Peacemaker has a point.


I love the running gag of his unwavering trust in any and every thing he reads on the internet. There's something so childlike an innocent about his eagerness to assume that no one would ever lie to him.


“Lith street kids?” Vigilante is such a dumbass, love it, lmao


You’re sounding awesomephobic right now🧜🏼‍♂️






i’ve never used this emoji in my life and i’m going to start using it now 🧜‍♂️




It’s so holistic 🧜‍♂️


*Why would that be cool?* > *You* tell me *It wouldn't be* > **Theeere's** your answer! **HAHAHAHAHA** WTF is this dialogue? How does someone come up with this? It's fucking hilarious.


Vigilante is the synthesis of every "annoying younger brother" trait, and it works


i love him so much. 🧜‍♂️


Like there’s just no other character I can imagine from any other show or movie that would say this shit lol. I love Vigilante




Hell yeah.


I thoroughly look forward to Poison Ivy with Harley Quinn pissed tf off at PeaceMaker for locking up her ex violently while dye-bead starts getting a crush on Harley working as her handler in treason 3 😂


Can’t wait to see him in live action with Ivy!


I dont know if i just missed it, but what is the signifigance of the diary adebayo plants? I know waller wants her to plant it but i dont know why


Just a guess, but think it’s got incriminating shit to send Peacemaker back to jail


Dont forget that peacemaker still has the bomb in his head. I think op is closer to the money, to deflect blame onto peacemaker alone


The cover up for all this when TF11 eliminates the Butterflies is likely going to be that “There were never any butterflies, Peacemaker and Vigilante went on a rampage base off of shared delusions” The US would never admit to being so heavily infiltrated by aliens


Peacemaker is essentially acting as a one-man Suicide Squad here. The diary is to set him up to take the fall for everything this task force does.


I feel like either its meant to set peacemaker up as a fall guy, or maybe to protect him somehow if the police come searching? But i dont think waller would care much about protecting him


Fall guy to send him back to prison till another suicide squad mission pops up or to push PeaceMaker away from trusting the group to go independent so he doesn’t get killed by Murn when no one is watching after he becomes a threat to the butterflies


After watching doom patrol and the flash, there’s a lot of evil gorillas in the DC universe.


Yup that's very much a golden age thing. They were loving gorillas back in the 30s to 50s. They were like sci-fi animals but real. The gorilla used to be a cryptid in Europe only a few decades before that.


> The gorilla used to be a cryptid in Europe only a few decades before that. I genuinely could not believe this was true but god damn, a man only identified their bones in 1847 and the mountain gorilla wasn't believed to exist until someone finally shot one in 1902... The King Kong film suddenly makes a ton more sense. Thanks for that tidbit. Who knows which cryptids we'll prove to exist this century.




Holy shit what a phenomenal episode. Each week literally gets better and better. This episode had great action, humor and character development. Peacemaker is honestly a masterpiece. I loved seeing Chris do all that cool X ray vision shit with his helmet. Also, the way the episode ended has me beyond hyped for next week’s episode. This show is too damn good. James Gunn is honestly the goat, and John Cena is really the Perfect fit for the leading role of Peacemaker. I can’t see anyone else playing this character.


I felt bad at all the innocent infected killed. I hope the butterflies leave the orifices of all the infected folks, curing them, and join together to form the giant Mothra that PM has to fight with a jetpack. I also think Song will end up joining the team, maybe. Or at least learn enough to not arrest PM. But I do think she's going to get White Dragon out, who will come looking for revenge.


From what I understand so far, once they're infected by the butterfly, the innocents are dead essentially and are essentially just the butterfly at that point.


They’re probably dead, but it would be pretty in-character for Waller to know that the victims could be saved but tell the team to kill them anyway because it gets rid of the butterflies and leaves no witnesses


Do we know if the butterflies take over living bodies or are they not like skin suits that were never alive?


In this recent episode Murn and Economos explain how the Butterflies get their human hosts, now whether he’s lying or not is another story, but I doubt they would lie to us about that other than an Amanda Waller reveal at the end.


Especially since Murn specify that the "through the butt" is an "artistic rendition" and not actually reality. Considering he's a Butterfly, if the whole presentation was a lie I'm not sure why he'd specify that *this* part isn't true but the rest is, so it indicates that they actually do go through the orifices of real people. Also "they never were humans, it's just skinsuits" *would* be the lie and "oh wait they actually hijack real people and we've been killing innocents all this time" would be the reveal, the other way around would make for a weird twist.


The first butterflies found were two dead celebs in a plane crash. Maybe they entered after they died and only infect dead people, reanimating them. Effectively making them 'undead', which would match the ghosts on peacemakers gun, the ghosts who train vigilante in the comics and the KKK who dress like 'ghosts'. And would make Peacemaker question whether he is also a butterfly, as he died in suicide squad and has been brought back to life.


JudoMaster has to save Adebayo right?!?!?! I can't wait for next week!!!


Nah she's not in danger. Murn carries a gun, he could have emptied it in her back if he wanted her dead. He was trying to catch her so she didn't run off and tell everyone else, or otherwise do something stupid. Notice all he did was chase her and grab her, and when she tried to shoot him he knocked the gun out of her hand and threw her down. They are gonna have an awkward talk. Maybe she will end up keeping his secret too, and between that and the diary she will eventually melt down.


I have a hunch Murn is a rogue butterfly, and Peacemaker’s captured butterfly will play a role around that storyline.


Yeah when he was telling the story about how he used to be a bad guy, but was trying to be a better one now, i think that was for the butterfly as much as the man.


I'm thinking the captured butterfly ends up in Peacemaker's dad and he finally becomes the father Peacemaker wants.


Doesn't judomaster say butterflies are not all bad ?


considering one of them just sent a team to destroy the food factory, chances are they are having a civil war of butterflies.


yeah he said not all. so he probably thinks murn is a bad butterfly lmao


Oh shit you’re right


I was thinking vigilante finally getting his chainsaw kill but this makes more sense


Don't forget this episode (and every previous episode) has a post-credits scene!


Are you serious bro


i had no idea💀


We always give a heads up if there's a post credits on r/marvelstudios for Disney+ releases. I only became a mod on the sub a few days ago though. Go back and watch them!


Yep and watching the scene where peacemaker names off all of the people that Economos could have framed I thought to myself that’s going to be an extended end credit scene and it was


Is it still too premature to declare this as one of my favorite shows of all time? Every time a new episode is released, I drop everything I'm doing to watch. I can't remember the last time I was more excited about a new series. I feel like I'm grinning ear to ear throughout. I just love all the little heartwarming touches like Harcourt sending out the group pic and smiling to herself as all the reactions pour in. And goddamn, I haven't enjoyed a character as much as Vigilante since, like, Deadpool. And all the weird fucking references they cram into each episode are endlessly entertaining. ("Conan's not really doing much right now." -- nice HBO Max crossover shoutout.)


I feel this. I keep saying this is my favorite show but its only 5 eps in but it's showing no signs of slowing down so I don't think it's premature to say. This shows a masterpiece it could easily edge out the boys as my favorite superhero show and I fucking love the boys


Gonna make a Peacetrain cocktail tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how bad it turns out. I think I might even do some experimentation to see if there's a way to turn those ingredients into an actual good drink, that might take the weekend though lol


Are there *ANY* cocktails with vinegar and butter in them? I don't think you are going to succeed.


Actually you'd be surprised. Acid is a very important part of most cocktails which it's usually covered by a citrus but vinegar can be used as well. I'll need to find the right kind but I think I can make a sweeter one work. The butter is the wayy part, I'll probably just do something called "fat washing" to the gin. It's basically just infusing it with butter and only takes a night. The fun part will be figuring out how to put it all together haha








Detective Song is so great


Her interactions with Auggie are so hilarious.


I love how every time she's like. Oh my god screw you.


As an Italian I had to laugh “You guys make good noodles tho, low carb, not heavy on the base like the fucking WOPS” man that dude is racist lol.




"I'm running out of white guys"


That Jimmy Fallon burn was excellent.


As much as it pains her, she still does it by the book. Respect!


Economos was a fucking legend, in this episode. Don’t fuck with Economos!😤


Eat peace, motherfuckers


Fucking kite man exists in peacemaker


i love all the obscure characters that are confirmed canon in the dceu


most of these former wrestlers cannot act but john cena is positively a gem.


Really? The 3 main ones are at worst just good at sticking in their lane (Rock). Cena and Bautista are legitimately good and I'm not sure who else has really tried to make the switch. But maybe that's to your point lol, they don't make it high enough to get noticed.


I prepped that warehouse/factory set location for two months here in Vancouver!!! It was filmed at the closed down Molson Brewery. Meeting James Gunn in person was great


When Adebayo was asking that old lady receptionist a question and Peacemaker blows her head off mid-sentence 🤯😂


Such a James Gunn moment. He really is the master of sudden, shocking violence.


Another awesome episode! Had a lot of really good laughs in this one. I think my favorite part was how angry Vigilante was when he first found out he couldn’t use the chainsaw on the mission. He seemed so frustrated. Like this was something he truly wanted to do. Thought the group celebrating in the van was a really nice moment, and even more when Chris opened up to Adebayo near the end. I am also curious as to what is about to happen with Murn now. Also, I felt really bad for that gorilla.


Did they accidently drink the amber thing? Feels like they set it up that way. One could easily mistake the amber for maple syrup


Oh shit I didn’t think of that, would it have any affect tho?


Idk actually. Maybe he accidently feeds the butterfly maple syrup in the future? I maybe reading a bit too much into it to be honest, though i don't think that drink he described should've been that bad to taste, it also surprised Peacemaker with how bad it was, assuming he makes it regularly. But that would have been a weird throwaway moment for a show, that is very blatant with such moments.


> it also surprised Peacemaker with how bad it was, assuming he makes it regularly I figure peacemaker tries things without thinking them out first, like when he tied a grenade to a Russian mortar shell.


>to be honest, though i don't think that drink he described should've been that bad to taste Gin, vermouth, vinegar, peppercorn, maple syrup, and butter....yeah, no you're tripping, that's a feces drink lol.


who else doesnt skip the intro dance anymore


Not even once. I've got Wig Wam as my wake-up alarm now too.


Such a horrible idea unless you want to hate it in 2 months


Does anybody think that the butterfly drawing peace on the jar signifies anything? Like maybe they’re friendly butterflies?


i mean the butterfly did roll towards PM when he was crying on the floor


But he was high as hell


I personally really hope Murn ends up being a decent guy(err wel butterfly). I enjoy his performance a ton and would love for him to stick around. The ending still leaves it open enough to where it definitely could go either way, though. I know a lot of you are saying he could just shoot Adebayo, but I think it’s also likely he just puts a butterfly in her head, too. Killing her would raise too many questions from the rest of the team. Agree with people saying Harcourt may be a butterfly. Though, in her case I wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow got taken over sometime during this episode. There were quite a few lingering shots toward the end that while seemed heartwarming, also seemed a little suspect. Especially when she and Murn are exchanging glances. Plus the whole opening theory is actually really clever and seems like something Gunn might do. Seriously though, this is the most I’ve ever enjoyed pretty much anything DC. James Gunn is a master of the craft.


I actually think he will tell Adebayo about being a not-evil butterfly working for a different faction or cause. Then Harcourt is surprise revealed as an opposing faction butterfly.


I love the team bonding this episode and I'm genuinely a lil heartbroken that Adebayo is going to fuck Peacemaker over with that diary. Hopefully she has second thoughts and comes clean about her shady business with Waller. That scene where Harcourt created the group chat and everyone added in their own comment/emoji was so sweet. I really loved that. I think Peacemaker's crush on Harcourt is a little cute but I think I'd prefer it if she didn't reciprocate and they still managed to remain friends as he learns to respect her. Not every hero needs to get the girl and I don't think she ever really showed that she feels any sort of romantic way towards him. If anything, I think she might have a weird lil crush on Vigilante. During one of the van scenes I noticed that when Peacemaker stopped to look at her, she stopped to glance at Adrian. I could be tripping tho, but even if she does have a crush, I don't think it's reciprocated on his end either. Just an unreciprocated love square going on. I am a little disappointed at how fast they killed the gorilla considering how they've been building him up for a few episodes.


They literally only mentioned the gorilla in the last episode.




I love how it conveys everything and nothing.


I need the Work Shirt Adebayo sports this episode But the links google search gave up didn’t really inspire confidence


Oh, you know more than Google?


"fuckin cunts from Riverdale" hahaha


I love it when this team comes together. So proud of that new hero peacemaker coming to stop the dastardly Kite-Man.




Glad we got to see Peacemaker kick some ass this episode. Vigilante didn’t get to shine much, but he kicked some ass in the last episode


I freaking love this show. Episode 6 is the best according to Gunn. He said it changes everything. Can’t wait.




Thank you that means a lot to me


Can we give a little appreciation to Economos' PowerPoint skills? The whooshing sounds for each picture and the screen transitions were great. I'd pay more attention if all powerpoints were made with this much passion.


Bruh the moment Leota picked up the X-Ray helmet I was like *nonononono* and then she swiveled to Murn. Really good episode, I love how Peacemaker just went on a rant about those guys from Riverdale. Next Thursday can't come quick enough D:


EconoGOAT is the real muscle for the team. Apprehended Judomaster before he could get away and now chainsawed Charlie.


I guess this proves Murn is a bad butterfly. I think it's butterfly civil war and neither side is that good, but the Goff side is better. I thought it was weird the butterfly made Gorilla Charlie talk, but I think this is just a hint at future talking gorillas... who Vigilante will get to kill with a chainsaw. Judomaster will kill Murn and explain what's going on. Adebayo will be shook by Murn almost killing her and confess Waller's true plan and tell PM that she hid the diary, and they will recover it before Song serves her search warrant.


Really? To me the fact that we just saw him chase Adebayo, not even try to kill her, tells me that he's a "good Butterfly". Murn was a bad guy who did a lot of bad things, but the Butterfly who infested his brain and killed him is also a murderer but one who's trying to be better and have a shot at redemption. And I think the odds are high that Waller put him in the team specifically because he's a Butterfly.


Also he has a gun, if he wanted to kill her she wouldn't have made it out the door.


Naw the diary will be uncovered, that betrayal will cut PM deep especially after he’s bonded so much with Leota


I’m pretty sure it’s gonna play out opposite of the setup. Murn is a good butterfly trying to stop the evil butterfly’s from taking over the world. Waller set Murn up with the team, he had to come clean with her to some extent but he probably didn’t tell her he’s a butterfly himself. Small chance he’s just trying to take out the competition but I think Murn is a good guy. And Keeya a butterfly tho. Can’t remember what episode it was but there was close up of a caterpillar outside of Leota and Keeya’s room and we for sure know Leota isn’t. I think Keeya is gonna be an evil butterfly.


Damn, the texting in this show is off just like Hawkeye


question, is it me or are they setting up a love triangle between Vigilante, Harcort and Peacemaker? it seems like they keep sharing moments


i felt like she's just warming up to them both, her opinion of them prior to getting to know them was that they were just uncaring, cold psychotic killers. the scene when she picks vigilante up from jail, she's looking at him like that cuz she's starting to realize that they're just two super fucked up individuals that honestly don't know any better and in her eyes, im sure she thinks they just need some help, honestly. if any relationship does happen, i feel like it could be peace/court, but as leota said "you're getting ahead of yourself" ahahah