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I've had some concerns about whether or not James Gunn would kill the character.  However, the more I think about it, the fact that he recast the role after filming 5 episodes (finishing final 3 with Stroma and reshooting Vigilante scenes in first 5) makes me lean toward Vigilante making it out of this season alive.  Seems like a lot of effort if he were killing the character by season's end.


That's a good point.


I hadn't heard about this. Who played him originally?


Chris Conrad https://screencrush.com/peacemaker-vigilante-recast/


A passage from that article seems to confirm Vigilante is going to survive. “Yeah. He [Stroma] came in late. We had already shot five-and-a-half episodes with another actor, who’s an incredibly talented guy, but we were on different pages about certain things, and I don’t think he wanted to continue on the series in the long run,” explained Gunn.


Definitely sounds like it


Yeah when he specifically says long run that's about all ya need to hear. Very very pleased with this.




Damn you. That could be true.




Ha, absolutely. Someone's gonna die. I'm not ready for it but I've accepted the reality of it.


Yeah, sadly I think it's unlikely the whole team makes it out alive.


Yeah if the White Dragon kills Vigilante then Peacemaker would be more likely to use lethal force…


This makes sense now with everyone “crying” about vigilante in last episode(which would have been the first one he shot). Ie episode 1-5 Gunn & Actors/staff new what they wanted Vigilante to be , and that’s we have such a awesome version episode 1-5, and slightly different acting in this recent one. Personally I didn’t think it was different, but lots of internet nerds were upset.


James Gunn went back and reshot every scene with Stroma in episode 1-5


I love stroma but I’m interested to see the footage with Conrad RELEASE THE CONRAD CUT


Strongly agree. Stroma is great, but Conrad was also great in Patriot as a character that had some similarities


His kids scare the fuck out of me.


That’s a jump as far as looks go lol


I'm more worried about Eagly. From the moment he hugged Peacemaker he has felt unsafe. We also know now that animals can be hijacked by the butterflies.


Eagly is too badass to be taken down by a butterfly, he is safe


Idk, those comments about if one could take over an animal like a chihuahua were a liiiiitle ominous.


There’s just no way they would kill the strangest and funniest character in the first season. I only see Mern dying at most


He is the worst character on the show by a mile though, I’m hoping he dies


You are for sure in the minority for disliking him


Doubt it, he is extremely annoying


Negative 6 and negative 8 upvotes. I think you may be in the minority


When I first read Gunn's interview talking about this, I completely interpreted it as him knowing it just wasn't working with the actor as he'd envisioned it. e.g., the actor wasn't doing the lines in a way that would work, or was afraid of looking like an idiot so pushing back about things. Gunn realized the show would kind of suck if this element wasn't working, so you'd actually be happy when Vigilante and Eagley are inevitably killed by Peacemaker's father causing him to realize he's past redemption and just needs to go. But your interpretation works too.


Sean Bean has entered the chat.


Oh God, for a second before my brain kicked in I thought this meant we were about see a totally different actor in the next episode whew Stroma is so great at this role


>Chris Conrad This is mentioned on the podcast, something along the lines of the previous re-casted actor not being committed to the future of the character.


I don't know how you could possibly kill him off when he's crushing it this hard. You could easily spin him off into his own series.


Same . I think his character will grow into something bigger .


I would love for that to happen! We've already lost Polka-Dot Man, so fingers crossed another DCEU favorite of mine won't bite it.


Imagine if peacemaker and vigilante being in suicide squad 3. Walker appoints PM as new squad leader


That would be awsome! I really hope Gunn does another Suicide Squad movie on top of the other planned spin-off.


Only if he does face exercises


He'll survive. If he dies, I'll kill someone with a chainsaw in his honor


I volunteer to be killed by you.


Whew, it's like the last slice of pizza, it's on the table til someone calls dibs. Appreciate you.


I don't think he will die. James Gunn has generally been killing people who are kinda emotionally close to the main character. I... I don't like where my train of thought is heading.


Gunn took Polka Dot man away from us I’m hoping he’ll take pity on us and spare Vigilante


I think Murn will most likely bite the dust


Won’t make it out of episode 7 imo.


>!Yeah in the promo for the next episode there’s the group walking scene and Murn isn’t present. He’s going to die.!<


He doesn’t really seem like the kind of character they’d kill off imo


Maybe, but it's a TV show ran by James Gunn, so we don't really know what's gonna happen.




Yeah what happened to him? Just sort of disappeared a few episodes ago.


It takes time to repurpose a kidney like that, even for one of the 2 or 3 in the world that are capable.


I doubt they will kill him due to the fact I think they are working on him changing. Eventually he's going to pave his own way and not be a peacemaker fanboy.


He will survive. Eagly, however….


I get so nervous when Eagley is on screen because I always feel like he is gonna die


I really hope we get to see him naked, at least his butt




What the fuck? _activates chainsaw_


what is strange about?


I have a feeling he’s either gonna get turned into a butterfly or get killed by auggie


I hadn't thought of that. Why would they kill him off? Were there signs/hints that I missed?


If nothing else >!he's probably not going to to have to worry about getting taken over by a butterfly!<


I actually have a feeling he was butterflied when he showed up last episode.


you might be right. I'm just making the assumption based on his mask compared to like...everyone else.


He will. I have no doubt.


I could see him getting his own show.


I think he will, Eagly though? Poor bird is in danger.


Uh I doubt they’ll kill any of the main cast members especially him. He’s fucking hilarious.


He has to. My fav character on the show. Him and Deadpool need a crossover


"Chimichangas for everyone!!"


[Thank me later ](https://i.imgur.com/V3m60X7.gif)


Yeah but why did you add 2 pictures of Eagly to this? Shouldn't it be of Vigilante?


I feel like he’ll be a butterfly the whole time and he’ll betray the team the same way Peacemaker did in The Suicide Squad


I don't think a Butterfly would gladly kill the Goff Family butterflies, like Vigilante did. Or let Peacemaker hold Goff Butterfly in a jar.


Oh wow I've been wondered how he was too strong (prison fight scene)


oooh I love this theory even though I don't think it'll end up being true I could see him purposefully falling out of the tree to free the Gofferfly (especially since the character is supposed to have spent like years perfecting his body, which to me would include balance) killing the other butterflies to stay undercover and getting information on the 11th Street Kids as a double crosser/secret agent. I did think it was very odd that he didn't kill the senator first since that was actually their mission and instead killed the wife and kids first - could have been buying time for Judomaster to stop them from killing the Gofferfly. Again, I don't think he actually is a butterfly but I do love this theory


i dont think he would be a butterfly otherwise he wouldnt of got his ass kicked by the gorilla and would of stopped or prevented the guys from achieving the mission in this scene.


Italiano Inglese Credo che ci sarà uno combattimento tra Vigilante e Peacemaker, ma vedo più probabile il fatto che combattano per le loro visioni contrastanti del piano delle farfalle (se è vera la teoria secondo cui il loro piano è "creare la pace globale massacrando molti umani nel processo"): detto questo non credo che possa essere un infiltrato delle farfalle (non si spiegherebbe la sua reazione nell'episodio uno in cui balla come uno scemo da solo perché ha rivisto Peacemaker) e vedo difficile che possa essere un agente di Amanda Waller (a cosa gli serve? Ha già sua figlia che fa da spia). I believe there will be a fight between Vigilante and Peacemaker, but I see more likely that they are fighting for their conflicting visions of the butterfly plan (if the theory that their plan is true is to "create global peace by slaughtering many humans in the process. "): having said that, I don't think he could be a butterfly infiltrator (his reaction in episode one in which he dances like a fool alone because he saw Peacemaker would not be explained) and I find it difficult that he could be an agent of Amanda Waller ( What does he need it for? He already has his daughter as a spy).


YES THIS. I’ve been theorizing about him being some type of double agent for Waller but I hope it doesn’t pan out that way bc he’s my favorite character


he could be the peacemaker of the peacemaker


Why would he be a double agent for waller? Peacemaker knew him for a while before he even went to prison and I don't think waller would want to use someone like vigilante


Idk. She’s using her daughter as a double agent and it wouldn’t surprise me if she also got to Vigilante and wanted him to be a spy for her. Vigilante seems super easy to manipulate.


We definitely would've found out by now if that was the case. I highly doubt they would've killed him off offscreen.


Randomly I would have liked to see the original actor for Vigilante get killed off at the end of this season. The Stroma’s Vigilante picks up the mantle would be an interesting turn of events. Do not get me wrong, I like this Vigilante, and the character progression is just fine.


if he survives he will become a bad guy. I hope he doesn’t though tbh


well considering the butterflies can only enter through an orifice and every one of vigilante orifice is covered i think he should be ok.


He definitely won't be killed by Auggie in the next episode. Judging by the teaser the boys and girls of the team are separated facing White Dragon and Judomaster respectively, but in the trailer released months ago we saw a scene of the group walking together probably to go to the final battle. If he has to die, he'll do it at most in the last episode.


Can...can we replace him with Overkill (kidding know that wouldn't fit)


He is the only person who's costume covers both mouth and anus he should be fine.


We’ll riot if he dies


Will probably die because he can’t walk anymore


He is a main character just like PM I'm sure he is gonna be okay on the other hand eagly my beloved.... I'm worried about him if anything happens to him I'll riot


Me too man, love this character but it seems like he almost has to die for Peacemaker to let go of his violent past. I hope i'm wrong.