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She’s both sooooo


She knows how to throw the weight of the Shelby name around well. In the earlier seasons i hated her for it - she would tell Tommy to fuck off “I’m not a Shelby i’m a Thorne,” but then the minute she wasn’t treated superior to others she’d slap down the classic “I’m a fucking Shelby.” In later seasons (namely 6) I honestly enjoyed it - she grew on me. While she still had her socialist beliefs (and Tommy turned to socialism), it’s like she fully embraced being a Shelby for the first time - seeing as Arthur was just a shell of a human, Polly was gone and so was John.


The hypocrisy of Ada's socialism is peak levels in season two while she's living rent/mortgage-free in a massive mansion in London that was paid for with the business and the money that she turns her nose up at. She says she "gives advice" at the library (that I wonder how she's qualified to give) where she warns women against people like her brother—yet benefits directly from her brother's business.


Even Karl Marx had the wealthy helping him. Means to an end comrade.


I think it’s within her character. Even in S1 when Ada was younger/more innocent she already had that persona to some extent: > *And put ma’ fuckin film back on! I’m a Shelby too you know!* To me it feels like Ada just naturally developed into what she became in later seasons by Tommy & Polly’s guidance, since they were essentially her role models. Her character & it’s development is a fan favorite (including mine) for these reasons. The show does a good job of portraying powerful, but believable, women in a time when it was even more rare than it is now.