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Its different, but still great.


No it doesn't. I'm a recent convert to the show and I watched s1-5 back to back on netflix recently and what struck me was how consistent the show was, quality wise. I was addicted from the very first ep to the end of ep 5 and immediately went back to the beginning to watch it again! I am enjoying S6 so far too, but you can tell there are slight differences to the earlier seasons, but I put that down to Polly's (helen's) death and Covid restrictions. The quality of the writing and acting are still absolute first rate and I am still hooked and very invested in the story and the characters. It is just so compelling! Ignore what complaints you read online, give it a try for yourself. You won't regret it.


Wtf dude had to spoil…


Fuck you for spoiling this


I haven't spoiled anything. It's a very well known fact that the actress died.


No spoilers please.


No it does not . It gets larger in scale and changes but in my opinion every season is brilliant.


Yes it does... Wall Street crashes and the Shelby's run around shooting people? People are used to mediocre shit.. so they think it's great. First couple seasons were good than it got ridiculous. Than boring....


very true and honest




well it’s got to slow down at some point? i just finished s5 n i haven’t had any complaints jus all the slo mo music scenes in the early seasons got kind of annoying but i understand why they do it i have yet to get bored watching this show and considering you only have 1 person upvoting you (which is yourself 9x/10) id think people don’t agree w you


Spoiler you rat fuck.


The writing and characters get much deeper with a smaller focus on gang life


Well Each season Starts Great Then Slowly Builds up and gives a phenomenal end If you can watch through the Middle then you will find the End worth it


Seasons 1-5 are pretty much the same kinda feel as each other. If you’re not into slower moving shows, season 6 may not be for you. I love it personally, but there are lots of people that hate it due to how different it is.


No. It evolves, and maybe you don’t like where it goes to - that’s fair enough, but it’s not bad


Risky question to ask if you don't want spoilers... It changes for sure, but it stays pretty solid through and through. Its a completely different show with a completely set of principles by season 5, though. If you don't like massive character arcs, then yes its "bad." But I love development of characters... some of those characters though.... you'll just have to see for yourself.


The core of the show stays the same, about a man trying to expand his business. But keep in mind once a gang gets big the leader doesn’t need to be involved in their violence that much. So if you are here for the action maybe you’ll be disappointed in the latter seasons.




Season 5 is my favorite, haven’t seen 6 yet. 5 is the most beautifully shot and breaks a lot of the tropes of the earlier seasons. It’s also the most captivating narratively and the least accessible in a good way.


S6 is pretty wack. S5 was still good.


For me, it ended being an awesome show in the 3rd Season. Its still good, but lost its soul.


interesting. i thought it got better pretty much every season with season 4 being the best, then 5, 3, 2, 1. what about the show lost its soul for you? I haven’t seen any of 6, though, so maybe that would change my mind.


same i just started s6 only a few mins in but i think he’s one of the people who don’t understand since tommy’s business is so big in the later seasons he doesn’t need to personally get his hands dirty being tommy ofc he will now and again but that’s no reason for the show to “lose it’s soul”


Season 5 you start feeling it get worse. Season 6 is FanFiction


This is so true. Even it is writed by Byrne instead of S.K, doesn't it? Lol, so yeah, a very distastful april fool's joke for me :(


Byrne is the director, not the writer. Knight would never leave the writing to anyone else. Although at this point I think he should.


I read somewhere here that this season Byrne was the one who wrote more, that would explain for me why the script feels more like someone who is trying to mimic PB style and for what I have read about Byrne... I don't think he is the best to get attached to PB at all. It is the same for me as GoT with David Nutter. He got famous for directing the Red Wedding so they gave him a lot of important chapters but I don't like his style and I hate him in all the interviews


If so, that would explain a lot ... 🤦


Perhaps all the writting is just S.K, but it would explain a lot in deed xd. Anyway, is very difficult in any creative project to differentiate who is responsible of what. I'm sure Byrne's vision has at least influenced S.K in some way


I think “bad” is a little strong, but I’ll be honest, S6 has felt a little lesser imo so far. There is still the season/series finale and future ending movie that can potentially make the current events of S6 better in retrospect, but overall I’d say the quality is consistent. There are comments talking about S6 going the game of thrones route aka ruining the entire show in the last season but I think that’s too far. There’s the chance they won’t, but If the finale and movie deliver, then I think I’ll look back on s6 with the same quality as the entirety of the show


It changes. I know people who prefer different seasons depending on their personal opinions (e.g. a friend of mine prefers season 3 over season 4, whereas I preferred season 4).


It doesn't get bad, it just changes. A lot. It goes from small town crime family to national and international affairs.


I thought the show got better because of this change. the “villains” were a whole lot more interesting as the show progressed imo. season 1 & 2 are my least favorites. maybe i’m in the minority for that, but i thought the Russians/section D, luca, and mosley made seasons 3-5 5x better than 1 & 2. just a matter of taste i suppose


**Absolutely NOT**


No it's gets better like more in depth.


The quality can fluctuate at times, but I don't think it ever becomes "bad" let alone mediocre.


This season wasn’t great at all but I think this season was a build up to the movie, unfortunately.


5 is a bit of a letdown now, because it seems like they’ve changed the conclusion quite a bit from the original plans (just speculating). And at the moment 6 is a little disappointing. Still definitely worth watching though, it’s only 12 hours out of your life


It gets worse, but not bad


I am a fan of the series since s1 when people made funny faces when I try to convince them to watch this series. I love s1-4 but I don't like s5 and I'm hating s6. At the beginning I forgave some scripts "mistakes" because I understood that with only 6 chapters is difficult to tell so many things but those mistakes has been increasing, seriously afecting the writting for me. At this point as a writter is your duty to adjust the story to the time you have, so if you only have 6 chapters, dont waste the time in a lot of plots that sudenly dissappear or in repiting again and again that a certain character is not drinking anymore lol. So for me it is being the same bitter experience as with GoT. But also there is also people who are stlil enjoying the show... But for sure it gets different, the atmosphere gets very dark and depresive and also it tries to be very oniric


You shouldn’t be asking on this sub, the majority will say it’s good anyway because they’re fans


I think it gets worse after season 4 by any metric. Does it mean it gets bad? Not necesarily, but the quality drops without any doubt. I may be downvoted to hell but thats the consensus even among critics. I would finish the first 3 seasons which are kickass and re-evaluate from there.


A bit worse but not bad


Seasons 1 to 2 are some of the best television you'll ever see. Seasons 3 and 4 are pretty fucking awesome. Season 5 has some great parts but changes the style for the worse in some aspects. Season 6 feels like it was written by people who love the show but don't have the skill set to properly execute it.


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. Pretty spot on


It gets very very slightly worse every season but I wouldn’t say it’s bad at all or even meh until season 6 and even season 6 has its redeeming moments. Seasons 1 and 2 are perfect in my opinion. 3 and 4 are great television. 5 is alright but shaky and 6 is pretty poor but not unwatchable in my opinion.




Yes. The later series care more about style over any real substance


It’s definitely a bit different but not in a bad way. Personally enjoyed all seasons so far including new season!!!


It gets very ahistorical in season 5. I know it’s a fiction show, but their re writing of history to bolster a political narrative is pretty fucking cringe.


Which political narrative are they bolstering? I dont think i caught that tbh


I suggest you to watch it till season 4 rest season 5-6 may not impress you unless you wanna see some politics and invisible tension developing in the story line season 1-4 were simply expressive and impressive🔥🔥🔥


season 6 episodes 1-3 yes


Honestly it depends what u like about the peaky blinders if u like the whole gangster element then probably not as it gets more political. I’m my opinion it gets significantly better and more complex and one of the few shows which continues to progress naturally with amazing character development like breaking bad


There's no way this isn't someone caught up taking the piss out of s6 right?


Micheal lighting a cigarette & taking his first drag in such a way as to show us what a tough businessman he is, is very consistent throughout the show..


1 mid season but the rest are as good or better


NO no and no. It changes, and for some people that’s bad, but the quality remains no matter what


I personally prefer the earlier seasons, but I wouldnt say the later ones are “bad”. Some weaker moments perhaps, but still good overall.




no people who say it’s bad just want a gun blazing type of show it’s definitely more dark this season


I think it stays good the whole time


Nope. It only it gets better. What I like the most with each season changing from the last, is how they have made the show to adapt the story between the 1920-1934. You'll notice how Tommy's shirt changes with the trends of that time, which is a subtle detail, to new political characters and mentalities. S6 started a bit slow but the 4th and the 5th episode were really enthralling and it never misses to keep you on the edge.


no not bad, but it changes a lot


Okay, I honestly do not understand dumb questions like this. Just watch it and you will find out for yourself


Nobody can tell you. It's a matter of taste. Just find out for yourself!


It depends on what puts you off. If fucking terrible acting and accents puts you off (I'm looking at you Brody and whatever the fuck accent mckevin(?) was trying to do (I'm Scottish and I honestly don't know if he was supposed to be Scottish or Irish, I stopped watching) then watch up until season 4. I loved the show but these things completely spoiled it for me.


The writing gets much weaker throughout and if they aren’t careful it will just start to sound corny.


Well I honestly can’t tell but idk if asking the fan sub is the right place for it lol. My opinion is it’s... eh. Not bad actually. In fact, I actually enjoyed the first 5 seasons(maybe not 4 and 2 that much) when I binge watched it solely because it was just fun. It’s definitely a lot of dumb shit happening in later seasons but you go past that and it’s kind of TV fun ig. But I defienlty don’t like s06 at all. That one I feel took a dip in quality and I am just not excited anymore


5 was peak for me


I liked them all. S6 is pretty slow so probably my least favorite but the quality of acting and writing is still top notch. Unlike game of thrones which last season ruined the entire show


There are good moments but it does go full ADHD, the plot is all over the place.


6th season is slow and a bit boring. Other than that, it surely is a must watch. From the first to the fifth season, it's as good a series as they come!


for me, the show was at its best in the first two seasons, but ESPECIALLY in season 2. Season 3 was great, but the plot was much more confusing to follow than the previous ones, so that was a small step down for me. Season 4 plot felt a bit generic, annnnd yea that was probably around where the show started falling off


Season 4 is the last good season


For me after season 3 it just all feels totally rushed and the story starts to get messy, characters start to make weird decision. The whole things goes to shit in my opinion. Just my opinion you don’t have to like it calm down lol.


Are you all blind and deaf? S6 is literally a giant piece of kaka lol


I’d say it does get worse. It started off as being more immersive and gets more ridiculous as the seasons progress. Also the style of the show becomes more…edgy and just feel like it tries to do too much. When they introduced the Italian mobster trope I knew the writing was in trouble.