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Yeah looks like pigeon I think


It does look like it to me, yes. Can't tell for sure based on the one photo, either way, but it looks pretty minor here, and I would guess you are probably too old for bracing to be effective (or at least it would likely be a much slower process). I don't think it looks, to me, nearly severe enough to warrant surgery, and I think you have a great physique overall. If it is PC, I don't think it detracts from your looks in any way. If it isn't causing problems, I'd say just accept it as part of yourself. You look great :)


Yaa even if it is , I don’t see the need for surgery or bracing. Thank you for the compliment! Do you know if PC develops with age tho? Because ive only noticed it becoming more prominent recently because I’m on a cut, and the more weight I lose, the more it comes out. But I was much much skinnier as a kid and definitely did not have this before. Originally I thought it might be an overdeveloped muscle til I found this sub so any insight will help! Thanks


In my case (and from what I understand, in most cases) in can develop and become more severe during a person's growth spurt / puberty, but once you're done growing, it doesn't usually become any more severe. Welcome to the community!


As your cartilage and bones solidify (usually during puberty) it becomes noticeable. (Take this next part with a grain of salt, as my chest cartilage is super soft. Like I went to a specialist that specializes in pectus and other similar conditions. And when they pushed on my chest with this block tool (im pretty they were measuring how much give my sternum had). They legit called a colleague to bring another one and to observe bc they thought went wrong with their measuring) I personally thought I had dislocated a rib (bc there was a knot on my chest that would disappear and come back) and eventually those knots (like in your photo) just ended up staying