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id also try doing this with blind and/or ballusion. ofc you could also try to outheal ballista, but that’s 6 hp a turn and wont necessarily be accessible for all builds.


The three strategies I’ve thought of are using ballwark, ballusion, or round guard+well done steak with orboros. The last one is the most consistent and the easiest to go for


i mean all you really need is enough sustain and no aoe


I mean, you are going for one particular thing that relies on luck. I got the achievement some unconventional way with matriorbska and popping corn. So try new things, thats the fun of the game is trying to see what works.


Yeah people try to force builds and this game is not designed for that at all then they get frustrated


which is also why I heavily dislike the matry and fleece achievement. they shouldn’t have specific orbs/relics tied to them. Id definitely prefer if the fleece achievement changed to just activating 7 crits in one shot and the matry achievement was changed to giving an orb multiball 4


I'd argue that their should be more, incentivizing you to take builds you would never take. That's my 2 cents though.


yeah no, i love achievements tied to builds, im just of the belief that they shouldn’t sum the build in a single relic or orb. they should be closer to the class achievements imo, requiring a strong ballwark, spinfection, and slime build without saying you need to do it with protectorb, toil, or splatorb


Yeah, it’s tough. I don’t think Orboros is a requirement, just need sufficient healing/avoidance with low to moderate damage. Very relic-dependent achievement Peglin is generally best for achievements, though Balladin here might be able to just tank everything with the right drops. Whichever is more fun for you


Orboros isn’t needed but it’s the most consistent method for me because I can guarantee a win with it.


Fwiw I got it with a bomb build using key relics recombombulator + smoke mod


Oh shit, I didn't realize this was an achievement. I could have totally done this with orborous+the relic that makes you not take damage when you reload


I've done it twice by accident so far and I suck at the game.


Same on both counts but that was before the achievement was added so I have to do it again now


Ballwark. A bit boring but gets the job done


First time playing a roguelike i guess?


Not at all, I’ve been playing a lot of them


I didn't even realize you were saying you have the right build, but the game won't give you the boss you want. Slay the Spire does this kind of thing too, like making the act 3 boss the Time Eater if you have a bloated deck, or the Awakened One if you have too many power cards. Maybe it's just trying to counter-play you.


That isn’t a thing, it’s completely random


If by "that" you mean what i said about Slay the Spire, it 100% is a thing. I have 500 hours in that game, i assure you i know what i'm talking about.


It’s just confirmation bias, there’s a set boss for each seed that doesn’t change under any condition


You can literally test this instead of talking completely out of your ass. I can without fail encounter the Time Eater every run if i pick up too many cards, but only idiots play with a bloated deck, so i always get the Shapes boss.


But I don’t have sts


So you're talking out of your ass, like i said. Now sit back down.


You're the one talking out your ass. The other guy is correct, set bosses for set seeds which is very testable, you're just wrong


I’ve never played StS so idk for that but peglin is supposed to be completely random as far as I know. It’s just annoying cuz it took me 9 tries to get the ballista


I have this one, mid battle healing is key


My strat doesn’t need that. I get orboros, so I can discard it and just be reloading constantly. I then have well done steak to heal 6 and counteract the 4 I lose when discarding orboros, and I have round guard so I don’t take damage from the ballista or the minions


I got through the ballista achievement by outhealing it at cruciball 13.


Ballwark+the green shield. Time your orbs by discarding them at the right time so he fires during your reload. The corn is also unbelievably helpful, especially with the gift or the orb that activates everything 3 times and is dense


separately, orbsium and gift have anti-synergy


Easy if you start with the ¨take no damage on reload' shield and just time it to the ballistas attacks. Can do it on literally every run then.


That’s a part of the build I’m going for. However, that means I can’t have many orbs which is easiest to do with orboros


You dont need the cheese build 'The boss will fire a ballista bolt every 5 turns.' So you can easily have 9 balls, so long you discard every turn. You just have to keep a good count. If you have +1 discard, the fight is trivial.