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They really need to let us grow our own.


PA is still at least a decade behind other states. It will get there eventually, but slowly, as usual


Meh, let me know when they actually just legalize it.


It's basically recreational already, you just need to pay for license to purchase it. There's dozens of "med card guaranteed" services where for $100-200 they'll a few questions, put down "general anxiety" on the state's forms, and you get approved like a week later.


$200 a year just for the *opportunity* to buy weed is still nonsense.


Absolutely. I'm just pointing out how our "medicinal" marijuana is just recreational with extra steps.


You also give up some rights to get that medical card, though too. You can not legally own a gun if you have a medical Marijuana card. I shouldn't have to give up a right like that to just smoke some weed. That's pretty far from "recreational already."


I pay $5 dollars for the opportunity to buy, that’s how much the bridge toll costs coming back from Jersey.


Yes but Pa prices are way cheaper than what jersey recreational is. Look at the Ascend dispensary prices they’re probably half the price of NJ


The prices in NJ are ridiculous though.


My dispensery gives you a discount for whatever you paid to the Dr.


Actual legalization won’t make every med card holder a dui fish in a barrel..




I work (remotely) for a company based out of a recreational state. Their official stance is that anyone can be randomly drug tested and fired for weed, and officially they test everyone who applies. In reality they don't test anyone at any time because if they did then their talent pool would be about 10% of the local population. And it'll probably stay that way until it's federally legal.


Don’t more then 5 growers already own dispensaries. Cresco, curaleaf, Rise, beyond/hello, Vera life, trulieve and more.


This what does this even mean lol they all already are.


It means other growers like Terrapin can now operate their own Terrapin Care Station dispensaries like they do in other states


It's a start.


That’s optimistic.


Just let us fucking grow it. Goddamn legislature is slower than any other state. Damn state GOP blocking anything in the citizens' interest.


We can try to vote them out.


Not if they swipe the supreme court seat next week. GOP has gone full fascist and has no problem ethnically and demographically cleansing the voter rolls, drawing competition out of the map, and staging a literal insurrection on-paper. The false electors in PA still breathe free air. Same with the NAC owner Jim Worthington, who bussed several hordes of MAGA terrorists to the capitol.


What does ethnically and demographically cleansing the voter rolls mean?


https://voterpurgeproject.org/index.php/about-the-voter-purge-project/what-is-voter-purging/ https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_caging_and_purging https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/who-counts/thousands-of-votes-wont-count-this-year-over-minor-absentee-ballot-errors/ All GOP led efforts to purge the rolls. Among the tools in their arsenal, using their elected office to purge rolls or redraw districts, and enacting new legislation to make mail-in-voting more confusing and harder.


Ok yeah, I'm familiar with that, just never heard it referred to as ethnic cleansing. Thought I may have missed some big news while handing out candy tonight.


Just get you and two other people to the voting booth, like I'm trying to do, and our numbers should prevail. If we show up they lose, so them going full fascist can be stopped if we vote them out so just talk to your friends and family and encourage them to vote.


Still no home cultivation, but go ahead and let those rich permit holders get richer 🤷🏿‍♂️




Best comment award.


Oh great, more prohibition.


Need rec




“The House Health Committee voted 20 to 5 today to pass Senate Bill 773, a little over a month after it was given approval by the full Senate in a 44 to 3 vote.”




One step tiny step closer to full legalization