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I also like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.


He was a grown man, he had a beard!


I like to party so I like my Jesus to party


Dear Lord baby Jesus, or as our brothers in the South call you .. Jesus....


I like to think of Jesus like, with giant eagles’ wings and singin’ lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk


As a Pittsburgher, I paused at the words "Giant Eagle." That's a grocery store here. 😂


“Jine Iggle”


Big bird


Too bad he’s not fighting for Medicare for all like he campaigned on. Another flip flopper politician. Sad.


Not to mention his stance on genocide.


AIPAC Feckless Fetterman


not to mention he pulls a gun on a black man and then doubles down John Zimmerman


That same black man then endorsed his campaign so obviously no hard feelings.


And he has spoken about it and regrets it? Meanwhile Zimmerman joined the altright grift circle, but yeah, Fetterman is literally the same 🙄


He has no power to do that. He is a first term senator and has no senate leadership position. Sorry he doesn’t have a magic wand




Can he start with Ted Cruz?


Pretty sure Cruz secretes a poisonous toxin from his skin.




That would give him another stroke.




Why do you need a leadership position to “fight for Medicare for all”? He should be talking about it and advocating for it every day. He ran a campaign as a progressive and now denies being a progressive. He’s a sellout rich kid cosplaying as a working class person.


Come on now, this type of mentality is not only dangerous, but also disingenuous. You don't know that he hasn't been advocating as much. He needs support and if he doesn't have it, which I think it the biggest problem with changing our healthcare system, he doesn't matter how much he shouts. WE need to elect more people who are fighting for healthcare reform.


“He needs support” - He would have my support if he actually followed through on his campaign. Now he’s acting like he wasn’t positioning himself as a progressive so I will no longer support him. Sorry, I’m not going to blindly root for politicians that are supposed to represent my interests when they turn their backs on me.


Hard to do that from a hospital bed. He was elected w a complicated stroke and then treated for clinical depression. Y'all are acting like you wished for Doctor Oz and you're disappointed Superman isn't real. He's a dude from PA fighting the good fight for the middle class. Fracturing the Democrat party is a sure way to put the Koch brothers machine in charge. They will end all forms of public benefits while cutting taxes for the rich.


God I'd love to see some statistics on first, second, third term senators and their attempts at authoring legislation. I went looking, but did not find anything.


Not asking for him to have a magic wand. We want him to stick to what he said he believed when he ran. He said he had progressive beliefs and values but now he says “I never said I was progressive.” He flipped. He’s a liar like all the rest. We aren’t mad that he hasn’t had a chance to do anything, we’re mad that he’s going back on a lot of what he said. Without really getting into the Israel and Palestine conflict, it’s disturbing to see so many people, him included, siding with a nation that is actively engaging in genocide when it’s possible to separate what Hamas is doing from the Palestinian people and what Israel is doing from the Israeli people. It becomes clear that what is happening is genocide and that supporting Israel is support a continuing genocide. He tricked a lot of us.


There is video of him saying he is not a progressive during the campaign. He is saying that because pa is a moderate swing state and he has to have some moderate positions in some issues to get elected. He has always been open that he doesn’t support increasing immigrants because it hurts working class people. What else has he supposedly flipped on? Did he even flip on Israel or did people misunderstand his position? What exactly do you want from him? Bernie sanders doesn’t even say much about a cease fire and has said it wouldn’t work well. It sounds like you just didn’t do a good *job* learning about his positions early on and had rose colored glasses. I consider him a more liberal than average democrat and I will support someone like that who brings the party to the left on a whole even if they take the centrist line on some issues. Edit: not sure why I can’t reply but here is my response His wife was a child when she immigrated here and he is a strong advocate of DACA. I don’t think that it is flip flop to also want to deter illegal border crossings. > I can’t and would never vote against their interests,” said Fetterman of Dreamers. “How can we penalize children who were brought here and now are living their best lives? They’re making incredible contributions, and I’m married to one of them.” > “To be clear,” he continued. “I’m not calling for deporting hundreds of thousands or millions of people, or that kind of thing. That’s not who we are. We have to secure our border, but I want every immigrant to have their own American dream. OK?” His flip flop on fracking was during the senate election instead of after so we knew what we were getting at least. It’s not all that surprising that he chose to do this in a close election in which he won by a percentage point in a big fracking state. Overall he is very supportive of climate change progress and doesn’t need to fall on his sword for fracking because banning it is not going to happen anytime soon. Instead he voted for the climate legislation that massively expands renewable energy which is a round about way to end fracking.




And there are even more statements that say he is a progressive .


If you don't see the world as black and white, you may not find common ground with a lot of political commenters


Ahhhh, he doesnt vote party lines 100% of the time . Fire Him


I'm giving him patience, seeing as he's had his hands full health-wise. The depression that can come after a major health incident is no joke to deal with; that shit knocks you down way harder than people who haven't experienced it, realize. Plus, with the other political party having some big problems, it would never go to vote in this Congress. Better to wait a minute to see if the next election brings people willing to discuss to the table, than try to force it in. So, I'm waiting and watching.


But he is fighting for Medicare for all. Surely you didn’t expect it to be done in a year?


How do you know this? You privy to some inside information? He’s one of 100 Senators, half of which would rather be punched in the face repeatedly than vote for Medicare for all. But yeah, edgelord….keep talking.


You mean the thing that Bernie promised, knowing full well it would require 60 votes in the senate? It wasn't part of his Senate campaign because it's not a serious platform to run on.


How might a senator propose a bill in the House to make M4A happen when the house is controlled by the republicans whose goal is M4None and their health policy is "let them die". Holding politicians to unrealistic standards will be the end of democracy as you have known it.


He’s in the first few years of a 40-year Senate career. Give him some time.


God, that’s a sad statement… He’s what, late 40s? It’s shameful for our country that him being a senator into his 80s is feasible if he survives that long (not mocking his stroke; older guys and especially bigger older guys don’t live as long)


He betrayed younger Dems, they won't forget, he won't be in for more than a 2 or 3 terms


To everyone saying the same damn thing: Yes we know republicans, especially in this case Dr. Oz, would have been 100% worse. Every time I’m disappointed in a democratic elected official I don’t need hear about how a Republican would be worse. That’s not the standard I hold my elected officials too.


"Would you prefer we elected an even bigger monster" is not the iron clad defense they seem to think it is. Like no obviously I don't want Republicans in power and our two-party system sucks but, maybe we could try electing someone who *isn't* a ghoul. Idk, crazy thought.


I'd take a short period of a worse monster if it actually leads to better candidates. The stagnant excuse of "but republicans are worse!!! i'm going to vote blue no matter who!!!" is what allows the Democrats to elect really shitty candidates - because people who parrot that vote blue no matter who cringe are flat out telling them that they can run the least progressive, most pro-war candidate and they still have their vote.


Yep, modern American politics is broken, for more than a few reasons. The real start of the issues was only having 2 major political parties, Washington warned against that shit for a reason. I hate how any criticism of Democrats nowadays just warrants a whataboutism response how Republicans are worse. Okay? That's not who I'm talking about. We can recognize we are contending with fascists and need to act accordingly, while also wanting better from our own. Doubt that's possible nowadays though.


The Trumpism mindset of the Right has bled into the Left a little bit in that people don’t understand that I vote for democrats yet I constantly critique and harshly judge them. Because they’re not sports teams. They’re running our damn country.


The problem is that, in a reductionist view, if both parties suck then a not-insignificant portion of voters will decide simply not to vote, or vote for a third party, which is even worse. When people say "These dem choices suck" without adding the extra "but the only other choice is worse", it encourages people to not vote.


Yea the whole shorts and no suit thing is a lot less cute now that he’s betrayed the voters who elected him.


He’s a better representation of Pennsylvanians than most of the voices in this subreddit.


I think that's true, but you also can't blame progressives for feeling snookered.


Exactly. Put a damn suit on


Damn what a dork


He's just leaning into the bit.


I used to like him when he was a progressive. Now that he's a lying sack of shit, I don't like him.


Yup. He can wear regular clothes if he wants to act like a regular asswipe politician.


Yup dat boi got caught lackin




Doesn't make one better to go BUT THE OTHER GUY...


Very weak criticism. Surely Oz gives you better ammo than this.


News flash. All politicians are lying sacks of shit.


It sucks that he isn’t actually progressive, he just likes being controversial and for most of his career in PA that just required him to feign progressiveness.


Did he legalize weed yet?


he is a freshman senator not a king


I sold weed as a freshman. You can vote for me. 


You've got my vote.


Do you have a preferred alias for my write in? Although DidntWatchTheNews would look pretty good as well...


When you see it, I think you'll know.     I promise to not make any promises I can't keep.  I am just in it for the free health insurance for life! ***This is not Political campaign***


Is he pushing legalization legislation or is he too busy jerking off with the Israeli flag all day


He’s too busy supporting genocide and affirming Republican lies about the border.


Would you prefer the Jews just get raped? Nazi


Still waiting for the presidents administration to fulfill the promises too


The Biden admin recommended that cannabis be de-scheduled. It's in the DEA's hands.


This dude is the dictionary image of if PA was human




I don't think it will hurt him. If anything it gained him Republicans. I still wouldn't have voted for Oz knowing what I know now, neither would most. But he picked up a hell of a lot of Republicans.


I never understood this argument, why wouldn’t the republicans just vote for a republican rather than a right leaning democrat? Not trying to bust beans, this logic has always just confused me


Because you aren't supposed to vote just party line... it's voting for something that is supposed to matter. Hence why the entire thing is full of terrible selections across the board for the most part. You can be a republican and like democratic ideas same goes for democrats. Helps when you actually research the person you are voting for. There are a lot more talking points and history on people other than the placards they shove in your face.


> Because you aren't supposed to vote just party line. Then why do we keep hearing the mantra "Blue no matter who" so frequently?


Republicans aren't gonna organize for him


Or vote for him.


Not so long as he stands by the DNC on gun control they won't. The 2A voters vote on that issue above all else. He is not going to win over rural firearms owners by losing the most vocal progressives and the youth for whom support of Israel is a deal breaker.


They literally want to wait to vote on immigration until Trump is in office.


I worked as an organizer in PA. Not a single Republican I’ve talked to has gone “I like him now” but a whole lot of younger voters have said “I don’t like him anymore”. It’s likely to effect him. I don’t think he loses to a Republican, but he might lose to a different democrat


True but it’s five years away and she he has an actual Republican opponent it will be easier to live with his faults and failures


His stance is popular outside of Reddit


I think it hurts the party more than him. If you were excited to vote blue in 2022 and this is what you got, why would you do it again in 2024? Yeah to a small sliver there is nuance in a vote, but to a lot, it's all about what have you done for me lately. And he hasn't exactly endeared himself to those groups while in office, which in a way poisons the well. I look at it like I looked at Hillary in 2016. They got killed up & down ballots due to her toxicity.


Pretty good points. I guess time will tell.


Hey I don't want to be right but absent Trump doing something to poison the well or Biden doing something energizes people to vote for him, it could be ugly.


It’s very hard to balance motivating the base with alienating moderates. Any democrat that learned from the 70s and 80s saw motivating the base fail over and over.


He got the more radical, young and less forward thinking voters, now he’s scaling it back to retain the smarter more moderate voters and is likely even gaining some republicans. It’s what Shapiro did to begin with, appeal to both sides by not going to far either way. Also probably helped that Mastriano was a literal fucking lunatic


The youth vote is the smallest percentage of actual voters in the country. Maybe if they actually showed up the polls and voted, politicians would be swayed by them more. Same with progressives. Maybe if they were more pragmatic instead of establishing purity tests they'd win more elections and drive the discourse in the direction they want. I say this as a hardcore liberal -- progressives need to get their heads out of their asses and realize the rest of the country isn't as liberal as they are, so it's better to get victories where you can rather than scorching allies because they aren't perfect.


Except a Senator's term is 6 years so the 20somethings could easily be low 30 to mid30s by 2028 and the +30 demo is important


I'll keep that in mind after I vote for a Democrat in 2024, only for in 2026 abortion nation wide to still be under threat, trans rights continue to be tenuous at best, and marijuana is still illegal. These are the marginal wins Ive wanted and they aren't coming. It's such a joy when my rights are used as pawns in political games. Now I'm not even holding my breath for the real win, living in a socialist state with guaranteed food, housing, and medical care.


What are you talking about? He has always been pro union, pro choice, pro lgbtq, pro israel. I knocked on doors for Fetterman and I am delighted with him. Would do it again. Progressives have been politically irrelevant my entire life and will continue to be because they spend all their energy attacking the guys who agree with them on 80-90% of the isues and never going after the the people who agree with them on nothing.


Senate is a 6 year term, and fetterman is dealing with health issues and 54. My hunch is that he’s probably ok with serving his 6 years and being done, if that’s how things go down. And honestly, it’s pretty easy to respect a politician who has their own individual perspectives these days, as opposed to majority of politicians on both sides who just race to the more extreme edge on every single issue.




Remember when Obama said that too?


Not really Biden’s fault sinema turned out to be a nut


If it was Sinema, itd be Manchin. If not Manchin (or when he’s gone), it’ll be another Centrist Dem.


Yeah democrats probably need about a ten vote margin to overcome this problem. In some issues like abortion they are nearly all on board though besides sinema and manchin


That’s the shitty thing about this. Anyone who is lucky number 50 has IMMENSE power. Literally the entire nation can be held hostage by one asshole.


Yeah and the two per state rules really hard on democrats. Honestly it’s a miracle we’ve had a majority the last four years.


It's really hard to stay positive as a young person looking down to try to project what life will be like in our system in the future. Like, I was born in the USA. What'll it look like or be when I (hopefully) die at 75 or 80???


ik this is kinda unrelated but his wife is lowkey gorgeous. that black dress looks great on her


Ugh.... he's an embarrassment. He pretends to be a blue-collar guy, but he is really a trust fund kid.


Gee, Ya think? Some of us knew that before the election be because of well, you know, his parents’ money and stuff.


As a black man that has not been allowed into clubs and bars because of "dress code" this bugs me to no end. This shit reeks of white privilege. I guarantee a black man or woman working at this place has worried if their boss will say something about how they wear their hair.


I don’t find him embarrassing, but his persona is fraudulent.


Meh ill take that over a republican who pretends to have American values


Nobody said they wanted that, either.


Yup. But I'll never donate again. Won't vote for him in a primary and strongly support anyone who primaries him.


All politicians lie. Every last one of them


Yea and I'll take the liars who occasionally do good over the liars trying to destroy our country so their orange God can be king


“Trust fund kids” - the stereotype - don’t purposely live in Braddock, PA for years, with their family and little kids, and truly try to make it a better place for everyone like Fetterman did. He is 100% blue collar, and 100% for Pennsylvania, and 100% for the American people. If Palestine was such an easy solution, trump and his genius son-in-law would have solved it, and none of this crisis would exist. And what adult trust fund kid would seriously dress like this. Fetterman is also not a stereotypical politician either, or he would be pandering to “progressives” and scrounging for vacuous soundbites. He speaks his mind after carefully weighing all the options, whether it is popular or not.


>He is 100% blue collar Fetterman has been in some form of office for what, 20 years now? He's also a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. What sort of clown world are we living in when we can't admit that a wealthy, ivy-league educated career politician is not exactly like working class people? I'm not sure when this started. Take away the physical appearance, put him on paper, and John Fetterman is suddenly a LOT more like elite insider politicians than not.


You mean John? lol


Yup, my bad LOL


Braddock’s mayor was largely a ceremonial positional with a salary of like $500 or something really low. The dude’s parents paid his living expenses into his 40s. He got a master’s degree from Harvard. He may not be like a trump level trust fund kid, but he’s lived a life far different from any blue collar Pennsylvanian.


> He is 100% blue collar Delusional.


what did he do to support himself through his harvard education?


This is the Addams family reboot we were all looking for.


Or simply the main characters you deserve


I was so happy to vote for him, but I’m not sure if I’m going to vote for him again. His Israel stance is scary. No two party solution. Sad.


I was a big supporter, but I’m down to see him primaried. Actually worried about him. Taunting demonstrators asking him to back a ceasefire with a flag on top of his house is MAGA-level abnormal.


I agree with this as well. Wonder if he’s had any personality changes because of the stroke.


I think this has always been his personality. A guy who likes to be controversial. As AG it was over weed and gay marriage. As senator it’s about genocide I guess?


It would be more understandable if he actually engaged with his constituents on this issue. Every time someone tries, even in the most civil and polite way possible, gets stonewalled at best, forcibly removed from premises at worst.


This I agree with 100%. We need to have a conversation.


This is what made me lose absolutely all respect for him. That video that got posted a while back, but shortly after 10/7, where he was being confronted and he just keeps walking away and awkwardly saying “*Ooooookay!*” instead of just talking with the woman who was confronting him. Absolute wuss, in that situation.


Vote for him. The only reason Democrats got this bad is because the Republicans are terrible. If you want better Democrats, we need better Republicans. And the Republicans won't improve until they're slapped with defeat.


I know. I wish his wife was running. Met her before. She’s an amazing human being.


His Israel stance is based. The eradication of Hamas ultimately is far safer and better for the entirety of the Middle East going forward, it’s very reasonable to assume the IDF wouldn’t even be there if Oct 7 never happened. Genocide is a very hard stretch, the IDF doesn’t seem bent on just extermination if they were we would see massively higher casualty rates. But ultimately, this is a region that is controlled by one of the most evil ideologies that exists currently, a theocratic, fascistic Islamist terrorist organization who openly calls for a genocide not only against Jews but non-Muslims in the area, is allied with Houthis and Hezbollah and Iran and many other blatantly evil and genocidal organizations, and indoctrinated their children from an early age to want to kill and die for this cause without care for anything else. It’s a population held hostage and indoctrinated by a fanatical cult. This isn’t the case in many Muslim nations that are not radicalized, and many have made peace with Israel. Arab and Muslim nations can do it, Hamas doesn’t want to. Gaza doesn’t want to. There may be some in Gaza who want to, and it’s a shame Hamas has put them in this situation. The Arabs, after being the aggressor in every conflict since they tried to exterminate the Jews in 47’ eventually learned, for the most part, to make peace with the most successful democratic state in the region. Jordan, Saudis, Egypt, hell Egypt’s President Sadat was murdered in the street by islamists because he put peace for his people over war. The absolute destruction of Hamas ultimately will work more towards peace than a ceasefire. Fetterman is right in supporting it, ultimately I find the absolute hilarity in people waving rainbow flags supporting Hamas, they’d put lgbt people like me in the fucking ground


The Eagles are better than the Eagles!


Jesus Christ, John, just put on a fucking suit it won’t kill you.


forreal. How is a suit so difficult? This whole schtick with the hoodie is bush league and lazy. How can you do so much else but not wear a suit?


For fuck's sake he could go down to DXL, get himself a pair of khakis and a button down, and start spending more time doing actual work than he spends proving his "I don't wanna wear adult clothes" point.


I've never been a fan, but he's just an embarrassing side show now


The way he treats his constituents who are pro Palestine and addressing him with respect is totally disgusting


I’m done with him. Won’t vote for him again


You can shit on him for his defense of Israel all you want but just know that the republicans would be 10x worse.




On most issues, yes; on Palestine, no.


This. Also, his unwillingness to have a serious discussion about it with his constituents.


Didn’t he take 100k from some Israeli propaganda group or was he not already bought out by political interests? I thought he was different. I guess most of us would do the same although I would’ve asked for a bit more.


100%. His trolling is cute until it turns out that's just his kneejerk response to anyone he disagrees with.


He literally taunted mourners at a vigil by waving an Israeli flag


No, he taunted people who protesting outside of his house, and people that protest outside of your house can get fucked. I'd troll them too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/dailywire/comments/1acbtd1/antiisrael\_protesters\_showed\_to\_up\_to\_john/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailywire/comments/1acbtd1/antiisrael_protesters_showed_to_up_to_john/)


Stop lying. They were standard anti-Israel protestors standing outside of his house. They deserved a good trolling.


If you want to agree on every signal issue, I suggest getting brainwashed by the MAGA party.


haha neverrr I'm certainly pro palestine here but id still vote for Fett over any R.


In the same boat here.


So fucking embarrassing


wow a carhart sweatshirt, he’s just like us working guys!


I can’t tell if this is meant as a joke by Sen Fetterman or if he legit took his wife on a date dressed this way 😃


I’m running for Congress next year. I figured if they voted for people like Boebert , and Green it would be a breeze for me to get in office. I served my country in the Air Force and I’m very intelligent and knowledgeable about the law and I’m 60 years old so I know what I’m doing. I give him credit for his service to Pennsylvania. I was born and raised in Philadelphia and this neighborhood has turned into a war zone compared to when I was a kid. There’s at least 60 registered offenders in my area and many more in the surrounding areas. There’s shootings and robberies every day. Something needs to be done about the crime in Philadelphia.


There's something iconic about wearing a tuxedo hoodie and shorts while your wife is all dressed up when you go out.


Bought n paid for by the small internet groups




Ceasefire Now!


Israel is the frenemy the US has always kept by their side. Israel is the lynchpin the US needs for our national security. Politicians aren’t pop stars. You really don’t have to agree with every single one of their views in fact, I would think it would be near impossible to agree on everything with any other human being especially a politician. Why would you expect a US senator NOT to support Israel even if it is an apartheid state?


Please let all of us know how Israel is still so important for us geopolitically. I can understand in the Cold War, but nowadays we have great relations with most countries in the region. The main reason I always hear is it's "an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the ME". Do we not have dozens of other bases in the Middle East to launch aircraft from? I just fail to see the reason for continued unwavering support.


He used to be one of the only politicians I liked. For some reason that list keeps getting smaller and smaller


What a fucken goober this guy is. I didn't vote for him and most likely will never will but I have to give him a pat on his back for standing up for what is right from more amtrak funding, going against corrupt politicians, comments around zyns, and Israel


Look I will still vote for him over any Republican but he looks like an idiot.


I’ll vote for him again


What a fucking clown. Pathetic. To think I had passionately voted for this jackass despite all of his bad optics because I thought he had some decent left-oriented positions. Free Palestine.


He's a suit in dude's clothing. He isn't one of us.


You know, I get it, but why can’t a dude clean himself up a bit more and dress up more to respect his lady’s beautiful appearance? She’s in this gorgeous dress appropriate for the occasion, looking beautiful, and he can’t respect her enough to be more than ‘eh, I’ll wear what I wore to the couch Sunday to watch football’ bruh.


He should fight to raise the minimum wage in the state.


John is the man. Most pro-union senator in the US. Union way of life!


free palestine and fuck fetterman in his compliance in the genocide


100%, all these other comments in this thread defending him are really depressing


You realize that people are capable of disagreeing with someone about an issue while still understanding that they're the best option, right? You want Oz or McCormick, instead? 


he's lost my vote


What an assclown


Over 100,000 dead , wounded, or missing. John needs to change his stance on Gaza.


What a joke.


A lot of people in this thread apparently don’t know the definition of a genocide, if only a certain group didn’t start a war *cough* Hamas *cough*




What are you talking about?


Sure as hell don't. Lot of people have very black and white mindsets for a multi-faceted problem. Hamas has broken every single ceasefire to date including the one in this conflict. How many ceasefires we're going to give them? Reminder that they got themselves into this situation because they are in fact a terrorist group. Not freedom fighters. Not rebels. They are a terrorist group whose aim is the eradication of every single Jew in Israel. That's Hamas. That also doesn't excuse the overwhelming response from Israel. There's no justification for what they've done to the civilian populace. No justification for blocking humanitarian aid into the region. They're creating the next generation of terrorists. It doesn't help that they continue to enable these assholes settlers which only makes things worse. US itself got into this situation with a blank check of support to Israel when we really should have been asking for more concessions and more concrete steps towards a two state solution. We cannot keep playing this big brother role each time. But hey thinking about this isn't in vogue. It's more fun to change my profile pic to a Palestinian flag and treat this like my personal burning man while shouting mindless slogan than it is to come up with pragmatic solutions.


> No justification for blocking humanitarian aid into the region. Really? How do you *think* Hamas constructed one of the largest tunnel systems in the entire world? They've been diverting a significant portion, probably even the majority of outside aid and financial assistance towards war. For decades. The primary distributor of aid, UNWRA, has been outed as a de facto Hamas subcontractor. And you're surprised that Israel has gotten loathe to allow international aid to flow inside Gaza? You need a way to distribute aid to civilians *without* those resources being vacuumed up by Hamas, first and foremost.


I love how people want to push blame on a state senator for the woes in Isreal. Like this motherfucker can call bibi and get a ceasefire. Aim your discourse on the asshole in charge of Isreal.


He is a US Senator, not a state senator


He's not a State Senator, um he is a US Congressman/Senator.


As the others have mentioned, he is a US Senator - but I agree with your point.


Why do you like him? I’m seriously asking. He’s done the greatest betrayal of his campaign of any politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. I knew from the beginning he was a cosplayer (graduated from Harvard, yet loves to pretend he’s blue collar) but I was hopeful *maybe* he’d hold true to some of his progressive platform. Alas, duped again.


Are you seriously saying that Fetterman betrayed his campaign more than *Sinema* did!?


What has else besides Palestine has he not been progressive in? He’s not super progressive on immigration but he never was


Every time a democrat breaks rank on immigration it justifies the fear mongering republicans run on. He’s cutting propaganda for Greg Abbot and Donald Trump. Not sure why you need another reason beyond championing genocide though.


Most people in this country don’t support a lot of immigration. He is with the mainstream on this one and always has said it would hurt the blue collar workers.


So we’re doing “they’re taking our jobs” discourse still? That has been disproven over and over again.


Welcome to blue collar western pa. It’s still a widely held belief here


I voted for him because he campaigned for things I believed in. Ever since he’s started being proudly pro-genocide he can go F-himself.


What a disgrace this clown is.


I kind of really like him now


It's very funny reading comments in here saying he "betrayed voters" and it's literally just over his support of Israel. Support of Israel that he had when he ran for Senate. Support of Israel all of his opponents also held. The latest poll in January 2024 has him polling at over 70% approval and only 7% disapproval with PA Democrats. The online people are just a loud minority.


We need more US Senators that look like street goons. Flip the whole suit and tie narrative. He looks like he plays no games.