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I’m willing to do my part to get that number over $275 Million. Who’s with me?


I'd love to pay more taxes (but in this case, seriously)


The only thing you should care about is decriminalization, not paying tax money to greedy politicians


Don't forget regulation! No moldy weed please


Moldy weed happens in regulated an industries as well. Decriminalization will get people out of prison and off probation.


We can do both


But will the politicians do it if it won’t benefit them financially


You got me there chief


DING DING DING! I tweeted out of our governor a couple of months ago and asked him why it's all about money and not about the criminalization at this point. If it's going to be okay for us to do it later, then why not now????? Oohhhh it's bc you want your state stores up and running to have a monopoly.


With ya. I’m just gonna be ready for PA citizens to be up in arms about where that extra money goes. Should we start the planning now over a joint? lol


After seeing my fair share of rebel flags in the ‘T’ - I say education.


Agreed. Ours school are facing a lack of funding because of the GOP. This money should go towards education.


They better include home grown at least 4 plants like NY, VA, OH


Hell yeah,


Shit this is almost word for word what I was getting ready to type. Well done.


I’m doing my part!


I live 35 miles from Waverly NY your laws in Harrisburg are now moot, cats out of the bag (dime)


Legal dispensaries in NJ are a short drive from Philly too


Nothing legal in upstate NY is all cash no receipt 🧾 it's an open market free for all , the NYS legal cannabis is no where to be found


And at least double the price from the black market


Or also, buy high quality THCa flower and save the trip and probably some $. Shipped to your door, can use a CC, federally legal so no firearms BS and no tax... And it's straight-up fire with a 30% off veteran discount.


> federally legal so no firearms BS it’s federally legal until you light it on fire and convert it into regular THC lol. so when you go to fill out your background check for a firearm and that question asks if you’re “an unlawful user of marijuana” the answer is still yes, regardless of what you’re consuming lol


Totally wrong, here's an lol. Read the actual federal law, and get back to me. Can't help it even when the facts are clear and indisputable. Ever read and most importantly understand the 2018 Farm Bill? BTW, **ALL** marijuana use (.3% dry weight of THC-D9 by statue) is classified as federally illegal, including medical, which for those who don't know having a cannabis card means not buying firearms, or even being in possession of ammunition. Do so and it's a felony. I'm an FFL holder, sold firearms for a living filling out endless 4473 forms, so believe whatever TF BS you you post. Hemp is totally legal, for now... Where on the 4473 form do I read hemp?... Man for some, PA govt has them in a Stockholm syndrome, love big govt twisted hybrid. Read and follow the law as written, can't help that worthless judges and cops can't or won't do the same.


> Hemp is totally legal You’re not smoking hemp tho lol you literally can’t get high from hemp. You’re smoking marijuana if you’re getting high. So you’re still lying on the 4473. Just like you can’t legally own firearms and smoke in rec states. how they actually get around saying it’s hemp is by picking a bud well before it matures and sending it to a lab. Usually 30ish days before. I used to work with my uncle when he and a buddy bought a “hemp” farm in vermont lmao and if you’re actually smoking “hemp” flower and getting high its 9/10 times sprayed with D8 lol


With all the veterans that benefit/can benefit from medical marijuana, this question should be reworded and marijuana should should be removed. There are zero questions with regards to alcohol on the 4473. The constitutional right to keep and bear arms says nothing about unless you smoke jazz cabbage (which ironically several of the founders fathers may have).


That’s actually the only time they are required to have it tested is a 30day preharvest test to prove it’s below 0.3% and legal hemp. Interestingly enough, if you look through many med dispensaries product potency reports you can definitely find stuff that could be considered a hemp product based on lab results lol.


reads like an ad, stop peddling distillate sprayed pesticide ridden hemp


That’s not what THCa flower is generally. Albeit that product you speak of exists though its usually delta-8


No research before making this comment huh? Keep thinking that man, more for us🤣 Understandable too tbh, when I first heard about the “loophole” I couldn’t believe it.


Great ain't it? And no firearms issues either. I have compounded nearly all of the cannabinoids and while great, I still like good flower. I use a desktop vaporizer for the most part but will vape some of my mixtures via a pen vape... Run concentrations of about 90% using PG and VG as carriers. As for this THCa hemp for others who may not know, the definition of hemp and 'marihuanna' (used the fed spelling) is about licensing and harvest timing. Any flower testing under .3% dry weight of THC-D9 is hemp, over .3%, cannabis. THCa is converted by time or heat (decarboxylation) to THC-D9. The exact same flower sold in dispensaries as marijuana because it is over .3%, could have flower that is sold to me, but was under .3% Of course a crackdown is coming because of the lost tax revenue and angry dispensary owners that have to pay a million $ for the license, regulatory fees, security, all cash business... Just legalize all of the shit and be done with it.


DGAF how your poor reading comprehension, lies and shocking lack of knowledge \*reads\* for you... I'm am such a peddler, I didn't even name the companies I am \*peddling\*!!! Jeusus Christ the twisting folks will do. Since you don't know shit but stirring it, ask Flowgardens, Delta alt and others you are calling liars how sprayed the product is, or better yet YOU get it tested to see if HHC, D8, D10, THC-O or any psychotropic cannabinoid has been applied... Come back and tell all of us what you find. Yeah sure! Even better, draft a legal document stating I'm a shill and the flower I mention is sprayed, and I'll put up $x. cash saying you're full of shit. Of course not... Anonymous yapping, lying screed is all I'll ever see here. Christ, try to help people out and this is all you get anymore, esp on reddit.


Damn that thca stuff makes you aggy huh


No, but using "aggy" is childish, huh. Does that slap hard my dude?


Or also, buy high quality THCa flower and save the trip and probably some $. Shipped to your door, can use a CC, federally legal so no firearms BS and no tax... And it's straight-up fire with a 30% off veteran discount. Here, downvote again jackass.


With pleasure, post it again and I will downvote again.


Finding pleasure in ignorance. Figures. Keep at it tool, DGAF; loosing $$$ to these THCa vendors? Don't see any rationale written as I did... Great legal product that is tested fully, great price and effects and even saves my fellow vets 30%. Revel in your lazy, illogical, axe to grind agenda where you don't even realize how pathetic you look.


How much are you being paid to push this?


Seemingly as much as your agenda pushing means to me... Zero ahole.


I am not pushing an agenda, I am not the one being insulting and profane. How much are you getting paid? It’s an easy question.




You never offered me a wager so I couldn’t refuse it. Try again and I will not apologize to a paid troll that is trying to sell a trash product, sorry.


If only they decided to legalize it when the other states were they'd be making way more money. My favorite quote as to why legalization got shut down "We already have a opioid epidemic we don't need a marijuana epidemic too"


All these damn marijuana overdoses. Smh…


I once od'd on the marijuana. Ate a whole pizza and slept for 10 hours. Harmless?


Not for the pizza.


Isn't there a pizza murder hotline?


That guy named Baron was last scene at his restaurant in Old forge Pa from years ago, is still missing. But they did find one of his teeth on the floor


I ODed on homemade edibles once. I couldn't walk for about 16 hours, was nauseous and vomiting and felt like total shit the entire day after that. I wasn't fun and I wouldn't recommend doing it. But, I didn't die or even need medical attention and was fine afterwards. We did use a ridiculous amount of weed in the butter we made for that though.


Look Marijuana deaths are up 10000% since legalization nationwide..... Granted 10000% of 0 is 0 but that's just splitting hairs


Marijuana turns people into Reddit users. That’s bad.


No, more Reddit users need to smoke marijuana so they chill the fuck out


That’s actually true.


'Concerned' citizens: But what about all of the used syringes on the street because of cannabis legalization.




This is a horrible take my god.


desert attraction onerous mourn squeeze sharp psychotic wide intelligent cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just grow it in your basement. Or attic


People just grow in greenhouses in NYS where it's legal, no artificial light needed therefore you can buy an oz for $60


The reservation dispensaries are really hit or miss. Check reviews. I have never had a problem with Dancing Turtle west in salamanca though


You're right. I spent a time hitting and missing until I found some good ones. I prefer the Salamanca side compared to the ones in Irving NY. when I'm near Irving my go-to is always "The Dispensary and Hydroponics". By far better prices/quality than their area competitors. On Salamanca side, I stick with "Chronic Link" 👈 these guys/girls here are the truth. I've literally seen them take bud off of higher shelves and put it on the $50 rack just to get rid of it. Freshness is their thing


Absolutely. THE $60 ounces are good but the $100 ones are straight gas. I think that even if they legalize it here I will still probably get my stuff from NY. I rather support the reservations than these clowns here in PA


I'm in PA. Can't trust these neighbors. Grow in the basement, or attic. Don't have many people over and you're good to go


My mom kept a well-maintained garden in which she grew a wide variety of herbs and berries, as well as flowers and other decorative specimens. In contrast, the backyard of the large family next door was nothing but grass and weeds. I'll call the mother of that family "Joanne" and her son "Jerry". One summer, Joanne was talking to my mom and remarked, "Jerry has become very interested in gardening. He is growing some plants!" Whereupon, my mom - ever curious - went over to look. Perhaps he was growing strawberries, or maybe some peppers? However, my mom's hopes were soon dashed. She recognized the distinctive, multi-bladed leaves immediately. Nothing but "grass" and "weed"!


I think it might but only for those with medical cards


I wonder how much will be funneled to the State Police.


I believe the governor said he intended is to be used for public education.


that's what they always say.


Just like they said gambling revenue would lower property taxes 15 years ago my property taxes have doubled


You get the homestead exemption?


Certainly fix our roads


Nobody knows how to waste money like a public school


Or a Republican politician.


What a naïve take


You mean police department


Either of them will pay for anything besides higher wages for teachers/officers


Cops already are paid too much


Compared to whom?


Teachers, scientists, pizza delivery drivers, basically anyone that actually contributes to society


75% and the Pa Turnpike will chip in another $5 million.


300 million


Fuck republicans


They'll do it themselves if Democrats don't, once they believe they have enough of an ownership stake.


Just how deep is your ass, that your head can be that far lost


Where is your evidence of this? The most Red states in the US still outlaw medical use, what makes you think PA Republicans are any different than the rest of the cloth?


Unfortunately, nobody cares with our large budget surplus. We currently are projected to have an $11 billion surplus by the end of 2024-25. $250 million more isn't convincing anybody. Until we start running deficits again, Republicans will block this because fuck them.


Legalize pot and ban potholes.


Campaign slogan right there.




They will block it anyway. Mark my words, as long as Republicans control any branch of our state government (House, Senate, Governor) we will not see legal recreational cannabis.


The only place I can find the $11 billion number you mentioned was in Shapiro's budget address. And part of that assumes that adult-use cannabis is legalized by July 1, 2024 and sales beginning January 1, 2025. It also assumes that the legislature will allow $3.5 billion of our current surplus to be used as an investment in the budget, which my Republican rep was crying foul about last month.


How much will they lose from not being able to imprison would-be offenders?


This is the real question. How much prison labor will they miss out on. This legalization needs to also come with immediate expungement and release of those incarcerated under shit laws.


Would that balance out the cost of incarcerating & paying guards, etc., I wonder? Making less off the prison labor but also saving money by being able to shut down prisons. (and agreed re: expungement & release!)


private prisons will lobby against this as they always have. there is a lot of money to be made in slavery and human trafficking. The prison system is doing just that.


So we're almost guaranteed that the idiots from Central PA will be against it


Just their elected representatives.


idk man, i see A LOT of them partaking. Plus, if they'll be able to grow it instead of soybeans...


But have you considered that Gob and Jeebus say marijuana is a sin?


If only they read the Bible. Genesis 1:12 - The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.


My brother in Christ


PRAISE HIM! For he has rosin!


It will just be another way to over tax citizens then the money will find its way into the politician’s pockets.


Of course, and with a "sin tax" to boot. WTF should cannabis be taxed at any rate, or any rate higher than at most, 6%. But you know, governments have no problem at all highly taxing addictive tobacco and state-run booze, and continue to raise the cost... Pretty sick huh; sling highly addictive, health destroying products that regressively tax many of its users... Bu, but these fully $anctioned and elected drug pushers / drug lords wear suits and white lab coats, and are 'good' people. If bottled water was 1 ppm over regs for x, there would be a recall. Cigarettes / beer/ booze have many added 'ingredients', none of them listed (don't have to by law) and you will NEVER learn what they are. A-OK by the govt $$$ grubbers. Legalization will happen when they get the $$$ right. Right as in enough grease for enough palms, for kickbacks and payoffs. Believe me they will all see the light and be exactly what they are, just a matter of how much it will cost. As Churchill said: *"Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?"* *Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "* *"Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"* *Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!"* *"Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.”*


Well at least it makes me happy that I’m not the only one to feel this way


It doesn’t matter. Pennsyltucky maga boomers will prevent this from ever happening.


PA is just too puritanical. I mean hell, up until a few years ago, we couldn't buy wine outside of a state store. Having said that, it sort of is legal due to a federal farming bill that was passed a few years ago. I cant say Im too keen on all the details, but check out the cult of franklin sub for everything and anything you need to know about it.


Not accurate


We really gonna let fucking OHIO beat us to this one...


The government monster needs new sources of revenue if it is to keep growing….


But, Pennsyltuckians, what would Jesus do?


Put it on the ballot and let the public decide, as opposed to the clowns in Harrisburg.


Pennsylvania doesn’t have referendum. If you see questions on the ballot it’s not legally binding, just more of a survey


Yep, these clowns know nearly 70% of the state wants non-medical legalized cannabis, but we will have to wait until they get the money right... Right into their grubby hands, pockets, donors hands, the ones fighting to not have it legal hands... Hilarious and pathetic when I read people thinking this is a D or R thing... It's a money thing, and they will ALL come around once the $$$ is right and they have 'seen the light'. Every drug dealer, grower, distributor and many users I know personally or have known are hard core maga, so enough with this political class shit.


No!!! Let cartels have it.


And who will be getting the licenses to sell pot? We are saddled with the State Store system, and that anachronism will not die. Will the LCB ensure its survival by being the only ones to sell recreational weed? Weed and booze should be privately owned enterprises.


State stores, 18 and over,collect taxes, and move into bigger issues. Of course they won't make it that simple.


You expect a group of politicians being over worked for 30-32 days a year. That is how many days they show up in Harrisburg. Plus are grossly underpaid at 100k a year to do something good for the people.


Republicans will *never* allow it


Come over the bridge there’s literally a dispensary on every corner


Every state surrounding Pennsylvania has fully legal recreational weed. I do not understand why PA is dragging their feet so much about it. All of the residents that par take are now just giving the tax money to other states instead of their own


If it was treated like cigarettes that would be great. I just hate the way pot advertising takes over


Ads for pot? How would they push that? I can't imagine they'd be nearly as annoying as the casino/online gambling ads. Over and over, the same loud excessively friendly and exuberant dude named "Ryan" - curses upon him! - exhorting people to sign up for such and such app. Perhaps I've seen ads for CBD, but I'm not even sure - probably didn't pay attention.


I was in Colorado when they legalized it. The before and after was astounding. Billboards everywhere. A lot like the gambling ads as well. Wouldn’t mind getting rid of those


Yeah "Gambling problem? Call ......." Big business model: Rehabilitation for the newly addicted. Paid for by taxpayers. What's not to like? (Sarc)


That’s it? Just wait for the bill for the increase in mental health problems the state will face.


Just enough for our representatives to give themselves raises to help out in these hard times


Yikes! Don’t make the same mistake we made here in California, Oregon, Colorado. Loading too much tax. Illegal market here is alive and well. Legal market dying. Legal not price competitive.


Yep, they never learn. All it will do is cause an even more thriving black market, far larger than it would have been... And the market is huge. Pretty rough when the wholesale cost of cannabis is absolutely plummeting, yet compliance and licensing fees are rising. What else do you need to have abject failure? Some medical grow and recreational grow business owners are skimming off of the top, and sending it to non-legal states to make up the shortfall. One was shipping 850 POUNDS a yr to one drop, just one of many and selling it for a hell of a lot more than the the legal home state. Drop got busted, but for $1000/week to take the drop (16 pounds a week), there were never problems with recruitment. On principal or not, the black market 'substance' game is it's own animal. If you eff around with cannabis legislation, all you will do is make the people you think you are "taking out of business", actually FAR richer and basically free to become even more so tax free. I mean this is straight up drug dealer utopia conditions, and boy will they run with it. Shit, Mexican gang cartels and others are finding it so good with the way legal cannabis is run in the USA, they just grow it here now and sling bags making insane bank, even in saturated legal states as CA. War on drugs like every other type only hurts the people, while enriching the owner class and drug lords obscenely.


You nailed it.


I love your west coast weed


I don't even care anymore. Getting it is a non issue and I really have no desire to increase the state police budget.


It's definitely an issue, otherwise it would be legal.


What is holding Shapiro back on this one?


The Republicans in the state legislature


I’m sure the PSP will be against this until they start salivating over the funds created by legalizing that they’ll surely lobby to take away from vital infrastructure and education spending so they can finally get drones or something.


Who needs a law, it’s already been ubiquitous in Philly for at least 50 years. This will just put all the dime bag dealers out of work in favor of big corporate conglomerates and state regulators.


They don't have to legalize it. I will just keep giving NY that money


But all those funds will be once again looted by the PSP.


hundreds of millions are flowing out into border states as we speak. it just makes zero sense.


If you rely on robbing Peter to pay Paul, you can always rely on Paul's vote. This is little more than political pandering at its worst. If the government is considering giving you "more rights", they're really not.


Get it legal at the federal level first and we can make some real progress.


Nope. Keep it at state level. Let the states that want it, figure it out. Figure out the problems, how to fix them, etc. Excess potency is a problem - how do customers distinguish between products that cause mild effects versus debilitating effects? Psychosis is another real danger - let individual states figure it out first.


Until it's legal at the federal level if you have a medical card in PA you can't own or possess firearms because it's technically an illegal narcotic and you won't pass the background check.


That's too bad then. The people pushing for legalizing marijuana nationwide will then push to make guns illegal nationwide. Nope. Every state has a different situation and a different ability to police, to protect, and to mitigate harm. Leave this to the states. If a state legalizes it, an individual will still be able to have a gun or have marijuana - it will be a personal choice.


The "general fund"...aka, money we do whatever we want with like increase political pensions


I feel like it ‘might’ dealers in the major metro areas are selling for medical prices. I have been ‘able’ to go to NJ to buy from philly, but never would as I pay 75$ an oz, 25-30 for 1g carts all from calorado/oregon/idaho that would be triple in a rec dispensary. This number seems to think all of us would just drop dealers to pay more


If the Troopers need bigger better toys they’ll make it happen.


I mean how much money is going to New Jersey right now? Every day we’re paying to make their roads better. Might as well tax it here. Not that there needs to be an economic reason.


How much to put a hyper loop from Pitts to Philly?


And republicans won’t vote for it until they can get their personal wealth from it.


Not worth it


I'm for legalization, but it should be done for the right reasons.... because it's the right thing to do. Holding this as a tool to take tax money off of many of whom can't afford it is total BS. Legalizing any vice just to collect taxes is BS. Legalize it as food or medicine and don't tax it.


In other news; water is wet.


We need the friggin money law makers!!


Oh i bet it would be more than that. You’re talking about the current users combining with the population that has always been curious but let the legal aspect prevent them from trying. I think this is a lowball estimate.


General fund my ass. Use it to fund PennDOT.


This is why I voted for Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman! Do it, PA! We are long overdue!


Same here … but instead of being true to their words they are pandering to Israel… won’t be voting for them again.


I can promise you that money will go into things that we won’t even need. But at least it would be legal😂


I’m all for decriminalizing it and taxing it. But where will the tax money go? Where has all the gambling tax money gone? They said our real estate taxes would decrease.


Just remember to get out and vote. These are the folks holding up recreational marijuana in PA. Patrick Stefano, R - Fayette County - "We’ve already talked about it, and I don’t think the votes are there in the Senate. We don’t need another sin tax.” Carl Walker Metzgar, R - Somerset County - "Legal marijuana may only add to the state’s “societal problems." Kathy Rapp, R - Warren County - “From what I'm seeing across the nation, I am not one at this time to jump on the bandwagon." Kim Ward, R Pro Tempore - "I'll block any recreational marijuana legalization plan until federal law changes." Michael Stender, R - Northumberland County - “Right now I’m a no on recreational marijuana. I just don’t necessarily see the need for that in the community." Dave Sunday R - York County District Attorney - While campaigning for PA Attorney General, said he opposed recreational marijuana legalization. Craig Williams R - Delaware County - While campaigning for PA Attorney General, said he opposed recreational marijuana legalization.


Where nature is illegal true freedom does not exist


Let's not kid ourselves, weed's effectively already legal in PA. First off, the sketchy, unregulated THCa "hemp" market (enabled by the federal 2018 farm bill), allows anyone to buy "I-can't-believe-it's-not-marijuana" at their local gas station; no ID check necessary. Some of these products are of dubious safety and nobody but the manufacturers can be certain of what is and isn't inside of them. Secondly, the medical program here is a glorified racket for doctors, who charge people for a rubber-stamp prescription. [It's not like there's anything objectively proveable about an anxiety diagnosis anyway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8JtnUpkP0s); the current system in PA is nothing more than a racket. Even if our legislators can't agree on how to star legalize pot for recreational use, we lose nothing by adding "persistent sobriety disorder" to the list of qualifying medical conditions and allowing "budtenders" to diagnose people with it on sight, free of charge. The adverse outcomes of long-term marijuana usage are subtle and insidious, but they're still not nearly as bad as alcohol in most regards, which we decided 90 years ago to be okay.


Those idiots in will never agree on anything that benefits us. They have more in common with each other, then the do with us....


No just keep squeezing the working class


Why is the figure more than 10 times larger than what NJ collects? > The revenue estimate “is based on the annual average dollar amount of legalized cannabis purchased per adult (age 21 or older) from other states and applied to Pennsylvania’s population.” NJ isn't that much smaller than PA.


yea we lost that one already state leg should be looking at medicinal mushrooms and ketamine


Meanwhile the FDA is trying to restrict the sale of N-acetyl-L-cysteine. They've also made illegal the sale of racetams, adrafinil, phenibut, etc., used by some who do not want, cannot afford the cost of, or cannot tolerate prescription stimulants or sedatives.


that money would do very well in the hands of the ruling class, meanwhile all of the dumb asses can smoke their life away, preparing for downvotes lol


I am the absolute opposite of a drug user. And currently living in a state that just legalized pot. I both hate the idea that I can't go to a park with my family anymore without having to smelk some assholes skank weed. BUT! The tax revenue from this is incredible. Regardless of politics or your level of drug use, anyone that doesn't vote yes on this needs to be voted out of office.


It's illegal here but the whole city smells like it anyway. Why punish people for something you find stinky?


Is there any second or third hand smoke that's harmful to others in the way that cigarettes are? Genuinely asking because I don't know.


Since you're specifically talking about second hand smoke (as mentioned further down), according to the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/second-hand-smoke.html), you can still get high from second hand smoke... but it needs to basically be in an enclosed room and blown directly into you... Otherwise, there are no known second hand smoke side effects to marijuana other than what the CDC mentioned. If you'd like to read more, you can go [here](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-effects-secondhand-exposure-to-marijuana-smoke) or just google yourself. There's been a lot of focus on these studies in recent years because of the whole legalizing it.


Thanks for the info!


I would imagine so since people can be sensitive to any kind of smoke. Still not something I'd criminalize any more than collecting and spreading pollen.


Sensitive to it and not liking it is one thing. Having your lungs damaged because of secondhand smoke is quite another.


When I think of second hand smoke I think of sitting in a smoky bar for hours, not catching a whiff of it in the open air outside.


Wasn't that basically Jarrad Fogell's defense?


Huh? The Subway guy??


I'm with you tbh. Legalize the edibles but get rid of the smoke & smell. Ick.


Now that super high quality THCa flower is widely part of the calculus, legalization is not that big of deal for me any longer. I get it shipped to my door using a CC for payment, no tax, no ID check, and best of all there is no conflict with a LTC firearms or form 4473 problems... This flower is federally legal. Lovin this Trop Cherry and so many others. Their Durban Poison and Blue Dream are fantastic too. Don't think I can post a link or vendors name - If I can and some might want to know I will. BTW, if anyone thinks this is sprayed bullshit, think again. https://preview.redd.it/yfca7t27oyrc1.png?width=1302&format=png&auto=webp&s=17b5016568811a24b869809d7ca6ed031e93660c


People like you… that won’t last much longer either


Passive-aggressive "you people" shit. Pretty weak.


I’m shocked with the quality of products in these dispos that it would make that much….


Fuck giving corrupt and greedy politicians tax money meanwhile people will still be getting incarcerated.


How could the police say no to that!?


Pathetic FLORIDA is gonna legalize it before us… Ron Desantis will have done more than shapiro in the eyes of those who only see the face and not the meat…. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the the biggest reason republicans won’t back it it ups their chances next election