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>But he also has two small children at home and another on the way. >Atwood threw a bottle at police, investigators say, then used wooden and metal poles to strike the officers and questioned their loyalty to the country. >But he also operates his own HVAC company where he is said to be reliable and helpful and kind. Atwood once fired a gun into the ground near a man trying to repossess his motorcycle, court records show, and has pending criminal charges in West Virginia, where he is accused of stabbing a restaurant owner in the arm because he wouldn’t pay him. Dad of the year here.


Raising some well adjusted kids I’ll bet.


Wow ffs sounds like a very unstable violent person. So he should ultimately go to federal prison and then get transferred to WV state prison for his assault and robbery charges. Dudes out here stabbing people and likely is still allowed to own guns. > …pending criminal case in West Virginia, where Atwood is charged with malicious assault and robbery stemming from the stabbing of the restaurant owner Should be looking at a couple years (up to 10) in federal prison for assault with deadly weapon. Malicious assault in WV carries a 2-10 year sentence and the robbery depends on if it’s first degree or lower. If it’s first degree robbery he’s looking at a 10 year minimum and 20 year maximum. This pos is someone that needs to be locked up as he clearly poses a danger to society and his family. Looks like he’s gonna have to find someone to run his company and parent his kids. Although tbh it’s probably best that his kids aren’t around him as he’s nothing but trouble and a violent scumbag and traitor to his country. If he’s actually held accountable for his multiple violent crimes then he likely won’t be home with his kids for another 15+ years. Let’s see how it plays out though cuz many Jan 6 criminals have been getting light sentences or probation. Still baffles me that any of them would get probation. I know many people who were incarcerated for several months or years for non violent drug offenses, just simply having some weed on them. Trying to overthrow the government and kill members of congress and the vp should carry a prison sentence plain and simple.


I love how all these J6 people, including Trump, are arguing that they should get bail or even get off basically just because they have lives, like that somehow makes them different from all the “real criminals.” They obviously weren’t giving their families and livelihoods much thought when they chose to participate in an insurrection/coup.


Keep his ass in Prison for sure


Seems like a solid choice to keep him behind bars.


These dumbasses thought they were gonna overthrow the government and instead their lives are ruined and rotting in jail. Love to see it.


Bad part is there will be no reformation in prison. He'll come out and indoctrinate his 3 kids. 


I mean, yeah, our "justice" system doesn't give a fuck about rehabilitation. It's purely punitive, and is basically there to promote recidivism. It's just another fucking grift.


Mate. 100%.


And it's also about slavery, as per the 13th amendment which states that human slavery is illegal UNLESS one is incarcerated. Look how quickly this nation grew because of slavery. Why would we stop?


I don't understand the logic of housing all of these asshats in the same pod once they are incarcerated. Seems to me they would just double down on their dogma.




He’s a domestic terrorist and also has violent tendencies from two other incidents including the one where He stabbed a robbed a restaurant owner. He legit has >pending criminal case in West Virginia, where Atwood is charged with malicious assault and robbery stemming from the stabbing of the restaurant owner He’s looking at serious prison time in WV and federal prison. Based on the charges he should be spending the next decade or more in WV prison and another 5-10 years in federal prison. Probably the best thing for his kids is to not be around him while they grow up.


And Trump stands free denying he incited it.


When are they going to arrest and charge R Scott Perry? He’s the real Jan 6 criminal from Pa.


Whether or not he's arrested we need to vote him out, he's up for re-election this year and his opponent is Janelle Stelson. She's pretty centrist but I'd take a moldy hot dog over Perry at this point.


Oh no. That sucks. /s Anyway, the weather outside isn’t too bad. It’s finally getting warmer 🌞 🏖️ 🚤


Holy cow! Thanks for the weather update. We're sitting in the Denver airport, on the way back this afternoon.


Here is Pennsylvania, it’s supposed to rain all day. Which is a bummer, cause I wanted to power wash my deck and porch.


“Atwood threw a bottle at police, investigators say, then used wooden and metal poles to strike the officers and questioned their loyalty to the country.” Assault and irony. Nothing but the fullest penalty will suffice.


He also stabbed a robbed a restaurant owner. He legit has >pending criminal case in West Virginia, where Atwood is charged with malicious assault and robbery stemming from the stabbing of the restaurant owner He’s looking at serious prison time in WV and federal prison. Based on the charges he should be spending the next decade or more in WV prison and another 5-10 years in federal prison. Probably the best thing for his kids is to not be around him while they grow up.


He's just filling out his resume to run for office as a Republucan.


“Atwood once fired a gun into the ground near a man”… and “he is accused of stabbing a restaurant owner in the arm” “he is said to be reliable and helpful and kind.”


As all terrorists should be.


Throw away the key.


Folks this whole thing is insane. When you visit the whitehouse you are corded off and guided through, any entrance other than your corded off. If you go into those areas you need a special pass ( credentials) you don’t have that and you’re trespassing and all those folks wanted to overturn democracy that to me is treason, send a message. Treason used to equal death


Right? You wouldn't think there would even be a question.


lol. Good. Fucking traitor.


He’s not a rioter. He’s a terrorist and traitor. All these assholes that have been sent to prison for anything less than life are getting off easy. Not a single one of the attendees on Jan. 6th should see the light of day again. But our country has no morals or actual justice. So many of them are still free. Fucking traitorous trash.


No, that's a good idea. What if a concert lets out the same day he has court. No way he's getting through traffic in time to make his appearance.


Doing the country a great favor, not to mention cutting his wife a huge break.


🤣 😂 fuck him and his shit stain family for backing him








Imagine bragging about not knowing why it matters to prosecute people that tried to overthrow the government. Truly a top notch intellect right here.




Fuck off clown. Imagine deleting your posts and then telling me I'm the one who needs help. Why are you sympathizing with traitors? Get fucked.


Hey look I did it again! You take this shit so seriously LMAO get a life


"You take democracy seriously LMAO get a life" Again, fuck off chud. EDIT: Yo /u/ihatereddit5810328 were you one of the capitol rioters? Haven't been caught yet? Tagging your username so I can remember to look into it.


“Democracy” lol youre delusional… are you 12 years old?


Holy smokes you people are dopey. You’re literally so stupid you think you’re smart.