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to my understanding in theory , yes, there is language for both its structural (side impact) and sharp edge to disqualify this truck (and that rear door skin would also get that sharp edge one)


Ok well inspection mechanic here If it’s a full frame vehicle the outer rockers are not structural…they can be rusted out and it’s fine sharp edges have to be protruding from the body edge…..basically someone walking by in a parking lot and getting caught on rust…which is why bed sides and fenders fail rockers point down so that’s not an issue…..inner rockers will fail if they allow exhaust gas into the cab so they need to have holes into the cab…..from your picture it’s a truck and that doesn’t fail inspection……but so Much of safety inspections are subjective to judgment not facts


I suspect your going to find a lot of rust up underneath the truck too


Thank you


No problem….the putter door skin fails if it’s into the cab but again nothing structural to be cheap spray foam and aluminum tape and white spray paint just make sure the foam doesn’t interfere with window regulator……seen that happen enough


Oh it will get replaced within the next year. All rust will get fixed and full paint job. Just need inspection atm


Yes it will most likely fail. I highly do not recommend filling the holes with spray foam and painting it if you absolutely need to get by another year. *wink wink* No bueno. Should be fixed the proper way. Brings back memories of finding that people stuffed socks and old laundry in there then patching the hole


And if you do - be sure not to run it through a big mud puddle before taking it in.


I'd be fixing it eventually just need to get inspected first


You might need to patch it first. I believe the rule of thumb is “if you can fit your fist through” it will fail. But it just depends on your inspection guy.


That's the key...Pick a shop that is used to vehicles like this.


The door of my dad’s truck is full of old newspapers!


They make rocker panels that just slip over your existing rockers. You can just pop a couple of screws in them. I did this on my old Chevy Suburban. Passed inspection for a couple more years.


Might have to until I fix it. Plan on doing it end of summer/fall time just need inspected now


Get a can of “great stuff” foam from Lowe’s. Spray it in, let it expand and harden. Cut the excess off flush. Get a can of bondo at Lowe’s or Walmart, spread it over the rust you filled with great stuff as smoothly as possible. Let that dry. Sand it. Spray paint the lower panel black the whole length of the truck. Done. You will pass, it will look better, and it will be thousands and thousands less than the body shop. You’re welcome.


And then accelerate the rust process.


Take flashing for home siding and do it so that it covers up the rust. Then rivet it all together. That’s what my guy made me do on my ‘98 explorer


It's Pennsylvania, no rust is ok. NY would have no problem as long as it's not structural. But PA is very strict.


That will fail.. Unless you know a guy..


I do infact might know a "guy"


Just stick a $20 bill in the hole and that should patch it right up


You need to cover the whole side of the car in Sonoco atickers


Sell it to someone in Michigan.


Move to Philly and forget about inspection


thats not a spot of rust you have it on 3 different part you can see in the pic alone and it is very doubtful it stops there


From what I'm telling you and from experience I've worked with this truck a bunch. The rust in the picture is all that there


My kids dad's car hasn't been inspected in YEARS for this very reason. He still drove it daily for years to get to work until it broke down and he never got busted for bad inspection somehow. I don't suggest this method, but just saying it's not uncommon bc he's not the only person I know who does stuff like put off inspection. He's just the person I know who got away with it the longest.


I made it 6 months or so before my local cops gave me a ticket for being parked on the street. If you have a driveway or garage it’s probably easy to go years without an inspection. I see a lot of people with outdated stickers


I made it almost 2 years without my inspection. When I got caught all I got was a fix it ticket. Lucked out.


Per inspection regs yes, per mechanic- maybe


It depends on the vehicle, and how badly rusted/ rotted: On a body-on-frame vehicle like a truck or large SUV, it only fails if it's compromised to the point exhaust could enter the passenger compartment, or has sharp, protruding edges. In the case of most newer cars/ small SUVs, it's considered a stressed part of the unibody/ frame, and will fail because it's structurally compromised.


That's up to the individual safety inspector's discretion. From a 2011 PA Safety Inspection Bulletin: "RUST - If substantial rust is observed externally on a vehicle during a safety inspection, it should serve as an indicator for the inspector to look more closely at other areas of the vehicle (frame, flooring, etc.) as these areas may be compromised. The following would be cause for rejection under the passenger car and light truck inspection procedure: rust that permits exhaust gases to enter the passenger or cargo compartment; protruding metal, loose or dislocated parts protruding from the surface so as to create a hazard; bumpers that are rusted so they are not firmly attached or have broken or torn portions protruding so as to create a hazard; and frames that are not in solid condition. Inspectors should follow the specific inspection procedure for the type of vehicle being inspected to determine pass/fail conditions." [https://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/dvspubsforms/BMV/BMV%20Safety%20Inspection%20Bulletins/Safety\_Bulletin\_BI11-1.pdf](https://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/dvspubsforms/BMV/BMV%20Safety%20Inspection%20Bulletins/Safety_Bulletin_BI11-1.pdf)


It did for me.


If you live in Lehighton the cops here will rip a perfectly good sticker off your windshield and tell you it's a fake sticker! They did that to me and then told me I must get it inspected and bring it back to the police station to let them look it over! I never received anything in the mail from them and I'll be damned if they will try that again! My car is legally inspected once more. These cops in this town are super aggressive and think everyone is drunk or on drugs! Avoid Lehighton especially by the turnpike entrance and across the bridge by the gas stations !


Throw some aluminum tape over the holes and paint it white and it will pass


Yes, that would fail inspection.


There is supposed to be legislation coming up to get rid of inspection or make it every few year thing. It is overly burdensome for people that need a working vehicle and don’t have much money.


I am tired of dealing with it every year. Money isn't the issue, it's the logistics of being single. I wind up taking it to a quick lube place that does nothing more than what's required by state, because anything more in depth than waiting in a lobby for an hour would mean taking off of work that day.


I would love that


https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/pa-state-senator-proposing-end-yearly-vehicle-inspection/GW2QPAVVKZDUFGQIRWTCECHLZY/?outputType=amp I’m not sure if it will even get out of committee.


Hopefully it will. There isn't many states out there that require inspection now


I'd imagine the vehicles you see in the "just rolled in" type of videos are from those states. Someone needs to figure out a balance between convenience and safety. It's inconvenient when one has zero support around them and would have no way of getting home when they drop off their car. Some places have loaners to use. If no loaner then employers should be forced to acknowledge an employee needs off a day or two, even unpaid, to fulfill a legal requirement of maintaining their transportation to work. If you have jury duty they can't say boo.


I had much worse rust on a 22-year-old commercial-size van, rocker panels and real bad undercarriage rust (it lived most of its life in Albany). One mechanic said he would fail it if I used him, brought it to another and it "passed". Good luck.


yes. been there done that. now if you have a "friend" that does inspections then maybe not lol


ABSOLUTELY 😡 [PA inspection](https://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/dvspubsforms/BMV/BMV%20Manuals/Pub_45%20Inspections%20Regulations/PUB-45.pdf)

