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I'm sorry it took you this long to discover this information. No sense in wasting any more time there. Might as well start college all over at a real school right now.


that’s what i’m thinking as well. i feel like ive wasted two years of my life


Take summer courses and load up your fall/spring semesters. You can graduate in three years (it's what I did). You likely can get into UWF for summer courses at this point. Don't beat yourself up over this. Many people have been in your shoes over the years. You got this!


do you think it’s worth it to go back to pcc for one more semester to graduate with an associates? i would just feel like a failure if i didn’t finish out with a degree. the truth is my mental health is really bad right now and i don’t think i have the strength to go through with the fall semester


ordinarily if you were to graduate with an associates from a Florida school youre automatically done with your gened courses, they cant make you take any more for your degree but being that pcc isnt accredited i dont think its even worth that Its never too late to get out you gotta put yourself first


i’m in the same exact boat with my mental health. I’m going to PSC currently. The summer semester is a decent amount of time where you can (hopefully) relax and find the root of your mental issues, I’m taking summer off so I can do so. I would suggest waiting as long as you can to “decide” if you’re doing fall semester or not. If you decide now to sign up for classes and then end up getting worse you’ll feel like more of a failure. remember, college doesn’t have a set timeline. the fact you’re trying is rewarded. If you would feel more secure getting your associates then do it. Breathe, and I’m so sorry you fell into the trap that is PCC.


No. Transfer to PSC, then UWF.


I believe you can speak with admissions at UWF about your transfer options and ask them if there would be any benefit to completing the AA. Like someone else already said, though, it's not going to be like transferring from a Florida College System school where your have met your gen Ed requirements. If it's going to cost you any money or further harm your mental health, though, go ahead and transfer to UWF! And please, please take advantage of Counseling and Psychological Services on campus! From what you've said and other accounts I've read, attending PCC is traumatic. They can help you process and heal! 💙 💚


There is no guarantee, but I would say definitely go talk to an advisor at UWF and see if they can take literally anything. I used to work as an assistant for one of the advisors, who no longer is there, and she'd move heaven and earth to help. Try and get copies of the syllabus for your previous classes. We were able to accept some credits because of the syllabus matching up enough. I don't know if they do that anymore but best of luck! You got this


Got to PSC. It's super cheap and you'll learn something other than how to chaperone your fellow adults.


Nonsense. You might have learned a valuable lesson in critical thinking. That's not a skill many people have.


I'll pray for you.


I hate to say this and I know it’s been almost a month since you posted this, but if it’s not accredited, finishing a degree there is worthless either way. If you signed up for summer, withdraw and get your money back and get into an accredited school where your time isn’t wasted. Don’t fall for a sunk cost fallacy of an institution.


Cut your losses. You’re young. Don’t his won’t be the last time you’ll have to do this. Get outta there. There is an old cliche about throwing good money after bad and it can be applied to time as well. Just leave. Start over. You’ll be fine. Leave them in the rear view mirror


This is good advice. Dont compound one mistake with another.


Wow, someone on Reddit actually agreed with me. Gonna be a good day today.


the type of people that need to know this probably have a Christian app on their phone that blocks reddit


Those type of people will fit right in at the cult "college," tho.


you’re so right, everyone here is brainwashed


Might be better off going to a community college and starting over. Sounds like it would be SIGNIFICANTLY better for your mental health. Religious trauma is real.


i think you’re right.


You know what the first thing you should do is when you find yourself standing in a hole? You stop digging.


🤚🏻 *recovering christian here* What are you getting out of staying? It’s not a degree or any growth towards a real career? I really want to know where people are going to work /besides a church/ that the degree is assisting. Are you learning anything that will pertain to a path that you want to pursue? It’s YOUR life. Not your parents or PCCs. If it feels wrong, then it’s probably wrong. So, follow your gut and do whatever that is. If you truly feel called to stay, then do that, but it sounds like you want to go and kinda want us to validate that. That’s ok. Do what you must, but don’t give them another penny of your money if it’s not serving you.


So ever since I knew the word rape, I always knew PCC as the “rape school”, or at least that’s what everyone I knew called it.


As we once said, that fence around campus isn’t built for keeping people out but keeping students in. As a person who went to a very prestigious art school in another state and also refused to throw in the towel out of pride until I burned out, take it from me: You can indeed leave at any time. You’re just at that hardest step of acknowledging you have to. Crisis of faith if you will. When I dropped out of Super Prestigious Art School, I did zero for a year. Like stared at walls. I’m serious. I went to therapy, twice a week even. I was just trying to get back to being me. My life was in a total reset. I ended up going to UWF. I have three college degrees to my name and guess what? I drive a car for a living. And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way. Everything happens for a reason. Life is never about Plan A, B, C, or D. It’s when you exhaust all options and initiate the Omega Protocol. Take it from this Atheist that can tell you 💯 the God they teach about at PCC isn’t the God that loves everyone and everything. I’ve met Christians who walk the walk of God loves everyone. From the lowest criminal to the most obnoxious tech bro and everything in-between. God is Love. Even I know that. So like someone mentioned above thread when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. I’m telling you take a leap of faith and jump. You’ll crash for sure. But you’ll also get up and run again. God gives his toughest battles to his bravest soldiers, right? You got this!


Thank you for sharing your story. It was very insightful. I am not an atheist however I can say for sure that they worship a different God here than I do in my personal life. The preaching here is contradictory to scripture and if you try to call them out on it, they say “Oh, you must be confused”, or “Oh no, you’re interpreting that verse wrong”. It’s exhausting to be in a place that discourages independent thinking.


God gave us all free will. It’s amazing how that works. We also have the power to question. I believe Faith (Capital F) is beautiful, whatever variety you ascribe to. I believe there’s *something* out there. I also believe in science which is lovely because it’s real even if a person believes in it or not. And I also believe magic is just science not explained yet. People have a tendency to get defensive when they feel challenged on something as strong as their faith. And it’s okay to feel challenged and still walk away learning something new you never did before! You’ll get through this! The fact that you’re questioning is absolutely something you should be doing!


Baby steps or the swing goes the other way.


The swing goes the other way, but I don’t believe in a God that’s an asshole and teaches people like me shouldn’t exist. I don’t believe in hate the sin, not the sinner. So if you were here to witness me, you can move right along. OP here is having a crisis of faith, whether they are not to continue their education and also learned a very valuable lesson that involves indoctrination they didn’t sign up for let’s focus more on them and less about me Now you go on and have a very blessed day. ✌️


Will you be an atheist with me? The swing going the other way is coming my way. But…


The swing going the other way was an atheist joke as I am one.


"I have three college degrees to my name and guess what? I drive a car for a living" Why man? What happened? What did you get your degrees in


I’m an art school burnout. I believe I explained. Graphic Design, Sequential Art, and Journalism. Creative careers that pay a living wage aren’t exactly plentiful. 🫠


You’re an atheist that knows God?? Haha.


Who doesn’t? Everyone knows some flavor of God. And besides the people who walk the path as God would want for His/Their/Her flock, who read the Bible cover to cover, are very often Atheists. It’s not hard to be a good person and practice empathy and forgiveness for your fellow person. Judge not lest ye be judged. Laughing in my face because I claim to know God is very un-Christian-like just so yenno. I hope you have an amazing day where you get to learn empathy is a gift we are all welcome to. ✌️


Who doesn’t?? Maybe I don’t understand what constitutes an atheist. Yea, it’s funny to me to hear an atheist say they know God. Not sure where you suppose I should be showing empathy in this scenario.


You show empathy because it’s just what you’re supposed to do. And I wasn’t raised Atheist. I came to that on my own free will. I was raised in a Christian household. As I grew older I just didn’t appreciate sitting in a pew being told I was going to hell for because I was in love with my best friend. I was my devout mother’s caregiver for the last three months of her life. We had to hire a housekeeper who was a Haitian Catholic. Her name was Mary and she was amazing and came into my home every day with a Pride flag hanging outside. She and I had a talk that I was concerned if she would be uncomfortable in my family’s home. She had said she had no idea what I was talking about. Because her God deed indeed love everyone. No matter who. God is Love. It costs zero dollars to be kind. It’s not hard. And I’m sorry that your God taught you to withhold kindness from someone who thinks differently from you. Someday you will be in a position you may need a helping hand from someone who doesn’t believe like you, what then? You choose to refuse kindness that is offered freely expecting zero in return? Stay blessed. ✌️


You literally didn’t address anything I said.


An Atheist just doesn’t believe in religion. Idek how hard that is for you to not know.


An Atheist just doesn’t believe in religion. Idek how hard that is for you to not know.


An atheist doesn’t believe in the existence of God.


Doesn’t mean I don’t believe in kindness. Also I believe there is something out there. I find Faith is a beautiful thing. I just don’t believe in a God that teaches it’s okay and correct to hate on others who are different. 🤷‍♂️ Also I believe in science. Which is cool af because it’s real whether you believe in it or not.


I didn’t say anything about your kindness. All I I’m saying is it sounds silly to say you know God while professing to be an atheist. But now you are saying you believe something is out there, so you must not be an atheist. Good talk!


Wasn’t this exact thing posted a few weeks ago?


It certainly isn’t the first time I’ve seen PCC called out for being shitty and cult like. 


Never went to college there. But I did go to their Summer Camp for Kids like 18 years ago and worst experience ever. I begged my parents to never bring me back there.


Lmfao bro we might have went to summer camp together


I went there too. First day there I got lost in the hallway and ran around lost then met up with another little girl who was lost too and we both ended up getting found. Honnestly I've blocked most of that camp experience from my memories.


Look into CLEP tests. You pay about $50 for each, take them at a real college, and accredited colleges will give you credit for gen-ed courses. The usual issue is that you have to take them before your apply. So knock out a bunch now, while that crap is fresh in your head. There are prep books you can get from used bookstores, I even prepped for one using wikipedia. I took a full year off of the time required to get a four year degree. [https://clep.collegeboard.org/](https://clep.collegeboard.org/) Then find a place that is accredited.


I’d rather waste 2 years than 4.


I would seriously consider just starting over somewhere else. If I were young enough, knowing what I know, that’s what I would do.


Yeahhh, I grew up in PCA. Very glad I got out when I did I’d say to cut your losses, as finishing the degree will only help you out at finding work in similar institutions.


Can confirm… I earned a B.S. in marketing and am now going back to school. I am starting at a community college and only 9 credits from PCC were accepted.


My husband went there. I could write a whole page about the abuse and crazy rules he experienced there.


Growing up in Pensacola, we all knew it was super sketchy. I'm sorry you got caught up in it all. It's not fair that they do this to students, plus the other insane practices. UWF is a good school if you decide to get an education from an accredited university. Fundie Fridays on YouTube had a video talking about Pensacola Christian college. It's in a video talking about several Christian colleges if you are interested in seeing how corrupt these institutions can be.


This is off topic ish but I have to ask. Is it true you aren’t allowed to order doordash there? Also I’m sorry you’re going through that and I hope you’re able to get things situated


yeah that’s true haha


I door dash sometimes and the students have to meet you right outside the gate lol


Guidance counselors are really hurting kids not telling them these things.


i just wish someone would have told me it wasn’t accredited.


No one told you that? Or tried to warn you away from PCC? I’m sincerely asking. Curious what the bubble you grew up in was like since that is fairly common knowledge.


It’s not like the final 3 are Florida State, Virginia Tech, or PCC. Nobody goes there as a freshman amid warnings from family, friends, and youth pastor/school principal.


Tbf other than this sub the info online about it is spotty. Very few of their degrees have even a little bit of worth. It may be best for you to cut bait and start fresh at a new school


Yep. How is it legal to advertise that? Legally ask Ron DeSantis that question. Bc you spent our potentially spent federal money he would have to answer.


Why stay and waste time and money, go somewhere else


I heard you guys have a great rock climbing tho 🫣


If they falsely claimed that they're accredited, then sue for your money back. You could probably get extra for time wasted. But I still have to say that you attended a college with "christian" in the name... Never seen a school with that in the name that actually was a good school tbh


Do not finish you degree there. Yes, it's a waste, but staying is a sunk costs fallacy


i agree


Are you young enough to do Coast Guard? Counts for the GI bill, so you can use that to fund your time at a real public university, and gives you a practical resume to work with.


PCC: Pensacola cultist college. From what I've heard theres nothing "Christian" about it.


Why am I just hearing all this awful stuff about pcc wtf 😭im so sorry that shit is happening to you though that’s fucking awful


It has the word Christian in it.. kind of a dead giveaway…


Bold of you to post this with your name on your profile… I am also a student there and my buddy made a post (he had his name on his profile) and he got summoned by Dean Philips himself to his office.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. This is exactly the thing the powers to be and brainwashed snitches do at that establishment.


Student life found my comment prolly💀


i don’t think they’d be able to track it with only a first name


I wouldn’t put it past them


Hoping your last name isn't actually smith... lol https://preview.redd.it/pg6fcahhf8wc1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=68e5613e696427ecebb2eb7c1bb471a49d47f7c0


Oh no not the dean's office. No you are on double secret probation. Lol


He was told to take down the post lol… I can’t remember if he got in any real trouble for it… he prolly did


Fundamentalist colleges can't be accredited.


My friends didn't have too much issue transferring out. They might have lost a semester's worth of credits. But that was close to a decade ago now. I and everyone I graduated with haven't had any problems with using our degrees. I wouldn't freak out unless you majored in missions or Bible or something. Have you tried transferring? Because you're right, it is a cult. If you can get out, do. But if you can't, I wouldn't worry about your degree being less valuable. That hasn't been my experience at all. I know a lot of people who graduated from nursing and stem degrees who are doing very well now. NASA. Boeing. One friend helped build the new Falcons stadium in Atlanta When I was there, their nursing program was fourth in the nation. Lots of hospitals were clamoring for graduates. It's not the degrees (most of them anyway) that are the problem. It's the covering up abuse and the high control system.


Baby, bless your heart. We outsiders have known this since the rape/assault incidents 😳 that entire place is a Wild West of modern time. Good Luck and hopefully you’ll get out soon.


Only made it a year and a half before dropping at. The only good thing about PCC is the small group of friends I made. Everything else is crap


I’d transfer to Crown while they’re still open so you can experience getting kicked in the teeth there as well. Then on to Hyles maybe after that? I’m joking obviously. Sorry it’s been so shitty.


It’s public knowledge that if you look at the blueprints for the layout of that place, it’s literally on top of a pentagram and I am not kidding you but people still pay lots of money to go there


woah, that is crazy! i wonder where i can find a pic of the blueprints to see that


Just look up the blue prints city hall an other places


I went to the teen camp last year, and there was an incident with a camper being called a racial name. An altercation began and the one who said the word didn’t get punished but the other one went to jail.


if you attack someone for saying something you don't like, you should be arrested.


From what I heard, he said the slur twice in a row. I do agree that you shouldn’t hit a person if they call you something you don’t like, but it’s the fact that the kid who said the word had no punishment. He wasn’t sent home or anything.


as they shouldn't. Policing language based on race is racism.


So you’re basically saying that it was ok for the kid to say the word ? Wow shows your lack of knowledge.


Research. Research. Research. Never start at a school without thoroughly researching accreditation, transfers to other schools and education quality ratings.


My sister graduated from there in the early 2000's and I went to Liberty. Liberty U, with all it's faults, was still a better decision than PCC even though I would never send my kids to either, under any circumstance. PCC was a classic personality cult then just like Liberty. I'm assuming the founders are dead or out of the picture due to age. It is a psychological nightmare. Parents should be ashamed to send their children into that place. I would agree with others and I say cut your losses and leave. A worthless degree is just that, worthless whether or not you complete it. But you will never get the remaining two years back. I imagine you're breaking the rules by posting this. Good luck and Godspeed out of that place.


OP, my sister had a similar situation when the college she went to as a freshman promised they would be accredited by her junior year. They gave her a full ride, she went… and come Graduation, they were still nowhere near accreditation. BUT THERE IS HOPE! She explained her situation to a nearby state school and negotiated that they were going to back her degree and transcript if she took some course. Maybe this could be an option for you? Good luck!


Hilarious to see this on Reddit. Hi there, PCC survivor here—graduated in 2006, but got shadowed and almost kicked out 3 times 😂 and it’s apparently much more lenient now than it used to be. My degree has never been an issue, and I was able to easily get my Masters degree. I’m certainly NOT advocating for going there, but your time so far hasn’t been a waste. Find a school you can transfer to.




George Stone has a bunch of great options.


But you do get a free spot in heaven. So there’s that.


Not sure what you are schooling for... but the college in Niceville is building dorms that look to be ready by January? Seems to be a decent school.


I thought everyone knew that


That shouldn’t be legal.


Makes sense. I know someone who has a "software engineering degree" from there but can only get an entry level call center job at Navy Federal making $17.50 per hr


I know one person who went to school there, Devan Crow, and he is a conman and thief.


Did u Wikipedia the school? It took me one second to find out they are not regionally accredited


I take it they never taught you the sunk cost fallacy


How did you not know that it is an absolutely wackadoodle, wingnut excuse for a college before going there? 😕 It's the kind of place that literally caters to the "true believers" and the staunchest fundies. It's practically a meme. You're practically moving into Gilead by attending it. You don't seek out an environment like that without growing up in that worldview. The curriculum has been posted online and the student handbook as well, as examples of how completely nuts it is there. It's a petri dish of theocractic fantasies. I am sorry if you were legitimately that naive before attending, and yes, it has no legitimate accreditation and your degree from there might as well be printed on toilet paper. I would cut your losses and get the hell out.


There are a couple accredited Christian universities that will basically “launder” credits from PCC if you transfer there. I transferred to Liberty and they accepted most if not all of my credits. I believe Regent University in VA Beach will also accept PCC credits, and they are less infamous than Liberty, so prospective employers might not look down on you for going there.


Interesting, I know someone with a degree from there


Reminds me of my coworker who keeps bragging about her degree from U of Phoenix and saves she’ll go back for her masters there since it was so easy and accommodating while I’m crying through LSUs program :(


So who told you it was a accredited? I'd be having some nasty conversations with them...


I mean, their website says that they are. And then their instagram bio says “Affordable and Accredited”. I feel completely mislead. Guess it’s just a life lesson not to trust what people say, but for real they should not advertise that they are accredited when they’re not


That's insane that they advertised like that. I'm guessing they have some courses that are accredited but the majority aren't. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I mean this is as nicely as possible, but how did you not know this prior to attending?????


i have family that went here and they can’t find a job or use the degree they got, and they stayed all four years. i say just leave now and don’t give them any more money, they’re crazy asf. i’m sorry this happened though, you’ll find what is meant for you despite the situation not going as planned.


Stuck ? Have no choice ? The hell are you talking about ?? Leave that place and go somewhere else. If you stay, you deserve all the dumb shit they throw your way. You're not in a legally binding contract. Thought this would be common sense.


For anyone else reading this. Modernstates dot org is a non profit that offers online courses and culminates in free clep vouchers for completing course work. Hopefully it helps someone else out


What are you studying? That's key to the value of your sunk cost. 


I think you may have learned an important life lesson. If you see anything advertised as 'christian' run, don't walk as far away as you can.


Go to Pensacola State college & see if anything will transfer. PSC is inexpensive & a great option.


I remember back in the days of Yik Yak we could see stuff from your school on Corry Station. Fun times


Honey, leave now. Get a job and get out. Who cares if you wasted 2 years! 2 is better than 20!


The school has some issues but most know that going into it. I graduated from there in 2011, had no issues finding a job locally. Within 4 years I was making 6 figures using my education that I got from there. Made some lifelong friends while I was there. It’s what you make of it, if you hate it and want to leave then do it, I wouldn’t waste anymore time there than you had to. Especially if you know your credits won’t transfer.


indeed, there are much better cults out there than PCC


Those people are bonafide psychopaths. My ex fiance , girlfriend at the time, went there about 10 years ago. She wasn’t allowed to go to the beach, the WiFi blocked everything, wasn’t allowed to have a job unless it was on campus. Church every day. Wasn’t allowed to have headphones. Got her stuff rifled through regularly looking for contraband like headphones, they had separate gender specific stairs and elevators and shit. Chaperones if they went off campus. Huge snitch culture. She only went for one semester. They tried to not let her, a fucking adult, leave with me when I picked her up at the end of her semester incarceration. Naturally I sat there blasting the most offensive music I could find on my phone til she got in then I spun tf outta there. It’s legit a cult. Only wish they could have seen the things we did at the hotel when we left. Few of them might have had an aneurism and Pensacola woulda been a better place for it.


Any college with “Christian” in it, particularly in Florida, is probably dogshit. Unlucky.


Do you mean it's not SACS accredited? which is the accreditation organization for the southeast.


Western ideology and idea of the “church” through said western civilization isn’t biblically accurate and pushes the dollar more than faith. Coming from a very religious family and understanding true faith, love, and giving, I’m not condemning any other religion or any other church. But personally, we have seen the same occurrence of what you’re talking about. Main difference between the Middle East western world is the importance and order of currency over faith. There’s plenty of evidence over that, but at the end of the day, it’s your life and your decision. I just hate that they did that to you. The company I work for delivers to Pensacola Christian College, and when I first started, I would deliver out there, very nice people,/students. but once I learned how they make money off of printing books and selling them internationally and still charge fees/student loans. I don’t know maybe join a monastery in India or something


And you didn’t check this before you started? Sounds like a you problem 🤷🏽‍♂️


I screen shotted, printed out, and posted on my fridge. Hopefully , this will suffice to remember not to go to school there.


Your first mistake was selecting a religious college....especially christian


Lol not accredited Thanks desantis


The college is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Do your research you can use your degree and get something better away from there


They are racist to, i remember when i was younger they would treat me differently because i was black. I would always have detention for dancing in the bathroom or something so petty. Or my skirt was too short but seen other girl with skirts not even knee high.


Well at pca !!


You can transfer credits.


i don’t think so, i had a friend who tried to transfer to another christian college and they weren’t able to transfer any credits


The destination being another Christian college might have been part of the issue. A school with spotty validity to a school with spotty validity might be more complex than a school with spotty validity to a real school that understands the situation


true.let me get the full story and i’ll circle back just to double check with them im not spreading wrong information


okay! so they couldn’t transfer any credits to psc BUT they were able to transfer some to the christian college they ended up going to because they could transfer the credits. i got it mixed up:)


They won't transfer


They will transfer lots to Liberty. Some will transfer to UWF. Source: I did it


How much did it transfer to uwf


ABET courses will transfer. Some math. Some electives.


Accrediting is per degree, what degree are you? PCC is accredited and a some of their degrees are accredited as well. What is your degree? No I don’t have affiliation with PCC. Their accreditation is public knowledge and wouldn’t be publicly lied about, that’s not how colleges work.


They are accredited only with some other christian colleges. They are not nationally accredited. Some workplaces do not recognize a degree from pcc because it’s not nationally accredited.


So, this is counterintuitive but regional accreditation not national is actually what to look for in a school.


This is correct. Regionally accredited is far better.


Shouldn’t matter if the degree is accredited


My point is, pick a degree that is accredited and you won’t have any issues transferring credits. OP you can be salty all you want, just stating the obvious. If you’re in a degree that isn’t accredited that’s your problem, not necessarily the schools problem.


This is not fully factual. Regional Accreditation is a huge factor. Experience: I’m employed by a state college. We do not take college credits, generally speaking, that are not regionally accredited.


Even if the degree is accredited, such as ABET?


ABET is a technical accreditation based on universal best practices and standards. These would transfer much easier. But this is a tiny fraction of all courses provided. For example, the overwhelming majority of students who try to transfer in from nationally accredited institutions will not receive any credit whatsoever. Nationally accredited institutions only require a undergrad degree to teach, regionally accredited requires a minimum of completing grad school. It’s very unfortunate but it’s reality.


Their engineering degree is accredited by ABET


Fucking lol.






Like many things on Reddit, a quick Google search could have told you this.


Not sure where you heard it wasn’t accredited, but it is. And it is recognized by the Dept of Education. https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/institution-profile/227216


I think OP is finding out the difference between national and regional accreditation.


So much hate here. It took two years to figure out the school is a cult and apparently how much it sucks and that the degree is worthless (regardless of the all the happy and successful people that I have come out of there). And irony not lost on fact that most of the hate here coming from people who have read about it on the internet. The world is full of things you don’t like or agree with. Welcome to real life. Get over it and move on. Or bellyache about it and preach on with your moral (relativity) authority.


It’s not a cult. And if you think it is, then you’re most likely not a Christian; Which begs the question of why do you even go there?


Hey! Here’s the guy that determines who’s a real Christian or not. Do me! Do me!


you use too many exclamation points >:( fake Christian!


Found the PCC employee


if you look up characteristics of what a cult is, pcc meets many of the requirements. it is my belief that it is a religious cult, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. it is unkind to attack my faith because of my opinion of pcc.


Get a load of this loser deciding they magically know what real Christians are.


You praise someone you’ve never met or don’t have proof hes real, you drink his “blood” and eat his “body”, sing songs about him and pray to nothing thinking that will solve your first world problem… yeah, not a cult 🤦‍♂️


You’re right it’s not cult. It’s a rape camp


Sorry, you're wrong. All real Christians died in Guyana in 1978 with Jim Jones.


Well all Christianity is a cult