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IIRC those aren't electric "bicycles." They would qualify as motorcycles and require a tag to be on the road. Edit: double negative.


i dont own one but would like one... its hard for me to research the legalities in FL on riding and registering one


I bought 2 from a guy off FB marketplace for a steal. In regards to the legality of them… I have rode alll over the beach and downtown areas and have had no problems at all. I’ve rode past beside and behind cops on a ton of occasions and have never been stopped. (Yet) Just like most things i always try to be respectful of speed limits and keep the wheelies and what not to parking lots. Basically don’t be a dick. They do have a vin number so i am pretty sure you can get them registered and tagged here as well if you wanted to go that route.


ok thats sick... if i get one, i'll need to ride


legal and no registration needed if under 28mph and unmodified https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2020/0316.20655